Virginia...has more guns now....less gun crime, even with the latest shooting.

Millwaukee is is a city that also is short on cops.

Not exactly surprising, is it?

The internet is great....not one day into this line of argument....and here we have an article looking at all these fake studies by the gun grabbers......there are several examples...this one looks at the lie about more police getting killed in certain states with high gun ownership...

Junk Science As Anti-Gun Propaganda - The Truth About Guns

A detailed critique by firearm and violence researcher John Lott, Jr., Ph.D. (and a more readable takedown by NRA-ILA) of “Firearms Prevalence and Homicides of Law Enforcement Officers in the United States” by the members of the Bloomberg and Harvard Schools of Public Health axis. This latest “public health” work discovers a correlation (and implies causation) between rates of gun ownership and homicides of Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) across states. Superficially read, one notes their:

  • Not looking at rates across many years in either of the title variables.
  • List of controlled variables incudes primarily general demographics, while ignoring things that matter. There is no attention to varying licensing requirements (from none vs. formal training) in order to own guns or at least carry pistols, how restrictive a process it is to obtain carry status (shall- vs. may-issue vs. nothing), and what kinds of and rates of crime are endemic in different states (which would affect both LEO homicides and civilian desires to own guns), etc.
  • “Using the average of the 2001, 2002, and 2004 BRFSS data as the source of firearm ownership” … What happened to 2003, why not before or after?
  • Filling in such gaps by using the proportion of firearm suicides as some “proxy” for gun ownership. There are so many other factors in the choice of suicide means, let alone the act of suicide, that it’s an absurd, unreliable idea no matter who else has used it as a proxy for general gun ownership.
  • Skating by the state of Vermont which, again, has about the least restricted access to guns with high rates of gun ownership, and the lowest rate of LEO homicides. At the same time, again, the District of Columbia, with extraordinarily low gun ownership has the highest rate of LEO homicide. And why does Florida have such a low rate of LEO homicides? As I recall, it has the highest rate of carry permits in the country. Etc., etc.
And here is a look at Hawaii.....

An American Journal of Public Health (note the clue, “public health”) article “State Firearm Legislation and Nonfatal Firearm Injuries” claiming to show that Hawaii has a low number of gunshot injuries because it has strict gun laws. Well, that could be so, if the authors could explain why they ignored 31 states in the comparison, ignored the rarer gun ownership of Hawaiians than average (perhaps because its strict laws inhibit gun ownership?), and chose to look at only non-fatal gun injuries (… why?).

Of course, looking at states only ignores the District of Columbia, where very strict laws are associated with very high rates of firearm homicide (more commonly followed than mere injuries) and it skips discussing states like Vermont, with almost no gun restrictions and rare shootings. TheTruthAboutGuns covers this well.
And here is an article linked from the above article.....on Hawaii.......

Gun grabbers...never, ever trust them....

Study Claims Hawaii's Gun Control Laws Work...Until You Look Closely - The Truth About Guns

The latest is from the American Journal of Public Health, and might just be the laziest, most dishonest piece of “science” I’ve seen in a long time. The purported take-away: Hawaii’s strict gun control laws are working, and the proof is that they have the lowest number of non-fatal gun injuries among the states studied. There’s just one small problem: they cherrypicked the states they wanted to investigate . . .


Did I mention that they only looked at 18 out of 50 states? I did? OK, just wanted to double check. Because that’s insane.

Problem #4: their conclusion is wrong. The place in the United States with the most restrictive gun control laws is the District of Columbia. That small enclave has the smallest population of gun owners (~3.6%) and the toughest laws on the books. If the authors of this study were correct in their statement that restrictive gun control laws prevent injuries and deaths with firearms, then we would expect DC to be one of the safest cities in the United States.

In fact, the murder rate in the District of Columbia is the highest in the nation, well over twice the murder rate of the next most violent state (California).

Let’s recap, shall we?

  • They only looked at 18 of the 50 in the US.
  • They investigated the wrong metric, one that no one cares about, and used it as a stand-in for “gun violence.”
  • Their results statement was factually inaccurate.
  • Their overall conclusion was wrong.
Who the hell gave these people money, much less a degree?

Are there any legit proofs that the gun violence is going down? It seems to me that it's only getting worse. There is a shooting somewhere almost everyday, it's not like shootings were so frequent a few years ago.
Are there any legit proofs that the gun violence is going down? It seems to me that it's only getting worse. There is a shooting somewhere almost everyday, it's not like shootings were so frequent a few years ago.

Gun crimes are just getting more media coverage, so it is a media driven impression due to their efforts to assist gun grabbing fascists.
Are there any legit proofs that the gun violence is going down? It seems to me that it's only getting worse. There is a shooting somewhere almost everyday, it's not like shootings were so frequent a few years ago.

Both the FBI and the CDC report that gun violence is going down. You only think it is getting worse because there is always so much coverage of individual, isolated shootings in the news.
Are there any legit proofs that the gun violence is going down? It seems to me that it's only getting worse. There is a shooting somewhere almost everyday, it's not like shootings were so frequent a few years ago.

How often do you see wall to wall, 24/7 coverage of someone stopping a violent crime without firing a shot? Or even stopping a violent attack with a gun by shooting and injuring an attacker…….the mass shooters and other gun criminals get all the air time.

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