Video: ‘Trans’ Male Viciously Attacks Real Girl in Oregon Middle School, And "They've" Done It Before

The reality is that trans youth are SIX TIMES more likely to be bullied , abused and attacked than their gender-normative peers.

Right. People who openly behave like fucked-up freaks in public tend not to be treated as well as people who behave like normal people.

And in other news, water is wet.
THAT is reality.

Boy are not girls.

Girls are not boys.

It is biologically impossible for one to become the other.

THAT is reality, and trying to deny or defy it will always produce bad results. Always.

You're asking us to have sympathy for fucked-up freaks who experience the natural consequences of their freakhood.

Fuck that.
The reality is that trans youth are SIX TIMES more likely to be bullied , abused and attacked than their gender-normative peers.
Irrelevant to the discussion that a trans gender person assaulted another. No one has disputed your statement. That fact does not provide license for their violent behavior. Your point is hypocritical.
Irrelevant to the discussion that a trans gender person assaulted another. No one has disputed your statement. That fact does not provide license for their violent behavior. Your point is hypocritical.
Wow - you are incredibly confused.

The OP asserts that incidents like this are common.

That is wildly false, and the OPPOSITE of the truth - trans youth are MUCH more likely to be victims than perpetrators.
Data to prove your OP assertion?

Or are you just going to continue hiding from the truth, and embarrass yourself by trolling your own thread?

I'm going to continue to hide from the truth and embarrass myself by trolling my own thread.

Seems like a good Saturday night - right?

Fuckin' dipshit.
Wow - you are incredibly confused.

Says a fucked-up freak that doesn't even know the difference between boys and girls.

Transgender comprises 1.3% of the US population. How many mass shootings by this demographic are acceptable in your mind. Four in five years?

I call bullshit.

Even with the current fad, unless some credible evidence can be shown to support it, I have to call bullshit over any claim that it is anything more than a small fraction of a percent.
I call bullshit.

Even with the current fad, unless some credible evidence can be shown to support it, I have to call bullshit over any claim that it is anything more than a small fraction of a percent.
My bad, it is 1.03% or 2.6 million people out of approximately 330 million Americans.

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