Vigil For Nia Wilson Turns In Racial Attack Against Whites

they will do all they can to get white approval, some will even tell you how the sins of the past (slavery, institutionalized racism) never happened or if it did, wasn't that bad...

A lot of people suffered who aren't Black, and tend to behave in a much better manner.
Which is why I keep saying blacks are inferior -- so its time to treat them as such -- I don't understand why you have to keep pointing to examples of non-blacks being raped and murdered for 400 years and saying how they came out ok --- yea, because they are superior, duh...

Time to start treating blacks for who they really are...whats the problem?

Since when does it make sense to massacre your property?
Who said anything about damaging property?

If you are referring to blacks as being property, we first must re-declare them as property -- but we have to do this in steps -- we cant just come out and say it -- blacks may be slow, but we have too many "liberal" whites who may be against that...we gotta be more covert

You don't shoot the livestock on a farm it's your property that you profit off of.

This idea that Blacks were routinely murdered for 400 years is something of fantasy.

More like Polish people were routinely murdered for 1,000 years of wars.
Well luckily for Italians, Irish and Poles -- their oppression stopped when white supremacists decided to declare them white -- until then, some of them had to drop their ethnic sounding last names, break their ethnic sounding accents in order to pass for white -- that really helped...

Not really.

A.)A lot of White Supremacists aren't too keen on Italians, and Poles still to this day.

B.) Italians, and Poles who have been the top groups discriminated by Liberal Hollywood, and media.

To think this doesn't spill into greater society is ridiculous.
What do Polish people look like? If you have to use their names or language to tell me, then you miss the point of "passing for white" and why that was an important tool to have back then..

and speaking of which -- is it easier to tell if someone is Half Italian and Half German over someone who is Half Black and Half German?

and no...lots of white supremacists ARE keen on Italians and poles because when the immigrant waves of the late 1800's came -- you had white supremacists saying " If he proves himself a man, and … acquires wealth and cleans himself up — very well, we might receive him in a generation or two. But at present he is far beneath us, and the burden of proof rests with him." -- and that paid off..

You even had economists chiming in saying "in a country where the distinction between white man and black is intended as a distinction of value … it is no compliment to the Italian to deny him his whiteness.”

So basically these new immigrants had a choice — fight for inclusion into the white race or align with people of color, who they knew fared even worse than them. One Serbian worker said during the era, “You soon know something about this country. … Negroes never get a fair chance.

Other than all that, you are right -- blacks are inferior....

The problem with your theory is that it became more, or less not politically correct to attack Blacks since the 60's / 70's movement.

The same simply doesn't hold true for White groups, which Poles, and Italians have become the butt of jokes by the Liberal institutions of Hollywood, and media.

Let me know when Poles were attacked by whites for being Poles and it was politically correct -- since the 60/70's movement of course

Was there a great wave of Italian rapes and lynchings at the hands of whites I wasn't aware of? Did the courts refused to investigate it because it was so accepted to oppress Italians??

Or is it, the more you keep typing, the less superior you become -- because right now, you have a profound ignorance on the subject

but don't worry, there are others who are smarter than you who are just as racist -- sleep well

So, how often are Blacks attacked by Whites in this country?

Actually, more often the opposite holds true.

I wouldn't really doubt that some Poles have been physically attacked by other Whites in this country, but I do know some Poles have been physically attacked by Blacks in this country.

I know from experience, having worn a Poland belt-buckle some guy at a gym saw it and angrily said "Dumb Polak" and looked like he might attack me.

So, I'd say it's pretty far off from saying Poles are just accepted as "Whites"

So, if Poles have it so great why is it okay to say dumb Polak jokes, and not dumb Negro jokes which would be unacceptable?
Let me try this again -- because you avoided the question the first time..

are you saying you were attacked for being Polish because you were wearing a belt?

Do you know how many black folks would have loved to avoid being persecuted if all they had to do was not wear a belt that day?

So I will ask this again -- how can you tell (without them wearing a belt) that someone is Polish??

When you answer that question honestly, you will see how idiotic you come off to try to compare your plight to that of black people in this country..

Have you ever had to sit down and give your son "the talk" about wearing Polish belt buckles?
they will do all they can to get white approval, some will even tell you how the sins of the past (slavery, institutionalized racism) never happened or if it did, wasn't that bad...

A lot of people suffered who aren't Black, and tend to behave in a much better manner.
Which is why I keep saying blacks are inferior -- so its time to treat them as such -- I don't understand why you have to keep pointing to examples of non-blacks being raped and murdered for 400 years and saying how they came out ok --- yea, because they are superior, duh...

Time to start treating blacks for who they really are...whats the problem?

Since when does it make sense to massacre your property?
Who said anything about damaging property?

If you are referring to blacks as being property, we first must re-declare them as property -- but we have to do this in steps -- we cant just come out and say it -- blacks may be slow, but we have too many "liberal" whites who may be against that...we gotta be more covert

You don't shoot the livestock on a farm it's your property that you profit off of.

This idea that Blacks were routinely murdered for 400 years is something of fantasy.

