Virginia dems concede defeat in election….see how easy it is to be an adult who accepts defeat?

You don't understand one very important thing (or two). I don't care for Trump. I didn't vote for him either time.
I didn't vote for Biden. I think the country deserves better than both of them. And we'll never get a decent president as long as the republicans and democrats are in control of the election process, because the higher ups and the lobbyist, don't care which party has the majority. Because as long as the R & D's have the majority, that's all that really matter.
Example: Trump was a republican, right? A supposed conservative, right? Supposedly pro life and pro 2nd Amendment, right? Then explain this:
How did spending get so out of hand?
How did Planned Parenthood get funded millions (During a republican majority)
How did bump stocks get banned. (An infringement to the 2A)
How in TF did gender studies in Pakistan get funded?

It was a GD spending spree, where the liberals and progressives got everything they wanted. And you democrat voters still bitched and complained. It's like you people didn't even realize how much you were getting.
It's like begging your mommy for a bag of candy, getting it, and then whining because you didn't get two.

They're all on the same friggin team. They just play enemies on TV.

There is video evidence of the people putting the same ballots through the counters several times. So, yes that's evidence. BTW, there was only the people doing this, in the office when it was done. You don't think it's evidence because your team one. So you come up with excuses to dismiss the GD facts that you seen with your own eyes.

BTW, No one wanted Biden when everything began. They didn't even want him half way through the primaries. It was only when the media and the DNC started "claiming" that Biden was the front runner, did the democrat voters just follow along, like good sheep. The same way the Trump supporters followed along with Fox and the RNC's claim that Trump was a front runner.

This ain't rocket science bro. You just have to stop being a party loyalist to understand how it's all rigged in favor of who ever the leadership of the parties want.

Fact: Try to be a delegate for an underdog, at your local DNC headquarters, during the primary season. I dare you. If you have half a notion of carrying your support for the underdog to the state convention, they'll blackball you so that you don't even get a ticket to the convention. Much less get a chance to be a delegate at the national convention. Maybe you just need to get involved, instead of watching everything unfold on TV and social media. That's the only way to fully understand how the rigging begins.
I'm speaking from experience. All just a show. Because the nominations are chosen at the national conventions be hand picked delegates.
You didn’t answer my questions. If this ballot stuffing did occur, why should it be assumed it was enough to give Biden such a healthy margin in victory?

Why does everyone just let democrats get away with cheating?

I can’t believe this video because I’m sure it came from rightwing bullshit source that tried to distort the context of what was happening. If you can provide me an unbiased source that has this video and can adequately explain the context of it, I will believe it. But again, even if it really was ballot stuffing, why is that sufficient evidence that Trump won?
You didn’t answer my questions. If this ballot stuffing did occur, why should it be assumed it was enough to give Biden such a healthy margin in victory?

No one is assuming anything. For the simple fact that no one knows exactly how many ballots were actually stuffed. But it's caught on video, stuffing many MANY ballots through the machine, over and over.
That's factual. And it's fraud. Whether it was enough, is not the question. It's what will happen to the people who not only did it. But the others who allowed it, and did nothing. And therefore will not be punished for doing so.
Being this is factual now, the entire state should've have had another voting day, where all the votes were watched by independent oversee'ers, media camera's. That would've been the fair and honest way to prove Biden won Georgia. And any other state where things of this nature happened.
Do you want fair and honest elections? Or do you just want your side to win?
Why does everyone just let democrats get away with cheating?

Both sides get away with cheating.
I can’t believe this video because I’m sure it came from rightwing bullshit source that tried to distort the context of what was happening. If you can provide me an unbiased source that has this video and can adequately explain the context of it, I will believe it. But again, even if it really was ballot stuffing, why is that sufficient evidence that Trump won?

So you want me to post the video from a left leaning source that says "Nothing to see here. What you're seeing with your own eyes, ain't what's really going on?" WTF? What you're seeing, with your OWN EYES, is what's happening. The same ballots being put into the counters, over and over and over.
Turn off the volume and watch it without commentary. That's about as unbias as your going to get. But the video will still be the same.
Do you not believe your own eyes? Do you actually need someone to tell you what you're seeing?

