Violent Leftists attack, accost punch Trump supporters

Video : Violent Mob of Hillary Supporters Attack Trump’s Motorcade
Video : Violent Mob of Hillary Supporters Attack Trump’s Motorcade

As Trump was leaving a fundraiser in Minnesota, his motorcade was interrupted by a violent mob of Hillary supporters, who jumped on the cars and attacked like wild animals.

Video : Violent Mob of Hillary Supporters Attack Trump’s Motorcade

In that attack, an elderly man was beaten as well as a woman.. punched, spat on.. The tolerant leftists who crow over women's rights, beating up women for simply walking out of a rally.
Hold on a second. I'm gonna need to see a link before I'll believe this.


Hold on a second. You don't need to see anything if Democrats claim it.

Prove me wrong.
You want me to prove to you, that I won't believe something unless I see it?

Lol what? Okay even though that has nothing to do with this topic or conversation, you go ahead and come up with a way that I can prove that and I'll try.

So you can't prove me wrong? Thanks for admitting it.
Video : Violent Mob of Hillary Supporters Attack Trump’s Motorcade
Video : Violent Mob of Hillary Supporters Attack Trump’s Motorcade

As Trump was leaving a fundraiser in Minnesota, his motorcade was interrupted by a violent mob of Hillary supporters, who jumped on the cars and attacked like wild animals.

Video : Violent Mob of Hillary Supporters Attack Trump’s Motorcade

In that attack, an elderly man was beaten as well as a woman.. punched, spat on.. The tolerant leftists who crow over women's rights, beating up women for simply walking out of a rally.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz What "attack"? lol
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LGS obviously has not been properly educated. This is not violence:


This is:


You find this kind of discourse in our country amusing?
I find it amusing that a nominee can stir this amount of violence and divisiveness yes.

Trump is going to unite us! Lol.

Durppfff.. blurp.. Lol blarp... lol Gufawwww gufawwwww We lefties attack and beat down the elderly and women.. Barharhar squirt..
For every elderly person we beat down, Soros gives us a $50 bonus :thup:

You find this kind of discourse in our country amusing?
I find it amusing that a nominee can stir this amount of violence and divisiveness yes.

Trump is going to unite us! Lol.

Durppfff.. blurp.. Lol blarp... lol Gufawwww gufawwwww We lefties attack and beat down the elderly and women.. Barharhar squirt..


You find this kind of discourse in our country amusing?
I find it amusing that a nominee can stir this amount of violence and divisiveness yes.

Trump is going to unite us! Lol.

Durppfff.. blurp.. Lol blarp... lol Gufawwww gufawwwww We lefties attack and beat down the elderly and women.. Barharhar squirt..

Poor dummy.. Durppphhhfff blarkkkkpphhhhh Brown Shirts Unite!!! Ffffftttfffffff fart

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