More like Polish people were routinely murdered for 1,000 years of wars.
Name one predominately polish city in America that had US planes drop bombs on it and burn it to the ground all under the orders of the government?

Again, the more you type, the stupider you look -- and what savages would routinely murder polish people for 1000's of years?? I shutter at the thought...wasn't aware that black savages raped and pillaged Poland back then
Not really.

A.)A lot of White Supremacists aren't too keen on Italians, and Poles still to this day.

B.) Italians, and Poles who have been the top groups discriminated by Liberal Hollywood, and media.

To think this doesn't spill into greater society is ridiculous.
What do Polish people look like? If you have to use their names or language to tell me, then you miss the point of "passing for white" and why that was an important tool to have back then..

and speaking of which -- is it easier to tell if someone is Half Italian and Half German over someone who is Half Black and Half German?

and no...lots of white supremacists ARE keen on Italians and poles because when the immigrant waves of the late 1800's came -- you had white supremacists saying " If he proves himself a man, and … acquires wealth and cleans himself up — very well, we might receive him in a generation or two. But at present he is far beneath us, and the burden of proof rests with him." -- and that paid off..

You even had economists chiming in saying "in a country where the distinction between white man and black is intended as a distinction of value … it is no compliment to the Italian to deny him his whiteness.”

So basically these new immigrants had a choice — fight for inclusion into the white race or align with people of color, who they knew fared even worse than them. One Serbian worker said during the era, “You soon know something about this country. … Negroes never get a fair chance.

Other than all that, you are right -- blacks are inferior....

The problem with your theory is that it became more, or less not politically correct to attack Blacks since the 60's / 70's movement.

The same simply doesn't hold true for White groups, which Poles, and Italians have become the butt of jokes by the Liberal institutions of Hollywood, and media.

Let me know when Poles were attacked by whites for being Poles and it was politically correct -- since the 60/70's movement of course

Was there a great wave of Italian rapes and lynchings at the hands of whites I wasn't aware of? Did the courts refused to investigate it because it was so accepted to oppress Italians??

Or is it, the more you keep typing, the less superior you become -- because right now, you have a profound ignorance on the subject

but don't worry, there are others who are smarter than you who are just as racist -- sleep well

So, how often are Blacks attacked by Whites in this country?

Actually, more often the opposite holds true.

I wouldn't really doubt that some Poles have been physically attacked by other Whites in this country, but I do know some Poles have been physically attacked by Blacks in this country.

I know from experience, having worn a Poland belt-buckle some guy at a gym saw it and angrily said "Dumb Polak" and looked like he might attack me.

So, I'd say it's pretty far off from saying Poles are just accepted as "Whites"

So, if Poles have it so great why is it okay to say dumb Polak jokes, and not dumb Negro jokes which would be unacceptable?
Let me try this again -- because you avoided the question the first time..

are you saying you were attacked for being Polish because you were wearing a belt?

Do you know how many black folks would have loved to avoid being persecuted if all they had to do was not wear a belt that day?

So I will ask this again -- how can you tell (without them wearing a belt) that someone is Polish??

When you answer that question honestly, you will see how idiotic you come off to try to compare your plight to that of black people in this country..

Have you ever had to sit down and give your son "the talk" about wearing Polish belt buckles?

There's a double-standard in this country now-a-days.

Hordes of White Liberals fight for Black rights, but none for Polish rights.

So, what do they want?
It's not enough that they get Affirmative Action benefits, special hate crime perks that are routinely enforced unlike ours, and are shielded by White Liberals from things like "Dumb Negro jokes" which plague Poles as "Dumb Polak jokes"????????
A lot of people suffered who aren't Black, and tend to behave in a much better manner.
Which is why I keep saying blacks are inferior -- so its time to treat them as such -- I don't understand why you have to keep pointing to examples of non-blacks being raped and murdered for 400 years and saying how they came out ok --- yea, because they are superior, duh...

Time to start treating blacks for who they really are...whats the problem?

Since when does it make sense to massacre your property?
Who said anything about damaging property?

If you are referring to blacks as being property, we first must re-declare them as property -- but we have to do this in steps -- we cant just come out and say it -- blacks may be slow, but we have too many "liberal" whites who may be against that...we gotta be more covert

You don't shoot the livestock on a farm it's your property that you profit off of.

This idea that Blacks were routinely murdered for 400 years is something of fantasy.

More like Polish people were routinely murdered for 1,000 years of wars.
Name one predominately polish city in America that had US planes drop bombs on it and burn it to the ground all under the orders of the government?

Again, the more you type, the stupider you look -- and what savages would routinely murder polish people for 1000's of years?? I shutter at the thought...wasn't aware that black savages raped and pillaged Poland back then

Disproportionately a lot more Polish blood spilled than Black blood, and we don't even get that kind of recognition, how come?

So, 3 million Polish Catholics were killed in WW2.

I dare you to point to a single Black American tragedy this big?

In fact, there's only one Black atrocity that can compare, King Leopold's Belgian Congo genocides.

