Violent Pro Trump Fascists Storming New York City

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"
You're idiotic lying hypocrisy is glaring. ANTIFA is fascist both them and black lives matter are nothing but violent And I don not support the proud boys, both sides need to be outlawed.
Wow dude!! Chill. You sound upset. Good that you don't support the proud boys, but I have to vehemently disagree with your assessment of BLM and ANTIFA, the latter of which is only a loose coalition of anti fascist groups and people . Both groups have gotten a bad rep. because of a few loose cannons who did and said stupid things, but are not what those groups are about. I would suggest that you think again about wanting any group who is not openly engaged in terroristic activity outlawed in a country that values free speech and association. Talk about Fascism !!
Antifa is not a loose coalition nor are they antifascist.

The people who give them a bad name is every member not just a few loose cannons. They are anti first amendment ( making them closer to fascists than anyone else ) and they are communists. Communism is as evil as any racist ideology.

Apologizing for anitifa makes you as vile as anyone sympathizing with racism. We already know from previous threads that you are a fool and moron but now you prove to be a coward and liar and man of low character as well
Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"
You're idiotic lying hypocrisy is glaring. ANTIFA is fascist both them and black lives matter are nothing but violent And I don not support the proud boys, both sides need to be outlawed.
Wow dude!! Chill. You sound upset. Good that you don't support the proud boys, but I have to vehemently disagree with your assessment of BLM and ANTIFA, the latter of which is only a loose coalition of anti fascist groups and people . Both groups have gotten a bad rep. because of a few loose cannons who did and said stupid things, but are not what those groups are about. I would suggest that you think again about wanting any group who is not openly engaged in terroristic activity outlawed in a country that values free speech and association. Talk about Fascism !!
Antifa is not a loose coalition nor are they antifascist.

The people who give them a bad name is every member not just a few loose cannons. They are anti first amendment ( making them closer to fascists than anyone else ) and they are communists. Communism is as evil as any racist ideology.

Apologizing for anitifa makes you as vile as anyone sympathizing with racism. We already know from previous threads that you are a fool and moron but now you prove to be a coward and liar and man of low character as well

And I know from previous encounters with you that you believe whatever Fox News and McDonald T-Rump tells you to believe , or you just make shit up

What is Antifa? - CNN

Antifa is short for anti-fascists. The term is used to define a broad group of people whose political beliefs lean toward the left -- often the far left -- but do not conform with the Democratic Party platform. The group doesn't have an official leader or headquarters, although groups in certain states hold regular meetings.

I don't agree with everything that they do such as surprising free speech, but they are on the right side of issue. I am not going to try to dissect the actual meaning of Fascist or Communist here. What matters is what they stand for and they stand for fighting bigotry, and obscene corporate wealth among other things

Antifa positions can be hard to define, but many members support oppressed populations and protest the amassing of wealth by corporations and elites. Some employ radical or militant tactics to get their message across.
Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"
You're idiotic lying hypocrisy is glaring. ANTIFA is fascist both them and black lives matter are nothing but violent And I don not support the proud boys, both sides need to be outlawed.
Wow dude!! Chill. You sound upset. Good that you don't support the proud boys, but I have to vehemently disagree with your assessment of BLM and ANTIFA, the latter of which is only a loose coalition of anti fascist groups and people . Both groups have gotten a bad rep. because of a few loose cannons who did and said stupid things, but are not what those groups are about. I would suggest that you think again about wanting any group who is not openly engaged in terroristic activity outlawed in a country that values free speech and association. Talk about Fascism !!
Antifa is not a loose coalition nor are they antifascist.

The people who give them a bad name is every member not just a few loose cannons. They are anti first amendment ( making them closer to fascists than anyone else ) and they are communists. Communism is as evil as any racist ideology.

Apologizing for anitifa makes you as vile as anyone sympathizing with racism. We already know from previous threads that you are a fool and moron but now you prove to be a coward and liar and man of low character as well

And I know from previous encounters with you that you believe whatever Fox News and McDonald T-Rump tells you to believe , or you just make shit up

What is Antifa? - CNN

Antifa is short for anti-fascists. The term is used to define a broad group of people whose political beliefs lean toward the left -- often the far left -- but do not conform with the Democratic Party platform. The group doesn't have an official leader or headquarters, although groups in certain states hold regular meetings.

