Video Snapshots of the American Left

. You neglect the fact that the vast majority of violent crimes in this nation are committed by blacks who, if they bothered to vote, would definitely side with the left...and so would the white criminals for that matter.
Umm, the majority of crimes, recipients of welfare and drug addicts are white in this country.

What country are you talking about?
. You neglect the fact that the vast majority of violent crimes in this nation are committed by blacks who, if they bothered to vote, would definitely side with the left...and so would the white criminals for that matter.
Umm, the majority of crimes, recipients of welfare and drug addicts are white in this country.

What country are you talking about?

I said violent crimes but since we're arguing semantics, how about I rephrase and say "blacks commit violent crimes at a grossly disproportionate rate compared to whites"

Are you gonna try and deny that? Shift the blame? Change the subject?
I said violent crimes but since we're arguing semantics, how about I rephrase and say "blacks commit violent crimes at a grossly disproportionate rate compared to whites"
Are you gonna try and deny that? Shift the blame? Change the subject?

I agree with that, but what is your remedy for it? Jim Crow?


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There are people violent on both sides.

Dylan Roof.
Timothy McVeigh.

Trying to limit the scope of this to one small thing where you think liberals might have done something and conservatives haven't, doesn't help your cause.

Roof and McVeigh doesn't have the backing of the entire mainstream media, hollywood and the democrat party.

And who does?

Every time, you make a statement. Someone says that it's rubbish. So you narrow the topic down to such a small thing that you didn't say in the first place.

So, basically what we're looking for is a 39 year old leftist, both male and female, who was born on February the 31st, who had killed ten people for political reason.

Now, can you find a conservative that meets these criteria?

Not one single person, not one, represents the left in the US.

Even those who vote for left politicians often do so because they don't actually have their choice.

Look at Bernie Sanders. Would never be a Democrat if there were other parties, he'd be in charge of a further left party rather than trying to get in a center-ish left party.

Stop playing games.

There are people on the right who are VIOLENT. It's a fact.

What the hell are you talking about? Every time some crazy person commits a mass shooting or whatever, he's immediately labeled a "right winger". Well, only if he's white... You neglect the fact that the vast majority of violent crimes in this nation are committed by blacks who, if they bothered to vote, would definitely side with the left...and so would the white criminals for that matter.

You've come out and said the left wing does this and that. I've turned it around and said the same thing only with the right wing. And you're seeing a lot of the potential problems of using a large brush to cover everyone.

You made a claim, and with every post you're changing the rules to fit what you said, even though you know you're talking complete nonsense.

Show me one left wing person who has committed an act of violence that is claimed by the whole of the left wing in the US. Just one.

Last year at the height of Antifa's violence, the MSM and democrats were slow to criticize their actions and many in the media to this day praises the group or tries to paint a happy face on it. Even moreso with the Ferguson riots that went on for weeks and weeks. Both parties and the MSM refused to look at what the so-called counter protesters at charlottesville were doing. If an organized mob of right wingers went on a weeks long riot or was going around beating on random people with sticks, we'd never hear the end of it.


Does the Antifa represent all of the left wing?

Does the MSM represent all of the left wing?

They were slow to criticize, Trump was slow to criticize right wing groups. Are you seriously looking for differences here?

Look, there are people ON BOTH SIDES (remember that this is my argument?) that do this. Yes, when people on the left do things, the right is pounding them, and when some people on the right do things, the left is pounding them. It's how it works.

The US has partisan politics, partisans on both sides are blind to their own side's bullshit. That was exactly my point.

You are trying to claim that the left is somehow united, and that all these problems are done with the consent of the leadership of the left. But when the right does it, it's just lone crazies.

That's nonsense.
I said violent crimes but since we're arguing semantics, how about I rephrase and say "blacks commit violent crimes at a grossly disproportionate rate compared to whites"
Are you gonna try and deny that? Shift the blame? Change the subject?

I agree with that, but what is your remedy for it? Jim Crow?

Can't solve a problem without first recognizing there IS a problem. But the media and most mainstream politicians avoid the subject like the plague.

Does the Antifa represent all of the left wing?

Does the MSM represent all of the left wing?

They were slow to criticize, Trump was slow to criticize right wing groups. Are you seriously looking for differences here?

Look, there are people ON BOTH SIDES (remember that this is my argument?) that do this. Yes, when people on the left do things, the right is pounding them, and when some people on the right do things, the left is pounding them. It's how it works.

The US has partisan politics, partisans on both sides are blind to their own side's bullshit. That was exactly my point.

You are trying to claim that the left is somehow united, and that all these problems are done with the consent of the leadership of the left. But when the right does it, it's just lone crazies.

That's nonsense.

Sure, both sides have their fair share of crazies but I just dont see organized masses of far right activists going around causing trouble like we see with the left. When the left does it, it's quickly swept under the rug and we forget about it.

Because the left controls the narrative.

I mean, just recently a black guy stabbed a bunch of little black kids at a birthday party and nobody is talking about it. But if it had been a white guy, you know it'd be big news because nowadays whenever a white guy does something violent, it's immediately assumed that it's political and racial in nature. Most of the hate crimes listed on the SPLC's "hate map" are random acts of violence declared "racist" by the thinnest of threads like the perp owning an Ann Coulter book or because the word ****** was used.

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