Violent Pro Trump Fascists Storming New York City





feelin' proud yet?





feelin' proud yet?


First time I've seen pictures of them wearing masks, though the gas mask makes sense because antifa is known to like spraying people with mace.

What do you find offensive about that? Is it the use of American flags?
What do you find offensive about that? Is it the use of American flags?

I didn't claim to be offended Correll

I simply recognize them as extreemists , no different than their antifa nemisis

Same 'road warrior' apparrel, same ideological fantasies & twisted values , same anger fear and hatred

One is free to be an ignorant ahole in America , even hide behind our flag to do so

In fact, it cements a centrist very well to have such sorts creating political spectrum reaching out to insanity

What do you find offensive about that? Is it the use of American flags?

I didn't claim to be offended Correll

I simply recognize them as extreemists , no different than their antifa nemisis

Same 'road warrior' apparrel, same ideological fantasies & twisted values , same anger fear and hatred

One is free to be an ignorant ahole in America , even hide behind our flag to do so

In fact, it cements a centrist very well to have such sorts creating political spectrum reaching out to insanity


There is nothing extreme about self defense or supporting free speech, or believing the West is Best.

And being angry or fearful of people at/of people that attack you, is a healthy response.

And "road warrior" is an apt description of what you lefties have turned our streets into.

Note who is wearing masks in this video.

It appears the GOP is embracing the alt-right as they hosted white supremacist and Proud Boy leader Gavin McInnes. After the speech, Proud Boys beat protestors claiming they were Antifa. The Proud Boys started the violence.

Both Bachom and Horse told HuffPost they believed the altercation began when three anti-fascist protesters knocked a red “Make America Great Again” hat off a Proud Boy member’s head.

But then, the two journalists recounted, the confrontation turned into a mob assault, with Proud Boys vastly outnumbering the anti-fascists.

“They turned it into a pummeling,” Horse said. “This was three people on the ground and people just kicking the shit out of them.”

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

I am not going to hold my breath waiting for GOP pundits to call them a mob. Or for alt-right Trumpistas to condemn that violence even as they condemn the supposed left's violence.
The lefts violence isn’t supposed. It is factual. Let me ask you? What do you expect to happen when someone is attacked and has their personal property pulled off their person? The Antifa people initiated a confrontation as they always do. Clowns like you want only one side to apologize, the side that did not instigate the confrontation.

The right's violence isn't supposed. It is factual. Knocking a hat off of someone's head does not give you the right to beat them to a pulp. You have no idea if they were Antifa or not. Animals like you will defend white supremacists to the death.
Hey there moonbat. The article says they were antifa, the lefts most violent group. How stupid can you be?
It appears the GOP is embracing the alt-right as they hosted white supremacist and Proud Boy leader Gavin McInnes. After the speech, Proud Boys beat protestors claiming they were Antifa. The Proud Boys started the violence.

Both Bachom and Horse told HuffPost they believed the altercation began when three anti-fascist protesters knocked a red “Make America Great Again” hat off a Proud Boy member’s head.

But then, the two journalists recounted, the confrontation turned into a mob assault, with Proud Boys vastly outnumbering the anti-fascists.

“They turned it into a pummeling,” Horse said. “This was three people on the ground and people just kicking the shit out of them.”

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

I am not going to hold my breath waiting for GOP pundits to call them a mob. Or for alt-right Trumpistas to condemn that violence even as they condemn the supposed left's violence.
The lefts violence isn’t supposed. It is factual. Let me ask you? What do you expect to happen when someone is attacked and has their personal property pulled off their person? The Antifa people initiated a confrontation as they always do. Clowns like you want only one side to apologize, the side that did not instigate the confrontation.

The right's violence isn't supposed. It is factual. Knocking a hat off of someone's head does not give you the right to beat them to a pulp. You have no idea if they were Antifa or not. Animals like you will defend white supremacists to the death.

1. We have no reason to believe liberals are telling the truth. They have proven in the past that they have no respect for the shit that comes out of their mouth, so we should not either.

