Vince Everett Ellison -75% of white Americans are Christian and 85% of black Americans are Christian

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
This was an interesting statistic shared by Ellison and Tucker Carlson last night.

I along with practically all Christian’s have nothing against non-Christians and atheists. Of course one of the worst tactics by the far left wing atheists is to just make up and misrepresent what Christians say ….they do it almost all the time. They have no shame no moral backbone. For the far left it doesn’t mean anything that a American Christian or American of any religion says -hey I respect atheists there’s a lot of good atheist out there who serve the poor….it means nothing to the far left wing agitator.

I am along with a great many Americans are against far left-wing extreme Democrat atheists who abore everything about religion and constantly lie and make things up about Christian history. But you got to wonder what the same types of pro BLM far left atheists think about a black man like Ellison who is a proud Christian and who recognizes that Christianity is still a great motivating factor for black majority communities.

It was the black church leaders in the 1980s that stood tall against the crack cocaine dealers…

What do far left-wing Democrat atheists think about the fact that 85% of black Americans are Christians. Against 75% of white Americans that are Christian. What are they going to say I mean those guys support BLM now what? Uh oh ….After all the far left wing atheists believe Christianity is “the white man’s religion”, boy they couldn’t be any more wrong there’s 700 million Christians in Africa.

The far left thinks America is turning to atheism ….well too bad for them they’re wrong. We are a melting pot of cultures in America. We have always been Christian majority. And we are the most welcoming country on the planet that’s why we are the number one destination in the world for refugees and immigrants.
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