That's called "Brainwashed."
No one is assuming anything. For the simple fact that no one knows exactly how many ballots were actually stuffed. But it's caught on video, stuffing many MANY ballots through the machine, over and over.
That's factual. And it's fraud. Whether it was enough, is not the question. It's what will happen to the people who not only did it. But the others who allowed it, and did nothing. And therefore will not be punished for doing so.
Being this is factual now, the entire state should've have had another voting day, where all the votes were watched by independent oversee'ers, media camera's. That would've been the fair and honest way to prove Biden won Georgia. And any other state where things of this nature happened.
Do you want fair and honest elections? Or do you just want your side to win?

Both sides get away with cheating.

So you want me to post the video from a left leaning source that says "Nothing to see here. What you're seeing with your own eyes, ain't what's really going on?" WTF? What you're seeing, with your OWN EYES, is what's happening. The same ballots being put into the counters, over and over and over.
Turn off the volume and watch it without commentary. That's about as unbias as your going to get. But the video will still be the same.
Do you not believe your own eyes? Do you actually need someone to tell you what you're seeing?

That's called "Brainwashed."
Obviously if the ballot stuffing was happening, it would be a problem and those involved should be punished. Why do you assume I don’t think that? My point is simply that if it did occur, it is not enough to overturn the election. I doubt even you really believe that it was enough.

It doesn’t have to be a left wing source that would be dismissing it. I simply ask that you don’t post some bullshit rightwing source. Just give me the raw video if anything.
Obviously if the ballot stuffing was happening, it would be a problem and those involved should be punished. Why do you assume I don’t think that?

Because I had to seriously pry that out of you. It's like you didn't want to even admit it.

My point is simply that if it did occur, it is not enough to overturn the election. I doubt even you really believe that it was enough.

In that one incident? Who knows if it was enough or not. Who knows if it happened in other places as well? That's sort of my point (that I think you go, but won't admit to)
It doesn’t have to be a left wing source that would be dismissing it. I simply ask that you don’t post some bullshit rightwing source. Just give me the raw video if anything.

If the information is factual (as in the video), what difference does the source make? I've seen no other source claiming some other reason why those people were feeding ballots into the counters, over and over.
I'm sure, there's been a lot of leftist digging for other context and explanation of why this happened.
But to no avail.

What it shows is that the left is capable of lying and cheating the system. And yet, the democrat voters don't care, because their side won.
And just like when W won, and the W voters dismissed all the evidence, the left is now doing it. Only this is the 2nd election in a row, where the left has been caught red handed. In 2016, the left was caught rigging the primaries in favor of Hillary. And the left ignored that too.

So pardon me if I begin to question democratic party loyalty, as much as I've questioned the Republican party loyalist. You're both brainwashed in my opinion. One not any more than the other.
Because I had to seriously pry that out of you. It's like you didn't want to even admit it.

In that one incident? Who knows if it was enough or not. Who knows if it happened in other places as well? That's sort of my point (that I think you go, but won't admit to)

If the information is factual (as in the video), what difference does the source make? I've seen no other source claiming some other reason why those people were feeding ballots into the counters, over and over.
I'm sure, there's been a lot of leftist digging for other context and explanation of why this happened.
But to no avail.

What it shows is that the left is capable of lying and cheating the system. And yet, the democrat voters don't care, because their side won.
And just like when W won, and the W voters dismissed all the evidence, the left is now doing it. Only this is the 2nd election in a row, where the left has been caught red handed. In 2016, the left was caught rigging the primaries in favor of Hillary. And the left ignored that too.

So pardon me if I begin to question democratic party loyalty, as much as I've questioned the Republican party loyalist. You're both brainwashed in my opinion. One not any more than the other.
I still have no reason to believe the cheating happened so talk of punishment is a moot point.

Now you’re just speculating which is completely pointless. It does nothing for your point.

