Violent Pro Trump Fascists Storming New York City

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"

the Proud Boys are a terrorist org.
No, Antifa is.

They both are.
Proud Boys

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-go

ANTIFA Nazis roam our cities, brown shirts of the democrat party who assault innocent Americans for the purpose of spreading terror. Proud Boys stand up to you Nazi thugs.

The choice for America is clear, jobs or mobs. Trump has brought about more jobs than any president in 50 years. You Nazis have brought out mobs.
It appears the GOP is embracing the alt-right as they hosted white supremacist and Proud Boy leader Gavin McInnes. After the speech, Proud Boys beat protestors claiming they were Antifa. The Proud Boys started the violence.

Both Bachom and Horse told HuffPost they believed the altercation began when three anti-fascist protesters knocked a red “Make America Great Again” hat off a Proud Boy member’s head.

But then, the two journalists recounted, the confrontation turned into a mob assault, with Proud Boys vastly outnumbering the anti-fascists.

“They turned it into a pummeling,” Horse said. “This was three people on the ground and people just kicking the shit out of them.”

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

I am not going to hold my breath waiting for GOP pundits to call them a mob. Or for alt-right Trumpistas to condemn that violence even as they condemn the supposed left's violence.
The lefts violence isn’t supposed. It is factual. Let me ask you? What do you expect to happen when someone is attacked and has their personal property pulled off their person? The Antifa people initiated a confrontation as they always do. Clowns like you want only one side to apologize, the side that did not instigate the confrontation.

The right's violence isn't supposed. It is factual. Knocking a hat off of someone's head does not give you the right to beat them to a pulp. You have no idea if they were Antifa or not. Animals like you will defend white supremacists to the death.

Someone comes into a Fast Food Joint and mouths off at me, rips my hat off my head and throws a soda in my face.............I'm gonna open a can of whoop ass on that idiot......

Doesn't mean I'm a white supremacist or support them..........It means mind your on stinking business asshole........
blind partisans are the tools of dictators


The proud boys are a creation because of the violent tactics of the left. Those who are pissed off on what they are doing........

If a kid was wearing a I love Obama hat.......minding his own business and eating lunch and someone did that to him.......I'd be just as pissed's flat out wrong.......

If the Dems were being stalked at their a Restaurant.......a movie theatre.......I'd still be pissed because it is wrong............

Yet Dems like Maxine Waterhead are CHEER LEADING IT..............and you know it............which is WRONG...............

Officials of the cities where this is taking place are allowing these thugs to protests with weapons..........which is WRONG.......anyone with a weapon ......metal pipe.........shields should be removed and/or arrested immediately............not waiting for the fights to break out.
Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"
Probably had to be 10 to 1 to dare do anything. RW gangs are cowards at heart.

That is laughable.

10 to 1 and someone still gets their ass kicked.

All you do is speculate. Your ignorance is a compelling reason some people should not be allowed to breed.

LIbs talk shit about how "speech" is violence, or how some conservative's speech, like freaking BEN SHAPIRO, makes them afraid,

meanwhile they support provocateurs like these assholes, who are doing everything they can do to start violence, up to and including just attacking people,
Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"
Probably had to be 10 to 1 to dare do anything. RW gangs are cowards at heart.

That is laughable.

10 to 1 and someone still gets their ass kicked.

All you do is speculate. Your ignorance is a compelling reason some people should not be allowed to breed.

LIbs talk shit about how "speech" is violence, or how some conservative's speech, like freaking BEN SHAPIRO, makes them afraid,

meanwhile they support provocateurs like these assholes, who are doing everything they can do to start violence, up to and including just attacking people,

bodecea should be bullshitcea.....

"Oh you guys are such cowards".

These videos always show a big Antifa Crowd getting it's ass kicked.
The poor little victims.

It's sad that they're such victims.

They need to learn how to fight......

That dude should have flattened that woman in the converse.

She's smoking a cigarette, which makes her worse than Hitler.

He should have laid her out.

She made a move at him and it was his chance to activate her brain.

I hear you, but it makes him much more cool that he didn't.

I love the way they drag the guy off, like the end of a vaudeville show.
The poor little victims.

It's sad that they're such victims.

They need to learn how to fight......

That dude should have flattened that woman in the converse.

She's smoking a cigarette, which makes her worse than Hitler.

He should have laid her out.

She made a move at him and it was his chance to activate her brain.

I hear you, but it makes him much more cool that he didn't.

I love the way they drag the guy off, like the end of a vaudeville show.

Could have really hurt him.
The poor little victims.

It's sad that they're such victims.

They need to learn how to fight......

That dude should have flattened that woman in the converse.

She's smoking a cigarette, which makes her worse than Hitler.

He should have laid her out.

She made a move at him and it was his chance to activate her brain.

I hear you, but it makes him much more cool that he didn't.

I love the way they drag the guy off, like the end of a vaudeville show.

Could have really hurt him.

He took the ride.
Members of far-right group Proud Boys could face hate crimes charges over violent attack

Police are considering hate crime charges against supporters of a white nationalist group who were filmed attacking people and shouting homophobic slurs.

Members of the far-right Proud Boys were involved in a violent incident in New York City on Friday (October 12).

So much for the claim of being pro gay! They habitually misrepresent themselves in many ways
Who said the word "faggot" in that video? I assume it was the ANTIFA guys because they were pissed off, but I cant prove it. Can you?
More on the Proud Boys and the GOP

The Proud Boys, The GOP And 'The Fascist Creep' | HuffPost

NEW YORK — Gavin McInnes, the founder of the violent neo-fascist gang the Proud Boys, had a perplexing message for the Republican Party last Friday. “At the very least, people of the right,” he told a crowd inside the Metropolitan Republican Club ballroom, “let us scum in.”

It was a baffling thing to say, of course, because McInnes had been invited to speak at the club, a storied and stuffy mainstream conservative institution on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.

The Metropolitan Republican Club has historically been a place for the traditional elite. Over the past century, presidents, senators, governors and mayors have walked through its doors, including club members Teddy Roosevelt, Richard Nixon and Michael Bloomberg. But on Friday night, it was a hipster nationalist militant behind the club’s podium: McInnes, a hateful and vulgar vlogger from Canada who likes to play with his butt on camera.
More on the Proud Boys and the GOP

The Proud Boys, The GOP And 'The Fascist Creep' | HuffPost

NEW YORK — Gavin McInnes, the founder of the violent neo-fascist gang the Proud Boys, had a perplexing message for the Republican Party last Friday. “At the very least, people of the right,” he told a crowd inside the Metropolitan Republican Club ballroom, “let us scum in.”

It was a baffling thing to say, of course, because McInnes had been invited to speak at the club, a storied and stuffy mainstream conservative institution on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.

The Metropolitan Republican Club has historically been a place for the traditional elite. Over the past century, presidents, senators, governors and mayors have walked through its doors, including club members Teddy Roosevelt, Richard Nixon and Michael Bloomberg. But on Friday night, it was a hipster nationalist militant behind the club’s podium: McInnes, a hateful and vulgar vlogger from Canada who likes to play with his butt on camera.

Ghey.....fake. About 47 people read The Huffington Post

Nobody thinks the right is inciting violence. People who vote get it.:113:
Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"
Why don't you fuckers stop paying Antifa, then you won't have to worry about getting your ass whooped.

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