Violence against women by Israeli society

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I hope the word CUNTRY was a mispelling Indo., this is not a matter to play politics with,as it is a worldwide problem.and very damaging to Women and Children everywhere.steve

It was a typo, but not one I'm unhappy about.
You are of course correct, all countries have problems with abuse, but I'm concerned how one country's advocates deliberately deny their problems.

Of course, I'm going to be told how Muslims mistreat women, and some do, but no one actually denies that, even if a minority think it's acceptable.

I have been offered sex with women I believed to have been forced into prostitution (Thus, rape) in Malaysia, but most of the pimps were Chinese.
The same goes in Thailand, but the customers were all westerners.
I've only been offered a child once whilst in Indonesia, by a Muslim taxi driver, but I wasn't fast thinking enough to record the conversation and have the bastard arrested.
Indo.......I was in Morrocco years ago,and a Guy crept out from the shadows in the Cazbah sic in Tangiers ......He said "You want the Hasish" I said no thanks,"Ahh" he said "You want the Woman" again I said no thanks....then he said "Ahhhhh YOU WANT THE BOY" I told him to Fcuk Off.

Such is life to some people..steve
Violence towards women is a global problem - it's not a Jewish problem, it's not a Muslim problem, it's not a Christian problem, it's not a Hindu problem. In cultures that tend to be "traditional", paternalistic and religious it tends to be even worse because it's not taken seriously as a crime, it's viewed as a male perogative or - more often - the woman is blamed.

Israel is likely no better or worse than a number of westernized countries and like western countries I suspect women have better legal avenues than they do in other middle eastern countries. It's difficult to get accurate statistics on violence towards women around the world because criminal laws and definitions differ as do the accuracy and ability of women to report instances. Violence also is much higher in "traditional" conservative societies that place women on a lower level then men and I think that certainly can be said about some of Israel's more conservative Jewish groups.

This is from 2012 but it provides some interesting insights:

Report Every third Israeli woman falls victim to sexual assault - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

Since 2008 there has been a steep increase in the proportion of divorcees among female murder victims, while women of Ethiopian origin accounted for 21 percent of the women murdered during the past year - more than 13 times their proportion of the population, 1.5 percent.

...The (violence) index shows a startling rise in the frequency of cases of violence against single women (from 60 per 100,000 women in 2003 to 1000 per 100,000 in 2010 ) - a nearly twenty-fold increase.

And according to the survey of 800 women from various sectors of the population, 76 percent of Jewish women and 79 percent of Arab women report living "in constant fear" of sexual assault. The survey found that one in every three women can expect to be sexually assaulted during the course of her life.

The estimate however, is that only 20% of cases ever get reported so the number is likely much higher.

The age group most frequently victimized by murderers was women aged 18 to 24 (two out of every 100,000 )about one-third of murders took place within the family, and another one-third on the street. Most murders took place after 5 P.M., and the past several years saw an increase in murders late at night and on weekends.

By religion, the proportion of Muslim and Druze women murdered (two out of 100,000 ) was more than double the proportion of Jewish victims. However, the proportion of Arabs among women being murdered by their male partners is decreasing. In 2009, nine of the 11 women murdered by their partners were Arabs; in 2010, it was 10 out of 15; in 2011 it was 11 out of 24.

At the women's organizations they explain that in Arab society, there are cases of women who are murdered but are still listed as missing. "The police can't declare a murder without a body," says Rivka Neuman, director of the Division for the Status of Women at WIZO Israel. To have an idea of how many women are actually murdered in Israel, says Neuman, it is necessary to know the number of women missing in Arab society.

Large gaps between religious groups were also found in cases of sexual violence - and the report notes that the difference stems from "structural under-reporting" of crime in Arab society. Thus, while Jewish women account for 76 percent of the total population of women in Israel, they constitute 83 percent of the victims of sexual assault. Muslim women constitute about 16 percent of all the women in Israel but account for 6.5 percent of the victims of sexual assault against women. Eighty out of every 100,000 Jewish women have experienced sexual violence as compared to 20 among every 100,000 women belonging to other religious groups in Israel.

This article also adds some more information: Unique study shines light on violence against haredi women - Israel Jewish Scene Ynetnews

Dr. Schori-Biton stressed that just as secular women find it difficult to break out of the cycle of violence and publicly declare that they are battered women, "the situation in the haredi society is much worse, because it involves defending the religious image and protecting the family at any price – even at the price of violence."

Out of all the shelters scattered across the country, only one treats battered religious or haredi women, Bat Melech.

So how do haredi women end up in shelters? Dr. Schori noted that 40% of respondents were directed to shelters by welfare authorities, while 16% were encouraged by family and friends and only 7% said they were referred to a shelter by their rabbis.

