Virginia Becomes First Southern State To Abolish Capitol Punishment.

The state should not have the power to take away anyone's life. A civilized justice system should not be in the business of vengeance. Those two reasons alone should be sufficient to do away with capital punishment.

Governor Northam said that the death penalty is disproportionately used against Black people, who accounted for 296 of the 377 inmates executed by the state in the 20th century. This despite the fact that Blacks only account for 20% of the population and many mistakes had been made over the years.

Congratulations Virginia for becoming the 23rd State to abolish Capital Punishment which leaves 27 more to go before the US enters the civilised world regarding Criminal Justice.
no, it's not disproportionately used against blacks:
--blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate
--blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa
you do understand math, don't you ?
--be careful how you reply to this--it will prove if you know basic math or not,.... AND the subject
Stop telling your usual racist lies and without any links as usual-

According to the FBI’s Expanded Homicide data from 2018, the most recent report of this kind Reuters was able to find ( here ), 80.7% of the murders of white people were committed by white offenders (2,677 of a total of 3,315) while 15.5% of the murders of white people were committed by Black offenders (514).

Liar - go hang your head in shame!
democrats want to cure them poor sick child killing, baby raping, hair sniffing pedofiles. Other democRats made him president.
Another person rooting for criminals.

The DP is reserved for the most terrible crimes, some people don't deserve 3 hots and a cot for the rest of their lives.

How many innocent people are you willing to kill to sate your blood lust?

It's called justice. How many criminal dicks are you going to suck?
How often do you beat off to executions, boy?

Some people deserve to die for their crimes, and with the current progressive mantra of "empty the prisons" it's the only way to guarantee some of the worst of the worst don't get away with what they did, or worse, go out and do it again.

Life without parole can't be guaranteed this day and age. Once they are in the ground, it is.

Governor Northam said that the death penalty is disproportionately used against Black people, who accounted for 296 of the 377 inmates executed by the state in the 20th century. This despite the fact that Blacks only account for 20% of the population and many mistakes had been made over the years.

Congratulations Virginia for becoming the 23rd State to abolish Capital Punishment which leaves 27 more to go before the US enters the civilised world regarding Criminal Justice.

Another person rooting for criminals.

The DP is reserved for the most terrible crimes, some people don't deserve 3 hots and a cot for the rest of their lives.

True, and some people don't deserve to die for a crime they didn't commit. We know that has happened, and probably will happen again in the future. It is cheaper to keep them locked up until they die, or prove their innocence than it is to execute them. Why take the chance on killing the wrong guy when we can save money and just keep them locked up?

Yes, because someone who is innocent being locked up for 60 years or so is so much better then executing them after 20.

So basically just scrap the justice system, because why take the chance of locking them up for their life?

Executions are a tiny part of our justice system, dumb ass. If they are later found to be innocent, you can let them out. You can't do that if they are dead. It's still cheaper to keep them locked up than it is to kill them.

The thing is the only reason people are looking into these cases is because of the death penalty, guys in there for 50-60 years don't get the coverage or the support.

And with current progressive mantras of "close the prisons" the chance one of these assholes will be released eventually has increased exponentially.

In the past 20 years with DNA evidence, please show me one person executed "found innocent". Not just mudding the waters with legal maneuvers.
Some people deserve to die for their crimes, and with the current progressive mantra of "empty the prisons" it's the only way to guarantee some of the worst of the worst don't get away with what they did, or worse, go out and do it again.

Life without parole can't be guaranteed this day and age. Once they are in the ground, it is. believe the court system is infallible or you consider the execution of innocent people acceptable...which is is?

Governor Northam said that the death penalty is disproportionately used against Black people, who accounted for 296 of the 377 inmates executed by the state in the 20th century. This despite the fact that Blacks only account for 20% of the population and many mistakes had been made over the years.

Congratulations Virginia for becoming the 23rd State to abolish Capital Punishment which leaves 27 more to go before the US enters the civilised world regarding Criminal Justice.

Another person rooting for criminals.

The DP is reserved for the most terrible crimes, some people don't deserve 3 hots and a cot for the rest of their lives.
No state or country has the right to kill its own citizens,
especially when the emphasis is put on killing Blacks at a rate of around 3 Blacks to every 1 White. Many can't afford legal representation and are give rookie lawyers against experienced State Prosecutors. Many have been found to be innocent after execution - a bit late then.

They have the right to punish them. For some people death is the punishment.

And as I said in another post, locking up an innocent person for 50-60 years is better how?
Death is a release from punishment.

And is it your position that killing an innocent person is better than finding out he was actually innocent of the crimes he was convicted of?

Why not just execute everyone who is rightly or wrongly convicted of a crime? I mean if it's better to kill an innocent man who is in jail after 20 years then surely killing a convicted person right after he is found guilty is even better

My position is there is no difference between executing an innocent person after 20 years or having said innocent person die in jail after 50.

My view is the hypocrisy in asking for an infallible justice system just for the DP, but being OK with a fallible one in the case of an innocent person rotting in prison for the rest of their life.

Governor Northam said that the death penalty is disproportionately used against Black people, who accounted for 296 of the 377 inmates executed by the state in the 20th century. This despite the fact that Blacks only account for 20% of the population and many mistakes had been made over the years.

Congratulations Virginia for becoming the 23rd State to abolish Capital Punishment which leaves 27 more to go before the US enters the civilised world regarding Criminal Justice.
Yes! Now dem blackss kin goes up to Vaginny and kills witout worryin bout dyin.

