Virginia votes to ban guns in state capitol...why? Since it has never been problem before.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Virginia democrats, showing that they are serious about taking guns away from people one stupid law at a time....just banned guns in the State Capitol....even though guns have been allowed there for decades without a problem....meanwhile.....people in Virginia who were banned from carrying guns were victims of mass public shootings....and didn't have their guns to stop the killer in 6 happened in Texas...

In Virginia....

3 mass public shootings in Virginia gun free zones......

0 mass public shootings in Capitol where people could carry guns for self defense....

Virginia Lawmakers Have Voted to Ban Guns from the State Capitol Building

While Democrat House Speaker House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn can’t point any problems in their state Capitol, she claims that this ban is necessary “to keep everybody safe.” But it isn’t just that there hasn’t been a problem in Virginia where people have been able to carry for decades. There hasn’t been a problem in the other 22 states that allow legislators and/or civilians to carry guns on Capitol grounds.

Unfortunately, Virginians haven’t learned anything from attacks in their own state. The tragedy at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center last year fits an all too familiar pattern—yet another mass shooting in a place the victims were banned from carrying guns. The most lives are claimed in places where people can’t defend themselves on equal footing. It’s not a coincidence the attack occurred in a public building filled with public employees prohibited from carrying handguns, concealed or otherwise.

That attack could have ended with much less bloodshed. Kate Nixon, a compliance manager at the municipal center, was concerned about a fellow employee and spoke with her husband the night before the attack about taking her permitted, concealed carry handgun to work. However, the city bans individuals, including public employees, from possessing “any weapon” on city property unless authorized by a supervisor so she decided against it. Unlike his law-abiding colleagues, the killer didn’t abide by the ban. Kate Nixon was one of the 12 people killed in the attack.

Or take the 2017 case in Virginia when Republican lawmakers came under fire during a baseball practice, and they were trapped by a tall fence with one exit. The Republican legislators only survived the shooting at their baseball practice because of Majority Whip Steve Scalise’s (R-LA) security detail, to which he was entitled as a member of the House leadership. There would have been a horrible massacre if not for the Capitol Police.

At least five of the congressmen had concealed handgun permits from their home states. At least one aide also revealed that he had a permit. But as Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, who was present at the attack, explained to me: “My residence is in the District of Columbia, which means that it would have been illegal for me to take my weapon with me to the ballpark—about a 9-mile bike ride—and it would have also been illegal for me to come from Virginia back into D.C. with my weapon.”

Of course, don’t forget the other Virginia mass public shooting at Virginia Tech in 2007 that left 32 murdered.

The problem with gun-free zones, which ban law-abiding civilians from carrying, is that they don’t exactly scare off criminals. In fact, they have just the opposite effect. Disarming everyone, including legislators or staffers, on their way to and from the buildings leaves them easy targets to criminals and terrorists. The murderers have an incentive to disobey the law precisely because the law-abiding obey it.

The 22 other states with more liberal regulations in their state Capitols haven’t experienced the problems Democrats fear.

For example, Kentucky allows permitted concealed carry in Legislative areas, including the Capitol. You must carry your gun openly if you attend a legislative meeting, though no permit is required.
In Texas, any concealed handgun permit holder can carry in the Capitol. Registered permit holders get to skip the metal detector, since they have already passed a criminal background check. After a while, lobbyists and journalists figured this out and got their own permits.

No one has been killed or injured by a gun legally brought into Capitol buildings.
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The answer is just that simple. The left wants control. If they could ban you from having a gun in your own home, they would in a heartbeat.
Geesus...conservatives have really went off the deep end. These same morons that want concealed weapons in the State capitals are the same idiots that want them in the courthouse.

Gun Nuts are all over this forum screaming there will be a civil war if they take our guns or Democrats are the enemy. So does it really surprise me that these same fruitcakes want lunatic fringe types to be allowed to carry guns in State capitals or to be opposed to a ban

Banning guns from the state capitals is a smart move. Fringe nuts are everywhere.
Geesus...conservatives have really went off the deep end. These same morons that want concealed weapons in the State capitals are the same idiots that want them in the courthouse.

