Virginia dems concede defeat in election….see how easy it is to be an adult who accepts defeat?

I can just hear the knee jerk conservative reactions to this now: “well the defeat was obvious because of how big they won! Derp!”

My god in heaven.
When have Dims ever conceded defeat unless the margin of victory for a Pub was less than 10%?

Your hypocrisy is beyond belief.
When have Dims ever conceded defeat unless the margin of victory for a Pub was less than 10%?

Your hypocrisy is beyond belief.
You’re literally making shit up on the spot. It’s so goddamn pitiful.
You know exactly what I am talking about. Now you’re just being pathetic. My god. Republicans are such losers lol
In other words, you are afraid to tell me because you know the entire forum will ridicule you.
In other words, you are afraid to tell me because you know the entire forum will ridicule you.
I quoted you directly. You obviously know what I was referring to is the bullshit you said in that post. You’re just being a little bitch.
I quoted you directly. You obviously know what I was referring to is the bullshit you said in that post. You’re just being a little bitch.
What does quoting me prove? You're obviously afraid to post anything to support your claims. You're playing the typical prog two-step. Dancing and weaving.

Either support your claims or shut the fuck up
What does quoting me prove? You're obviously afraid to post anything to support your claims. You're playing the typical prog two-step. Dancing and weaving.

Either support your claims or shut the fuck up
I love how you childishly tell me to support my claims while doing nothing for your own. Republicans are such toddlers lol
I love how you childishly tell me to support my claims while doing nothing for your own. Republicans are such toddlers lol
I'm not the one who claims capitalism starved 5 million people to death. There is no historical record of such an incident.

You're a fucking coward and a liar.
I quoted you directly. You obviously know what I was referring to is the bullshit you said in that post. You’re just being a little bitch.
There are many Repub voters who do not trust the voting process. As far as we are concerned, the race in Virginia was not that close. And New Jersey governorship was stolen. That idiot still thinks he has a mandate.
I'm not the one who claims capitalism starved 5 million people to death. There is no historical record of such an incident.

You're a fucking coward and a liar.
See, again, you’re just making shit up. When did I say this? What context are you even referring to?

I can just hear the knee jerk conservative reactions to this now: “well the defeat was obvious because of how big they won! Derp!”

My god in heaven.

I sure hope Hillary reads this.
Hillary simply waited a day. Trumptard challenged the results through the courts. It’s incredible to me how you people delude yourselves.
I asked you what you thought I was making up. Don't whine if I didn't guess right. Tell us what you believe I was making up, or shut the fuck up.
I asked you what you thought I was making up. Don't whine if I didn't guess right. Tell us what you believe I was making up, or shut the fuck up.
You already know what was I referring to. You’re just trying to get me to say it so you can feel some kind of false sense of power in the argument. It’s the typical bullshit on this forum.
Hillary simply waited a day. Trumptard challenged the results through the courts. It’s incredible to me how you people delude yourselves.

Waited a day for what? To write a book entitled "What happened" where she blames everyone but herself for losing? Is that conceding? Trump didn't write a book on why he lost.

Al Gore wouldn't concede and demanded a recount.

Hypocrite much?
You already know what was I referring to. You’re just trying to get me to say it so you can feel some kind of false sense of power in the argument. It’s the typical bullshit on this forum.Quit
Quit dancing.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Waited a day for what? To write a book entitled "What happened" where she blames everyone but herself for losing? Is that conceding? Trump didn't write a book on why he lost.

Al Gore wouldn't concede and demanded a recount.

Hypocrite much?
You can whine all you want about what she said. All that matters is that she conceded the race. The whiny little bitch Trump challenged it through the courts and to this very day has not conceded. Obviously that isn’t what happened with Gore.
McAwful was behind 100k and would not concede for almost 2 days snd tried to employ a rescanning of all ballots for Fairfax
Thats far from easy snd ready concession

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