Violent Pro Trump Fascists Storming New York City

I've heard a lot of "progressives" make generally consistent, ideological attacks on the very idea of Patriotism.

And even more make snide, stupid jabs at the idea, and then run away like little girls.

And then they get so offended if their patriotism is questioned.

I've even seen the same poster do both, in the same thread.
He's obsessed with homos and running down people of faith....Even as an agnostic, I don't stoop to the low rent zone of ridiculing the faith of others....I'm even nice to Sunni Man and have learned a lot that I wouldn't have known otherwise.

Like all too many prog swine, all the ProgressivePeterPuffer has that animates him is his hatred.
Haven't read the thread--just the title.
A Proud Boy rally is scheduled for Saturday in Portland Oregon. Antifa has signed their dance card. Local events are being cancelled and moved to avoid what officials fear could be a violent confrontation. L.E. also promises to kick some ass.
I just wonder if this will end up being as large a rally as the one last summer...when about a dozen white supremacists showed. Of course, it wasn't Portland...

A Downtown Portland Irish Pub Has Cancelled Its Annual Live Boxing Event Due to Planned Proud Boys Rally This Weekend
1. I didn't bother mentioning who it was, because everyone has the right to speech, so it didn't matter who it was. YOu believe that, don't you? I do.
Horseshit! That does not even make sense! You posted the picture of the riot to imply that ANTIA was protesting because someone is a "gay Jew". If you had been honest and identified him- it would have been apparent that the protest had nothing to do with his sexual orientation or religion. This is typical of you deceptive behavior and game playing.

Nope. My point was that they were RIOTING to stop someone from speaking. The "gay" and "jew" were just ironic icing on the cake.

I can see how you could have made that mistake though, kind of. So, let's not spend three weeks with you pretending to still be confused so that you can dodge the fact that you support using street violence to suppress the political speech of your enemies.

I am not confused and it was not my mistake. You know what you tried to do. You maliciously tried to make it look like they were protesting a gay Jew for his sexual orientation and religion. Own up to it. Case closed
1. I didn't bother mentioning who it was, because everyone has the right to speech, so it didn't matter who it was. YOu believe that, don't you? I do.
Horseshit! That does not even make sense! You posted the picture of the riot to imply that ANTIA was protesting because someone is a "gay Jew". If you had been honest and identified him- it would have been apparent that the protest had nothing to do with his sexual orientation or religion. This is typical of you deceptive behavior and game playing.

Nope. My point was that they were RIOTING to stop someone from speaking. The "gay" and "jew" were just ironic icing on the cake.

I can see how you could have made that mistake though, kind of. So, let's not spend three weeks with you pretending to still be confused so that you can dodge the fact that you support using street violence to suppress the political speech of your enemies.

I am not confused and it was not my mistake. You know what you tried to do. You maliciously tried to make it look like they were protesting a gay Jew for his sexual orientation and religion. Own up to it. Case closed

LOL! Nope. The point was that they were RIOTING to stop someone from speaking. The "gay" and "jew" were just ironic icing on the cake.

So, let's not spend three weeks with you pretending to still be confused so that you can dodge the fact that you support using street violence to suppress the political speech of your enemies.

So Milo is your gay Jew that you claim ANTIFS wanted to shut down? First of all Milo is a fascist scumbag and the protests against him had nothing to do with his being a Jew or gay? But your putting this out there as evidence that ANTIFA itself is testimony to your dishonesty as is the fact that you did not disclose up front that you were referring to Milo and that you did not provide a link,

Secondly, there is a question as to whether this was an ANTIF protest as they are hardly mentioned- if at all- in any of the news reports about the riots

Violent Berkeley Riot Causes Cancellation of Milo Yiannopolous Speech

Lastly, many of us on the left do not support the shutting down of free speech , but it's a thin line between fee speech and hate speech which incites violence against minorities - a line that Milo has crossed many times
You are a coward and a liar.

Milo is not even remotely a fascist

Hate speech is strictly subjective and legal

He has incited no violence.

You lose as usual
Milo Yiannopoulos | Anti-Fascist News

A link is not an argument. YOu got a point to make, make it, or admit that you cannot.
No it is not an argument . But it is documentation. You neither argue or provide documentation
The burden is on you to provide documentation

You have not and cannot
I just did. Here is more

The phrasing of it as “free speech week” is brilliant marketing, but nothing is further from the truth. Milo was denied a platform at Berkeley because it was an opportunity to recruit for far-right projects like Identity Europa and he was planning on doxxing trans and undocumented students from the podium. Their events are not about speech, they are about organizing, and the movements to defend against them are not cutting off their speech, they are simply not granting them free rein of their campus.

Milo Yiannopoulos | Anti-Fascist News
You are a coward and a liar.

Milo is not even remotely a fascist

Hate speech is strictly subjective and legal

He has incited no violence.

