Virginia GOP underhanded redistricting


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Virginia Redistricting 2013: State GOP Rams Bill Through Senate In Absence Of Democratic Sen. Henry Marsh

The only way the GOP can stay alive is to come up with these backroom, underhanded, and possibly illegal efforts to gerrymander "safe" districts for their party. It might work for a while, but the handwriting is on the wall. It is doomed to fail

This is a grand example of the Republican Desperation. They cannot win with the vote, so they will disenfranchise voters with their games.


It's just a matter of time until demographics completely trump their democracy subverting tactics.
THE BUTTHURT is thick this morning.. 2nd thread with liberals melting down over Republicans handing them their skank asses on a silver platter.. Get a good taste of your own medicine libs. ;-) All repuiblican state legislatures need to follow suit now..
Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ROFLMAO Hussein USURPS the US Constitution in making appointments without recess, legalizes illegal aliens with the stroke of a pen, threatens to destroy the 2nd amendments and these assclown ZOMBIES run crying in several threads. NO FAIR..

bwhahahaha!!!!! First ya get biatch slapped by the NRA and now republican state legislatures.. What a great way to start 2013!
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Virginia Redistricting 2013: State GOP Rams Bill Through Senate In Absence Of Democratic Sen. Henry Marsh

The only way the GOP can stay alive is to come up with these backroom, underhanded, and possibly illegal efforts to gerrymander "safe" districts for their party. It might work for a while, but the handwriting is on the wall. It is doomed to fail

This is a grand example of the Republican Desperation. They cannot win with the vote, so they will disenfranchise voters with their games.

Well, look at the bright side: This kind of thing shows they know what's happening, that the demographic landslide is coming and they have to create some turf they think they can protect.

Seems to me another, more pragmatic way to deal with the coming demographic landslide would be to understand and address it, but such pragmatic thought is currently not allowed in the GOP.

This is the future of the Republican Party

They have lost the demographic war, they have lost the public opinion war

Now, their only way to remain relevant is through gerrymander, rigging the electoral college, filibuster and voter suppression

Todays Republican Party has no ther choices
Wonder what they call it when the left does the same thing??

As for the demographics? Yep they are a changing and nothing is going to stop it.

The GOP needs to get on board with it or get left in the dust.

Jesus. No one needs the Dems at the wheel forever. Hell they had control of Congress for fourty years and gave us SS, Medicare, Welfare, Medicaid and along with a host of other social BS that they had no business saddling us with. We now have Obamacare to deal with as well.

Yup. They have done wonders and we are all going to be paying for it forever.
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This is the future of the Republican Party

They have lost the demographic war, they have lost the public opinion war

Now, their only way to remain relevant is through gerrymander, rigging the electoral college, filibuster and voter suppression

Todays Republican Party has no ther choices

Yup and it's pretty sad that the country has to suffer for it until they either wake up or get completely phased out.
Wonder what they call it when the left does the same thing??

As for the demographics? Yep they are a changing and nothing is going to stop it.

The GOP needs to get on board with it or get left in the dust.

Jesus. No one needs the Dems at the wheel forever.

Agreed. I don't want either freakin' party at the wheel, we desperately need checks and balances.

And you're right, the GOP needs to figure this out. Quickly. Pretending it doesn't exist ain't the way to go.

Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ROFLMAO Hussein USURPS the US Constitution in making appointments without recess, legalizes illegal aliens with the stroke of a pen, threatens to destroy the 2nd amendments and these assclown ZOMBIES run crying in several threads. NO FAIR..

bwhahahaha!!!!! First ya get biatch slapped by the NRA and now republican state legislatures.. What a great way to start 2013!

THE BUTTHURT is thick this morning.. 2nd thread with liberals melting down over Republicans handing them their skank asses on a silver platter.. Get a good taste of your own medicine libs. ;-) All repuiblican state legislatures need to follow suit now..

You seem to be having a hard time dealing with this.