Governor Northam said that the death penalty is disproportionately used against Black people, who accounted for 296 of the 377 inmates executed by the state in the 20th century. This despite the fact that Blacks only account for 20% of the population and many mistakes had been made over the years.

Congratulations Virginia for becoming the 23rd State to abolish Capital Punishment which leaves 27 more to go before the US enters the civilised world regarding Criminal Justice.
Wacko alert!

Governor Northam said that the death penalty is disproportionately used against Black people, who accounted for 296 of the 377 inmates executed by the state in the 20th century. This despite the fact that Blacks only account for 20% of the population and many mistakes had been made over the years.

Congratulations Virginia for becoming the 23rd State to abolish Capital Punishment which leaves 27 more to go before the US enters the civilised world regarding Criminal Justice.

Another person rooting for criminals.

The DP is reserved for the most terrible crimes, some people don't deserve 3 hots and a cot for the rest of their lives.
No state or country has the right to kill its own citizens,
especially when the emphasis is put on killing Blacks at a rate of around 3 Blacks to every 1 White. Many can't afford legal representation and are give rookie lawyers against experienced State Prosecutors. Many have been found to be innocent after execution - a bit late then.
Many? Baloney wacko. If you kill someone then you should die too simple as that. Take off your facediaper and breathe in some oxygen.

Governor Northam said that the death penalty is disproportionately used against Black people, who accounted for 296 of the 377 inmates executed by the state in the 20th century. This despite the fact that Blacks only account for 20% of the population and many mistakes had been made over the years.

Congratulations Virginia for becoming the 23rd State to abolish Capital Punishment which leaves 27 more to go before the US enters the civilised world regarding Criminal Justice.
no, it's not disproportionately used against blacks:
--blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate
--blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa
you do understand math, don't you ?
--be careful how you reply to this--it will prove if you know basic math or not,.... AND the subject
Stop telling your usual racist lies and without any links as usual-

According to the FBI’s Expanded Homicide data from 2018, the most recent report of this kind Reuters was able to find ( here ), 80.7% of the murders of white people were committed by white offenders (2,677 of a total of 3,315) while 15.5% of the murders of white people were committed by Black offenders (514).

Liar - go hang your head in shame!
Yeah blacks really like to kill their own.....2600 of the 2925 total from your same source were black on black 89% black on black, 80% white on white. And 3100 total black committed murders to 2900 total white committed murders....and blacks make up, what, 13% of the total population? Deys busy!
My position is there is no difference between executing an innocent person after 20 years or having said innocent person die in jail after 50.

My view is the hypocrisy in asking for an infallible justice system just for the DP, but being OK with a fallible one in the case of an innocent person rotting in prison for the rest of their life.

And who, exactly, has actually said that?

Governor Northam said that the death penalty is disproportionately used against Black people, who accounted for 296 of the 377 inmates executed by the state in the 20th century. This despite the fact that Blacks only account for 20% of the population and many mistakes had been made over the years.

Congratulations Virginia for becoming the 23rd State to abolish Capital Punishment which leaves 27 more to go before the US enters the civilised world regarding Criminal Justice.

Another person rooting for criminals.

The DP is reserved for the most terrible crimes, some people don't deserve 3 hots and a cot for the rest of their lives.
Why is it that the same people who don't trust the government to hold a free and fair election, believe that same government should be able to put people to death because they will always get it right?
My position is there is no difference between executing an innocent person after 20 years or having said innocent person die in jail after 50.

My view is the hypocrisy in asking for an infallible justice system just for the DP, but being OK with a fallible one in the case of an innocent person rotting in prison for the rest of their life.

And who, exactly, has actually said that?

That is one of the common attack arguments on the death penalty.

Governor Northam said that the death penalty is disproportionately used against Black people, who accounted for 296 of the 377 inmates executed by the state in the 20th century. This despite the fact that Blacks only account for 20% of the population and many mistakes had been made over the years.

Congratulations Virginia for becoming the 23rd State to abolish Capital Punishment which leaves 27 more to go before the US enters the civilised world regarding Criminal Justice.

Klanny McBlackface wants to do those lynchins his own damn self!!


Governor Northam said that the death penalty is disproportionately used against Black people, who accounted for 296 of the 377 inmates executed by the state in the 20th century. This despite the fact that Blacks only account for 20% of the population and many mistakes had been made over the years.

Congratulations Virginia for becoming the 23rd State to abolish Capital Punishment which leaves 27 more to go before the US enters the civilised world regarding Criminal Justice.

Another person rooting for criminals.

The DP is reserved for the most terrible crimes, some people don't deserve 3 hots and a cot for the rest of their lives.
Why is it that the same people who don't trust the government to hold a free and fair election, believe that same government should be able to put people to death because they will always get it right?

Again, how is someone being locked up for the rest of their life when innocent any better than executing them after 20 years when innocent?

There are layers of due process and checks when it comes to executing someone. Right now Democrats are trying to remove all check and processes when it comes to performing a fair election.
The state should not have the power to take away anyone's life. A civilized justice system should not be in the business of vengeance. Those two reasons alone should be sufficient to do away with capital punishment.

Again, if a person in innocent how is being locked away for 60 years and dying of natural causes any worse than being executed after 20?

ALL justice has a component of vengeance, the purpose of which is to satisfy the need for vengeance by the victim, or the surviving relations of the victim.

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