I don't agree with everything that they do such as surprising free speech, but they are on the right side of issue. I am not going to try to dissect the actual meaning of Fascist or Communist here. What matters is what they stand for and they stand for fighting bigotry, and obscene corporate wealth among other things

Antifa positions can be hard to define, but many members support oppressed populations and protest the amassing of wealth by corporations and elites. Some employ radical or militant tactics to get their message across.
Wrong liar

What you know from previous conversations is that I have proven you an uneducated and brain washed fool.

Antifa are overwhelmingly communist and anti free speech

Their claim to be anti fascist is an absolute proven lie

There are no fascists to oppose
I don't agree with everything that they do such as surprising free speech, but they are on the right side of issue. I am not going to try to dissect the actual meaning of Fascist or Communist here. What matters is what they stand for and they stand for fighting bigotry, and obscene corporate wealth among other things
No asshole who uses violence against others and destroys property is on the right side of anything.....That you would believe so reveals you -contrary to your continuous virtue signalling- as an individual of extremely low moral character, if any at all.
Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"
You're idiotic lying hypocrisy is glaring. ANTIFA is fascist both them and black lives matter are nothing but violent And I don not support the proud boys, both sides need to be outlawed.
Wow dude!! Chill. You sound upset. Good that you don't support the proud boys, but I have to vehemently disagree with your assessment of BLM and ANTIFA, the latter of which is only a loose coalition of anti fascist groups and people . Both groups have gotten a bad rep. because of a few loose cannons who did and said stupid things, but are not what those groups are about. I would suggest that you think again about wanting any group who is not openly engaged in terroristic activity outlawed in a country that values free speech and association. Talk about Fascism !!
Antifa is not a loose coalition nor are they antifascist.

The people who give them a bad name is every member not just a few loose cannons. They are anti first amendment ( making them closer to fascists than anyone else ) and they are communists. Communism is as evil as any racist ideology.

Apologizing for anitifa makes you as vile as anyone sympathizing with racism. We already know from previous threads that you are a fool and moron but now you prove to be a coward and liar and man of low character as well

And I know from previous encounters with you that you believe whatever Fox News and McDonald T-Rump tells you to believe , or you just make shit up

What is Antifa? - CNN

Antifa is short for anti-fascists. The term is used to define a broad group of people whose political beliefs lean toward the left -- often the far left -- but do not conform with the Democratic Party platform. The group doesn't have an official leader or headquarters, although groups in certain states hold regular meetings.

I don't agree with everything that they do such as surprising free speech, but they are on the right side of issue. I am not going to try to dissect the actual meaning of Fascist or Communist here. What matters is what they stand for and they stand for fighting bigotry, and obscene corporate wealth among other things

Antifa positions can be hard to define, but many members support oppressed populations and protest the amassing of wealth by corporations and elites. Some employ radical or militant tactics to get their message across.
Wrong liar

What you know from previous conversations is that I have proven you an uneducated and brain washed fool.

Antifa are overwhelmingly communist and anti free speech

Their claim to be anti fascist is an absolute proven lie

There are no fascists to oppose
Did you just spit up on yourself with that rant ?. It'd an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy in the absence of anything to back it up.
You're idiotic lying hypocrisy is glaring. ANTIFA is fascist both them and black lives matter are nothing but violent And I don not support the proud boys, both sides need to be outlawed.
Wow dude!! Chill. You sound upset. Good that you don't support the proud boys, but I have to vehemently disagree with your assessment of BLM and ANTIFA, the latter of which is only a loose coalition of anti fascist groups and people . Both groups have gotten a bad rep. because of a few loose cannons who did and said stupid things, but are not what those groups are about. I would suggest that you think again about wanting any group who is not openly engaged in terroristic activity outlawed in a country that values free speech and association. Talk about Fascism !!
Antifa is not a loose coalition nor are they antifascist.

The people who give them a bad name is every member not just a few loose cannons. They are anti first amendment ( making them closer to fascists than anyone else ) and they are communists. Communism is as evil as any racist ideology.

Apologizing for anitifa makes you as vile as anyone sympathizing with racism. We already know from previous threads that you are a fool and moron but now you prove to be a coward and liar and man of low character as well

And I know from previous encounters with you that you believe whatever Fox News and McDonald T-Rump tells you to believe , or you just make shit up

What is Antifa? - CNN

Antifa is short for anti-fascists. The term is used to define a broad group of people whose political beliefs lean toward the left -- often the far left -- but do not conform with the Democratic Party platform. The group doesn't have an official leader or headquarters, although groups in certain states hold regular meetings.

