Violent Pro Trump Fascists Storming New York City

You claim you don't support their actions, but you parrot their shit about the speech they are attacking is because the speech is "hate speech" which is supposedly somehow different from other speech, as though that justifies, err something,
Hate speech may or may not be worthy of being treated differently:

hate speech definition - Bing

Is hate speech constitutional?
Wilson R. Huhn. Introduction. Under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, ‘hate speech’ is constitutionally protected unless the circumstances of the case indicate that the speaker intended to threaten violence or provoke an immediate act of violence.

What is the law on hate speech?
Hate speech laws. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) states that "any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law". The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD)..
You also support their lies that people to the right of Biden are "nazis", which is the major foundation of their justification for violence.
I do?? Really? Where are you getting that bizarre bovine excrement from?

Still waiting for you to back up your claim that progressives are not patriotic.
It appears that you missed the part where I said that I don't agree with everything that ANTIFA does SUCH AS trying to suppress free speech. Now tell me again exactly how I'm a Fascist. While you're at it, tell us what MILO is and if you approve of him
so, puke, you don't agree with everything antifa exactly like "I don't agree with everything the SS did" or SA in your case (you're just not smart enough to have been accepted in the SS)...
unhinged? I give you unhinged...scum like you have fucked up this continent and is working hard to fuck up the US too...and all you little antifa puke can do is to make fun of that, old are you, tosser? 20 I bet...a low life loser who has achieved zip in life, yet hates "all the bad rich people" and his own country....go, fuck off to one of your socialist about Venezuela?

as for freedom of speech: Milo has not ONCE called for violence or stated anything racist..the man is married to a black bloke and the only thing, you pukes hate about him is the fact, that his arguments make a lot of sense and show you scumbags as what you are: human excrement on a grande, progressive traitor, stick your antifa up your ass you fucking Nazi
Is that supposed to be an answer to my questions Jefferson? Christ you are wound tight. By the way I an 72 and comfortably retired from a long and satisfying career, since you asked

Neo-Nazi Milo Yiannopoulos’s Black husband proves “you can’t help whom you love” is white supremacist bullshit | AFROPUNK

If Yiannopoulos and John are “Blind For Love” like John’s jacket proclaims, then Yiannopoulos would have never sought Black men out in such disgustingly fetishistic ways in the first place. If races don’t fall in love with other races, and love is just about humans falling in love with other humans, then the dehumanizing way Yiannopoulos speaks about Black people, both within his own personal relationships and outside of them, would not exist. There is no such thing as blind love, there is only the blinding light of white supremacy that obscures all the ways we might resist it.
lies lies and more lies...who in their right mind beliefs a traitor antifa puke who lives in their parents basement? fuck off, low life
Tell me why I should care if you want to delude yourself into thinking that I'm a 20 year old loser who lives in his parents basement?
You claim you don't support their actions, but you parrot their shit about the speech they are attacking is because the speech is "hate speech" which is supposedly somehow different from other speech, as though that justifies, err something,
Hate speech may or may not be worthy of being treated differently:

hate speech definition - Bing

Is hate speech constitutional?
Wilson R. Huhn. Introduction. Under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, ‘hate speech’ is constitutionally protected unless the circumstances of the case indicate that the speaker intended to threaten violence or provoke an immediate act of violence.

What is the law on hate speech?
Hate speech laws. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) states that "any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law". The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD)..

Hate speech definition, according to the left: everything I don't like and which is not in sync with my ideology

tell me again: in which regard is that different from the Nazis or Soviets?...oh, it isn't! at all! and left to rule you lunatics will throw people into concentration camps pretty soon....cause making people loose their jobs and livelihoods over "wrongthink" is surely not enough for your fascists must be stopped, we had that shit to often now and it's sad that you are unable to learn from history
You claim you don't support their actions, but you parrot their shit about the speech they are attacking is because the speech is "hate speech" which is supposedly somehow different from other speech, as though that justifies, err something,
Hate speech may or may not be worthy of being treated differently:

hate speech definition - Bing

Is hate speech constitutional?
Wilson R. Huhn. Introduction. Under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, ‘hate speech’ is constitutionally protected unless the circumstances of the case indicate that the speaker intended to threaten violence or provoke an immediate act of violence.

What is the law on hate speech?
Hate speech laws. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) states that "any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law". The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD)..

IS that an admission from you, that you are abandoning the American idea of the Right to Free Speech, as I accused you of, and you flipped out on me for accusing you of, and now you are doing it?

JUst kidding, I know you don't roll that way.