In the questionnaires, respondents said they silently suffered from abuse until they married their smallest child, and only then dared look for a shelter. They feared that treating the problem earlier would harm their children's prospects of marriage. Going to a shelter is considered by many of them as a socially unforgivable act, and therefore they wished to 'prepare the ground' for 'minimum impact.'"

Looking at it broadly - where does Israel fit in the statistics? It's not in the top ten for sure.

Worlds Most Dangerous Countries for Women - 10 worst 2014

Today's Israeli crime report was brought to you by Vibrant, next on radio Islam will be local news and weather. LOL

And there goes a total bastard who makes excuses for rapists, because they're his favourite rapists.

Excuses for rapists? Considering that Mohammad raped er married an 8 year old your entire religion is built on a terrorist rapist. Including the fact that because of Mohammad, marrying a 9 year olds is completely legal in many Mooooslem shitholes.

There is crime, rape, and abuse of women in every country in the world. some more, some less, I really don't see the point of this thread.
I hope the word CUNTRY was a mispelling Indo., this is not a matter to play politics with,as it is a worldwide problem.and very damaging to Women and Children everywhere.steve

It was a typo, but not one I'm unhappy about.
You are of course correct, all countries have problems with abuse, but I'm concerned how one country's advocates deliberately deny their problems.

Of course, I'm going to be told how Muslims mistreat women, and some do, but no one actually denies that, even if a minority think it's acceptable.

I have been offered sex with women I believed to have been forced into prostitution (Thus, rape) in Malaysia, but most of the pimps were Chinese.
The same goes in Thailand, but the customers were all westerners.
I've only been offered a child once whilst in Indonesia, by a Muslim taxi driver, but I wasn't fast thinking enough to record the conversation and have the bastard arrested.
Indo.......I was in Morrocco years ago,and a Guy crept out from the shadows in the Cazbah sic in Tangiers ......He said "You want the Hasish" I said no thanks,"Ahh" he said "You want the Woman" again I said no thanks....then he said "Ahhhhh YOU WANT THE BOY" I told him to Fcuk Off.

Such is life to some people..steve

So which did you go for? The tranny named Abdul? Ha ha ha.

Ps. Is there violence against transvestites as well?
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I hope the word CUNTRY was a mispelling Indo., this is not a matter to play politics with,as it is a worldwide problem.and very damaging to Women and Children everywhere.steve

It was a typo, but not one I'm unhappy about.
You are of course correct, all countries have problems with abuse, but I'm concerned how one country's advocates deliberately deny their problems.

Of course, I'm going to be told how Muslims mistreat women, and some do, but no one actually denies that, even if a minority think it's acceptable.

I have been offered sex with women I believed to have been forced into prostitution (Thus, rape) in Malaysia, but most of the pimps were Chinese.
The same goes in Thailand, but the customers were all westerners.
I've only been offered a child once whilst in Indonesia, by a Muslim taxi driver, but I wasn't fast thinking enough to record the conversation and have the bastard arrested.
Indo.......I was in Morrocco years ago,and a Guy crept out from the shadows in the Cazbah sic in Tangiers ......He said "You want the Hasish" I said no thanks,"Ahh" he said "You want the Woman" again I said no thanks....then he said "Ahhhhh YOU WANT THE BOY" I told him to Fcuk Off.

Such is life to some people..steve

So which did you go for? The tranny named Abdul? Ha ha ha.

Ps. Is there violence against transvestites as well?
I know here in Australia ..Trans-Gender Children do get a lot of help as they transit through puberty Roudy and schools take much pride in explaining the differences of these children and Gay children in the class room, as they get older.....It destigmatises sic and prevents Bullying.......steve
I hope the word CUNTRY was a mispelling Indo., this is not a matter to play politics with,as it is a worldwide problem.and very damaging to Women and Children everywhere.steve

It was a typo, but not one I'm unhappy about.
You are of course correct, all countries have problems with abuse, but I'm concerned how one country's advocates deliberately deny their problems.

Of course, I'm going to be told how Muslims mistreat women, and some do, but no one actually denies that, even if a minority think it's acceptable.

I have been offered sex with women I believed to have been forced into prostitution (Thus, rape) in Malaysia, but most of the pimps were Chinese.
The same goes in Thailand, but the customers were all westerners.
I've only been offered a child once whilst in Indonesia, by a Muslim taxi driver, but I wasn't fast thinking enough to record the conversation and have the bastard arrested.
Indo.......I was in Morrocco years ago,and a Guy crept out from the shadows in the Cazbah sic in Tangiers ......He said "You want the Hasish" I said no thanks,"Ahh" he said "You want the Woman" again I said no thanks....then he said "Ahhhhh YOU WANT THE BOY" I told him to Fcuk Off.

Such is life to some people..steve

So which did you go for? The tranny named Abdul? Ha ha ha.