I don't agree with everything that they do such as surprising free speech, but they are on the right side of issue. I am not going to try to dissect the actual meaning of Fascist or Communist here. What matters is what they stand for and they stand for fighting bigotry, and obscene corporate wealth among other things

Antifa positions can be hard to define, but many members support oppressed populations and protest the amassing of wealth by corporations and elites. Some employ radical or militant tactics to get their message across.
Wrong liar

What you know from previous conversations is that I have proven you an uneducated and brain washed fool.

Antifa are overwhelmingly communist and anti free speech

Their claim to be anti fascist is an absolute proven lie

There are no fascists to oppose
Did you just spit up on yourself with that rant ?. It'd an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy in the absence of anything to back it up.

They did this riot, to stop a gay jew from speaking, and you call them "anti-fascist"? LOL!!!

You're idiotic lying hypocrisy is glaring. ANTIFA is fascist both them and black lives matter are nothing but violent And I don not support the proud boys, both sides need to be outlawed.
Wow dude!! Chill. You sound upset. Good that you don't support the proud boys, but I have to vehemently disagree with your assessment of BLM and ANTIFA, the latter of which is only a loose coalition of anti fascist groups and people . Both groups have gotten a bad rep. because of a few loose cannons who did and said stupid things, but are not what those groups are about. I would suggest that you think again about wanting any group who is not openly engaged in terroristic activity outlawed in a country that values free speech and association. Talk about Fascism !!
Antifa is not a loose coalition nor are they antifascist.

The people who give them a bad name is every member not just a few loose cannons. They are anti first amendment ( making them closer to fascists than anyone else ) and they are communists. Communism is as evil as any racist ideology.

Apologizing for anitifa makes you as vile as anyone sympathizing with racism. We already know from previous threads that you are a fool and moron but now you prove to be a coward and liar and man of low character as well

And I know from previous encounters with you that you believe whatever Fox News and McDonald T-Rump tells you to believe , or you just make shit up

What is Antifa? - CNN

Antifa is short for anti-fascists. The term is used to define a broad group of people whose political beliefs lean toward the left -- often the far left -- but do not conform with the Democratic Party platform. The group doesn't have an official leader or headquarters, although groups in certain states hold regular meetings.

I don't agree with everything that they do such as surprising free speech, but they are on the right side of issue. I am not going to try to dissect the actual meaning of Fascist or Communist here. What matters is what they stand for and they stand for fighting bigotry, and obscene corporate wealth among other things

Antifa positions can be hard to define, but many members support oppressed populations and protest the amassing of wealth by corporations and elites. Some employ radical or militant tactics to get their message across.
Wrong liar

What you know from previous conversations is that I have proven you an uneducated and brain washed fool.

Antifa are overwhelmingly communist and anti free speech

Their claim to be anti fascist is an absolute proven lie

There are no fascists to oppose
Did you just spit up on yourself with that rant ?. It'd an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy in the absence of anything to back it up.
No it is a factually correct statement which you cannot refute.

You use the term appeal to ignorance incorrectly

Your usual evasion is a failure

People are not angry when correcting you as I did
I don't agree with everything that they do such as surprising free speech, but they are on the right side of issue. I am not going to try to dissect the actual meaning of Fascist or Communist here. What matters is what they stand for and they stand for fighting bigotry, and obscene corporate wealth among other things
No asshole who uses violence against others and destroys property is on the right side of anything.....That you would believe so reveals you -contrary to your continuous virtue signalling- as an individual of extremely low moral character, if any at all.
Yes ANTIFA is so much worse for destroying property. The Alt. Right only destroys lives like Heather Heyer
Wow dude!! Chill. You sound upset. Good that you don't support the proud boys, but I have to vehemently disagree with your assessment of BLM and ANTIFA, the latter of which is only a loose coalition of anti fascist groups and people . Both groups have gotten a bad rep. because of a few loose cannons who did and said stupid things, but are not what those groups are about. I would suggest that you think again about wanting any group who is not openly engaged in terroristic activity outlawed in a country that values free speech and association. Talk about Fascism !!
Antifa is not a loose coalition nor are they antifascist.

The people who give them a bad name is every member not just a few loose cannons. They are anti first amendment ( making them closer to fascists than anyone else ) and they are communists. Communism is as evil as any racist ideology.