YOu want to have your cake and eat it too, ie, to claim to be for Free Speech when I attack you for being against Free Speech, but to be against it, when you feel like it.
You claim you don't support their actions, but you parrot their shit about the speech they are attacking is because the speech is "hate speech" which is supposedly somehow different from other speech, as though that justifies, err something,
Hate speech may or may not be worthy of being treated differently:

hate speech definition - Bing

Is hate speech constitutional?
Wilson R. Huhn. Introduction. Under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, ‘hate speech’ is constitutionally protected unless the circumstances of the case indicate that the speaker intended to threaten violence or provoke an immediate act of violence.

What is the law on hate speech?
Hate speech laws. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) states that "any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law". The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD)..

Hate speech definition, according to the left: everything I don't like and which is not in sync with my ideology

tell me again: in which regard is that different from the Nazis or Soviets?...oh, it isn't! at all! and left to rule you lunatics will throw people into concentration camps pretty soon....cause making people loose their jobs and livelihoods over "wrongthink" is surely not enough for your fascists must be stopped, we had that shit to often now and it's sad that you are unable to learn from history
Horseshit! I just explained how all hate speech is not equal. Do you have a reading comprehension problem? In Nazi Germany or the USSR- shit in Russia today and many other places you could be slam dunked for any speech critical of the government. If you think that is what I am advocating, you need serious reality check.
You claim you don't support their actions, but you parrot their shit about the speech they are attacking is because the speech is "hate speech" which is supposedly somehow different from other speech, as though that justifies, err something,
Hate speech may or may not be worthy of being treated differently:

hate speech definition - Bing

Is hate speech constitutional?
Wilson R. Huhn. Introduction. Under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, ‘hate speech’ is constitutionally protected unless the circumstances of the case indicate that the speaker intended to threaten violence or provoke an immediate act of violence.

What is the law on hate speech?
Hate speech laws. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) states that "any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law". The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD)..

IS that an admission from you, that you are abandoning the American idea of the Right to Free Speech, as I accused you of, and you flipped out on me for accusing you of, and now you are doing it?

JUst kidding, I know you don't roll that way.

YOu want to have your cake and eat it too, ie, to claim to be for Free Speech when I attack you for being against Free Speech, but to be against it, when you feel like it.
No. You are abandoning the American idea that no rights are absolute and that with the exercise of rights comes the obligation to do so responsibly. There are nuances and subtleties to the concept of rights that your narrow and ridged thought process does not allow you to grasp
It appears that you missed the part where I said that I don't agree with everything that ANTIFA does SUCH AS trying to suppress free speech. Now tell me again exactly how I'm a Fascist. While you're at it, tell us what MILO is and if you approve of him
so, puke, you don't agree with everything antifa exactly like "I don't agree with everything the SS did" or SA in your case (you're just not smart enough to have been accepted in the SS)...
unhinged? I give you unhinged...scum like you have fucked up this continent and is working hard to fuck up the US too...and all you little antifa puke can do is to make fun of that, old are you, tosser? 20 I bet...a low life loser who has achieved zip in life, yet hates "all the bad rich people" and his own country....go, fuck off to one of your socialist about Venezuela?

as for freedom of speech: Milo has not ONCE called for violence or stated anything racist..the man is married to a black bloke and the only thing, you pukes hate about him is the fact, that his arguments make a lot of sense and show you scumbags as what you are: human excrement on a grande, progressive traitor, stick your antifa up your ass you fucking Nazi
Is that supposed to be an answer to my questions Jefferson? Christ you are wound tight. By the way I an 72 and comfortably retired from a long and satisfying career, since you asked

Neo-Nazi Milo Yiannopoulos’s Black husband proves “you can’t help whom you love” is white supremacist bullshit | AFROPUNK

If Yiannopoulos and John are “Blind For Love” like John’s jacket proclaims, then Yiannopoulos would have never sought Black men out in such disgustingly fetishistic ways in the first place. If races don’t fall in love with other races, and love is just about humans falling in love with other humans, then the dehumanizing way Yiannopoulos speaks about Black people, both within his own personal relationships and outside of them, would not exist. There is no such thing as blind love, there is only the blinding light of white supremacy that obscures all the ways we might resist it.
lies lies and more lies...who in their right mind beliefs a traitor antifa puke who lives in their parents basement? fuck off, low life
Tell me why I should care if you want to delude yourself into thinking that I'm a 20 year old loser who lives in his parents basement?
OK. You're 19.
It appears that you missed the part where I said that I don't agree with everything that ANTIFA does SUCH AS trying to suppress free speech. Now tell me again exactly how I'm a Fascist. While you're at it, tell us what MILO is and if you approve of him
so, puke, you don't agree with everything antifa exactly like "I don't agree with everything the SS did" or SA in your case (you're just not smart enough to have been accepted in the SS)...
unhinged? I give you unhinged...scum like you have fucked up this continent and is working hard to fuck up the US too...and all you little antifa puke can do is to make fun of that, old are you, tosser? 20 I bet...a low life loser who has achieved zip in life, yet hates "all the bad rich people" and his own country....go, fuck off to one of your socialist about Venezuela?

