Virginia school paid speaker $20K for lecture on critical race theory, white privilege


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
This is where the money goes.

Fairfax County Public Schools in Virginia paid an anti-racism advocate who specializes in critical race theory (CRT) $20,000 for a one-hour virtual lecture, according to the released contract, Quillette reported Wednesday.

The August 6 event, as part of Virginia’s “Race Truth and Reconciliation Week,” saw Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, an outspoken advocate of CRT, give a roughly 45-minute video lecture followed by a 15-minute question period. Kendi was paid $20,000 for the event, which is almost as much as the median salary of $27,920 that teacher assistants make in a year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Virginia school paid speaker $20K for lecture on critical race theory, white privilege - Sara A. Carter
But schools need more money don't ya know!

Heck, I would have given the speech for a cool $15,000.
This is where the money goes.

Fairfax County Public Schools in Virginia paid an anti-racism advocate who specializes in critical race theory (CRT) $20,000 for a one-hour virtual lecture, according to the released contract, Quillette reported Wednesday.

The August 6 event, as part of Virginia’s “Race Truth and Reconciliation Week,” saw Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, an outspoken advocate of CRT, give a roughly 45-minute video lecture followed by a 15-minute question period. Kendi was paid $20,000 for the event, which is almost as much as the median salary of $27,920 that teacher assistants make in a year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Virginia school paid speaker $20K for lecture on critical race theory, white privilege - Sara A. Carter
Are the libs in virginia going to let the lib educators get away with this?
This is where the money goes.

Fairfax County Public Schools in Virginia paid an anti-racism advocate who specializes in critical race theory (CRT) $20,000 for a one-hour virtual lecture, according to the released contract, Quillette reported Wednesday.

The August 6 event, as part of Virginia’s “Race Truth and Reconciliation Week,” saw Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, an outspoken advocate of CRT, give a roughly 45-minute video lecture followed by a 15-minute question period. Kendi was paid $20,000 for the event, which is almost as much as the median salary of $27,920 that teacher assistants make in a year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Virginia school paid speaker $20K for lecture on critical race theory, white privilege - Sara A. Carter
Are the libs in virginia going to let the lib educators get away with this?

They encourage it.
Speaking arrangements and book deals are a way that some "activist" orgs and "foundations" funnel or launder money to associates and family from donations to foundations or activist groups in order to make it seem legitimate operating expenses of those donations and funds.
Sometimes even kickbacks and backdoor deals on these arrangement fees are used to funnel money even further back into the pockets of the executives of the orgs/schools who are robbing those foundations blind or using them as fronts.
This is where the money goes.

Fairfax County Public Schools in Virginia paid an anti-racism advocate who specializes in critical race theory (CRT) $20,000 for a one-hour virtual lecture, according to the released contract, Quillette reported Wednesday.

The August 6 event, as part of Virginia’s “Race Truth and Reconciliation Week,” saw Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, an outspoken advocate of CRT, give a roughly 45-minute video lecture followed by a 15-minute question period. Kendi was paid $20,000 for the event, which is almost as much as the median salary of $27,920 that teacher assistants make in a year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Virginia school paid speaker $20K for lecture on critical race theory, white privilege - Sara A. Carter
Leftard county. Same county that’s sending out ballots like Halloween candy.

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