Violation of separation of church and state with taxpayer money?


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Taxpayer-Funded Crisis Pregnancy Centers Using Religion To Oppose Abortion

WASHINGTON -- If you want to help carry out the anti-abortion mission of the taxpayer-funded Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center, you have to be a Christian.

It's right there on the Rapid City, S.D., center's volunteer application.

"Do you consider yourself a Christian?" "If yes, how long have you been a Christian?" "As a Christian, what is the basis of your salvation?" "Please provide the following information concerning your local church. Church name … Denomination ... Pastor's name." "This organization is a Christian pro-life ministry. We believe that our faith in Jesus Christ empowers us, enables us, and motivates us to provide pregnancy services in this community. Please write a brief statement about how your faith would affect your volunteer work at this center."

But that hasn't stopped the center from receiving federal funding and other forms of government support.

In 2010, it was awarded a $34,000 "capacity building" grant as part of President Obama's stimulus bill.

Last year, the nonprofit National Fatherhood Initiative, with "support from the US Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Family Assistance," awarded the center $25,000 for capacity building.

And when South Dakota passed a law requiring that women get counseling from a "pregnancy help center" before receiving an abortion, the Rapid City center was quick to sign up -- becoming one of three such facilities listed on the state's official website.

Like other crisis pregnancy centers, the Rapid City Care Net seeks to prevent abortions by offering women a combination of free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds, a "24 hour hotline," and medically dubious "abortion education" (its website claims that "a number of reliable studies have demonstrated connection between abortion and later development of breast cancer").

The Rapid City center is not alone. On its website, the facility says it "submits to the affiliation guidelines" of the national Care Net organization, which supports more than 1,100 explicitly Christian crisis pregnancy centers. Care Net requires that at each center, "those who labor as pregnancy center board members, directors, and volunteers are expected to know Christ as their Savior and Lord" and that "all board members, staff, and volunteers of the center agree with the Care Net Statement of Faith."

Social conservatives are fiscally conservative? I think not, lol.
'democratic underground' is not a credible news organization.

Just so you know.
Of course not.

Just another dumb ass partisan thread by Fail&go who won't go. LOL
Faith-based charitable organizations have been receiving federal funding since at least the Clinton Administration.

The concept is simple. A local organization knows and serves the needs of the community better than the federal government.

However, I feel that a church is inviting the devil into its house when it accepts federal money.

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