Ps. Is there violence against transvestites as well?
I know here in Australia ..Trans-Gender Children do get a lot of help as they transit through puberty Roudy and schools take much pride in explaining the differences of these children and Gay children in the class room, as they get older.....It destigmatises sic and prevents Bullying.......steve

I have no problem with gays, in fact gays in general are classy, clean, educated people who like to live well, spend well, and have great taste. Transgender people on the other hand gross me out. I don't know why. I also think there is an element of mental illness and psychological issues with them.
I hope the word CUNTRY was a mispelling Indo., this is not a matter to play politics with,as it is a worldwide problem.and very damaging to Women and Children everywhere.steve

It was a typo, but not one I'm unhappy about.
You are of course correct, all countries have problems with abuse, but I'm concerned how one country's advocates deliberately deny their problems.

Of course, I'm going to be told how Muslims mistreat women, and some do, but no one actually denies that, even if a minority think it's acceptable.

I have been offered sex with women I believed to have been forced into prostitution (Thus, rape) in Malaysia, but most of the pimps were Chinese.
The same goes in Thailand, but the customers were all westerners.
I've only been offered a child once whilst in Indonesia, by a Muslim taxi driver, but I wasn't fast thinking enough to record the conversation and have the bastard arrested.
Indo.......I was in Morrocco years ago,and a Guy crept out from the shadows in the Cazbah sic in Tangiers ......He said "You want the Hasish" I said no thanks,"Ahh" he said "You want the Woman" again I said no thanks....then he said "Ahhhhh YOU WANT THE BOY" I told him to Fcuk Off.

Such is life to some people..steve

So which did you go for? The tranny named Abdul? Ha ha ha.

Ps. Is there violence against transvestites as well?
I know here in Australia ..Trans-Gender Children do get a lot of help as they transit through puberty Roudy and schools take much pride in explaining the differences of these children and Gay children in the class room, as they get older.....It destigmatises sic and prevents Bullying.......steve

I have no problem with gays, in fact gays in general are classy, clean, educated people who like to live well, spend well, and have great taste. Transgender people on the other hand gross me out. I don't know why. I also think there is an element of mental illness and psychological issues with them.
I use to think like that Roudy,until a child of a friend(Jewish by the way)was clearly in the wrong Gender,she was not and is not mental/psychotic etc., as she/he has just passed his now final exams to become a Doctor in General Practice.

This is a complicated issue,which I know many cannot understand...but the fact is,we are all different in so many ways.steve...he is by the way a great Guy.The Love and Support he has received throughout the years is a Credit to his Family and Friends,of which I am proudly one.
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It was a typo, but not one I'm unhappy about.
You are of course correct, all countries have problems with abuse, but I'm concerned how one country's advocates deliberately deny their problems.

Of course, I'm going to be told how Muslims mistreat women, and some do, but no one actually denies that, even if a minority think it's acceptable.

I have been offered sex with women I believed to have been forced into prostitution (Thus, rape) in Malaysia, but most of the pimps were Chinese.
The same goes in Thailand, but the customers were all westerners.
I've only been offered a child once whilst in Indonesia, by a Muslim taxi driver, but I wasn't fast thinking enough to record the conversation and have the bastard arrested.
Indo.......I was in Morrocco years ago,and a Guy crept out from the shadows in the Cazbah sic in Tangiers ......He said "You want the Hasish" I said no thanks,"Ahh" he said "You want the Woman" again I said no thanks....then he said "Ahhhhh YOU WANT THE BOY" I told him to Fcuk Off.

Such is life to some people..steve

So which did you go for? The tranny named Abdul? Ha ha ha.

Ps. Is there violence against transvestites as well?
I know here in Australia ..Trans-Gender Children do get a lot of help as they transit through puberty Roudy and schools take much pride in explaining the differences of these children and Gay children in the class room, as they get older.....It destigmatises sic and prevents Bullying.......steve

I have no problem with gays, in fact gays in general are classy, clean, educated people who like to live well, spend well, and have great taste. Transgender people on the other hand gross me out. I don't know why. I also think there is an element of mental illness and psychological issues with them.
I use to think like that Roudy,until a child of a friend(Jewish by the way)was clearly in the wrong Gender,she was not and is not mental/psychotic etc., as she/he has just passed his now final exams to become a Doctor in General Practice.

This is a complicated issue,which I know many cannot understand...but the fact is,we are all different in so many ways.steve...he is a great Guy.

Not justifying they suffer any persecution or violence towards them.

So you and the he / she / it goin' out or what?
I hope the word CUNTRY was a mispelling Indo., this is not a matter to play politics with,as it is a worldwide problem.and very damaging to Women and Children everywhere.steve

It was a typo, but not one I'm unhappy about.
You are of course correct, all countries have problems with abuse, but I'm concerned how one country's advocates deliberately deny their problems.

Of course, I'm going to be told how Muslims mistreat women, and some do, but no one actually denies that, even if a minority think it's acceptable.