The truth is Blacks in 20th century America had a walk in the park in comparison to Poles in 20th century Poland.
What do Polish people look like? If you have to use their names or language to tell me, then you miss the point of "passing for white" and why that was an important tool to have back then..

and speaking of which -- is it easier to tell if someone is Half Italian and Half German over someone who is Half Black and Half German?

and no...lots of white supremacists ARE keen on Italians and poles because when the immigrant waves of the late 1800's came -- you had white supremacists saying " If he proves himself a man, and … acquires wealth and cleans himself up — very well, we might receive him in a generation or two. But at present he is far beneath us, and the burden of proof rests with him." -- and that paid off..

You even had economists chiming in saying "in a country where the distinction between white man and black is intended as a distinction of value … it is no compliment to the Italian to deny him his whiteness.”

So basically these new immigrants had a choice — fight for inclusion into the white race or align with people of color, who they knew fared even worse than them. One Serbian worker said during the era, “You soon know something about this country. … Negroes never get a fair chance.

Other than all that, you are right -- blacks are inferior....

The problem with your theory is that it became more, or less not politically correct to attack Blacks since the 60's / 70's movement.

The same simply doesn't hold true for White groups, which Poles, and Italians have become the butt of jokes by the Liberal institutions of Hollywood, and media.

Let me know when Poles were attacked by whites for being Poles and it was politically correct -- since the 60/70's movement of course

Was there a great wave of Italian rapes and lynchings at the hands of whites I wasn't aware of? Did the courts refused to investigate it because it was so accepted to oppress Italians??

Or is it, the more you keep typing, the less superior you become -- because right now, you have a profound ignorance on the subject

but don't worry, there are others who are smarter than you who are just as racist -- sleep well

So, how often are Blacks attacked by Whites in this country?

Actually, more often the opposite holds true.

I wouldn't really doubt that some Poles have been physically attacked by other Whites in this country, but I do know some Poles have been physically attacked by Blacks in this country.

I know from experience, having worn a Poland belt-buckle some guy at a gym saw it and angrily said "Dumb Polak" and looked like he might attack me.

So, I'd say it's pretty far off from saying Poles are just accepted as "Whites"

So, if Poles have it so great why is it okay to say dumb Polak jokes, and not dumb Negro jokes which would be unacceptable?
Let me try this again -- because you avoided the question the first time..

are you saying you were attacked for being Polish because you were wearing a belt?

Do you know how many black folks would have loved to avoid being persecuted if all they had to do was not wear a belt that day?

So I will ask this again -- how can you tell (without them wearing a belt) that someone is Polish??

When you answer that question honestly, you will see how idiotic you come off to try to compare your plight to that of black people in this country..

Have you ever had to sit down and give your son "the talk" about wearing Polish belt buckles?

There's a double-standard in this country now-a-days.

Hordes of White Liberals fight for Black rights, but none for Polish rights.

So, what do they want?
It's not enough that they get Affirmative Action benefits, special hate crime perks that are routinely enforced unlike ours, and are shielded by White Liberals from things like "Dumb Negro jokes" which plague Poles as "Dumb Polak jokes"????????
Why do you keep avoiding to answer simple questions??

What does a Polish person look like?

by the way, you may want to get the word over to Poland -- they have quite a large Nazi following calling for "clean blood" and a "white Europe" -- don't those Poles know they are not white??

60,000 people march through Poland's capital calling for an 'Islamic Holocaust'
Which is why I keep saying blacks are inferior -- so its time to treat them as such -- I don't understand why you have to keep pointing to examples of non-blacks being raped and murdered for 400 years and saying how they came out ok --- yea, because they are superior, duh...

Time to start treating blacks for who they really are...whats the problem?

Since when does it make sense to massacre your property?
Who said anything about damaging property?

If you are referring to blacks as being property, we first must re-declare them as property -- but we have to do this in steps -- we cant just come out and say it -- blacks may be slow, but we have too many "liberal" whites who may be against that...we gotta be more covert

You don't shoot the livestock on a farm it's your property that you profit off of.

This idea that Blacks were routinely murdered for 400 years is something of fantasy.

More like Polish people were routinely murdered for 1,000 years of wars.
Name one predominately polish city in America that had US planes drop bombs on it and burn it to the ground all under the orders of the government?

Again, the more you type, the stupider you look -- and what savages would routinely murder polish people for 1000's of years?? I shutter at the thought...wasn't aware that black savages raped and pillaged Poland back then

Disproportionately a lot more Polish blood spilled than Black blood, and we don't even get that kind of recognition, how come?

So, 3 million Polish Catholics were killed in WW2.

I dare you to point to a single Black American tragedy this big?

In fact, there's only one Black atrocity that can compare, King Leopold's Belgian Congo genocides.

The truth is Blacks in 20th century America had a walk in the park in comparison to Poles in 20th century Poland.

So aside from the slave trade where over 3 million alone died in that -- we are going to just leave that out -- instead I am going to give you a cookie for your incessant whining -- Poles had it worse than everyone, native americans, blacks, jews, etc --- Question is, what color were the ones murdering all of these poles?

and why are you so gung ho in joining their call of white supremacy?
The problem with your theory is that it became more, or less not politically correct to attack Blacks since the 60's / 70's movement.

