Vigil For Nia Wilson Turns In Racial Attack Against Whites

Sometimes police should look the other way
You really don't believe that do you?
Its attitudes like that that got trump keep it up tard.....
Nazi’s getting their asses beat is why Trump got elected? I know the right sympathizes with the movement, but I was hoping the support wasn’t that strong.
They weren't Nazis you moron. Its one thing to be a total idiot ( which you are ) its another thing to wish harm on people. Losers like you shouldn't be heard.
------------------------------ Agree for the most part but beg to differ a little bit . Proud Boys are a good group of Americans from what i hear and have seen DaveP . We differ in that i think its good when boneheads / LOSER lefties like BlackFlag are heard and he is heard all over the board with his stupid comments. -------------- just a comment DaveP .
I respect your position. I just have no tolerance these days for his type.
Why do you keep avoiding to answer simple questions??

What does a Polish person look like?

by the way, you may want to get the word over to Poland -- they have quite a large Nazi following calling for "clean blood" and a "white Europe" -- don't those Poles know they are not white??

60,000 people march through Poland's capital calling for an 'Islamic Holocaust'

Your biggest flaw is the assumption that having White skin still awards some kind of privilege.

It's okay to attack Whites on TV but not Blacks, and it's okay to kick White males to the curb against Blacks with Affirmative Action?

Then Blacks can be racist, and it's "Okay" but Whites do the same, and it's terrible, and there's "White guilt" where Whites are supposed to feel sorry for their existence because of "Some White ancestors" which hardly encompasses a whole White people.

There's Black History Month, the Minority Business Development Agency, etc. etc.

What are you talking about?

I'm going to say that "Odd Man out" Whites in this country are treated the worst, like Poles, like Italians, like French, groups which can be picked on with repercussions.

Yes that is exactly not just my assumption but it is an assumption that is proven out by the actions of the Polish people themselves..

You just went on and on about how Polish people were murdered by other white people (over ethnic disputes, not race) but you can't explain to me how there can be such a large Nazi following in Poland?

That is like black people by the hundreds of thousands coming out in support of the KKK -- yea, you may find a few, but not 100's of thousands -- and any black person who supports the klan are usually laughed at for the miserable self hating idiots they are...

There's Blacks who wear Confederate emblems, why is that?
You can find pictures of them online.

Most Polish right-wingers aren't Nazi supporters, they're usually Law, and Justice main-liners, or ONR based Fascists, neither group particularly likes Germans.

The Western media just shrieks in panic mode about Nazis, about things which have nothing to do with Nazis.

Most right wingers in Poland are Nazi supporters, the self identify as Nazi reporters -- your desperation to bring up confederate soldiers is weak and stupid..

I have no respect for those who claim they were oppressed -- then go on to adopt the same tactics and viewpoints as those that oppressed, period.

That is why when folks like MLK fought for labor rights and led poor peoples marches -- he was fighting those Poles, Slavs, Irish, you know, all of those people who still hate him to this day...

but you whining over Pollock jokes? gtfoh

Hahaha, so you have no respect for those who claim they were oppressed, but then adopt racist view-points?

So, you must have no respect for most Blacks on this forum, those Blacks raging about Whites on this forum, like Asclepias, Paul Essien, IM2, and Tiggered, right?
You have to live their selective and selfish outrage
Sometimes police should look the other way
You really don't believe that do you?
Its attitudes like that that got trump keep it up tard.....
Nazi’s getting their asses beat is why Trump got elected? I know the right sympathizes with the movement, but I was hoping the support wasn’t that strong.
They weren't Nazis you moron. Its one thing to be a total idiot ( which you are ) its another thing to wish harm on people. Losers like you shouldn't be heard.
------------------------------ Agree for the most part but beg to differ a little bit . Proud Boys are a good group of Americans from what i hear and have seen DaveP . We differ in that i think its good when boneheads / LOSER lefties like BlackFlag are heard and he is heard all over the board with his stupid comments. -------------- just a comment DaveP .
I respect your position. I just have no tolerance these days for his type.
Likewise. Minus any respect for your position.
You really don't believe that do you?
Its attitudes like that that got trump keep it up tard.....
Nazi’s getting their asses beat is why Trump got elected? I know the right sympathizes with the movement, but I was hoping the support wasn’t that strong.
They weren't Nazis you moron. Its one thing to be a total idiot ( which you are ) its another thing to wish harm on people. Losers like you shouldn't be heard.
“Proud Boys” (such a lame name) are certainly Nazi’s/Nazi sympathizers.
They aren't Nazis. Try reading the website and what they believe.
They believe nonsense (abolish prisons, abolish government, arm everyone), they fight for Nazi policy and in defense of Trump’s government.

So, it's a Nazi policy to abolish prisons, and abolish government?

Wow, I mean I thought you were a little slow, but now you're going coo coo for cocoa puffs.
Nazi’s getting their asses beat is why Trump got elected? I know the right sympathizes with the movement, but I was hoping the support wasn’t that strong.
They weren't Nazis you moron. Its one thing to be a total idiot ( which you are ) its another thing to wish harm on people. Losers like you shouldn't be heard.
“Proud Boys” (such a lame name) are certainly Nazi’s/Nazi sympathizers.
They aren't Nazis. Try reading the website and what they believe.
They believe nonsense (abolish prisons, abolish government, arm everyone), they fight for Nazi policy and in defense of Trump’s government.

So, it's a Nazi policy to abolish prisons, and abolish government?

Wow, I mean I thought you were a little slow, but now you're going coo coo for cocoa puffs.
They fight for Nazi policy and in defense of Trump’s government. Can’t you read?

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