I have been offered sex with women I believed to have been forced into prostitution (Thus, rape) in Malaysia, but most of the pimps were Chinese.
The same goes in Thailand, but the customers were all westerners.
I've only been offered a child once whilst in Indonesia, by a Muslim taxi driver, but I wasn't fast thinking enough to record the conversation and have the bastard arrested.
Indo.......I was in Morrocco years ago,and a Guy crept out from the shadows in the Cazbah sic in Tangiers ......He said "You want the Hasish" I said no thanks,"Ahh" he said "You want the Woman" again I said no thanks....then he said "Ahhhhh YOU WANT THE BOY" I told him to Fcuk Off.

Such is life to some people..steve

So which did you go for? The tranny named Abdul? Ha ha ha.

Ps. Is there violence against transvestites as well?
I know here in Australia ..Trans-Gender Children do get a lot of help as they transit through puberty Roudy and schools take much pride in explaining the differences of these children and Gay children in the class room, as they get older.....It destigmatises sic and prevents Bullying.......steve

I have no problem with gays, in fact gays in general are classy, clean, educated people who like to live well, spend well, and have great taste. Transgender people on the other hand gross me out. I don't know why. I also think there is an element of mental illness and psychological issues with them.

I think you are still struggling with the bad stereotype from movies. They are not all drag queens or gregarious drama queens. The vast majority are just nice ordinary people who just feel like they are trapped in the wrong body. I can only imagine it would be a bit like having to wear an itchy uncomfortable uniform that gives them hives. They want to change into a different skin that reflects what they feel like inside. I have a grown daughter with two very active boys that has not worn a dress since she was nine years old. Girls can dress how they want and we think nothing of it. For boys or men to wear a dress, people stare and treat them strangely. Some just wear the silk undies and such but other it is not enough. They want be a girl/woman and want everyone to see and treat them that way.

If you get the chance to know and understand a transgender, you won't be grossed out. It is hard for the person, the family, friends and society to get used to. It really is a matter of having the wrong brain in the body. Since brain transplants are not available, changing the body will have to do for now. Imagine being a twin in the womb in the very early stages, but your sibling does not make it, but somehow you got her brain in your male body. Everything in your mind say, yells, you are female, but your body has all the wrong parts. Maybe your body developed as a hermaphrodite but your parents decide you should be a boy, only they did not check with your brain.

Is it really any odder than learning to treat a siamese or child with a birth defect the right way? Do you do everything for them or let them make a mess doing it on their own? Do you try not to stare or can't take your eyes off the oddity? Do you treat them like any other friend or do you treat them different?

It just take a bid of education, understanding and time to adjust. you think it is easy for them?
Indo.......I was in Morrocco years ago,and a Guy crept out from the shadows in the Cazbah sic in Tangiers ......He said "You want the Hasish" I said no thanks,"Ahh" he said "You want the Woman" again I said no thanks....then he said "Ahhhhh YOU WANT THE BOY" I told him to Fcuk Off.

Such is life to some people..steve

So which did you go for? The tranny named Abdul? Ha ha ha.

Ps. Is there violence against transvestites as well?
I know here in Australia ..Trans-Gender Children do get a lot of help as they transit through puberty Roudy and schools take much pride in explaining the differences of these children and Gay children in the class room, as they get older.....It destigmatises sic and prevents Bullying.......steve

I have no problem with gays, in fact gays in general are classy, clean, educated people who like to live well, spend well, and have great taste. Transgender people on the other hand gross me out. I don't know why. I also think there is an element of mental illness and psychological issues with them.
I use to think like that Roudy,until a child of a friend(Jewish by the way)was clearly in the wrong Gender,she was not and is not mental/psychotic etc., as she/he has just passed his now final exams to become a Doctor in General Practice.

This is a complicated issue,which I know many cannot understand...but the fact is,we are all different in so many ways.steve...he is a great Guy.

Not justifying they suffer any persecution or violence towards them.

So you and the he / she / it goin' out or what?
Now you are being Silly Roudy,you are at times somewhat Barmecide but I can overlook that, on this occasion Roudy..have a gooday..steve
It was a typo, but not one I'm unhappy about.
You are of course correct, all countries have problems with abuse, but I'm concerned how one country's advocates deliberately deny their problems.

Of course, I'm going to be told how Muslims mistreat women, and some do, but no one actually denies that, even if a minority think it's acceptable.

I have been offered sex with women I believed to have been forced into prostitution (Thus, rape) in Malaysia, but most of the pimps were Chinese.
The same goes in Thailand, but the customers were all westerners.
I've only been offered a child once whilst in Indonesia, by a Muslim taxi driver, but I wasn't fast thinking enough to record the conversation and have the bastard arrested.
Indo.......I was in Morrocco years ago,and a Guy crept out from the shadows in the Cazbah sic in Tangiers ......He said "You want the Hasish" I said no thanks,"Ahh" he said "You want the Woman" again I said no thanks....then he said "Ahhhhh YOU WANT THE BOY" I told him to Fcuk Off.