Apologizing for anitifa makes you as vile as anyone sympathizing with racism. We already know from previous threads that you are a fool and moron but now you prove to be a coward and liar and man of low character as well

And I know from previous encounters with you that you believe whatever Fox News and McDonald T-Rump tells you to believe , or you just make shit up

What is Antifa? - CNN

Antifa is short for anti-fascists. The term is used to define a broad group of people whose political beliefs lean toward the left -- often the far left -- but do not conform with the Democratic Party platform. The group doesn't have an official leader or headquarters, although groups in certain states hold regular meetings.

I don't agree with everything that they do such as surprising free speech, but they are on the right side of issue. I am not going to try to dissect the actual meaning of Fascist or Communist here. What matters is what they stand for and they stand for fighting bigotry, and obscene corporate wealth among other things

Antifa positions can be hard to define, but many members support oppressed populations and protest the amassing of wealth by corporations and elites. Some employ radical or militant tactics to get their message across.
Wrong liar

What you know from previous conversations is that I have proven you an uneducated and brain washed fool.

Antifa are overwhelmingly communist and anti free speech

Their claim to be anti fascist is an absolute proven lie

There are no fascists to oppose
Did you just spit up on yourself with that rant ?. It'd an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy in the absence of anything to back it up.

They did this riot, to stop a gay jew from speaking, and you call them "anti-fascist"? LOL!!!

What is this? Just a photo..... of what. No link? What is the story here? Of course, true to form, you will never answer or clarify. You'll just throw more shit at the wall in the hope that it will stick so that everyone forgets you last bizarre post
Antifa is not a loose coalition nor are they antifascist.

The people who give them a bad name is every member not just a few loose cannons. They are anti first amendment ( making them closer to fascists than anyone else ) and they are communists. Communism is as evil as any racist ideology.

Apologizing for anitifa makes you as vile as anyone sympathizing with racism. We already know from previous threads that you are a fool and moron but now you prove to be a coward and liar and man of low character as well

And I know from previous encounters with you that you believe whatever Fox News and McDonald T-Rump tells you to believe , or you just make shit up

What is Antifa? - CNN

Antifa is short for anti-fascists. The term is used to define a broad group of people whose political beliefs lean toward the left -- often the far left -- but do not conform with the Democratic Party platform. The group doesn't have an official leader or headquarters, although groups in certain states hold regular meetings.

I don't agree with everything that they do such as surprising free speech, but they are on the right side of issue. I am not going to try to dissect the actual meaning of Fascist or Communist here. What matters is what they stand for and they stand for fighting bigotry, and obscene corporate wealth among other things

Antifa positions can be hard to define, but many members support oppressed populations and protest the amassing of wealth by corporations and elites. Some employ radical or militant tactics to get their message across.
Wrong liar

What you know from previous conversations is that I have proven you an uneducated and brain washed fool.

Antifa are overwhelmingly communist and anti free speech

Their claim to be anti fascist is an absolute proven lie

There are no fascists to oppose
Did you just spit up on yourself with that rant ?. It'd an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy in the absence of anything to back it up.

They did this riot, to stop a gay jew from speaking, and you call them "anti-fascist"? LOL!!!

What is this? Just a photo..... of what. No link? What is the story here? Of course, true to form, you will never answer or clarify. You'll just throw more shit at the wall in the hope that it will stick so that everyone forgets you last bizarre post

You know your a dumb ass right. Where have you been grumpy ass. lol
Wow dude!! Chill. You sound upset. Good that you don't support the proud boys, but I have to vehemently disagree with your assessment of BLM and ANTIFA, the latter of which is only a loose coalition of anti fascist groups and people . Both groups have gotten a bad rep. because of a few loose cannons who did and said stupid things, but are not what those groups are about. I would suggest that you think again about wanting any group who is not openly engaged in terroristic activity outlawed in a country that values free speech and association. Talk about Fascism !!
Antifa is not a loose coalition nor are they antifascist.

The people who give them a bad name is every member not just a few loose cannons. They are anti first amendment ( making them closer to fascists than anyone else ) and they are communists. Communism is as evil as any racist ideology.

Apologizing for anitifa makes you as vile as anyone sympathizing with racism. We already know from previous threads that you are a fool and moron but now you prove to be a coward and liar and man of low character as well

And I know from previous encounters with you that you believe whatever Fox News and McDonald T-Rump tells you to believe , or you just make shit up

What is Antifa? - CNN

Antifa is short for anti-fascists. The term is used to define a broad group of people whose political beliefs lean toward the left -- often the far left -- but do not conform with the Democratic Party platform. The group doesn't have an official leader or headquarters, although groups in certain states hold regular meetings.

