Virginia dems concede defeat in election….see how easy it is to be an adult who accepts defeat?

No one tried to overthrow the government in 2021 either. Please give me the mechanism they could have used to overturn the government.

Oh, that was the reason they went there. They are tRumptards therefore they are very stupid. Too bad they didn't find Pence isn't it.

I can just hear the knee jerk conservative reactions to this now: “well the defeat was obvious because of how big they won! Derp!”

My god in heaven.
They had no choice.

An audit would show those twats cheating like fake-tit trophy wives. They couldn't cheat enough to overcome the margins.

It's so pathetic how they have zero real complaints about the complete ass kicking they just took.
They had no choice.

An audit would show those twats cheating like fake-tit trophy wives. They couldn't cheat enough to overcome the margins.

It's so pathetic how they have zero real complaints about the complete ass kicking they just took.
And somehow you delude yourself with the stupidity that Trump actually won. It’s so goddamn pathetic and childish lol
Nice non answer, oxygen thief.

So why storm the Capitol? Why build the gallows? Why chant hang Mike Pence, or Pelosi or AOC? I mean this was obviously pay time or just ur typical tour on the very day of legitimizing the election if not to stop that process and install the Fat Orange God/King?

Why do ewe lie so much? Is it like breathing to ewe, ewe liar?
And somehow you delude yourself with the stupidity that Trump actually won. It’s so goddamn pathetic and childish lol

I think a lot of people remember rigged elections in the passed. They've been exposed to seeing the DNC rig their nominations. And other things within the election process that proves it's not legit.
So believing the election was a fraud is not out of the ordinary. Especially when you have video of people shoving the same ballots into the counting machine over and over and over.

When W beat Gore, the left was saying the same thing as the Trump supporters are saying now.

So my question to you, Mr. Party Loyalist, why is it that ALL the voters don't just stop fighting about something they can't change now, come together and take the elections out of the hands of the government.

And one more question: When there's evidence that shows election fraud, why does the winning "team" dismiss it? Are they so arrogant that they don't care if there's election fraud, as long as their side wins?
I didn't hear the right complaining about all the voting machine hacking going on in 2000. And I'm not hearing the left complain about all the evidence of election fraud now. (as in the Atlanta votes that were counted over and over by those 3 or 4 women, in a democrat held majority part of the state. (Atlanta IIRC)
They tried to prevent Joe Biden from being certified the winner of the election.

They never stood a chance. And they were so dumb, they didn't realize they never stood a chance. Even if they'd gotten their hands on the ballots, there would've been new ballots created and certified within a week or less.
Those ballots were just created from already printed numbers. Those numbers were not deleted after the official ballots was created.

They were morons. The FBI has rounded them up. They will be made examples out of. And that's the end of that.
I think a lot of people remember rigged elections in the passed. They've been exposed to seeing the DNC rig their nominations. And other things within the election process that proves it's not legit.
So believing the election was a fraud is not out of the ordinary. Especially when you have video of people shoving the same ballots into the counting machine over and over and over.

When W beat Gore, the left was saying the same thing as the Trump supporters are saying now.

So my question to you, Mr. Party Loyalist, why is it that ALL the voters don't just stop fighting about something they can't change now, come together and take the elections out of the hands of the government.

And one more question: When there's evidence that shows election fraud, why does the winning "team" dismiss it? Are they so arrogant that they don't care if there's election fraud, as long as their side wins?
I didn't hear the right complaining about all the voting machine hacking going on in 2000. And I'm not hearing the left complain about all the evidence of election fraud now. (as in the Atlanta votes that were counted over and over by those 3 or 4 women, in a democrat held majority part of the state. (Atlanta IIRC)
I’m sure you like to think there is evidence of election fraud, but there really isn’t. Answer me this, how is it that the DNC could even get away with it? Does the people who run these elections who are NOT democrats just let it happen? Why? Why can’t republicans stop it either? Why is everyone else so powerless? Also, let’s say for the sake of argument this ballot stuffing was happening, why is that all the evidence you need to tell you Trump won? Biden’s win was a pretty healthy margin.
Anyone see this week's stats on "laughing on the outside, crying on the inside" liberal suicide rates?

I can just hear the knee jerk conservative reactions to this now: “well the defeat was obvious because of how big they won! Derp!”

My god in heaven.

And then there is NJ where the Dems magically find 12 000 ballots.

I’m sure you like to think there is evidence of election fraud, but there really isn’t. Answer me this, how is it that the DNC could even get away with it? Does the people who run these elections who are NOT democrats just let it happen? Why? Why can’t republicans stop it either? Why is everyone else so powerless? Also, let’s say for the sake of argument this ballot stuffing was happening, why is that all the evidence you need to tell you Trump won? Biden’s win was a pretty healthy margin.

You don't understand one very important thing (or two). I don't care for Trump. I didn't vote for him either time.
I didn't vote for Biden. I think the country deserves better than both of them. And we'll never get a decent president as long as the republicans and democrats are in control of the election process, because the higher ups and the lobbyist, don't care which party has the majority. Because as long as the R & D's have the majority, that's all that really matter.
Example: Trump was a republican, right? A supposed conservative, right? Supposedly pro life and pro 2nd Amendment, right? Then explain this:
How did spending get so out of hand?
How did Planned Parenthood get funded millions (During a republican majority)
How did bump stocks get banned. (An infringement to the 2A)
How in TF did gender studies in Pakistan get funded?

It was a GD spending spree, where the liberals and progressives got everything they wanted. And you democrat voters still bitched and complained. It's like you people didn't even realize how much you were getting.
It's like begging your mommy for a bag of candy, getting it, and then whining because you didn't get two.

They're all on the same friggin team. They just play enemies on TV.

There is video evidence of the people putting the same ballots through the counters several times. So, yes that's evidence. BTW, there was only the people doing this, in the office when it was done. You don't think it's evidence because your team one. So you come up with excuses to dismiss the GD facts that you seen with your own eyes.

BTW, No one wanted Biden when everything began. They didn't even want him half way through the primaries. It was only when the media and the DNC started "claiming" that Biden was the front runner, did the democrat voters just follow along, like good sheep. The same way the Trump supporters followed along with Fox and the RNC's claim that Trump was a front runner.

This ain't rocket science bro. You just have to stop being a party loyalist to understand how it's all rigged in favor of who ever the leadership of the parties want.

Fact: Try to be a delegate for an underdog, at your local DNC headquarters, during the primary season. I dare you. If you have half a notion of carrying your support for the underdog to the state convention, they'll blackball you so that you don't even get a ticket to the convention. Much less get a chance to be a delegate at the national convention. Maybe you just need to get involved, instead of watching everything unfold on TV and social media. That's the only way to fully understand how the rigging begins.
I'm speaking from experience. All just a show. Because the nominations are chosen at the national conventions be hand picked delegates.

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