You just got done saying you didn’t want to send a left wing source. Obviously the source matters to you. The source matters because context matters. Perhaps it simply looks like ballot stuffing was happening and some rightwing moron was providing the commentary. Hell, if this was happening, again, SOMEONE objective would do something about it. Some official would do something about it. Someone besides this rightwing bullshit source would expose it.
I still have no reason to believe the cheating happened so talk of punishment is a moot point.

My guess is you've never even seen the video.
Now you’re just speculating which is completely pointless. It does nothing for your point.

Why is speculating pointless? Are you God? Humans have the ability to reason. Politically speaking, you either reason with an open mind. Or you do so as a party loyalist. Then you're only reasoning is how to dismiss any information that shines a bad light on your party.

You just got done saying you didn’t want to send a left wing source. Obviously the source matters to you. The source matters because context matters. Perhaps it simply looks like ballot stuffing was happening and some rightwing moron was providing the commentary. Hell, if this was happening, again, SOMEONE objective would do something about it. Some official would do something about it. Someone besides this rightwing bullshit source would expose it.

As I also said, watch it without audio. Do your eyes lie to you?

I can just hear the knee jerk conservative reactions to this now: “well the defeat was obvious because of how big they won! Derp!”

My god in heaven.

What about all the Democrats that are saying it's all racist? Or saying it's dog whistling? Or that Republicans are going to ruin everything? It isn't just a few saying, it's a lot of them.

But let's out that aside and look at the fact what you're talking about really is Trump. May not have named him but it's all democrats do is refer to him, constantly. Do you so desperately need to take a dog at Republicans that you will drag out this old dead horse to beat it some more?

I mean you complain about them and election fraud as some tiresome old whore being drug out yet again, then turn around and do the same thing exactly only with election fraud.

All these arguments do is make your side look like the drinking bird toy that just sits in one spot doing the exact same thing over and over and over again without ever being able to do anything except drink from the Trump and racist glass all day everyday.
My guess is you've never even seen the video.

Why is speculating pointless? Are you God? Humans have the ability to reason. Politically speaking, you either reason with an open mind. Or you do so as a party loyalist. Then you're only reasoning is how to dismiss any information that shines a bad light on your party.

As I also said, watch it without audio. Do your eyes lie to you?
If you’re trying to make the point that there is evidence democrats were cheating, then yeah, speculation does nothing for your point.

Watching it without audio wouldn’t explain the context. It may APPEAR ballot stuffing is happening, but there is a reasonable explanation for what we are witnessing. You still haven’t answered my question. Why is that no one objective is exposing this scandal? Hell why aren’t republican officials doing it? This is Georgia after all. Are there no republicans nearby to stop this from happening?
Dont think being behind by 100k but taking 2 days to concede is a fast and easy event

I can just hear the knee jerk conservative reactions to this now: “well the defeat was obvious because of how big they won! Derp!”

My god in heaven.
Stacey Abrams was unavailable for comment.
I still have no reason to believe the cheating happened so talk of punishment is a moot point.

Now you’re just speculating which is completely pointless. It does nothing for your point.

You just got done saying you didn’t want to send a left wing source. Obviously the source matters to you. The source matters because context matters. Perhaps it simply looks like ballot stuffing was happening and some rightwing moron was providing the commentary. Hell, if this was happening, again, SOMEONE objective would do something about it. Some official would do something about it. Someone besides this rightwing bullshit source would expose it.
You will never win the argument again. It will be Prog views versus those who are not. 2020 was not the first election there were questions. Questions in state, local and city elections existed for years. And questions of where the votes came from.
If you’re trying to make the point that there is evidence democrats were cheating, then yeah, speculation does nothing for your point.

Not speculating dude, It's on video.
It doesn't make it fiction just because you refuse to believe it.
Watching it without audio wouldn’t explain the context. It may APPEAR ballot stuffing is happening, but there is a reasonable explanation for what we are witnessing. You still haven’t answered my question. Why is that no one objective is exposing this scandal? Hell why aren’t republican officials doing it? This is Georgia after all. Are there no republicans nearby to stop this from happening?

LoL... So watching it with your own eyes, and you'd still try to make excuses.