as for freedom of speech: Milo has not ONCE called for violence or stated anything racist..the man is married to a black bloke and the only thing, you pukes hate about him is the fact, that his arguments make a lot of sense and show you scumbags as what you are: human excrement on a grande, progressive traitor, stick your antifa up your ass you fucking Nazi
Is that supposed to be an answer to my questions Jefferson? Christ you are wound tight. By the way I an 72 and comfortably retired from a long and satisfying career, since you asked

Neo-Nazi Milo Yiannopoulos’s Black husband proves “you can’t help whom you love” is white supremacist bullshit | AFROPUNK

If Yiannopoulos and John are “Blind For Love” like John’s jacket proclaims, then Yiannopoulos would have never sought Black men out in such disgustingly fetishistic ways in the first place. If races don’t fall in love with other races, and love is just about humans falling in love with other humans, then the dehumanizing way Yiannopoulos speaks about Black people, both within his own personal relationships and outside of them, would not exist. There is no such thing as blind love, there is only the blinding light of white supremacy that obscures all the ways we might resist it.
lies lies and more lies...who in their right mind beliefs a traitor antifa puke who lives in their parents basement? fuck off, low life
Tell me why I should care if you want to delude yourself into thinking that I'm a 20 year old loser who lives in his parents basement?

I think the point the guy is trying to make get hysterical about everything. I would have just said you present like one of those crayon guys. Nobody buys this Nazi narrative.......I mean, c'mon now.......this is 3 years of this and except for the hyper-progressives, nobody is caring.

Frankly, most people tuned into this stuff think we have a % of the public who are bobbleheads and suckered into the crock media rants of racism. Those trying to paint Trump supporters as white supremacists are seen as wingnuts. People know there are haters out there on both sides. Doy think your shit is mainstream. WTF?!! Few think like you which makes you fringe. Too......its dogma that anybody who has his own photo as an avatar is seen as a social oddball. Just sayin'...........
Last edited:
You claim you don't support their actions, but you parrot their shit about the speech they are attacking is because the speech is "hate speech" which is supposedly somehow different from other speech, as though that justifies, err something,
Hate speech may or may not be worthy of being treated differently:

hate speech definition - Bing

Is hate speech constitutional?
Wilson R. Huhn. Introduction. Under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, ‘hate speech’ is constitutionally protected unless the circumstances of the case indicate that the speaker intended to threaten violence or provoke an immediate act of violence.

What is the law on hate speech?
Hate speech laws. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) states that "any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law". The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD)..

IS that an admission from you, that you are abandoning the American idea of the Right to Free Speech, as I accused you of, and you flipped out on me for accusing you of, and now you are doing it?

JUst kidding, I know you don't roll that way.

YOu want to have your cake and eat it too, ie, to claim to be for Free Speech when I attack you for being against Free Speech, but to be against it, when you feel like it.
No. You are abandoning the American idea that no rights are absolute and that with the exercise of rights comes the obligation to do so responsibly. There are nuances and subtleties to the concept of rights that your narrow and ridged thought process does not allow you to grasp

I'm not talking about yelling fire in a crowded theater, nor advocating violence.

I'm talking about voicing opinions, that the lib mob likes to pretend is "hate".
As the end of the day...... about as useless as an umbrella made from tissue.

"ALL that was required for the Left to own your ass was for you to do ........nothing" (but blah blah blah)

So, the Left continues to escalate the violence and threats......but fully expects the Right to remain passive through it all?
Last edited:
You claim you don't support their actions, but you parrot their shit about the speech they are attacking is because the speech is "hate speech" which is supposedly somehow different from other speech, as though that justifies, err something,
Hate speech may or may not be worthy of being treated differently:

hate speech definition - Bing

Is hate speech constitutional?
Wilson R. Huhn. Introduction. Under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, ‘hate speech’ is constitutionally protected unless the circumstances of the case indicate that the speaker intended to threaten violence or provoke an immediate act of violence.

What is the law on hate speech?
Hate speech laws. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) states that "any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law". The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD)..

IS that an admission from you, that you are abandoning the American idea of the Right to Free Speech, as I accused you of, and you flipped out on me for accusing you of, and now you are doing it?