Such is life to some people..steve

So which did you go for? The tranny named Abdul? Ha ha ha.

Ps. Is there violence against transvestites as well?
I know here in Australia ..Trans-Gender Children do get a lot of help as they transit through puberty Roudy and schools take much pride in explaining the differences of these children and Gay children in the class room, as they get older.....It destigmatises sic and prevents Bullying.......steve

I have no problem with gays, in fact gays in general are classy, clean, educated people who like to live well, spend well, and have great taste. Transgender people on the other hand gross me out. I don't know why. I also think there is an element of mental illness and psychological issues with them.

I think you are still struggling with the bad stereotype from movies. They are not all drag queens or gregarious drama queens. The vast majority are just nice ordinary people who just feel like they are trapped in the wrong body. I can only imagine it would be a bit like having to wear an itchy uncomfortable uniform that gives them hives. They want to change into a different skin that reflects what they feel like inside. I have a grown daughter with two very active boys that has not worn a dress since she was nine years old. Girls can dress how they want and we think nothing of it. For boys or men to wear a dress, people stare and treat them strangely. Some just wear the silk undies and such but other it is not enough. They want be a girl/woman and want everyone to see and treat them that way.

If you get the chance to know and understand a transgender, you won't be grossed out. It is hard for the person, the family, friends and society to get used to. It really is a matter of having the wrong brain in the body. Since brain transplants are not available, changing the body will have to do for now. Imagine being a twin in the womb in the very early stages, but your sibling does not make it, but somehow you got her brain in your male body. Everything in your mind say, yells, you are female, but your body has all the wrong parts. Maybe your body developed as a hermaphrodite but your parents decide you should be a boy, only they did not check with your brain.

Is it really any odder than learning to treat a siamese or child with a birth defect the right way? Do you do everything for them or let them make a mess doing it on their own? Do you try not to stare or can't take your eyes off the oddity? Do you treat them like any other friend or do you treat them different?

It just take a bid of education, understanding and time to adjust. you think it is easy for them?
OUTSTANDING POST Aris,Respect to you.........steven
It was a typo, but not one I'm unhappy about.
You are of course correct, all countries have problems with abuse, but I'm concerned how one country's advocates deliberately deny their problems.

Of course, I'm going to be told how Muslims mistreat women, and some do, but no one actually denies that, even if a minority think it's acceptable.

I have been offered sex with women I believed to have been forced into prostitution (Thus, rape) in Malaysia, but most of the pimps were Chinese.
The same goes in Thailand, but the customers were all westerners.
I've only been offered a child once whilst in Indonesia, by a Muslim taxi driver, but I wasn't fast thinking enough to record the conversation and have the bastard arrested.
Indo.......I was in Morrocco years ago,and a Guy crept out from the shadows in the Cazbah sic in Tangiers ......He said "You want the Hasish" I said no thanks,"Ahh" he said "You want the Woman" again I said no thanks....then he said "Ahhhhh YOU WANT THE BOY" I told him to Fcuk Off.

Such is life to some people..steve

So which did you go for? The tranny named Abdul? Ha ha ha.

Ps. Is there violence against transvestites as well?
I know here in Australia ..Trans-Gender Children do get a lot of help as they transit through puberty Roudy and schools take much pride in explaining the differences of these children and Gay children in the class room, as they get older.....It destigmatises sic and prevents Bullying.......steve

I have no problem with gays, in fact gays in general are classy, clean, educated people who like to live well, spend well, and have great taste. Transgender people on the other hand gross me out. I don't know why. I also think there is an element of mental illness and psychological issues with them.

I think you are still struggling with the bad stereotype from movies. They are not all drag queens or gregarious drama queens. The vast majority are just nice ordinary people who just feel like they are trapped in the wrong body. I can only imagine it would be a bit like having to wear an itchy uncomfortable uniform that gives them hives. They want to change into a different skin that reflects what they feel like inside. I have a grown daughter with two very active boys that has not worn a dress since she was nine years old. Girls can dress how they want and we think nothing of it. For boys or men to wear a dress, people stare and treat them strangely. Some just wear the silk undies and such but other it is not enough. They want be a girl/woman and want everyone to see and treat them that way.

If you get the chance to know and understand a transgender, you won't be grossed out. It is hard for the person, the family, friends and society to get used to. It really is a matter of having the wrong brain in the body. Since brain transplants are not available, changing the body will have to do for now. Imagine being a twin in the womb in the very early stages, but your sibling does not make it, but somehow you got her brain in your male body. Everything in your mind say, yells, you are female, but your body has all the wrong parts. Maybe your body developed as a hermaphrodite but your parents decide you should be a boy, only they did not check with your brain.