The same simply doesn't hold true for White groups, which Poles, and Italians have become the butt of jokes by the Liberal institutions of Hollywood, and media.

Let me know when Poles were attacked by whites for being Poles and it was politically correct -- since the 60/70's movement of course

Was there a great wave of Italian rapes and lynchings at the hands of whites I wasn't aware of? Did the courts refused to investigate it because it was so accepted to oppress Italians??

Or is it, the more you keep typing, the less superior you become -- because right now, you have a profound ignorance on the subject

but don't worry, there are others who are smarter than you who are just as racist -- sleep well

So, how often are Blacks attacked by Whites in this country?

Actually, more often the opposite holds true.

I wouldn't really doubt that some Poles have been physically attacked by other Whites in this country, but I do know some Poles have been physically attacked by Blacks in this country.

I know from experience, having worn a Poland belt-buckle some guy at a gym saw it and angrily said "Dumb Polak" and looked like he might attack me.

So, I'd say it's pretty far off from saying Poles are just accepted as "Whites"

So, if Poles have it so great why is it okay to say dumb Polak jokes, and not dumb Negro jokes which would be unacceptable?
Let me try this again -- because you avoided the question the first time..

are you saying you were attacked for being Polish because you were wearing a belt?

Do you know how many black folks would have loved to avoid being persecuted if all they had to do was not wear a belt that day?

So I will ask this again -- how can you tell (without them wearing a belt) that someone is Polish??

When you answer that question honestly, you will see how idiotic you come off to try to compare your plight to that of black people in this country..

Have you ever had to sit down and give your son "the talk" about wearing Polish belt buckles?

There's a double-standard in this country now-a-days.

Hordes of White Liberals fight for Black rights, but none for Polish rights.

So, what do they want?
It's not enough that they get Affirmative Action benefits, special hate crime perks that are routinely enforced unlike ours, and are shielded by White Liberals from things like "Dumb Negro jokes" which plague Poles as "Dumb Polak jokes"????????
Why do you keep avoiding to answer simple questions??

What does a Polish person look like?

by the way, you may want to get the word over to Poland -- they have quite a large Nazi following calling for "clean blood" and a "white Europe" -- don't those Poles know they are not white??

60,000 people march through Poland's capital calling for an 'Islamic Holocaust'

Your biggest flaw is the assumption that having White skin still awards some kind of privilege.

It's okay to attack Whites on TV but not Blacks, and it's okay to kick White males to the curb against Blacks with Affirmative Action?

Then Blacks can be racist, and it's "Okay" but Whites do the same, and it's terrible, and there's "White guilt" where Whites are supposed to feel sorry for their existence because of "Some White ancestors" which hardly encompasses a whole White people.

There's Black History Month, the Minority Business Development Agency, etc. etc.

What are you talking about?

I'm going to say that "Odd Man out" Whites in this country are treated the worst, like Poles, like Italians, like French, groups which can be picked on without repercussions.
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The problem with your theory is that it became more, or less not politically correct to attack Blacks since the 60's / 70's movement.

The same simply doesn't hold true for White groups, which Poles, and Italians have become the butt of jokes by the Liberal institutions of Hollywood, and media.

Let me know when Poles were attacked by whites for being Poles and it was politically correct -- since the 60/70's movement of course

Was there a great wave of Italian rapes and lynchings at the hands of whites I wasn't aware of? Did the courts refused to investigate it because it was so accepted to oppress Italians??

Or is it, the more you keep typing, the less superior you become -- because right now, you have a profound ignorance on the subject

but don't worry, there are others who are smarter than you who are just as racist -- sleep well

So, how often are Blacks attacked by Whites in this country?

Actually, more often the opposite holds true.

I wouldn't really doubt that some Poles have been physically attacked by other Whites in this country, but I do know some Poles have been physically attacked by Blacks in this country.

I know from experience, having worn a Poland belt-buckle some guy at a gym saw it and angrily said "Dumb Polak" and looked like he might attack me.

So, I'd say it's pretty far off from saying Poles are just accepted as "Whites"

So, if Poles have it so great why is it okay to say dumb Polak jokes, and not dumb Negro jokes which would be unacceptable?
Let me try this again -- because you avoided the question the first time..

are you saying you were attacked for being Polish because you were wearing a belt?

Do you know how many black folks would have loved to avoid being persecuted if all they had to do was not wear a belt that day?

So I will ask this again -- how can you tell (without them wearing a belt) that someone is Polish??

When you answer that question honestly, you will see how idiotic you come off to try to compare your plight to that of black people in this country..

Have you ever had to sit down and give your son "the talk" about wearing Polish belt buckles?

There's a double-standard in this country now-a-days.

Hordes of White Liberals fight for Black rights, but none for Polish rights.

So, what do they want?
It's not enough that they get Affirmative Action benefits, special hate crime perks that are routinely enforced unlike ours, and are shielded by White Liberals from things like "Dumb Negro jokes" which plague Poles as "Dumb Polak jokes"????????
Why do you keep avoiding to answer simple questions??