2. You fucktards, scream vulgar insults in people's faces in the hopes of provoking the natural response, so you can run and tell cops, who you hate, to do your dirty work and destroy your enemies.

NOw, you want the right to lay hands on someone, and then complain that the response was disproportionate?

Yeah. You are assholes.
That sounds like the president “you fucktards” elected into office and who’s behavior, vulgarity, and encouragement to violence you support. Why then do YOU of all people have a problem with this? You created the environment.
Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"
We didn't start the fire. Maxine Watters did that when she told her fascist aparatchiks to attack leaders on the right in their face. What goes around comes around, Mr. Patriot.

It goes back further than that....

View attachment 222693


They are wishing death upon themselves apparently.

Are you saying you folks have a penchant for murder?
It appears the GOP is embracing the alt-right as they hosted white supremacist and Proud Boy leader Gavin McInnes. After the speech, Proud Boys beat protestors claiming they were Antifa. The Proud Boys started the violence.

Both Bachom and Horse told HuffPost they believed the altercation began when three anti-fascist protesters knocked a red “Make America Great Again” hat off a Proud Boy member’s head.

But then, the two journalists recounted, the confrontation turned into a mob assault, with Proud Boys vastly outnumbering the anti-fascists.

“They turned it into a pummeling,” Horse said. “This was three people on the ground and people just kicking the shit out of them.”

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

I am not going to hold my breath waiting for GOP pundits to call them a mob. Or for alt-right Trumpistas to condemn that violence even as they condemn the supposed left's violence.
The lefts violence isn’t supposed. It is factual. Let me ask you? What do you expect to happen when someone is attacked and has their personal property pulled off their person? The Antifa people initiated a confrontation as they always do. Clowns like you want only one side to apologize, the side that did not instigate the confrontation.

The right's violence isn't supposed. It is factual. Knocking a hat off of someone's head does not give you the right to beat them to a pulp. You have no idea if they were Antifa or not. Animals like you will defend white supremacists to the death.

1. We have no reason to believe liberals are telling the truth. They have proven in the past that they have no respect for the shit that comes out of their mouth, so we should not either.

2. You fucktards, scream vulgar insults in people's faces in the hopes of provoking the natural response, so you can run and tell cops, who you hate, to do your dirty work and destroy your enemies.

NOw, you want the right to lay hands on someone, and then complain that the response was disproportionate?

Yeah. You are assholes.
That sounds like the president “you fucktards” elected into office and who’s behavior, vulgarity, and encouragement to violence yousupport. Why then do YOU of all people have a problem with this? You created the environment.

Nope. This is on you.

Antifa was rioting and shutting down speech they didn't like, with the support of dems, long before Trump.

SHit like this.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"
We didn't start the fire. Maxine Watters did that when she told her fascist aparatchiks to attack leaders on the right in their face. What goes around comes around, Mr. Patriot.

It goes back further than that....

View attachment 222693


They are wishing death upon themselves apparently.

Are you saying you folks have a penchant for murder?

That is obviously not what he is saying.

He is obviously pointing out that their behavior shows that they are the fascists, and it is the height of irony for them to be wishing death on fascists.


Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"
False flag, that was Antifa posing as conservatives to make the alt-right look violent....fake news
Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"
Probably had to be 10 to 1 to dare do anything. RW gangs are cowards at heart.
Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"
Probably had to be 10 to 1 to dare do anything. RW gangs are cowards at heart.

No, in pretty much every encounter I've seen or read about, it is equal numbers or the ANtifa has the advantage.

This example seems to be an exception because you had a couple of exceptionally stupid antifa thugs who pushed to far and got what they were asking for.
Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"
Probably had to be 10 to 1 to dare do anything. RW gangs are cowards at heart.

LOL, considering its the anti-fa idiots who wear masks most of the time, accusations of cowardice from someone who supports them is comical.
Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"
Probably had to be 10 to 1 to dare do anything. RW gangs are cowards at heart.

That is laughable.

10 to 1 and someone still gets their ass kicked.

All you do is speculate. Your ignorance is a compelling reason some people should not be allowed to breed.


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