You lose as usual
Milo Yiannopoulos | Anti-Fascist News

A link is not an argument. YOu got a point to make, make it, or admit that you cannot.
No it is not an argument . But it is documentation. You neither argue or provide documentation
The burden is on you to provide documentation

You have not and cannot
I just did. Here is more

The phrasing of it as “free speech week” is brilliant marketing, but nothing is further from the truth. Milo was denied a platform at Berkeley because it was an opportunity to recruit for far-right projects like Identity Europa and he was planning on doxxing trans and undocumented students from the podium. Their events are not about speech, they are about organizing, and the movements to defend against them are not cutting off their speech, they are simply not granting them free rein of their campus.

Milo Yiannopoulos | Anti-Fascist News

1. That is just a load of crap designed to justify the use of violence to suppress the speech of someone they can't beat in a debate.

2. I've seen vids of him speaking. WHat he does is not that, what he does is present republican positions is an agressive and unapologetic manner. And that is what you hate.
I've heard a lot of "progressives" make generally consistent, ideological attacks on the very idea of Patriotism.
Really? Like what ? By who?

You know. Don't play coy.
No I don't know and I don't know what you consider patriotic. I can see where this is going. Yet another case of you making a pronouncement and then run from it because you cant back it up.

I'm can't respect your pretense of not knowing what I am referring to, enough to bother.

You fascist little antifa puke....boy, Hitler would be so proud of you! free speech is exactly that! you don't need to shield anyone from hearing a different point of view...that's what FASCIST SCUMBAGS do....and that's exactly what you are....a fucking fascist scumbag...come over here, punk, and enjoy the fascism that your disgusting ideology breeds you piece of human excrement...I am so done with garbage like you
I've heard a lot of "progressives" make generally consistent, ideological attacks on the very idea of Patriotism.
Really? Like what ? By who?

You know. Don't play coy.
No I don't know and I don't know what you consider patriotic. I can see where this is going. Yet another case of you making a pronouncement and then run from it because you cant back it up.

I'm can't respect your pretense of not knowing what I am referring to, enough to bother.
Not playing your childish games Bubba
I've heard a lot of "progressives" make generally consistent, ideological attacks on the very idea of Patriotism.
Really? Like what ? By who?

You know. Don't play coy.
No I don't know and I don't know what you consider patriotic. I can see where this is going. Yet another case of you making a pronouncement and then run from it because you cant back it up.

I'm can't respect your pretense of not knowing what I am referring to, enough to bother.
Not playing your childish games Bubba

Whatever. My point stands. YOu know it.

You fascist little antifa puke....boy, Hitler would be so proud of you! free speech is exactly that! you don't need to shield anyone from hearing a different point of view...that's what FASCIST SCUMBAGS do....and that's exactly what you are....a fucking fascist scumbag...come over here, punk, and enjoy the fascism that your disgusting ideology breeds you piece of human excrement...I am so done with garbage like you
Wow Jefferson!! You do sound a bit unhinged. Get a grip! Have you considered anger management? It's really unhealthy to be harboring all of that rage.

It appears that you missed the part where I said that I don't agree with everything that ANTIFA does SUCH AS trying to suppress free speech. Now tell me again exactly how I'm a Fascist. While you're at it, tell us what MILO is and if you approve of him
It appears that you missed the part where I said that I don't agree with everything that ANTIFA does SUCH AS trying to suppress free speech. Now tell me again exactly how I'm a Fascist. While you're at it, tell us what MILO is and if you approve of him
so, puke, you don't agree with everything antifa exactly like "I don't agree with everything the SS did" or SA in your case (you're just not smart enough to have been accepted in the SS)...
unhinged? I give you unhinged...scum like you have fucked up this continent and is working hard to fuck up the US too...and all you little antifa puke can do is to make fun of that, old are you, tosser? 20 I bet...a low life loser who has achieved zip in life, yet hates "all the bad rich people" and his own country....go, fuck off to one of your socialist about Venezuela?

as for freedom of speech: Milo has not ONCE called for violence or stated anything racist..the man is married to a black bloke and the only thing, you pukes hate about him is the fact, that his arguments make a lot of sense and show you scumbags as what you are: human excrement on a grande, progressive traitor, stick your antifa up your ass you fucking Nazi
I just did. Here is more

The phrasing of it as “free speech week” is brilliant marketing, but nothing is further from the truth. Milo was denied a platform at Berkeley because it was an opportunity to recruit for far-right projects like Identity Europa and he was planning on doxxing trans and undocumented students from the podium. Their events are not about speech, they are about organizing, and the movements to defend against them are not cutting off their speech, they are simply not granting them free rein of their campus.

Milo Yiannopoulos | Anti-Fascist News

Do you understand that posting content from an openly pro-violent-criminal, pro-terrorist site, does not help your argument in the least?

You fascist little antifa puke....boy, Hitler would be so proud of you! free speech is exactly that! you don't need to shield anyone from hearing a different point of view...that's what FASCIST SCUMBAGS do....and that's exactly what you are....a fucking fascist scumbag...come over here, punk, and enjoy the fascism that your disgusting ideology breeds you piece of human excrement...I am so done with garbage like you
Wow Jefferson!! You do sound a bit unhinged. Get a grip! Have you considered anger management? It's really unhealthy to be harboring all of that rage.