Is it really any odder than learning to treat a siamese or child with a birth defect the right way? Do you do everything for them or let them make a mess doing it on their own? Do you try not to stare or can't take your eyes off the oddity? Do you treat them like any other friend or do you treat them different?

It just take a bid of education, understanding and time to adjust. you think it is easy for them?

I think you're right, I may be a little prejudiced due to my point of reference. I has to do from my younger days bar hopping, I encountered a few of them that looked really good and nobody knew they were guys. They would make guys spend money on them and buy them drinks and even go home with them for one-night stands. I even knew two guys who ended up going home with them, only to get shocked when they started feeling between the legs of what they thought was this hot chick they just picked up. LOL

Needless to say people who engage in this type of behavior are literally playing with their lives, if they come across a guy who's pissed off enough at being tricked.
Indo.......I was in Morrocco years ago,and a Guy crept out from the shadows in the Cazbah sic in Tangiers ......He said "You want the Hasish" I said no thanks,"Ahh" he said "You want the Woman" again I said no thanks....then he said "Ahhhhh YOU WANT THE BOY" I told him to Fcuk Off.

Such is life to some people..steve

So which did you go for? The tranny named Abdul? Ha ha ha.

Ps. Is there violence against transvestites as well?
I know here in Australia ..Trans-Gender Children do get a lot of help as they transit through puberty Roudy and schools take much pride in explaining the differences of these children and Gay children in the class room, as they get older.....It destigmatises sic and prevents Bullying.......steve

I have no problem with gays, in fact gays in general are classy, clean, educated people who like to live well, spend well, and have great taste. Transgender people on the other hand gross me out. I don't know why. I also think there is an element of mental illness and psychological issues with them.

I think you are still struggling with the bad stereotype from movies. They are not all drag queens or gregarious drama queens. The vast majority are just nice ordinary people who just feel like they are trapped in the wrong body. I can only imagine it would be a bit like having to wear an itchy uncomfortable uniform that gives them hives. They want to change into a different skin that reflects what they feel like inside. I have a grown daughter with two very active boys that has not worn a dress since she was nine years old. Girls can dress how they want and we think nothing of it. For boys or men to wear a dress, people stare and treat them strangely. Some just wear the silk undies and such but other it is not enough. They want be a girl/woman and want everyone to see and treat them that way.

If you get the chance to know and understand a transgender, you won't be grossed out. It is hard for the person, the family, friends and society to get used to. It really is a matter of having the wrong brain in the body. Since brain transplants are not available, changing the body will have to do for now. Imagine being a twin in the womb in the very early stages, but your sibling does not make it, but somehow you got her brain in your male body. Everything in your mind say, yells, you are female, but your body has all the wrong parts. Maybe your body developed as a hermaphrodite but your parents decide you should be a boy, only they did not check with your brain.

Is it really any odder than learning to treat a siamese or child with a birth defect the right way? Do you do everything for them or let them make a mess doing it on their own? Do you try not to stare or can't take your eyes off the oddity? Do you treat them like any other friend or do you treat them different?

It just take a bid of education, understanding and time to adjust. you think it is easy for them?

I think you're right, I may be a little prejudiced due to my point of reference. I has to do from my younger days bar hopping, I encountered a few of them that looked really good and nobody knew they were guys. They would make guys spend money on them and buy them drinks and even go home with them for one-night stands. I even knew two guys who ended up going home with them, only to get shocked when they started feeling between the legs of what they thought was this hot chick they just picked up. LOL

Needless to say people who engage in this type of behavior are literally playing with their lives, if they come across a guy who's pissed off enough at being tricked.

It is process for them to learn how to act as well.
There are cross dressers and transgender.....ya, it can get all confusing for everyone else. Some are gay, some are hetero. This is why they are required to go for years of counseling before they go for hormones and surgery. They have to get their head around it before they can convince others.

Just treat them as people. Just get to know and like them as they are before packaging them into some identity cubbyhole. Bars are never good places make friends, I think a bit of all of us becomes an actor playing a part to attract or impress. A few drinks can change even the best of us, for better or worse.

Gender issues or not I think we all struggle with who we are in some way. It is a process growing up and figuring it out. Some just have a big heavy backpack to deal with as well.

Try just nice and then friends................... then go from there.

Unless they have their adam apple shaved off, look at their throat is you are not sure. Look for face shadow. I don't think they should be dishonest if they are picking up someone. That is wrong.

Looking to hook up is a hit and miss risk for anyone of any gender or identity.
Indo.......I was in Morrocco years ago,and a Guy crept out from the shadows in the Cazbah sic in Tangiers ......He said "You want the Hasish" I said no thanks,"Ahh" he said "You want the Woman" again I said no thanks....then he said "Ahhhhh YOU WANT THE BOY" I told him to Fcuk Off.

Such is life to some people..steve

So which did you go for? The tranny named Abdul? Ha ha ha.

