Video: Trump calls Elon Musk a "bullshit artist"

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  • Trump

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Musk

    Votes: 5 71.4%

  • Total voters
Are you talking about trump ? The guy that lies all the time, the guy that forged all the far-right crazies into a cohesive unit that threatened our nation. If you still support him you are the ingrate.
President Trump is by far the most popular political figure today. If you don't like him, you are in the fringe minority.
President Trump is by far the most popular political figure today. If you don't like him, you are in the fringe minority.
i can mention dozens of senators alone who are more popular than Trump.
President Trump is by far the most popular political figure today. If you don't like him, you are in the fringe minority.
Honey how are you people twist things around. Good luck with that.
Musk said he's never voted Republican, but Trump called him out because Musk told Trump he voted for him.
I agree that Musk is a bullshit artist, but on the other hand, Trump shouldn't talk about Musk because the latter is a successful businessman while Trump has bankrupted his businesses.
Most businessmen have failed businesses and ideas.

Ask Bill Gates about Traf-O-Data.
It makes perfect sense. Babies die in abortions. So how are women's bodies harmed when babies aren't killed?
You can't be that simple-minded. No baby has ever died in abortion. If the abortion occurs before 8 weeks an embryo is removed, after 8 weeks it is a fetus. They're all types of harm, of course physical, there is also psychological and sociological harm. Many of these states have outlawed the rape exception even the incest exception in their stupidity. 9 out of 10 women who are raped don't even come forward because they know they will be cross examined and treated like they are criminals and there's always the chance that the rapist will get off scot-free and commit the crime all over again. Living with a reminder of that horror everyday could drive someone crazy. Imagine if someone shot you again and again everyday for 9 months. It would be unbearable. I'm just letting one example. There are millions of reasons not to have a child, there is only one good reason to have a child.
It makes perfect sense. Babies die in abortions. So how are women's bodies harmed when babies aren't killed?
Guttmacher Institute>gpr The anti-abortion campaign to personify the fetus; looking back...
October 1, 1999 You've been brainwashed for well over 20 years to have an emotional response to the abortion issue. I think they succeeded, you sound like a wreck. You can't even address the issue objectively.
Guttmacher Institute>gpr The anti-abortion campaign to personify the fetus; looking back...
October 1, 1999 You've been brainwashed for well over 20 years to have an emotional response to the abortion issue. I think they succeeded, you sound like a wreck. You can't even address the issue objectively.
Good luck with that.
If this guy wasn't such a big threat to our nation, I would laugh about all this. It just shows how psychotic he really is. He lives in his delusions and expects everyone else to just go along with it.
Hahaha….yep, billionaires are psychotic and delusional and TDS’ers that spend their days putting their TDS on full display in cyberspace have shit all figured out….hahaha
Ain’t that right Mac1958 Clipper ?
Musk said he's never voted Republican, but Trump called him out because Musk told Trump he voted for him.
I agree that Musk is a bullshit artist, but on the other hand, Trump shouldn't talk about Musk because the latter is a successful businessman while Trump has bankrupted his businesses.
Why does T have to initiate conflict with everyone
. He has failed to learn anything
A little luck, some very good bankruptcy lawyers and being beholden to the Princes of Saudi Aribia that bailed you out twice when you were about to loose it all.
Meanwhile the dude operates 500 companies, employs 20,000 people and paid $38M in income taxes in 2005 alone….more than you and everyone in your lineage will pay in your lifetimes….So, how do your contributions to society measure up? Fellow TDS’ers Mac1958 and Stann how about you? Give it a go Libs.
Meanwhile the dude operates 500 companies,

Simply not true.

His company might own 500 other companies, but he does not operate any of them. The Trump Org is a Holding Company. See if you can find a 10th grader to explain to you what that is
.So, how do your contributions to society measure up? Fellow TDS’ers @Mac1958 and @Stann how about you? Give it a go Libs.

There is more to society than just money, but people like you instead choose to worship the money.

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