Vienna Agreement Another Mistake For Obama's Pile on Syria!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Syrian Peace Framework from Vienna reveals crystal clearly that President Obama and John Kerry are not up to the task of protecting America from the evil and danger from Russia, Iran and Syrian's Bashar al Assad. This framework obligates America to give up something critically important, aiding the Syrian rebels, and does not get us what is critically important a democratic Syria that protects human rights and won't disintegrate into a failed state for international terrorist groups or a dictator run police state that is anti-the West.

The obvious problem with this Framework agreement is it is not an agreement made by the Syrian rebels so it is not worth the paper it is written on because it won't bring peace. The whole problem with the Vienna peace process is that its premise is wrong John Kerry cannot through his leadership lead the international community to force peace upon the groups involved in the Syrian Civil War. The premise of the Vienna peace process should have been that the international community is going to keep trying to bring all the major parties in the Syrian civil War to the peace table in Vienna and keep helping them to reach a peace accord whether it takes six months or ten years. Kerry and Obama need to stop their focus on peace photo Ops and keep their nose to the grind stone working for peace in Syria.

This Framework agreement is so stupid it gives the parties in the civil war six months to agree on a Syrian interim government and constitution and eighteen months to hold elections; they should have just put in the agreement that they are giving Russia, Iran and Assad two years to consolidate power in the territory Assad controls two years to kill, arrest and torture Assad's enemies so that when the elections take place Assad will have an enormous voting bloc essentially the votes from all the territory he controls. Kerry is dumb with his calls that Syrian's at the polls will determine the fate of Bashar al Assad their will likely be too much corruption in Syria to trust the free will of the Syrian people will prevail here! If wisdom is to prevail in the Syrian people's pursuit of peace all the major factions except the Islamic State must sit at the peace table including Jabhat al Nusra they are a major faction how can one have peace negotiation excluding such a group the same reasoning exists for including the Islamist rebel groups. One perspective that seems not to be explored and it seems an opportunity is being missed not exploring it is why do the Alawite people seem to want Bashar al Assad to remain President of Syria Assad is the last remaining brutal Middle East dictator of giant stature from the twentieth Century, Saddam Hussein and Omar Gadhafi are dead his reputation is permanently ruined why keep him as President of Syria it only keeps him in the public spotlight for Syria bringing significant domestic and international trouble for the Syrian people. The key thing for Bashar al Assad is that he does not want to get hung or spend his life in jail for the atrocities committed against the Syrian people under his regime, his key goal should be to get permanent amnesty for any crimes he committed why President of Syria actually all the parties to the Syrian Civil War should be looking for permanent amnesty with 250,000 Syrians dead from this war countless crimes likely have been committed. The other thing that seems off about this Framework agreement is that it seems to allow an unelected group to draft the new Syrian constitution dumb move you're asking for trouble down the road with claims the constitution is not legitimate have the parties to the civil war agree to a broad framework on the constitution like the form of Syrian government will be a parliamentarian democracy, decentralized form of government, Presidents will be limited to two terms, human rights will be protected in the constitution and have the constitution drafted by the Syrian parliament formed from nationwide elections with the help of the international community the country of Syria should be able to hold such elections in nine months from such a constitutional framework agreement being reached!
I tuned in late. Did actually answer any direct question?

He seems to avoid all the question that I heard asked.

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