Gun Nuts are all over this forum screaming there will be a civil war if they take our guns or Democrats are the enemy. So does it really surprise me that these same fruitcakes want lunatic fringe types to be allowed to carry guns in State capitals or to be opposed to a ban

Banning guns from the state capitals is a smart move. Fringe nuts are everywhere.

Spoken like a good little bootlicker.
Virginia democrats, showing that they are serious about taking guns away from people one stupid law at a time....just banned guns in the State Capitol....even though guns have been allowed there for decades without a problem....meanwhile.....people in Virginia who were banned from carrying guns were victims of mass public shootings....and didn't have their guns to stop the killer in 6 happened in Texas...

In Virginia....

3 mass public shootings in Virginia gun free zones......

0 mass public shootings in Capitol where people could carry guns for self defense....

Virginia Lawmakers Have Voted to Ban Guns from the State Capitol Building

While Democrat House Speaker House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn can’t point any problems in their state Capitol, she claims that this ban is necessary “to keep everybody safe.” But it isn’t just that there hasn’t been a problem in Virginia where people have been able to carry for decades. There hasn’t been a problem in the other 22 states that allow legislators and/or civilians to carry guns on Capitol grounds.

Unfortunately, Virginians haven’t learned anything from attacks in their own state. The tragedy at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center last year fits an all too familiar pattern—yet another mass shooting in a place the victims were banned from carrying guns. The most lives are claimed in places where people can’t defend themselves on equal footing. It’s not a coincidence the attack occurred in a public building filled with public employees prohibited from carrying handguns, concealed or otherwise.

That attack could have ended with much less bloodshed. Kate Nixon, a compliance manager at the municipal center, was concerned about a fellow employee and spoke with her husband the night before the attack about taking her permitted, concealed carry handgun to work. However, the city bans individuals, including public employees, from possessing “any weapon” on city property unless authorized by a supervisor so she decided against it. Unlike his law-abiding colleagues, the killer didn’t abide by the ban. Kate Nixon was one of the 12 people killed in the attack.

Or take the 2017 case in Virginia when Republican lawmakers came under fire during a baseball practice, and they were trapped by a tall fence with one exit. The Republican legislators only survived the shooting at their baseball practice because of Majority Whip Steve Scalise’s (R-LA) security detail, to which he was entitled as a member of the House leadership. There would have been a horrible massacre if not for the Capitol Police.

At least five of the congressmen had concealed handgun permits from their home states. At least one aide also revealed that he had a permit. But as Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, who was present at the attack, explained to me: “My residence is in the District of Columbia, which means that it would have been illegal for me to take my weapon with me to the ballpark—about a 9-mile bike ride—and it would have also been illegal for me to come from Virginia back into D.C. with my weapon.”

Of course, don’t forget the other Virginia mass public shooting at Virginia Tech in 2007 that left 32 murdered.

The problem with gun-free zones, which ban law-abiding civilians from carrying, is that they don’t exactly scare off criminals. In fact, they have just the opposite effect. Disarming everyone, including legislators or staffers, on their way to and from the buildings leaves them easy targets to criminals and terrorists. The murderers have an incentive to disobey the law precisely because the law-abiding obey it.

The 22 other states with more liberal regulations in their state Capitols haven’t experienced the problems Democrats fear.

For example, Kentucky allows permitted concealed carry in Legislative areas, including the Capitol. You must carry your gun openly if you attend a legislative meeting, though no permit is required.
In Texas, any concealed handgun permit holder can carry in the Capitol. Registered permit holders get to skip the metal detector, since they have already passed a criminal background check. After a while, lobbyists and journalists figured this out and got their own permits.

No one has been killed or injured by a gun legally brought into Capitol buildings.

Why the fuck would you be packing in the state capitol?

Ever go to a courtroom? Or an airport?
Virginia democrats, showing that they are serious about taking guns away from people one stupid law at a time....just banned guns in the State Capitol....even though guns have been allowed there for decades without a problem....meanwhile.....people in Virginia who were banned from carrying guns were victims of mass public shootings....and didn't have their guns to stop the killer in 6 happened in Texas...

In Virginia....

3 mass public shootings in Virginia gun free zones......

0 mass public shootings in Capitol where people could carry guns for self defense....