What does a Polish person look like?

by the way, you may want to get the word over to Poland -- they have quite a large Nazi following calling for "clean blood" and a "white Europe" -- don't those Poles know they are not white??

and don't these poles know it was the Nazis who were killing them by the hundreds of thousands??

60,000 people march through Poland's capital calling for an 'Islamic Holocaust'
Since when does it make sense to massacre your property?
Who said anything about damaging property?

If you are referring to blacks as being property, we first must re-declare them as property -- but we have to do this in steps -- we cant just come out and say it -- blacks may be slow, but we have too many "liberal" whites who may be against that...we gotta be more covert

You don't shoot the livestock on a farm it's your property that you profit off of.

This idea that Blacks were routinely murdered for 400 years is something of fantasy.

More like Polish people were routinely murdered for 1,000 years of wars.
Name one predominately polish city in America that had US planes drop bombs on it and burn it to the ground all under the orders of the government?

Again, the more you type, the stupider you look -- and what savages would routinely murder polish people for 1000's of years?? I shutter at the thought...wasn't aware that black savages raped and pillaged Poland back then

Disproportionately a lot more Polish blood spilled than Black blood, and we don't even get that kind of recognition, how come?

So, 3 million Polish Catholics were killed in WW2.

I dare you to point to a single Black American tragedy this big?

In fact, there's only one Black atrocity that can compare, King Leopold's Belgian Congo genocides.

The truth is Blacks in 20th century America had a walk in the park in comparison to Poles in 20th century Poland.

So aside from the slave trade where over 3 million alone died in that -- we are going to just leave that out -- instead I am going to give you a cookie for your incessant whining -- Poles had it worse than everyone, native americans, blacks, jews, etc --- Question is, what color were the ones murdering all of these poles?

and why are you so gung ho in joining their call of white supremacy?

Way off topic.
Blacks aren't the crown champions of suffering.

I'm not a White Supremacist, I don't like Germans, or Russians, or Ukrainians who massacred Poles, either.

But, that's not the topic on hand.
The topic is about Black vs White violence.. Well sort of.

Why should I appreciate Blacks who on the street harass me just because Germans, Russians, and Ukrainians with White skin killed Polish people in mass?

I'd imagine if Blacks had the chance, they would be just as brutal.
Let me know when Poles were attacked by whites for being Poles and it was politically correct -- since the 60/70's movement of course

Was there a great wave of Italian rapes and lynchings at the hands of whites I wasn't aware of? Did the courts refused to investigate it because it was so accepted to oppress Italians??

Or is it, the more you keep typing, the less superior you become -- because right now, you have a profound ignorance on the subject

but don't worry, there are others who are smarter than you who are just as racist -- sleep well

So, how often are Blacks attacked by Whites in this country?

Actually, more often the opposite holds true.

I wouldn't really doubt that some Poles have been physically attacked by other Whites in this country, but I do know some Poles have been physically attacked by Blacks in this country.

I know from experience, having worn a Poland belt-buckle some guy at a gym saw it and angrily said "Dumb Polak" and looked like he might attack me.

So, I'd say it's pretty far off from saying Poles are just accepted as "Whites"

So, if Poles have it so great why is it okay to say dumb Polak jokes, and not dumb Negro jokes which would be unacceptable?
Let me try this again -- because you avoided the question the first time..

are you saying you were attacked for being Polish because you were wearing a belt?

Do you know how many black folks would have loved to avoid being persecuted if all they had to do was not wear a belt that day?

So I will ask this again -- how can you tell (without them wearing a belt) that someone is Polish??

When you answer that question honestly, you will see how idiotic you come off to try to compare your plight to that of black people in this country..

Have you ever had to sit down and give your son "the talk" about wearing Polish belt buckles?

There's a double-standard in this country now-a-days.

Hordes of White Liberals fight for Black rights, but none for Polish rights.

So, what do they want?
It's not enough that they get Affirmative Action benefits, special hate crime perks that are routinely enforced unlike ours, and are shielded by White Liberals from things like "Dumb Negro jokes" which plague Poles as "Dumb Polak jokes"????????
Why do you keep avoiding to answer simple questions??

What does a Polish person look like?

by the way, you may want to get the word over to Poland -- they have quite a large Nazi following calling for "clean blood" and a "white Europe" -- don't those Poles know they are not white??

60,000 people march through Poland's capital calling for an 'Islamic Holocaust'

Your biggest flaw is the assumption that having White skin still awards some kind of privilege.

It's okay to attack Whites on TV but not Blacks, and it's okay to kick White males to the curb against Blacks with Affirmative Action?

Then Blacks can be racist, and it's "Okay" but Whites do the same, and it's terrible, and there's "White guilt" where Whites are supposed to feel sorry for their existence because of "Some White ancestors" which hardly encompasses a whole White people.

There's Black History Month, the Minority Business Development Agency, etc. etc.

What are you talking about?

I'm going to say that "Odd Man out" Whites in this country are treated the worst, like Poles, like Italians, like French, groups which can be picked on with repercussions.

Yes that is exactly not just my assumption but it is an assumption that is proven out by the actions of the Polish people themselves..