It appears that you missed the part where I said that I don't agree with everything that ANTIFA does SUCH AS trying to suppress free speech. Now tell me again exactly how I'm a Fascist. While you're at it, tell us what MILO is and if you approve of him

You claim you don't support their actions, but you parrot their shit about the speech they are attacking is because the speech is "hate speech" which is supposedly somehow different from other speech, as though that justifies, err something,

You also support their lies that people to the right of Biden are "nazis", which is the major foundation of their justification for violence.
You are a coward and a liar.

Milo is not even remotely a fascist

Hate speech is strictly subjective and legal

He has incited no violence.

You lose as usual
Milo Yiannopoulos | Anti-Fascist News

A link is not an argument. YOu got a point to make, make it, or admit that you cannot.
No it is not an argument . But it is documentation. You neither argue or provide documentation
The burden is on you to provide documentation

You have not and cannot
I just did. Here is more

The phrasing of it as “free speech week” is brilliant marketing, but nothing is further from the truth. Milo was denied a platform at Berkeley because it was an opportunity to recruit for far-right projects like Identity Europa and he was planning on doxxing trans and undocumented students from the podium. Their events are not about speech, they are about organizing, and the movements to defend against them are not cutting off their speech, they are simply not granting them free rein of their campus.

Milo Yiannopoulos | Anti-Fascist News
No you never did

One more time dumbass agreement is not documentation or evidence and you have is baseless unsupported accusations without even a shred of documentation or evidence to back them up.

You sir are a liar a coward and a stupid fool
It appears that you missed the part where I said that I don't agree with everything that ANTIFA does SUCH AS trying to suppress free speech. Now tell me again exactly how I'm a Fascist. While you're at it, tell us what MILO is and if you approve of him
so, puke, you don't agree with everything antifa exactly like "I don't agree with everything the SS did" or SA in your case (you're just not smart enough to have been accepted in the SS)...
unhinged? I give you unhinged...scum like you have fucked up this continent and is working hard to fuck up the US too...and all you little antifa puke can do is to make fun of that, old are you, tosser? 20 I bet...a low life loser who has achieved zip in life, yet hates "all the bad rich people" and his own country....go, fuck off to one of your socialist about Venezuela?

as for freedom of speech: Milo has not ONCE called for violence or stated anything racist..the man is married to a black bloke and the only thing, you pukes hate about him is the fact, that his arguments make a lot of sense and show you scumbags as what you are: human excrement on a grande, progressive traitor, stick your antifa up your ass you fucking Nazi
Is that supposed to be an answer to my questions Jefferson? Christ you are wound tight. By the way I an 72 and comfortably retired from a long and satisfying career, since you asked

Neo-Nazi Milo Yiannopoulos’s Black husband proves “you can’t help whom you love” is white supremacist bullshit | AFROPUNK

If Yiannopoulos and John are “Blind For Love” like John’s jacket proclaims, then Yiannopoulos would have never sought Black men out in such disgustingly fetishistic ways in the first place. If races don’t fall in love with other races, and love is just about humans falling in love with other humans, then the dehumanizing way Yiannopoulos speaks about Black people, both within his own personal relationships and outside of them, would not exist. There is no such thing as blind love, there is only the blinding light of white supremacy that obscures all the ways we might resist it.
It appears that you missed the part where I said that I don't agree with everything that ANTIFA does SUCH AS trying to suppress free speech. Now tell me again exactly how I'm a Fascist. While you're at it, tell us what MILO is and if you approve of him
so, puke, you don't agree with everything antifa exactly like "I don't agree with everything the SS did" or SA in your case (you're just not smart enough to have been accepted in the SS)...
unhinged? I give you unhinged...scum like you have fucked up this continent and is working hard to fuck up the US too...and all you little antifa puke can do is to make fun of that, old are you, tosser? 20 I bet...a low life loser who has achieved zip in life, yet hates "all the bad rich people" and his own country....go, fuck off to one of your socialist about Venezuela?

as for freedom of speech: Milo has not ONCE called for violence or stated anything racist..the man is married to a black bloke and the only thing, you pukes hate about him is the fact, that his arguments make a lot of sense and show you scumbags as what you are: human excrement on a grande, progressive traitor, stick your antifa up your ass you fucking Nazi
Is that supposed to be an answer to my questions Jefferson? Christ you are wound tight. By the way I an 72 and comfortably retired from a long and satisfying career, since you asked

Neo-Nazi Milo Yiannopoulos’s Black husband proves “you can’t help whom you love” is white supremacist bullshit | AFROPUNK

If Yiannopoulos and John are “Blind For Love” like John’s jacket proclaims, then Yiannopoulos would have never sought Black men out in such disgustingly fetishistic ways in the first place. If races don’t fall in love with other races, and love is just about humans falling in love with other humans, then the dehumanizing way Yiannopoulos speaks about Black people, both within his own personal relationships and outside of them, would not exist. There is no such thing as blind love, there is only the blinding light of white supremacy that obscures all the ways we might resist it.
lies lies and more lies...who in their right mind beliefs a traitor antifa puke who lives in their parents basement? fuck off, low life

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