I don't agree with everything that they do such as surprising free speech, but they are on the right side of issue. I am not going to try to dissect the actual meaning of Fascist or Communist here. What matters is what they stand for and they stand for fighting bigotry, and obscene corporate wealth among other things

Antifa positions can be hard to define, but many members support oppressed populations and protest the amassing of wealth by corporations and elites. Some employ radical or militant tactics to get their message across.
Wrong liar

What you know from previous conversations is that I have proven you an uneducated and brain washed fool.

Antifa are overwhelmingly communist and anti free speech

Their claim to be anti fascist is an absolute proven lie

There are no fascists to oppose
Did you just spit up on yourself with that rant ?. It'd an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy in the absence of anything to back it up.
No it is a factually correct statement which you cannot refute.

You use the term appeal to ignorance incorrectly

Your usual evasion is a failure

People are not angry when correcting you as I did
An appeal to ignorance is when you make a claim without evidence to back it up and expect it to be swallowed whole by everyone That is what you did.
Antifa is not a loose coalition nor are they antifascist.

The people who give them a bad name is every member not just a few loose cannons. They are anti first amendment ( making them closer to fascists than anyone else ) and they are communists. Communism is as evil as any racist ideology.

Apologizing for anitifa makes you as vile as anyone sympathizing with racism. We already know from previous threads that you are a fool and moron but now you prove to be a coward and liar and man of low character as well

And I know from previous encounters with you that you believe whatever Fox News and McDonald T-Rump tells you to believe , or you just make shit up

What is Antifa? - CNN

Antifa is short for anti-fascists. The term is used to define a broad group of people whose political beliefs lean toward the left -- often the far left -- but do not conform with the Democratic Party platform. The group doesn't have an official leader or headquarters, although groups in certain states hold regular meetings.

I don't agree with everything that they do such as surprising free speech, but they are on the right side of issue. I am not going to try to dissect the actual meaning of Fascist or Communist here. What matters is what they stand for and they stand for fighting bigotry, and obscene corporate wealth among other things

Antifa positions can be hard to define, but many members support oppressed populations and protest the amassing of wealth by corporations and elites. Some employ radical or militant tactics to get their message across.
Wrong liar

What you know from previous conversations is that I have proven you an uneducated and brain washed fool.

Antifa are overwhelmingly communist and anti free speech

Their claim to be anti fascist is an absolute proven lie

There are no fascists to oppose
Did you just spit up on yourself with that rant ?. It'd an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy in the absence of anything to back it up.

They did this riot, to stop a gay jew from speaking, and you call them "anti-fascist"? LOL!!!

What is this? Just a photo..... of what. No link? What is the story here? Of course, true to form, you will never answer or clarify. You'll just throw more shit at the wall in the hope that it will stick so that everyone forgets you last bizarre post

From the Berkeley riots where antifa rioted and burned and terrorized enough that the local progressive administrators had an excuse to shut down Milo's speaking event.

The use of violence and fear in order to silence opposing voices.

That is not "anti-fascism" and anyone that says it is, is at best a vile liar.
I don't agree with everything that they do such as surprising free speech, but they are on the right side of issue. I am not going to try to dissect the actual meaning of Fascist or Communist here. What matters is what they stand for and they stand for fighting bigotry, and obscene corporate wealth among other things
No asshole who uses violence against others and destroys property is on the right side of anything.....That you would believe so reveals you -contrary to your continuous virtue signalling- as an individual of extremely low moral character, if any at all.
Yes ANTIFA is so much worse for destroying property. The Alt. Right only destroys lives like Heather Heyer
One chick who was killed by one person....Your antifa goon squads rove in mobs and attack people indiscriminately.

You are one sad fucking excuse for a human being.
Last edited:
I don't agree with everything that they do such as surprising free speech, but they are on the right side of issue. I am not going to try to dissect the actual meaning of Fascist or Communist here. What matters is what they stand for and they stand for fighting bigotry, and obscene corporate wealth among other things
No asshole who uses violence against others and destroys property is on the right side of anything.....That you would believe so reveals you -contrary to your continuous virtue signalling- as an individual of extremely low moral character, if any at all.
Yes ANTIFA is so much worse for destroying property. The Alt. Right only destroys lives like Heather Heyer
One chick who was killed by one person....Your antifa goon squads rove in mobs and attack people indiscriminately.