You just went on and on about how Polish people were murdered by other white people (over ethnic disputes, not race) but you can't explain to me how there can be such a large Nazi following in Poland?

That is like black people by the hundreds of thousands coming out in support of the KKK -- yea, you may find a few, but not 100's of thousands -- and any black person who supports the klan are usually laughed at for the miserable self hating idiots they are...
Who said anything about damaging property?

If you are referring to blacks as being property, we first must re-declare them as property -- but we have to do this in steps -- we cant just come out and say it -- blacks may be slow, but we have too many "liberal" whites who may be against that...we gotta be more covert

You don't shoot the livestock on a farm it's your property that you profit off of.

This idea that Blacks were routinely murdered for 400 years is something of fantasy.

More like Polish people were routinely murdered for 1,000 years of wars.
Name one predominately polish city in America that had US planes drop bombs on it and burn it to the ground all under the orders of the government?

Again, the more you type, the stupider you look -- and what savages would routinely murder polish people for 1000's of years?? I shutter at the thought...wasn't aware that black savages raped and pillaged Poland back then

Disproportionately a lot more Polish blood spilled than Black blood, and we don't even get that kind of recognition, how come?

So, 3 million Polish Catholics were killed in WW2.

I dare you to point to a single Black American tragedy this big?

In fact, there's only one Black atrocity that can compare, King Leopold's Belgian Congo genocides.

The truth is Blacks in 20th century America had a walk in the park in comparison to Poles in 20th century Poland.

So aside from the slave trade where over 3 million alone died in that -- we are going to just leave that out -- instead I am going to give you a cookie for your incessant whining -- Poles had it worse than everyone, native americans, blacks, jews, etc --- Question is, what color were the ones murdering all of these poles?

and why are you so gung ho in joining their call of white supremacy?

Way off topic.
Blacks aren't the crown champions of suffering.

I'm not a White Supremacist, I don't like Germans, or Russians, or Ukrainians who massacred Poles, either.

But, that's not the topic on hand.
The topic is about Black vs White violence.. Well sort of.

Why should I appreciate Blacks who on the street harass me just because Germans, Russians, and Ukrainians with White skin killed Polish people in mass?

I'd imagine if Blacks had the chance, they would be just as brutal.
No, blacks wouldn't be just as brutal -- that is your own karmic fears kicking in -- here is a tip, perhaps if you stop putting so much effort into proving how inferior blacks are as a way to soothe your own personal butt hurt -- maybe the quicker you will heal...

See, as a rational human being -- I have acquired the gift of not being responsible for the actions of the greater demographic I belong to -- I just do my part as a man and hope others do the same -- only empty folks like yourselves need to build up their esteem by taking on the characteristics of their "oppressors"
So, how often are Blacks attacked by Whites in this country?

Actually, more often the opposite holds true.

I wouldn't really doubt that some Poles have been physically attacked by other Whites in this country, but I do know some Poles have been physically attacked by Blacks in this country.

I know from experience, having worn a Poland belt-buckle some guy at a gym saw it and angrily said "Dumb Polak" and looked like he might attack me.

So, I'd say it's pretty far off from saying Poles are just accepted as "Whites"

So, if Poles have it so great why is it okay to say dumb Polak jokes, and not dumb Negro jokes which would be unacceptable?
Let me try this again -- because you avoided the question the first time..

are you saying you were attacked for being Polish because you were wearing a belt?

Do you know how many black folks would have loved to avoid being persecuted if all they had to do was not wear a belt that day?

So I will ask this again -- how can you tell (without them wearing a belt) that someone is Polish??

When you answer that question honestly, you will see how idiotic you come off to try to compare your plight to that of black people in this country..

Have you ever had to sit down and give your son "the talk" about wearing Polish belt buckles?

There's a double-standard in this country now-a-days.

Hordes of White Liberals fight for Black rights, but none for Polish rights.

So, what do they want?
It's not enough that they get Affirmative Action benefits, special hate crime perks that are routinely enforced unlike ours, and are shielded by White Liberals from things like "Dumb Negro jokes" which plague Poles as "Dumb Polak jokes"????????
Why do you keep avoiding to answer simple questions??

What does a Polish person look like?

by the way, you may want to get the word over to Poland -- they have quite a large Nazi following calling for "clean blood" and a "white Europe" -- don't those Poles know they are not white??

60,000 people march through Poland's capital calling for an 'Islamic Holocaust'

Your biggest flaw is the assumption that having White skin still awards some kind of privilege.

It's okay to attack Whites on TV but not Blacks, and it's okay to kick White males to the curb against Blacks with Affirmative Action?

Then Blacks can be racist, and it's "Okay" but Whites do the same, and it's terrible, and there's "White guilt" where Whites are supposed to feel sorry for their existence because of "Some White ancestors" which hardly encompasses a whole White people.

There's Black History Month, the Minority Business Development Agency, etc. etc.

What are you talking about?

I'm going to say that "Odd Man out" Whites in this country are treated the worst, like Poles, like Italians, like French, groups which can be picked on with repercussions.

Yes that is exactly not just my assumption but it is an assumption that is proven out by the actions of the Polish people themselves..

