Vile Snowflake Dem Faces Firing For Attacking WRONG Child in Attack Against Covington Kids

She should have made sure it was one of the Covington pricks before posting. She may have caused harm to an innocent in this case, which is unacceptable
Still demonizing the innocent I see.

How do you feel about the aggressive Africans or the not so honest Injun? Pricks?
Democrats should be locked in cages. Then take this cages out into space and catapult these cages into the sun.
I say no and the reason is, it's free speech. Yeah, it was a stupid thing to say, and I'd say maybe a severe reprimand, but termination? Nah, I dont think it rises to that level to potentially ruin someone's life.

Now, if it is discovered that this teacher is polluting their classroom by trying to indoctrinate the students, then yes, I'd say they dont need to be in a classroom

Again, freedom of speech DOES NOT mean freedom from any consequences.

Has this nation really become so political about everything that we're too unhinged and irrational make simple, common-sense conclusions like, "People who work with teenagers should not behave inappropriately and abusively toward teenagers?" That's just too far beyond our capabilities now, because we have to kneejerk straight to "Rights! Freedom of speech! Politics aaaaauuuugggghhh!!"

God help us all for abdicating the adult maturity and responsibility to expect adult maturity and responsibility in others.
I'm not saying it should go unnoticed, I'm saying that losing ones job over it might be a bit too far. I would certainly make sure that teacher understood that it wouldn't be in their best interest to be attacking people, and I'd also make some inquiries into their classroom practices. Is this a one off incident, or is this common theme for this person. If it's a common theme, then it may require further action.

For sure, we cant go around punishing people for their political beliefs, but we can make sure that their beliefs are not being taught in a classroom.

As far as speech with consequence, for the most part, I disagree. The very nature of freedom of speech means you can voice your opinion without fear of consequence, as long as that speech doesnt directly cause harm to someone else, i.e., calling for violence against someone.

This teacher, as misguided as they are, should be allowed to have an opinion, again, as long as that opinion doesnt cause harm to someone. If you go down the road of sensoring speech that someone doesnt agree with, then where does it stop?

For the record, I dont condone what was said, I think it was wrong, but, I dont believe that it is a matter so great that someone should lose their career over it, unless it is discovered that they are going beyond their duties in the classroom, i.e., the classroom is no place for politics.

A teacher who is entrusted with teaching our impressionable children and with doing their part to keep children safe being potentially fired for his extremist views leading him to rush so quickly to attack children for fake news that he mis-identified a child, passed that chef's address out to 'tbe world' on social media, not only putting that child in physical danger but calling for that innocent child to be harassed / harmed ...

... and it is being suggested, again, that ONLY losing his job might be a bit 'TOO HARSH' for what he did?


I didnt see the part where the teacher was docsing someone. This crosses the line for me. However, I still stick to my original premise that, if all the teacher did was voice angst against this student, it wouldn't have risen to the need to lose ones job.

Again, this is why I said an inquiry needs to be done into what this teacher is pushing off into their students.

However, yes, I agree with you, if this teacher was giving out addresses, then that does cross the line.

I guess I need to read that article more closely. My apologies.

I don't care if he was doxxing anyone or not. Ask yourself this: if he is capable of behaving like that toward a teenager online, what possible reason do you have for believing he couldn't and wouldn't do it to a teenager in his class? And why in God's name would you want to take that chance?

How far down the rabbit hole have we gotten where we can't even identify minimal standards of maturity for adults, let alone bring ourselves to actually require them?
I cant defend him, the docsing is a bridge too far. However, if it was a simple name and shame, would it not be prudent to at least investigate? Maybe this person just a momentary lapse in judgment, and it is not indicative of their normal behavior, which is why I suggested investigation.

However, all of that is moot since he stepped across the line.
D-Omar used Twitter to launch vile attacks against the Covington kinds AFTER she learned the false accusations against them were debunked. After being threatened with a law suit she took her comments down.

At least Omar was intelligent enough to slander / attack the right child.

A Colorado teacher is reportedly facing termination for calling a Kentucky high school student a member of the "Hitler Youth" after she incorrectly identified the teen as being one of the students at last month's March For Life seen in a controversial viral video -- which itself has been widely misrepresented.

His name is Jay Jackson. His twitter account is closed to non followers so we don’t interfere with his training in the #HitlerYouth,” Grissom tweeted"

The teacher's Tweet went VIRAL.

The teacher's problem is Jay Jackson was NOT one of the kids, was NOT on a field trip, and was HUNREDS of miles away.

Should this idiot be fired? I fully expect the responses to fall along party lines. Me, personally? Fire his ignorant, careless ass!

Colorado teacher faces termination after misidentifying Covington student, calling him ‘Hitler Youth’

So? Why do you even care? That is how you treated the Parkland kids.
The little shits were parading around in MAGA hats, whoring for attention. If they didn’t want it, they shouldn’t have asked for it, prick.
So someone in a Bernie Sanders t-shirt is "whoring for attention" he's just "asking for it" in your fascist idiot's view?
At least your prick -like behavior follows a consistent idiotic pattern. No one can say you aren't true to your warped sick viewpoint.
As much as I despise Bernie Sanders, his shirts are not intended to telegraph threat and hatred at specific, targeted groups of people like Trump sheep hats are.
That actually depends on how you feel about Sanders, doesn't it? Only certain groups of people perceive "hatred and threat" if someone else wears a hat with a logo they disagree with. People who find Sanders' viewpoints offense and counter to their own just respond with restraint and civility that appears to be lacking in people who are triggered by MAGA hats.
A MAGA hat is a middle finger. Giving the middle finger to the wrong person can end badly.
That's how you see it just like someone could see a Bernie t-shirt the same way. Try and dance around the point all you like don't get to decide who deserves to be assaulted and not. As already pointed out, you are an apologist for fascism.
You are what you profess to oppose. That's felonious hypocrisy writ large. Own it!
The Bernie shirt is not seen that way. The MAGA hat is. Wear it at your own peril, trash.
Maybe not by you. How do you know how others might feel about a Bernie shirt?
Again, freedom of speech DOES NOT mean freedom from any consequences.