You are one sad fucking excuse for a human being.
That one "chick " was a human being! When did they attack anyone indiscriminately? Who did they kill?
I don't agree with everything that they do such as surprising free speech, but they are on the right side of issue. I am not going to try to dissect the actual meaning of Fascist or Communist here. What matters is what they stand for and they stand for fighting bigotry, and obscene corporate wealth among other things
No asshole who uses violence against others and destroys property is on the right side of anything.....That you would believe so reveals you -contrary to your continuous virtue signalling- as an individual of extremely low moral character, if any at all.
Yes ANTIFA is so much worse for destroying property. The Alt. Right only destroys lives like Heather Heyer
One chick who was killed by one person....Your antifa goon squads rove in mobs and attack people indiscriminately.

You are one sad fucking excuse for a human being.
That one "chick " was a human being! When did they attack anyone indiscriminately? Who did they kill?

The woman died of a heart attack. She wasn't physically touched.

Antifart now has 9 bodies in their kill tally.
And I know from previous encounters with you that you believe whatever Fox News and McDonald T-Rump tells you to believe , or you just make shit up

What is Antifa? - CNN

I don't agree with everything that they do such as surprising free speech, but they are on the right side of issue. I am not going to try to dissect the actual meaning of Fascist or Communist here. What matters is what they stand for and they stand for fighting bigotry, and obscene corporate wealth among other things
Wrong liar

What you know from previous conversations is that I have proven you an uneducated and brain washed fool.

Antifa are overwhelmingly communist and anti free speech

Their claim to be anti fascist is an absolute proven lie

There are no fascists to oppose
Did you just spit up on yourself with that rant ?. It'd an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy in the absence of anything to back it up.

They did this riot, to stop a gay jew from speaking, and you call them "anti-fascist"? LOL!!!

What is this? Just a photo..... of what. No link? What is the story here? Of course, true to form, you will never answer or clarify. You'll just throw more shit at the wall in the hope that it will stick so that everyone forgets you last bizarre post

From the Berkeley riots where antifa rioted and burned and terrorized enough that the local progressive administrators had an excuse to shut down Milo's speaking event.

The use of violence and fear in order to silence opposing voices.

That is not "anti-fascism" and anyone that says it is, is at best a vile liar.
So Milo is your gay Jew that you claim ANTIFS wanted to shut down? First of all Milo is a fascist scumbag and the protests against him had nothing to do with his being a Jew or gay? But your putting this out there as evidence that ANTIFA itself is testimony to your dishonesty as is the fact that you did not disclose up front that you were referring to Milo and that you did not provide a link,

Secondly, there is a question as to whether this was an ANTIF protest as they are hardly mentioned- if at all- in any of the news reports about the riots

Violent Berkeley Riot Causes Cancellation of Milo Yiannopolous Speech

Lastly, many of us on the left do not support the shutting down of free speech , but it's a thin line between fee speech and hate speech which incites violence against minorities - a line that Milo has crossed many times
Antifa is not a loose coalition nor are they antifascist.

The people who give them a bad name is every member not just a few loose cannons. They are anti first amendment ( making them closer to fascists than anyone else ) and they are communists. Communism is as evil as any racist ideology.

Apologizing for anitifa makes you as vile as anyone sympathizing with racism. We already know from previous threads that you are a fool and moron but now you prove to be a coward and liar and man of low character as well

And I know from previous encounters with you that you believe whatever Fox News and McDonald T-Rump tells you to believe , or you just make shit up

What is Antifa? - CNN

Antifa is short for anti-fascists. The term is used to define a broad group of people whose political beliefs lean toward the left -- often the far left -- but do not conform with the Democratic Party platform. The group doesn't have an official leader or headquarters, although groups in certain states hold regular meetings.

I don't agree with everything that they do such as surprising free speech, but they are on the right side of issue. I am not going to try to dissect the actual meaning of Fascist or Communist here. What matters is what they stand for and they stand for fighting bigotry, and obscene corporate wealth among other things

Antifa positions can be hard to define, but many members support oppressed populations and protest the amassing of wealth by corporations and elites. Some employ radical or militant tactics to get their message across.
Wrong liar

What you know from previous conversations is that I have proven you an uneducated and brain washed fool.