You just went on and on about how Polish people were murdered by other white people (over ethnic disputes, not race) but you can't explain to me how there can be such a large Nazi following in Poland?

That is like black people by the hundreds of thousands coming out in support of the KKK -- yea, you may find a few, but not 100's of thousands -- and any black person who supports the klan are usually laughed at for the miserable self hating idiots they are...

There's Blacks who wear Confederate emblems, why is that?
You can find pictures of them online.

Most Polish right-wingers aren't Nazi supporters, they're usually Law, and Justice main-liners, or ONR based Fascists, neither group particularly likes Germans.

The Western media just shrieks in panic mode about Nazis, about things which have nothing to do with Nazis.
You don't shoot the livestock on a farm it's your property that you profit off of.

This idea that Blacks were routinely murdered for 400 years is something of fantasy.

More like Polish people were routinely murdered for 1,000 years of wars.
Name one predominately polish city in America that had US planes drop bombs on it and burn it to the ground all under the orders of the government?

Again, the more you type, the stupider you look -- and what savages would routinely murder polish people for 1000's of years?? I shutter at the thought...wasn't aware that black savages raped and pillaged Poland back then

Disproportionately a lot more Polish blood spilled than Black blood, and we don't even get that kind of recognition, how come?

So, 3 million Polish Catholics were killed in WW2.

I dare you to point to a single Black American tragedy this big?

In fact, there's only one Black atrocity that can compare, King Leopold's Belgian Congo genocides.

The truth is Blacks in 20th century America had a walk in the park in comparison to Poles in 20th century Poland.

So aside from the slave trade where over 3 million alone died in that -- we are going to just leave that out -- instead I am going to give you a cookie for your incessant whining -- Poles had it worse than everyone, native americans, blacks, jews, etc --- Question is, what color were the ones murdering all of these poles?

and why are you so gung ho in joining their call of white supremacy?

Way off topic.
Blacks aren't the crown champions of suffering.

I'm not a White Supremacist, I don't like Germans, or Russians, or Ukrainians who massacred Poles, either.

But, that's not the topic on hand.
The topic is about Black vs White violence.. Well sort of.

Why should I appreciate Blacks who on the street harass me just because Germans, Russians, and Ukrainians with White skin killed Polish people in mass?

I'd imagine if Blacks had the chance, they would be just as brutal.
No, blacks wouldn't be just as brutal -- that is your own karmic fears kicking in -- here is a tip, perhaps if you stop putting so much effort into proving how inferior blacks are as a way to soothe your own personal butt hurt -- maybe the quicker you will heal...

See, as a rational human being -- I have acquired the gift of not being responsible for the actions of the greater demographic I belong to -- I just do my part as a man and hope others do the same -- only empty folks like yourselves need to build up their esteem by taking on the characteristics of their "oppressors"

So, Rwanda, Darfur, Congo Civil War, Liberian Civil War, etc. are just myths, and don't represent Black brutality which also exists?
My point has been made a while ago -- I will always stand by the belief that the more you let these racists talk -- the more they will expose the place where their real pain comes from ....I have long since stopped having pity for them.
My point has been made a while ago -- I will always stand by the belief that the more you let these racists talk -- the more they will expose the place where their real pain comes from ....I have long since stopped having pity for them.

Weren't you initially stating that Blacks were inferior, no?
Let me try this again -- because you avoided the question the first time..

are you saying you were attacked for being Polish because you were wearing a belt?

Do you know how many black folks would have loved to avoid being persecuted if all they had to do was not wear a belt that day?

So I will ask this again -- how can you tell (without them wearing a belt) that someone is Polish??

When you answer that question honestly, you will see how idiotic you come off to try to compare your plight to that of black people in this country..

Have you ever had to sit down and give your son "the talk" about wearing Polish belt buckles?

There's a double-standard in this country now-a-days.

Hordes of White Liberals fight for Black rights, but none for Polish rights.

So, what do they want?
It's not enough that they get Affirmative Action benefits, special hate crime perks that are routinely enforced unlike ours, and are shielded by White Liberals from things like "Dumb Negro jokes" which plague Poles as "Dumb Polak jokes"????????
Why do you keep avoiding to answer simple questions??

What does a Polish person look like?

by the way, you may want to get the word over to Poland -- they have quite a large Nazi following calling for "clean blood" and a "white Europe" -- don't those Poles know they are not white??

60,000 people march through Poland's capital calling for an 'Islamic Holocaust'

Your biggest flaw is the assumption that having White skin still awards some kind of privilege.

It's okay to attack Whites on TV but not Blacks, and it's okay to kick White males to the curb against Blacks with Affirmative Action?

Then Blacks can be racist, and it's "Okay" but Whites do the same, and it's terrible, and there's "White guilt" where Whites are supposed to feel sorry for their existence because of "Some White ancestors" which hardly encompasses a whole White people.

There's Black History Month, the Minority Business Development Agency, etc. etc.

What are you talking about?

I'm going to say that "Odd Man out" Whites in this country are treated the worst, like Poles, like Italians, like French, groups which can be picked on with repercussions.

