Video: Trump calls Elon Musk a "bullshit artist"

What side are you on?

  • Trump

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Musk

    Votes: 5 71.4%

  • Total voters
Trump is worth 4-6 billion, he is not bankrupt. He's had dozens of businesses of all sizes and a few of them have not worked out. Musk just has Space-X and Tesla AFAIK.
You didn't say how much Musk is worth. Go ahead.
Hahaha….yep, billionaires are psychotic and delusional and TDS’ers that spend their days putting their TDS on full display in cyberspace have shit all figured out….hahaha
Ain’t that right Mac1958 Clipper ?
You are a very sick puppy. trump has definitely deranged your mind
Meanwhile the dude operates 500 companies, employs 20,000 people and paid $38M in income taxes in 2005 alone….more than you and everyone in your lineage will pay in your lifetimes….So, how do your contributions to society measure up? Fellow TDS’ers Mac1958 and Stann how about you? Give it a go Libs.
Comparatively I know I paid more taxes than trump has, so have most people.
You two are putting on quite a dance show…Remember, throughout this thread you have tried to minimize Trump, his wealth and value…so I ask AGAIN….
Who are the greater contributors to society….Donald Trump or yourself?
Glad you asked that question. Trump has done more damage to society and culture than anyone in recent history. He's actually set us back quite a bit, thanks to people like you. Hate and prejudice are more alive today in America than they have been in 50 years.
You are a very sick puppy. trump has definitely deranged your mind

Comparatively I know I paid more taxes than trump has, so have most people.
Yeah yeah…we believe you…the tricky word there is “comparatively”….whatever that means.
Glad you asked that question. Trump has done more damage to society and culture than anyone in recent history. He's actually set us back quite a bit, thanks to people like you. Hate and prejudice are more alive today in America than they have been in 50 years.
Negative….He came across as a conservative traditionalist and that hurt the feelings of the abnormals….pole puffers, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, feminazis, illegal wetbacks, bottom feeding degenerates and the like…that’s all.
Yeah yeah…we believe you…the tricky word there is “comparatively”….whatever that means.
I'm not a rich fool, I've actually worked my whole life. Maybe you could understand percent wise, most of us have paid more taxes than Trump ever did.
You're mad because Elon Musk has an extremely successful EV company while Trump has gone bankrupt twice.
Nobody cares about that shit but modern effeminate males like you. Now, don't you have to run out and get you some feminine hygiene products for your stinky vagina?
Minimum of 6 times.... The two were just the BIG ones..... Casinos.
I did a little more checking. It turns out that Donald Trump in each of these cases; 1. Put up very little of his own money. 2. Such a personal debts to the enterprises. 3. Collected millions of dollars in salary, bonuses and " other " payments. The burden of the bankruptcies fell on the investors and others who bet on him. is the World's Largest Education Resource>donaldtrumpbankruptcieslistandreasons
I did a little more checking. It turns out that Donald Trump in each of these cases; 1. Put up very little of his own money. 2. Such a personal debts to the enterprises. 3. Collected millions of dollars in salary, bonuses and " other " payments. The burden of the bankruptcies fell on the investors and others who bet on him. is the World's Largest Education Resource>donaldtrumpbankruptcieslistandreasons
In the above, 2. Shifted personal debts to the enterprises. I thought it was very important to correct that typo. All of these things show what a scoundrel this man is. He has always leached off the people of this world.
In the above, 2. Shifted personal debts to the enterprises. I thought it was very important to correct that typo. All of these things show what a scoundrel this man is. He has always leached off the people of this world.

ON your original post...


for me it is lower left.

Go in and change the mistake to SHIFTED

Then hit SAVE.
Negative….He came across as a conservative traditionalist and that hurt the feelings of the abnormals….pole puffers, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, feminazis, illegal wetbacks, bottom feeding degenerates and the like…that’s all.
More like a traditional liar and cheat and you people gobbled it up despite all the warning signs.
The issue is the masses but into Uber wealthy people running the nation. I have zero in common with both men. Not one thing.
The issue is the masses but into Uber wealthy people running the nation. I have zero in common with both men. Not one thing.
I have to agree with that. I'm getting to the point where I'm wondering where I'll be at tomorrow if things keep getting worse, I've never felt this before in my life. I now understand how people become homeless. It doesn't happen overnight, life just keeps chipping away at you until you finally get to that point. I used to think there was hope for this world, but people are getting way too vicious and the rich are getting way too greedy. At least I've still got my home and garden for now.

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