Don't worry, you're party leadership is right there with you lost in the woods.
Virginia Redistricting 2013: State GOP Rams Bill Through Senate In Absence Of Democratic Sen. Henry Marsh

The only way the GOP can stay alive is to come up with these backroom, underhanded, and possibly illegal efforts to gerrymander "safe" districts for their party. It might work for a while, but the handwriting is on the wall. It is doomed to fail

This is a grand example of the Republican Desperation. They cannot win with the vote, so they will disenfranchise voters with their games.

Well, look at the bright side: This kind of thing shows they know what's happening, that the demographic landslide is coming and they have to create some turf they think they can protect.

Seems to me another, more pragmatic way to deal with the coming demographic landslide would be to understand and address it, but such pragmatic thought is currently not allowed in the GOP.


It's always easier to cheat.
How does the Republican Party respond to an electorate that no longer supports their core doctrine?

1. Change their doctrine to be more in line with the public will?
2. Manipulate the current rules to disenfranchise the American voter and rule from a minority

Looks like Republicans have chosen option 2
Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ROFLMAO Hussein USURPS the US Constitution in making appointments without recess, legalizes illegal aliens with the stroke of a pen, threatens to destroy the 2nd amendments and these assclown ZOMBIES run crying in several threads. NO FAIR..

bwhahahaha!!!!! First ya get biatch slapped by the NRA and now republican state legislatures.. What a great way to start 2013!

THE BUTTHURT is thick this morning.. 2nd thread with liberals melting down over Republicans handing them their skank asses on a silver platter.. Get a good taste of your own medicine libs. ;-) All repuiblican state legislatures need to follow suit now..

You seem to be having a hard time dealing with this.

Don't worry, you're party leadership is right there with you lost in the woods.

And its very, very dry and dark. just keep flicking matches to find them.
Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ROFLMAO Hussein USURPS the US Constitution in making appointments without recess, legalizes illegal aliens with the stroke of a pen, threatens to destroy the 2nd amendments and these assclown ZOMBIES run crying in several threads. NO FAIR..

bwhahahaha!!!!! First ya get biatch slapped by the NRA and now republican state legislatures.. What a great way to start 2013!

THE BUTTHURT is thick this morning.. 2nd thread with liberals melting down over Republicans handing them their skank asses on a silver platter.. Get a good taste of your own medicine libs. ;-) All repuiblican state legislatures need to follow suit now..

You seem to be having a hard time dealing with this.

Don't worry, you're party leadership is right there with you lost in the woods.

And its very, very dry and dark. just keep flicking matches to find them.

:finger3: LMAO Still crying over your own medicine hmm? What a great day!
Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ROFLMAO Hussein USURPS the US Constitution in making appointments without recess, legalizes illegal aliens with the stroke of a pen, threatens to destroy the 2nd amendments and these assclown ZOMBIES run crying in several threads. NO FAIR..

bwhahahaha!!!!! First ya get biatch slapped by the NRA and now republican state legislatures.. What a great way to start 2013!

THE BUTTHURT is thick this morning.. 2nd thread with liberals melting down over Republicans handing them their skank asses on a silver platter.. Get a good taste of your own medicine libs. ;-) All repuiblican state legislatures need to follow suit now..

You seem to be having a hard time dealing with this.

Don't worry, you're party leadership is right there with you lost in the woods.

And its very, very dry and dark. just keep flicking matches to find them.

One day they will run out of matches and the forest will be dark. Then they will ask, "How did this happen to us?"

No one else, but themselves to blame.
Virginia Redistricting 2013: State GOP Rams Bill Through Senate In Absence Of Democratic Sen. Henry Marsh

The only way the GOP can stay alive is to come up with these backroom, underhanded, and possibly illegal efforts to gerrymander "safe" districts for their party. It might work for a while, but the handwriting is on the wall. It is doomed to fail

This is a grand example of the Republican Desperation. They cannot win with the vote, so they will disenfranchise voters with their games.

Geez, will you lefties ever stop whining? Gerrymandering has been around for 250 years. It's only underhanded when you think your party got screwed, otherwise it's good strategy.

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