Has this nation really become so political about everything that we're too unhinged and irrational make simple, common-sense conclusions like, "People who work with teenagers should not behave inappropriately and abusively toward teenagers?" That's just too far beyond our capabilities now, because we have to kneejerk straight to "Rights! Freedom of speech! Politics aaaaauuuugggghhh!!"

God help us all for abdicating the adult maturity and responsibility to expect adult maturity and responsibility in others.
I'm not saying it should go unnoticed, I'm saying that losing ones job over it might be a bit too far. I would certainly make sure that teacher understood that it wouldn't be in their best interest to be attacking people, and I'd also make some inquiries into their classroom practices. Is this a one off incident, or is this common theme for this person. If it's a common theme, then it may require further action.

For sure, we cant go around punishing people for their political beliefs, but we can make sure that their beliefs are not being taught in a classroom.

As far as speech with consequence, for the most part, I disagree. The very nature of freedom of speech means you can voice your opinion without fear of consequence, as long as that speech doesnt directly cause harm to someone else, i.e., calling for violence against someone.

This teacher, as misguided as they are, should be allowed to have an opinion, again, as long as that opinion doesnt cause harm to someone. If you go down the road of sensoring speech that someone doesnt agree with, then where does it stop?

For the record, I dont condone what was said, I think it was wrong, but, I dont believe that it is a matter so great that someone should lose their career over it, unless it is discovered that they are going beyond their duties in the classroom, i.e., the classroom is no place for politics.

A teacher who is entrusted with teaching our impressionable children and with doing their part to keep children safe being potentially fired for his extremist views leading him to rush so quickly to attack children for fake news that he mis-identified a child, passed that chef's address out to 'tbe world' on social media, not only putting that child in physical danger but calling for that innocent child to be harassed / harmed ...

... and it is being suggested, again, that ONLY losing his job might be a bit 'TOO HARSH' for what he did?


I didnt see the part where the teacher was docsing someone. This crosses the line for me. However, I still stick to my original premise that, if all the teacher did was voice angst against this student, it wouldn't have risen to the need to lose ones job.

Again, this is why I said an inquiry needs to be done into what this teacher is pushing off into their students.

However, yes, I agree with you, if this teacher was giving out addresses, then that does cross the line.

I guess I need to read that article more closely. My apologies.

I don't care if he was doxxing anyone or not. Ask yourself this: if he is capable of behaving like that toward a teenager online, what possible reason do you have for believing he couldn't and wouldn't do it to a teenager in his class? And why in God's name would you want to take that chance?

How far down the rabbit hole have we gotten where we can't even identify minimal standards of maturity for adults, let alone bring ourselves to actually require them?
I cant defend him, the docsing is a bridge too far. However, if it was a simple name and shame, would it not be prudent to at least investigate? Maybe this person just a momentary lapse in judgment, and it is not indicative of their normal behavior, which is why I suggested investigation.

However, all of that is moot since he stepped across the line.

Yeah, no, that particular "lapse in judgement" is not acceptable in someone who works with teenagers. One simply does not risk the possibility that his judgement will "lapse" again on one of his own students if one dares to express an opinion he doesn't agree with. Nope, uh uh, "I'm usually not verbally abusive to kids, I was only verbally abusive once" doesn't work for me.
D-Omar used Twitter to launch vile attacks against the Covington kinds AFTER she learned the false accusations against them were debunked. After being threatened with a law suit she took her comments down.

At least Omar was intelligent enough to slander / attack the right child.

A Colorado teacher is reportedly facing termination for calling a Kentucky high school student a member of the "Hitler Youth" after she incorrectly identified the teen as being one of the students at last month's March For Life seen in a controversial viral video -- which itself has been widely misrepresented.

His name is Jay Jackson. His twitter account is closed to non followers so we don’t interfere with his training in the #HitlerYouth,” Grissom tweeted"

The teacher's Tweet went VIRAL.

The teacher's problem is Jay Jackson was NOT one of the kids, was NOT on a field trip, and was HUNREDS of miles away.

Should this idiot be fired? I fully expect the responses to fall along party lines. Me, personally? Fire his ignorant, careless ass!

Colorado teacher faces termination after misidentifying Covington student, calling him ‘Hitler Youth’

So? Why do you even care? That is how you treated the Parkland kids.

Bullshit. Very tired of this game where the left behaves like a ravening mob, and then tries to draw a false equivalency between that and legitimately criticizing people who have willingly chosen to step into the political arena.

We all know that what you really want is to say, "The right has to remain completely silent in the hopes that we'll stop behaving like asses, although we won't anyway."
The Left know they were embarrassingly busted pushing a fake news story to demonize a child for wearing a hat supporting our President.

The calling for the kids to be raped, burned alive, and thrown into wood chippers was disgusting. Anyone who defended any one of those people who made such statements should be embarrassed.

Even after the real story broke, even to this day, all those media and personalities who bashed these kids wrongfully still have not reported or said anything about The Stolen Valor vet or the black hate group.


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