Yes that is exactly not just my assumption but it is an assumption that is proven out by the actions of the Polish people themselves..

You just went on and on about how Polish people were murdered by other white people (over ethnic disputes, not race) but you can't explain to me how there can be such a large Nazi following in Poland?

That is like black people by the hundreds of thousands coming out in support of the KKK -- yea, you may find a few, but not 100's of thousands -- and any black person who supports the klan are usually laughed at for the miserable self hating idiots they are...

There's Blacks who wear Confederate emblems, why is that?
You can find pictures of them online.

Most Polish right-wingers aren't Nazi supporters, they're usually Law, and Justice main-liners, or ONR based Fascists, neither group particularly likes Germans.

The Western media just shrieks in panic mode about Nazis, about things which have nothing to do with Nazis.

Most right wingers in Poland are Nazi supporters, the self identify as Nazi supporters -- your desperation to bring up confederate soldiers is weak and stupid..

I have no respect for those who claim they were oppressed -- then go on to adopt the same tactics and viewpoints as those that oppressed, period.

That is why when folks like MLK fought for labor rights and led poor peoples marches -- he was fighting those Poles, Slavs, Irish, you know, all of those people who still hate him to this day...

but you whining over Pollock jokes? gtfoh
My point has been made a while ago -- I will always stand by the belief that the more you let these racists talk -- the more they will expose the place where their real pain comes from ....I have long since stopped having pity for them.

Weren't you initially stating that Blacks were inferior, no?
Yes, I am agreeing with you that blacks are inferior -- now what?

I don't like playing these coy games racists play with going on about how uncivilized blacks are -- skip that....policy wise, what are you going to do about all of these inferior black people? if you have no policy solutions, then I take it that you just like to call blacks inferior to make you feel better.
There's a double-standard in this country now-a-days.

Hordes of White Liberals fight for Black rights, but none for Polish rights.

So, what do they want?
It's not enough that they get Affirmative Action benefits, special hate crime perks that are routinely enforced unlike ours, and are shielded by White Liberals from things like "Dumb Negro jokes" which plague Poles as "Dumb Polak jokes"????????
Why do you keep avoiding to answer simple questions??

What does a Polish person look like?

by the way, you may want to get the word over to Poland -- they have quite a large Nazi following calling for "clean blood" and a "white Europe" -- don't those Poles know they are not white??

60,000 people march through Poland's capital calling for an 'Islamic Holocaust'

Your biggest flaw is the assumption that having White skin still awards some kind of privilege.

It's okay to attack Whites on TV but not Blacks, and it's okay to kick White males to the curb against Blacks with Affirmative Action?

Then Blacks can be racist, and it's "Okay" but Whites do the same, and it's terrible, and there's "White guilt" where Whites are supposed to feel sorry for their existence because of "Some White ancestors" which hardly encompasses a whole White people.

There's Black History Month, the Minority Business Development Agency, etc. etc.

What are you talking about?

I'm going to say that "Odd Man out" Whites in this country are treated the worst, like Poles, like Italians, like French, groups which can be picked on with repercussions.

Yes that is exactly not just my assumption but it is an assumption that is proven out by the actions of the Polish people themselves..

You just went on and on about how Polish people were murdered by other white people (over ethnic disputes, not race) but you can't explain to me how there can be such a large Nazi following in Poland?

That is like black people by the hundreds of thousands coming out in support of the KKK -- yea, you may find a few, but not 100's of thousands -- and any black person who supports the klan are usually laughed at for the miserable self hating idiots they are...

There's Blacks who wear Confederate emblems, why is that?
You can find pictures of them online.

Most Polish right-wingers aren't Nazi supporters, they're usually Law, and Justice main-liners, or ONR based Fascists, neither group particularly likes Germans.

The Western media just shrieks in panic mode about Nazis, about things which have nothing to do with Nazis.

Most right wingers in Poland are Nazi supporters, the self identify as Nazi reporters -- your desperation to bring up confederate soldiers is weak and stupid..

I have no respect for those who claim they were oppressed -- then go on to adopt the same tactics and viewpoints as those that oppressed, period.

That is why when folks like MLK fought for labor rights and led poor peoples marches -- he was fighting those Poles, Slavs, Irish, you know, all of those people who still hate him to this day...

but you whining over Pollock jokes? gtfoh

Hahaha, so you have no respect for those who claim they were oppressed, but then adopt racist view-points?

So, you must have no respect for most Blacks on this forum, those Blacks raging about Whites on this forum, like Asclepias, Paul Essien, IM2, and Tiggered, right?
My point has been made a while ago -- I will always stand by the belief that the more you let these racists talk -- the more they will expose the place where their real pain comes from ....I have long since stopped having pity for them.

Weren't you initially stating that Blacks were inferior, no?
Yes, I am agreeing with you that blacks are inferior -- now what?

I don't like playing these coy games racists play with going on about how uncivilized blacks are -- skip that....policy wise, what are you going to do about all of these inferior black people? if you have no policy solutions, then I take it that you just like to call blacks inferior to make you feel better.

So, separation isn't a solution?

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