JUst kidding, I know you don't roll that way.

YOu want to have your cake and eat it too, ie, to claim to be for Free Speech when I attack you for being against Free Speech, but to be against it, when you feel like it.
No. You are abandoning the American idea that no rights are absolute and that with the exercise of rights comes the obligation to do so responsibly. There are nuances and subtleties to the concept of rights that your narrow and ridged thought process does not allow you to grasp

I'm not talking about yelling fire in a crowded theater, nor advocating violence.

I'm talking about voicing opinions, that the lib mob likes to pretend is "hate".
Once again your lack of reading comprehension is showing. I'm not talking about yelling fire either. Read post 411 again. And again if necessary
It appears that you missed the part where I said that I don't agree with everything that ANTIFA does SUCH AS trying to suppress free speech. Now tell me again exactly how I'm a Fascist. While you're at it, tell us what MILO is and if you approve of him
so, puke, you don't agree with everything antifa exactly like "I don't agree with everything the SS did" or SA in your case (you're just not smart enough to have been accepted in the SS)...
unhinged? I give you unhinged...scum like you have fucked up this continent and is working hard to fuck up the US too...and all you little antifa puke can do is to make fun of that, old are you, tosser? 20 I bet...a low life loser who has achieved zip in life, yet hates "all the bad rich people" and his own country....go, fuck off to one of your socialist about Venezuela?

as for freedom of speech: Milo has not ONCE called for violence or stated anything racist..the man is married to a black bloke and the only thing, you pukes hate about him is the fact, that his arguments make a lot of sense and show you scumbags as what you are: human excrement on a grande, progressive traitor, stick your antifa up your ass you fucking Nazi
Is that supposed to be an answer to my questions Jefferson? Christ you are wound tight. By the way I an 72 and comfortably retired from a long and satisfying career, since you asked

Neo-Nazi Milo Yiannopoulos’s Black husband proves “you can’t help whom you love” is white supremacist bullshit | AFROPUNK

If Yiannopoulos and John are “Blind For Love” like John’s jacket proclaims, then Yiannopoulos would have never sought Black men out in such disgustingly fetishistic ways in the first place. If races don’t fall in love with other races, and love is just about humans falling in love with other humans, then the dehumanizing way Yiannopoulos speaks about Black people, both within his own personal relationships and outside of them, would not exist. There is no such thing as blind love, there is only the blinding light of white supremacy that obscures all the ways we might resist it.
lies lies and more lies...who in their right mind beliefs a traitor antifa puke who lives in their parents basement? fuck off, low life
Tell me why I should care if you want to delude yourself into thinking that I'm a 20 year old loser who lives in his parents basement?

I think the point the guy is trying to make get hysterical about everything. I would have just said you present like one of those crayon guys. Nobody buys this Nazi narrative.......I mean, c'mon now.......this is 3 years of this and except for the hyper-progressives, nobody is caring.

Frankly, most people tuned into this stuff think we have a % of the public who are bobbleheads and suckered into the crock media rants of racism. Those trying to paint Trump supporters as white supremacists are seen as wingnuts. People know there are haters out there on both sides. Doy think your shit is mainstream. WTF?!! Few think like you which makes you fringe. Too......its dogma that anybody who has his own photo as an avatar is seen as a social oddball. Just sayin'...........
I'm hysterical? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

While you and that Lincoln character engage in unhinged rants a claim that there is no problem when there is ample evidence to the contrary:1peleas:
You claim you don't support their actions, but you parrot their shit about the speech they are attacking is because the speech is "hate speech" which is supposedly somehow different from other speech, as though that justifies, err something,
Hate speech may or may not be worthy of being treated differently:

hate speech definition - Bing

Is hate speech constitutional?
Wilson R. Huhn. Introduction. Under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, ‘hate speech’ is constitutionally protected unless the circumstances of the case indicate that the speaker intended to threaten violence or provoke an immediate act of violence.

What is the law on hate speech?
Hate speech laws. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) states that "any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law". The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD)..

IS that an admission from you, that you are abandoning the American idea of the Right to Free Speech, as I accused you of, and you flipped out on me for accusing you of, and now you are doing it?

JUst kidding, I know you don't roll that way.

YOu want to have your cake and eat it too, ie, to claim to be for Free Speech when I attack you for being against Free Speech, but to be against it, when you feel like it.
No. You are abandoning the American idea that no rights are absolute and that with the exercise of rights comes the obligation to do so responsibly. There are nuances and subtleties to the concept of rights that your narrow and ridged thought process does not allow you to grasp

I'm not talking about yelling fire in a crowded theater, nor advocating violence.