You see, this is how your party (and the GOP) get's away with being crooked. Their party loyalist turn a blind eye to their lies, cheating and corruption. And they will continue until enough party loyalist stop being so damn loyal.
What about all the Democrats that are saying it's all racist? Or saying it's dog whistling? Or that Republicans are going to ruin everything? It isn't just a few saying, it's a lot of them.

But let's out that aside and look at the fact what you're talking about really is Trump. May not have named him but it's all democrats do is refer to him, constantly. Do you so desperately need to take a dog at Republicans that you will drag out this old dead horse to beat it some more?

I mean you complain about them and election fraud as some tiresome old whore being drug out yet again, then turn around and do the same thing exactly only with election fraud.

All these arguments do is make your side look like the drinking bird toy that just sits in one spot doing the exact same thing over and over and over again without ever being able to do anything except drink from the Trump and racist glass all day everyday.

It's all they have left.

Honestly, there's nothing going on right now, so they're just making up stuff to get triggered over. They've lost state elections before. Including VA. So it's not big deal. The sun still came up the next day over there. Trump really had nothing to do with that election. But the lefties are going to do what lefties do best. Make mountains out of mole hills and kick dead horses. It's what they do.

I can just hear the knee jerk conservative reactions to this now: “well the defeat was obvious because of how big they won! Derp!”

My god in heaven.
The D’s have said every election they have lost since Clinton was president was stolen. The guy running for Gov in Va was one of the biggest mouthpieces for their conspiracy theories. Trumps just a bad copy of what the Dems have been doing for the past couple decades…
The D’s have said every election they have lost since Clinton was president was stolen. The guy running for Gov in Va was one of the biggest mouthpieces for their conspiracy theories. Trumps just a bad copy of what the Dems have been doing for the past couple decades…

Which ever side loses an election, complains of cheating. That's what people do.
Why? Because there usually is some cheating going on. We're not stupid. Only powerless to do anything about it. That's why the system is ran by the two major parties, to ensure that they both stay in power.
Not speculating dude, It's on video.
It doesn't make it fiction just because you refuse to believe it.

LoL... So watching it with your own eyes, and you'd still try to make excuses.

You see, this is how your party (and the GOP) get's away with being crooked. Their party loyalist turn a blind eye to their lies, cheating and corruption. And they will continue until enough party loyalist stop being so damn loyal.
Dude don’t be dumb about this. You were speculating that there was enough cheating nationwide to give Biden a fraudulent win. Obviously if there was cheating happening in Georgia, it wouldn’t be enough to give Biden the win.

Okay I will ask this question once more I guess. Why did everyone else in Georgia turn a blind eye to this? Surely someone either objective or Republican would have put a stop to this.

I can just hear the knee jerk conservative reactions to this now: “well the defeat was obvious because of how big they won! Derp!”

My god in heaven.
In a straight up honest election sure

I can just hear the knee jerk conservative reactions to this now: “well the defeat was obvious because of how big they won! Derp!”

My god in heaven.
Losing a straight up election is one thing. 2020 was something else in several states.
Which ever side loses an election, complains of cheating. That's what people do.
Why? Because there usually is some cheating going on. We're not stupid. Only powerless to do anything about it. That's why the system is ran by the two major parties, to ensure that they both stay in power.
Agreed. This idea that Trump came up with "the election was stolen" bit is hilarious.
Dude don’t be dumb about this. You were speculating that there was enough cheating nationwide to give Biden a fraudulent win. Obviously if there was cheating happening in Georgia, it wouldn’t be enough to give Biden the win.

No, you're speculating that it what I mean. Even though, I've already told you that I don't know if there was enough cheating going on to change the outcome of the election. That's extremely disingenuous of you to do that.
I'm guessing that since you've already lost this debate you're not grasping at straws, putting words in my mouth. And I'm calling you out on it.
Okay I will ask this question once more I guess. Why did everyone else in Georgia turn a blind eye to this? Surely someone either objective or Republican would have put a stop to this.

Not everyone in GA turned a blind eye to it. You're turning a blind eye to it, because I suspect you don't want to even watch the video that shows them stuffing the same ballots into the counters over and over and over.

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