Vindicated Bachmann Under Attack


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Vindicated Bachmann Under Attack

January 15, 2013
By Robert Spencer


For while Bachmann was widely criticized and ridiculed for daring to suggest that Muslim Brotherhood elements had infiltrated the U.S. government, corroboration of her allegations has recently come from an unlikely quarter: Egypt’s Rose El-Youssef magazine, which asserted in a December article that six highly-placed Muslim Brotherhood infiltrators within the Obama Administration had transformed the United States “from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.” (A translation of the article is available from the Investigative Project here.)

According to the Investigative Project, “the six named people include: Arif Alikhan, assistant secretary of Homeland Security for policy development; Mohammed Elibiary, a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council; Rashad Hussain, the U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference; Salam al-Marayati, co-founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC); Imam Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA); and Eboo Patel, a member of President Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.”


Vindicated Bachmann Under Attack
'The Spin Stops Here'


Once again you post idiocy that relates to nothing in the conversation.

Much more relevant than your 'teabagger' and '50s' comment.

spin monkey spin

:badgrin: Why are you so afraid of black people? Did a black lover reject you in the past?

And claiming an enemy out to subvert America is infiltrating the government is a classic play out of the conservative playbook from the 50s. Just because you're ignorant of history doesn't make it spin.
Once again you post idiocy that relates to nothing in the conversation.

Much more relevant than your 'teabagger' and '50s' comment.

spin monkey spin

:badgrin: Why are you so afraid of black people? Did a black lover reject you in the past?

And claiming an enemy out to subvert America is infiltrating the government is a classic play out of the conservative playbook from the 50s. Just because you're ignorant of history doesn't make it spin.

Well, I am not 'afraid,; but since you asked, are you aware that 90% of interracial crime is black on white violence?
Much more relevant than your 'teabagger' and '50s' comment.

spin monkey spin

:badgrin: Why are you so afraid of black people? Did a black lover reject you in the past?

And claiming an enemy out to subvert America is infiltrating the government is a classic play out of the conservative playbook from the 50s. Just because you're ignorant of history doesn't make it spin.

Well, I am not 'afraid,; but since you asked, are you aware that 90% of interracial crime is black on white violence?

Why does every subject evolve into you posting a bunch of race fear? The last several threads you've tried to troll me has had nothing to do with anything you say yet you continually keep posting statistics about black crime when it's not relevant? Are you trying to turn me into a scared little bitch like you or an ignorant racist like you?
:badgrin: Why are you so afraid of black people? Did a black lover reject you in the past?

And claiming an enemy out to subvert America is infiltrating the government is a classic play out of the conservative playbook from the 50s. Just because you're ignorant of history doesn't make it spin.

Well, I am not 'afraid,; but since you asked, are you aware that 90% of interracial crime is black on white violence?

Why does every subject evolve into you posting a bunch of race fear? The last several threads you've tried to troll me has had nothing to do with anything you say yet you continually keep posting statistics about black crime when it's not relevant? Are you trying to turn me into a scared little bitch like you or an ignorant racist like you?

You didn't like the answer.

Well, I am not 'afraid,; but since you asked, are you aware that 90% of interracial crime is black on white violence?

Why does every subject evolve into you posting a bunch of race fear? The last several threads you've tried to troll me has had nothing to do with anything you say yet you continually keep posting statistics about black crime when it's not relevant? Are you trying to turn me into a scared little bitch like you or an ignorant racist like you?

You didn't like the answer.


You have yet to acknowledge or answer anything posed to you. And frankly we can get into an in-depth conversation on the subject if you want but why do you keep trolling threads with this idiocy? It'd be like wandering into a conversation about football and demanding everyone talk about calculus. It's retarded.
Why does every subject evolve into you posting a bunch of race fear? The last several threads you've tried to troll me has had nothing to do with anything you say yet you continually keep posting statistics about black crime when it's not relevant? Are you trying to turn me into a scared little bitch like you or an ignorant racist like you?

You didn't like the answer.