I'm talking about voicing opinions, that the lib mob likes to pretend is "hate".
Once again your lack of reading comprehension is showing. I'm not talking about yelling fire either. Read post 411 again. And again if necessary

Yes I got that. YOu are pushing to have the limits expanded to shit that people like you deem to be encouraging "discrimination" which based on what we have seen people like you call "racism" or whatever "ism",

would be just about any fucking thing.

And we both know it, so save you lies for your lefty buddies who will pretend to believe it, while you giggle like school girls about how much you will enjoy having some political prisoners of your own.

Which is like I said, you abandoning the First Amendment.

I get your position. All your dodging and deflection and bullshit, doesn't change what an anti-freedom lefty you are.
Hate speech may or may not be worthy of being treated differently:

hate speech definition - Bing

IS that an admission from you, that you are abandoning the American idea of the Right to Free Speech, as I accused you of, and you flipped out on me for accusing you of, and now you are doing it?

JUst kidding, I know you don't roll that way.

YOu want to have your cake and eat it too, ie, to claim to be for Free Speech when I attack you for being against Free Speech, but to be against it, when you feel like it.
No. You are abandoning the American idea that no rights are absolute and that with the exercise of rights comes the obligation to do so responsibly. There are nuances and subtleties to the concept of rights that your narrow and ridged thought process does not allow you to grasp

I'm not talking about yelling fire in a crowded theater, nor advocating violence.

I'm talking about voicing opinions, that the lib mob likes to pretend is "hate".
Once again your lack of reading comprehension is showing. I'm not talking about yelling fire either. Read post 411 again. And again if necessary

Yes I got that. YOu are pushing to have the limits expanded to shit that people like you deem to be encouraging "discrimination" which based on what we have seen people like you call "racism" or whatever "ism",

would be just about any fucking thing.

And we both know it, so save you lies for your lefty buddies who will pretend to believe it, while you giggle like school girls about how much you will enjoy having some political prisoners of your own.

Which is like I said, you abandoning the First Amendment.

I get your position. All your dodging and deflection and bullshit, doesn't change what an anti-freedom lefty you are.
You're just spitting up on yourself now. Get a grip and read my post AGAIN. Get reading lessons while you're at it. You're either being deliberately obtuse or you are just that stupid. Not sure which. I was quite clear on what I believe the limits of free speech to be and it does not include simply advocation for discrimination as despicable as that is .
IS that an admission from you, that you are abandoning the American idea of the Right to Free Speech, as I accused you of, and you flipped out on me for accusing you of, and now you are doing it?

JUst kidding, I know you don't roll that way.

YOu want to have your cake and eat it too, ie, to claim to be for Free Speech when I attack you for being against Free Speech, but to be against it, when you feel like it.
No. You are abandoning the American idea that no rights are absolute and that with the exercise of rights comes the obligation to do so responsibly. There are nuances and subtleties to the concept of rights that your narrow and ridged thought process does not allow you to grasp

I'm not talking about yelling fire in a crowded theater, nor advocating violence.

I'm talking about voicing opinions, that the lib mob likes to pretend is "hate".
Once again your lack of reading comprehension is showing. I'm not talking about yelling fire either. Read post 411 again. And again if necessary

Yes I got that. YOu are pushing to have the limits expanded to shit that people like you deem to be encouraging "discrimination" which based on what we have seen people like you call "racism" or whatever "ism",

would be just about any fucking thing.

And we both know it, so save you lies for your lefty buddies who will pretend to believe it, while you giggle like school girls about how much you will enjoy having some political prisoners of your own.

Which is like I said, you abandoning the First Amendment.

I get your position. All your dodging and deflection and bullshit, doesn't change what an anti-freedom lefty you are.
You're just spitting up on yourself now. Get a grip and read my post AGAIN. Get reading lessons while you're at it. You're either being deliberately obtuse or you are just that stupid. Not sure which. I was quite clear on what I believe the limits of free speech to be and it does not include simply advocation for discrimination as despicable as that is .

From your post, right above.

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) states that "any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law".

Did you not read what you cut and pasted? Or just not understand it? Or not expect to be called on it?
I believe the limits of free speech to be and it does not include simply advocation for discrimination as despicable as that is .
to make America the truly great country that it can be for all, not just the wealth, white, heterosexual males. I am the Progressive

"white,wealthy,heterosexual males" how many discriminatorial elemts are in this quote? shall we count? you fucking racist, sexist and heteropohobic piece of fucking cuck leftist scum....besides: tell the "white heterosexual males in Appalachia about their "white privilege" or the homeless in California's excrement are unbelievably retarded, aren't you...

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