Vienna Sausage nightmare!

Those damned things were made for infants. They are totally gross. Soft and flavorless and they smell like .... sterilized processed canned meat.

I like a tin of sardines if I'm going to have canned protein.
Inexcusable! Today I thought I would have a can of Armour Vienna Sausage. Now, I have almost 60 years experience with this stuff and NEVER before have I been so outraged as I was when I opened the can a little while ago!

The middle weenie was missing!!!

View attachment 260243
I am seeing seven of them in your picture which is how many are normally in there anyway.

God bless you always!!!

Inexcusable! Today I thought I would have a can of Armour Vienna Sausage. Now, I have almost 60 years experience with this stuff and NEVER before have I been so outraged as I was when I opened the can a little while ago!

The middle weenie was missing!!!

View attachment 260243
Somebody at the plant must have ate it
Those damned things were made for infants. They are totally gross. Soft and flavorless and they smell like .... sterilized processed canned meat.

I like a tin of sardines if I'm going to have canned protein.

They are pretty gross
Inexcusable! Today I thought I would have a can of Armour Vienna Sausage. Now, I have almost 60 years experience with this stuff and NEVER before have I been so outraged as I was when I opened the can a little while ago!

The middle weenie was missing!!!

View attachment 260243
I would contact them immediately and insist they overnight that missing weenier! ...

Armour® – Contact Us
Might end up getting a message from Carlos Danger. Be careful what boat you rock!
That's what happens when you turn a can of those into a girlfriend....
Those damned things were made for infants. They are totally gross. Soft and flavorless and they smell like .... sterilized processed canned meat.

I like a tin of sardines if I'm going to have canned protein.
I take sardines over Vienna sausage any day.

Did they actually invent those things in Vienna? Lucy Hamilton
Inexcusable! Today I thought I would have a can of Armour Vienna Sausage. Now, I have almost 60 years experience with this stuff and NEVER before have I been so outraged as I was when I opened the can a little while ago!

The middle weenie was missing!!!

View attachment 260243
LOL. I bought a can of Margaret Holmes' okra and stewed tomatoes one time that had two slices of okra and part of a tomato floating around in some semi red-tinged water. I contacted them and they sent me some coupons LOL. I was pissed because I really wanted it the day I bought it, and didn't want anything from them by the time the coupons came.
Those damned things were made for infants. They are totally gross. Soft and flavorless and they smell like .... sterilized processed canned meat.

I like a tin of sardines if I'm going to have canned protein.
I take sardines over Vienna sausage any day.

Did they actually invent those things in Vienna? Lucy Hamilton
Same here. I like the ones in mustard.
Inexcusable! Today I thought I would have a can of Armour Vienna Sausage. Now, I have almost 60 years experience with this stuff and NEVER before have I been so outraged as I was when I opened the can a little while ago!

The middle weenie was missing!!!

View attachment 260243
I would contact them immediately and insist they overnight that missing weenier! ...

Armour® – Contact Us
Might end up getting a message from Carlos Danger. Be careful what boat you rock!
I forgot about that pervert being released.
I did get a tylenol bottle cap once in my sour cream and onion potato chips. It was all covered with flavoring and everything. A friend said I should write to the company and they'd send me a case free. I didn't do it though. Someone on the assembly line had a headache.

I used to work liability claims during the fairly short time I was an all lines insurance adjuster. And I was assigned to work a claim at Long John's Silver where a guy said he bit down on a bolt in his salad and broke a tooth. I was representing LJS's insurance company.

The customer and LJS both agreed that the bolt that I was shown was the offending item. (Pictures were taken at the time.)

It was roughly 1/2" across at the head and maybe 2 inches long. It had fallen off their food processor that chops up their salads. I tried my dangdest to get that bolt to even stay on a fork much less be hidden by salad on the fork with it. And the dentist's statement that the tooth was completely decayed and falling apart made it pretty conclusive that I could safely deny the claim. LJS comped the guy's meal. The customer didn't argue about it.

So you just never know the lengths manufacturers and processors will go to increase their profits on a product and I'll admit that Mikey does have reason to question the hole in his Vienna sausages. But there are seven sausages in the can. I'm guessing that they are probably making the sausages a bit smaller so that there would be room for one more, but they keep the number the same? Kind of like sugar and ice cream manufacturers/processors sell their product for the same money but the packages are smaller these days.

After considerable consideration, I'm sorry Mikey. I don't think you have a claim.
I swallowed my pride and went ahead and ate them sumbitches!
Inexcusable! Today I thought I would have a can of Armour Vienna Sausage. Now, I have almost 60 years experience with this stuff and NEVER before have I been so outraged as I was when I opened the can a little while ago!

The middle weenie was missing!!!

View attachment 260243


Uh WTF you doing buying things in that construction they are in, ONLY Americans and the stupid British would put Frankfurter Würstel or also Frankfurter Würstl in that construction. You know we do not refer to them as Wiener's, they are called Frankfurter Würstel or also Frankfurter Würstl.

I ADORE them I could eat them ALL the time I could live ONLY on eating them, but NOT that CRAP you have in America like in your terrible picture, but the below they SHOULD look like in colour and shape etc:


They all are very nice with this:


My VERY favourite though is Käsekrainer a type of Brühwurst with cheese in usually Emmentaler some have Parmesan. I always have for breakfast Brötchen with butter and a sliced nectarine and some Käsekrainer, they look like this:



After eating the above it is very nice to then have some Topfenstrudel but only if not eating the above for breakfast, the below is Topfenstrudel and I WORSHIP it:


Also Guglhupf and also Gugelhupf, this is my favourite with cherries and cream liqueur icing:



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