Ps. Is there violence against transvestites as well?
I know here in Australia ..Trans-Gender Children do get a lot of help as they transit through puberty Roudy and schools take much pride in explaining the differences of these children and Gay children in the class room, as they get older.....It destigmatises sic and prevents Bullying.......steve

I have no problem with gays, in fact gays in general are classy, clean, educated people who like to live well, spend well, and have great taste. Transgender people on the other hand gross me out. I don't know why. I also think there is an element of mental illness and psychological issues with them.

I think you are still struggling with the bad stereotype from movies. They are not all drag queens or gregarious drama queens. The vast majority are just nice ordinary people who just feel like they are trapped in the wrong body. I can only imagine it would be a bit like having to wear an itchy uncomfortable uniform that gives them hives. They want to change into a different skin that reflects what they feel like inside. I have a grown daughter with two very active boys that has not worn a dress since she was nine years old. Girls can dress how they want and we think nothing of it. For boys or men to wear a dress, people stare and treat them strangely. Some just wear the silk undies and such but other it is not enough. They want be a girl/woman and want everyone to see and treat them that way.

If you get the chance to know and understand a transgender, you won't be grossed out. It is hard for the person, the family, friends and society to get used to. It really is a matter of having the wrong brain in the body. Since brain transplants are not available, changing the body will have to do for now. Imagine being a twin in the womb in the very early stages, but your sibling does not make it, but somehow you got her brain in your male body. Everything in your mind say, yells, you are female, but your body has all the wrong parts. Maybe your body developed as a hermaphrodite but your parents decide you should be a boy, only they did not check with your brain.

Is it really any odder than learning to treat a siamese or child with a birth defect the right way? Do you do everything for them or let them make a mess doing it on their own? Do you try not to stare or can't take your eyes off the oddity? Do you treat them like any other friend or do you treat them different?

It just take a bid of education, understanding and time to adjust. you think it is easy for them?

I think you're right, I may be a little prejudiced due to my point of reference. I has to do from my younger days bar hopping, I encountered a few of them that looked really good and nobody knew they were guys. They would make guys spend money on them and buy them drinks and even go home with them for one-night stands. I even knew two guys who ended up going home with them, only to get shocked when they started feeling between the legs of what they thought was this hot chick they just picked up. LOL

Needless to say people who engage in this type of behavior are literally playing with their lives, if they come across a guy who's pissed off enough at being tricked.
Many Australians looking for sex in Asia,Thailand in particular have often been shocked as they slip their hands between a beautiful "Escorts" thighs,they are "Taking Out" Roudy........when this has been related back to me when they have gotten back to Australia they always say that the "Escort"had beautiful breasts .........only to be thwarted as they roamed lower..LOL....I tell em that these professional "Escorts" are called "Katoy" and are well known........throughout the world.

A case of "What the Eye can't see,the Hand can grieve over" it make a valid point in your NOT SO PISSED in many cases
Today's Israeli crime report was brought to you by Vibrant, next on radio Islam will be local news and weather. LOL


I have always been fair in my dealings with Israel. My posting history will support that. As a matter of fact, I am fair to all nationalities and races.
So which did you go for? The tranny named Abdul? Ha ha ha.

Ps. Is there violence against transvestites as well?
I know here in Australia ..Trans-Gender Children do get a lot of help as they transit through puberty Roudy and schools take much pride in explaining the differences of these children and Gay children in the class room, as they get older.....It destigmatises sic and prevents Bullying.......steve

I have no problem with gays, in fact gays in general are classy, clean, educated people who like to live well, spend well, and have great taste. Transgender people on the other hand gross me out. I don't know why. I also think there is an element of mental illness and psychological issues with them.

I think you are still struggling with the bad stereotype from movies. They are not all drag queens or gregarious drama queens. The vast majority are just nice ordinary people who just feel like they are trapped in the wrong body. I can only imagine it would be a bit like having to wear an itchy uncomfortable uniform that gives them hives. They want to change into a different skin that reflects what they feel like inside. I have a grown daughter with two very active boys that has not worn a dress since she was nine years old. Girls can dress how they want and we think nothing of it. For boys or men to wear a dress, people stare and treat them strangely. Some just wear the silk undies and such but other it is not enough. They want be a girl/woman and want everyone to see and treat them that way.

If you get the chance to know and understand a transgender, you won't be grossed out. It is hard for the person, the family, friends and society to get used to. It really is a matter of having the wrong brain in the body. Since brain transplants are not available, changing the body will have to do for now. Imagine being a twin in the womb in the very early stages, but your sibling does not make it, but somehow you got her brain in your male body. Everything in your mind say, yells, you are female, but your body has all the wrong parts. Maybe your body developed as a hermaphrodite but your parents decide you should be a boy, only they did not check with your brain.

