Virginia Red-Hatters Not: Making America Post-Trump Already--Before The Trial


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
People have been wondering what would happen if people just waited until the White House was up for re-election. Mitch McConnell has the Kentucky Governor's race to contend with. The Democrat appears to have outdone the unpopular GOP incumbent, despite the Trump margin only months ago. Then there is Virginia.

Where there is a core, in Mississippi, the Red-Hatters of Trumperland were hearing the talking voices--like in the transcript parody--and won. Next comes suspension of all Constitutional Civil Rights, apparently, for all peoples in that state. Requests for favors are likely going out to even Vladimir Putin, already, from the leadership of Mississippi(?)! Armed Intervention, using the pretext of an un-warranted corruption investigation, is likely in the planning stages already--not that anyone will so-state(?). Some things the Red-Hatters don't bring up.

Democrats promise swift action after win in Virginia

Popular measures among, actually, liberals: Won in Virginia.

So did Virginia Democrats.

Kentucky Democrats did in the Red-Hatters, in the new front-page results so far.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(Election results look rational when compared to National events abdicating National Sovereignty to foreign leaders--The Republican Red-Hat agenda!)
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You Eastern block trolls need to practice your English more before posting. I really wanted to understand this since you took the time to type it, but after re-reading the first paragraph 3 times, then finding myself having to do the same right away in the second paragraph, I made the executive decision to stop -- as a prophylactic measure for my sanity.
The Red Hat Society is a women's play group.

Obama Obama Hillary were their last 3 election results and all 3 at the top of the state were democrats. Both Senators are democrats.

Virginia was hardly a shocker. It was more shocking that it took them this long to flip the senate.
And now the GOP has apparently lost the governorship in McConnell's own Kentucky... :21:
These results were pretty predictable. People who get excited over these results are probably the same people who got excited about Russian collusion or this new Ukraine BS.
The hour of pre-planning the Trump Red-Hatter leadership took to make a simple phone call are likely not even a part of the turnaround in the GOP election fortunes. The surprise-attack on US Constitutional requirements and safeguards hasn't even yet been noticed as the basis for the Senate trail.

Defending that is more than likely to be the Republican Party, USA: Clearly Sino-Soviet style.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(How the Southern voter is able to remember!)
People have been wondering what would happen if people just waited until the White House was up for re-election. Mitch McConnell has the Kentucky Governor's race to contend with. The Democrat appears to have outdone the unpopular GOP incumbent, despite the Trump margin only months ago. Then there is Virginia.

Where there is a core, in Mississippi, the Red-Hatters of Trumperland were hearing the talking voices--like in the transcript parody--and won. Next comes suspension of all Constitutional Civil Rights, apparently, for all peoples in that state. Requests for favors are likely going out to even Vladimir Putin, already, from the leadership of Mississippi(?)! Armed Intervention, using the pretext of an un-warranted corruption investigation, is likely in the planning stages already--not that anyone will so-state(?). Some things the Red-Hatters don't bring up.

Democrats promise swift action after win in Virginia

Popular measures among, actually, liberals: Won in Virginia.

So did Virginia Democrats.

Kentucky Democrats did in the Red-Hatters, in the new front-page results so far.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(Election results look rational when compared to National events abdicating National Sovereignty to foreign leaders--The Republican Red-Hat agenda!)

Is this a gay thread or something?
Looking for return of the Old South is not Forgotten!

Next could even be a pretext attack, directed by phone call to foreign leaders that anyone can guess about

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(A Party of John Wilkes Booth now emerges(?))
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And Blues Legend chiming in on Trump making the loving perfect phone calls to the leader-guys, planned even!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Way to sissy to invoke US Constitutional Jurisprudence.!?!)
Looking for return of the Old South is not Forgotten!

Next could even be a pretext attack, directed by phone call to foreign leaders that anyone can guess about

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(A Party of Jon Wilkes Booth now emerges(?))
Wow. I haven't seen you Democrats this pissed off since Republicans took your slaves away.
Too chicken were the Republicans to take slaves away from ancient Greece or Rome, western or eastern Europe: Then having botched even what happened in USA, suddenly having to Amend the US Constitution.

Now the Red-Hatters are using foreign leaders to circumvent anything in the US Constitution!

O Ring dingy-dingy, O Ring dingy-dingy! "This is lawless Donald Trump calling, asking for a series of illegal favors--helping even make me richer?!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Noticing how Cowardly Trump is able to go before a judge or even unable to go before the people in the matter of the Tax Returns, except that too is likely self-serving--not on behalf of the USA!)
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And Blues Legend chiming in on Trump making the loving perfect phone calls to the leader-guys, planned even!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Way to sissy to invoke US Constitutional Jurisprudence.!?!)

Relax snowflake. Its a gift that I even acknowledge your existence. :itsok:
#Party of John Wilkes Booth becomes more likely a Red-Hatter tag as the end-runs around the US Constitution surface. The major first one is the famous parody of the actual phone call to the Ukraine leader.

Then as the obvious job-approval ratings continue to dive, then the outcome of a Senate trial becomes more likely.

Thorny things seem now to be the Donald Trump main agenda--and self-aggrandizement. Usually preoccupation is not a presidential luxury--different from usual luxury.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even Senator McConnell comes up as a subject of a possible phone call--maybe with Albania, or somewhere even close to Sicily(?)! Does White House see the Kentucky Governor's race a job well-done in Kentucky(?)--in the context of the dropping approval rating of the White House(?).)

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