Antifa are overwhelmingly communist and anti free speech

Their claim to be anti fascist is an absolute proven lie

There are no fascists to oppose
Did you just spit up on yourself with that rant ?. It'd an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy in the absence of anything to back it up.
No it is a factually correct statement which you cannot refute.

You use the term appeal to ignorance incorrectly

Your usual evasion is a failure

People are not angry when correcting you as I did
An appeal to ignorance is when you make a claim without evidence to back it up and expect it to be swallowed whole by everyone That is what you did.
Wrong . I stated facts as usual and you simply lied as usual
I don't agree with everything that they do such as surprising free speech, but they are on the right side of issue. I am not going to try to dissect the actual meaning of Fascist or Communist here. What matters is what they stand for and they stand for fighting bigotry, and obscene corporate wealth among other things
No asshole who uses violence against others and destroys property is on the right side of anything.....That you would believe so reveals you -contrary to your continuous virtue signalling- as an individual of extremely low moral character, if any at all.
Yes ANTIFA is so much worse for destroying property. The Alt. Right only destroys lives like Heather Heyer
One chick who was killed by one person....Your antifa goon squads rove in mobs and attack people indiscriminately.

You are one sad fucking excuse for a human being.
That one "chick " was a human being! When did they attack anyone indiscriminately? Who did they kill?

The woman died of a heart attack. She wasn't physically touched.

Antifart now has 9 bodies in their kill tally.
Horseshit. She was run down. Even if she had a heart attack it does not change that fact . The driver was convicted of a hit and run, and it was not by ANTIFA fool!
Wrong liar

What you know from previous conversations is that I have proven you an uneducated and brain washed fool.

Antifa are overwhelmingly communist and anti free speech

Their claim to be anti fascist is an absolute proven lie

There are no fascists to oppose
Did you just spit up on yourself with that rant ?. It'd an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy in the absence of anything to back it up.

They did this riot, to stop a gay jew from speaking, and you call them "anti-fascist"? LOL!!!

What is this? Just a photo..... of what. No link? What is the story here? Of course, true to form, you will never answer or clarify. You'll just throw more shit at the wall in the hope that it will stick so that everyone forgets you last bizarre post

From the Berkeley riots where antifa rioted and burned and terrorized enough that the local progressive administrators had an excuse to shut down Milo's speaking event.

The use of violence and fear in order to silence opposing voices.

That is not "anti-fascism" and anyone that says it is, is at best a vile liar.
So Milo is your gay Jew that you claim ANTIFS wanted to shut down? First of all Milo is a fascist scumbag and the protests against him had nothing to do with his being a Jew or gay? But your putting this out there as evidence that ANTIFA itself is testimony to your dishonesty as is the fact that you did not disclose up front that you were referring to Milo and that you did not provide a link,

Secondly, there is a question as to whether this was an ANTIF protest as they are hardly mentioned- if at all- in any of the news reports about the riots

Violent Berkeley Riot Causes Cancellation of Milo Yiannopolous Speech

Lastly, many of us on the left do not support the shutting down of free speech , but it's a thin line between fee speech and hate speech which incites violence against minorities - a line that Milo has crossed many times
You are a coward and a liar.

Milo is not even remotely a fascist

Hate speech is strictly subjective and legal

He has incited no violence.

You lose as usual
And I know from previous encounters with you that you believe whatever Fox News and McDonald T-Rump tells you to believe , or you just make shit up

What is Antifa? - CNN

I don't agree with everything that they do such as surprising free speech, but they are on the right side of issue. I am not going to try to dissect the actual meaning of Fascist or Communist here. What matters is what they stand for and they stand for fighting bigotry, and obscene corporate wealth among other things
Wrong liar

What you know from previous conversations is that I have proven you an uneducated and brain washed fool.

Antifa are overwhelmingly communist and anti free speech

Their claim to be anti fascist is an absolute proven lie

There are no fascists to oppose
Did you just spit up on yourself with that rant ?. It'd an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy in the absence of anything to back it up.
No it is a factually correct statement which you cannot refute.

You use the term appeal to ignorance incorrectly

Your usual evasion is a failure

People are not angry when correcting you as I did
An appeal to ignorance is when you make a claim without evidence to back it up and expect it to be swallowed whole by everyone That is what you did.
Wrong . I stated facts as usual and you simply lied as usual
You stated an opinion as fact,

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