Is it really any odder than learning to treat a siamese or child with a birth defect the right way? Do you do everything for them or let them make a mess doing it on their own? Do you try not to stare or can't take your eyes off the oddity? Do you treat them like any other friend or do you treat them different?

It just take a bid of education, understanding and time to adjust. you think it is easy for them?

I think you're right, I may be a little prejudiced due to my point of reference. I has to do from my younger days bar hopping, I encountered a few of them that looked really good and nobody knew they were guys. They would make guys spend money on them and buy them drinks and even go home with them for one-night stands. I even knew two guys who ended up going home with them, only to get shocked when they started feeling between the legs of what they thought was this hot chick they just picked up. LOL

Needless to say people who engage in this type of behavior are literally playing with their lives, if they come across a guy who's pissed off enough at being tricked.

It is process for them to learn how to act as well.
There are cross dressers and transgender.....ya, it can get all confusing for everyone else. Some are gay, some are hetero. This is why they are required to go for years of counseling before they go for hormones and surgery. They have to get their head around it before they can convince others.

Just treat them as people. Just get to know and like them as they are before packaging them into some identity cubbyhole. Bars are never good places make friends, I think a bit of all of us becomes an actor playing a part to attract or impress. A few drinks can change even the best of us, for better or worse.

Gender issues or not I think we all struggle with who we are in some way. It is a process growing up and figuring it out. Some just have a big heavy backpack to deal with as well.

Try just nice and then friends................... then go from there.

Unless they have their adam apple shaved off, look at their throat is you are not sure. Look for face shadow. I don't think they should be dishonest if they are picking up someone. That is wrong.

Looking to hook up is a hit and miss risk for anyone of any gender or identity.

Yes, bars aren't the best, but when you're young and restless and sowing your oats you find yourself there quite often. I'm more worried for them to be honest, they are asking for it, and as you said it's a bar so you get all sorts of people, usually not those of quality. Going home with a guy you don't really know who's probably drunk and / or drugged thinking he's getting laid after having spent a lot of money on drinks isn't a great idea. It's more like a death wish. I actually told this to her / him. Some of them the adam's apple doesn't show or they cover it. Easier to tell by the hands and shoulders.
Today's Israeli crime report was brought to you by Vibrant, next on radio Islam will be local news and weather. LOL


I have always been fair in my dealings with Israel. My posting history will support that. As a matter of fact, I am fair to all nationalities and races.
Whatever. I just don't see a point. There is violence and abuse of women in all nations and societies, including in Israel. Nobody is denying this.
First thing you need to do is to verify your sources for example in the case of Prof Mordechai Kedar (Arab and Middle Eastern studies) claiming he suggested raping the mother's and sisters of terrorists so here is the rest of the story while the media already succeeded with the spin:

Israeli government promotes rape advocate as expert on Palestinians The Electronic Intifada
Bar-Ilan s disturbing defence of one of its own Times Higher Education
Israeli scholar Only raping the sister of a terrorist can deter him 972 Magazine

Here is what actually happened;

Needless to say he wasn't charged after the police investigation in this matter, all eye witnessing students backed this statement.

It was also Prof Kedar explaining the power of the media in the Arab world and disinformation among the M.E. dictatorship, I highly recommend looking into it.

Next distinguish between suspects and convicted, for making such a generalized claims.
For instance the case where 35 soldiers were accused of raping 11 yo girl, despite the fact that Rense did NOT back these with a credible news link(yes I tried to follow but there was no actual article in the end of the link) Rense of course never bothered to tell you that:
Court frees soldier arrested over IAF rape - Israel News Ynetnews
There whole story was unfolded back in 2006..where you again were misled to believe 35 soldiers were actually raped an 11 years old girl.

Also your post addresses all Jewish sexual offenses where in fact many of the crimes were NOT committed by Jews, keep that in mind.

Having said that, I believe you might want to reconsider the claims you made, However sexual offenses are (sadly) common all over the world at very large rates (any rate is unaccepted) where we find ourselves thinking what have we done wrong, it saddens me to think of the horrifying situations.


That is what we are trying to do here. At the end of the discussion we will find out where Israel stands.

Look at this statistics: Israel Crime Stats

According to this statistics Israel ranks 17.6 on rape index which is lower than most western countries such as UK but it is much higher than most Asian countries. Most Asian countries rank around 1.x.

Thing is the most rape crimes in European countries are committed by Asians..with the UK and Sweden on top of the list Anyway my point is that you should deal with facts, now based on that you might wonder about the rape crime stats in Israel, very well, so lets compare Israel to India, 54% to 60% according to officials is the amount of UNREPORTED rape assaults, however according to NationMaster statistics they do not count these.. in Israel less than 40%, where also statistics including WB crime stats, holding the major part of these unreported crimes, taking the unreported crimes off the count and there is a women being raped every 20 minutes in India at present.

Rape statistics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Rape in India - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Crime in Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Race and crime in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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