You have yet to acknowledge or answer anything posed to you. And frankly we can get into an in-depth conversation on the subject if you want but why do you keep trolling threads with this idiocy? It'd be like wandering into a conversation about football and demanding everyone talk about calculus. It's retarded.

Simply not true.

You just don't like the truth.

Tuff shit.

You didn't like the answer.


You have yet to acknowledge or answer anything posed to you. And frankly we can get into an in-depth conversation on the subject if you want but why do you keep trolling threads with this idiocy? It'd be like wandering into a conversation about football and demanding everyone talk about calculus. It's retarded.

Simply not true.

You just don't like the truth.

Tuff shit.


Again you don't acknowledge anything posed to you and you post idiocy. You're a really boring troll.
And claiming an enemy out to subvert America is infiltrating the government is a classic play out of the conservative playbook from the 50s. Just because you're ignorant of history doesn't make it spin.
Her claim is backed up by an Egyptian Magazine here:
???? ??? ?????? - ??? ?6 ????? ?? ????? ??????!

Article is Translated here:
A man and 6 of the Brotherhood in the White House! :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism

Typical liberal ilk don't want to hear about dat...:D
And claiming an enemy out to subvert America is infiltrating the government is a classic play out of the conservative playbook from the 50s. Just because you're ignorant of history doesn't make it spin.
Her claim is backed up by an Egyptian Magazine here:
???? ??? ?????? - ??? ?6 ????? ?? ????? ??????!

Article is Translated here:
A man and 6 of the Brotherhood in the White House! :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism

Typical liberal ilk don't want to hear about dat...:D

A far-right egyptian website written in Arabic and an extremely poorly written article on a hack website is proof?
And claiming an enemy out to subvert America is infiltrating the government is a classic play out of the conservative playbook from the 50s. Just because you're ignorant of history doesn't make it spin.
Her claim is backed up by an Egyptian Magazine here:
???? ??? ?????? - ??? ?6 ????? ?? ????? ??????!

Article is Translated here:
A man and 6 of the Brotherhood in the White House! :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism

Typical liberal ilk don't want to hear about dat...:D

They will probably come around and slur you as a 'teabagger' or something to attempt to discredit you.


Typical liberal ilk don't want to hear about dat...:D

They will probably come around and slur you as a 'teabagger' or something to attempt to discredit you.


It'll roll off like water on a ducks back...
Once again you post idiocy that relates to nothing in the conversation.

Much more relevant than your 'teabagger' and '50s' comment.

spin monkey spin

:badgrin: Why are you so afraid of black people? Did a black lover reject you in the past?

And claiming an enemy out to subvert America is infiltrating the government is a classic play out of the conservative playbook from the 50s. Just because you're ignorant of history doesn't make it spin.
It appears that both times they were correct. Just because your ignorant doesn't change a thing.
‘People For the American Way’ Smears Michele Bachmann

January 16, 2013
By John Perazzo


According to PFAW president Michael Keegan, Rep. Bachmann’s warnings amount to nothing more than a “smear campaign” of “baseless conspiracy theories” designed to ruin “the reputations of honorable public servants.” PFAW spokesman Drew Courtney accuses Bachmann of engaging in “reckless extremism” aimed chiefly at “making headlines and pandering to the Tea Party.” And PFAW’s online strategy manager, Ben Betz, derides Bachmann’s “Islamaphobic fear mongering” and her “disregard for honesty.” These accusations are entirely consistent with PFAW’s previous claims that “right-wing anti-Muslim activists,” filled with “anti-Muslim paranoia,” routinely “demoniz[e]” and “vilif[y]” members of the Islamic faith in an effort to stoke Americans’ “irrational fears.” Such conservative activists, says PFAW, “sanction and encourage [the] persecution” of Muslims while aiming to “prevent” them from “freely worshiping and practicing their religion.”

These very serious allegations about a sitting Member of Congress raise a single, obvious question: Are Bachmann’s stated concerns about Huma Abedin and others associated with radical Islamic organizations unfounded or illogical in any way? The evidence suggests otherwise:


?People For the American Way? Smears Michele Bachmann

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