Virginia Lawmakers Have Voted to Ban Guns from the State Capitol Building

While Democrat House Speaker House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn can’t point any problems in their state Capitol, she claims that this ban is necessary “to keep everybody safe.” But it isn’t just that there hasn’t been a problem in Virginia where people have been able to carry for decades. There hasn’t been a problem in the other 22 states that allow legislators and/or civilians to carry guns on Capitol grounds.

Unfortunately, Virginians haven’t learned anything from attacks in their own state. The tragedy at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center last year fits an all too familiar pattern—yet another mass shooting in a place the victims were banned from carrying guns. The most lives are claimed in places where people can’t defend themselves on equal footing. It’s not a coincidence the attack occurred in a public building filled with public employees prohibited from carrying handguns, concealed or otherwise.

That attack could have ended with much less bloodshed. Kate Nixon, a compliance manager at the municipal center, was concerned about a fellow employee and spoke with her husband the night before the attack about taking her permitted, concealed carry handgun to work. However, the city bans individuals, including public employees, from possessing “any weapon” on city property unless authorized by a supervisor so she decided against it. Unlike his law-abiding colleagues, the killer didn’t abide by the ban. Kate Nixon was one of the 12 people killed in the attack.

Or take the 2017 case in Virginia when Republican lawmakers came under fire during a baseball practice, and they were trapped by a tall fence with one exit. The Republican legislators only survived the shooting at their baseball practice because of Majority Whip Steve Scalise’s (R-LA) security detail, to which he was entitled as a member of the House leadership. There would have been a horrible massacre if not for the Capitol Police.

At least five of the congressmen had concealed handgun permits from their home states. At least one aide also revealed that he had a permit. But as Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, who was present at the attack, explained to me: “My residence is in the District of Columbia, which means that it would have been illegal for me to take my weapon with me to the ballpark—about a 9-mile bike ride—and it would have also been illegal for me to come from Virginia back into D.C. with my weapon.”

Of course, don’t forget the other Virginia mass public shooting at Virginia Tech in 2007 that left 32 murdered.

The problem with gun-free zones, which ban law-abiding civilians from carrying, is that they don’t exactly scare off criminals. In fact, they have just the opposite effect. Disarming everyone, including legislators or staffers, on their way to and from the buildings leaves them easy targets to criminals and terrorists. The murderers have an incentive to disobey the law precisely because the law-abiding obey it.

The 22 other states with more liberal regulations in their state Capitols haven’t experienced the problems Democrats fear.

For example, Kentucky allows permitted concealed carry in Legislative areas, including the Capitol. You must carry your gun openly if you attend a legislative meeting, though no permit is required.
In Texas, any concealed handgun permit holder can carry in the Capitol. Registered permit holders get to skip the metal detector, since they have already passed a criminal background check. After a while, lobbyists and journalists figured this out and got their own permits.

No one has been killed or injured by a gun legally brought into Capitol buildings.
You can't cross Hoover Dam now if you have a weapon in your vehicle b/c you're on government property.
Virginia democrats, showing that they are serious about taking guns away from people one stupid law at a time....just banned guns in the State Capitol....even though guns have been allowed there for decades without a problem....meanwhile.....people in Virginia who were banned from carrying guns were victims of mass public shootings....and didn't have their guns to stop the killer in 6 happened in Texas...

In Virginia....

3 mass public shootings in Virginia gun free zones......

0 mass public shootings in Capitol where people could carry guns for self defense....

Virginia Lawmakers Have Voted to Ban Guns from the State Capitol Building

While Democrat House Speaker House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn can’t point any problems in their state Capitol, she claims that this ban is necessary “to keep everybody safe.” But it isn’t just that there hasn’t been a problem in Virginia where people have been able to carry for decades. There hasn’t been a problem in the other 22 states that allow legislators and/or civilians to carry guns on Capitol grounds.

Unfortunately, Virginians haven’t learned anything from attacks in their own state. The tragedy at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center last year fits an all too familiar pattern—yet another mass shooting in a place the victims were banned from carrying guns. The most lives are claimed in places where people can’t defend themselves on equal footing. It’s not a coincidence the attack occurred in a public building filled with public employees prohibited from carrying handguns, concealed or otherwise.

That attack could have ended with much less bloodshed. Kate Nixon, a compliance manager at the municipal center, was concerned about a fellow employee and spoke with her husband the night before the attack about taking her permitted, concealed carry handgun to work. However, the city bans individuals, including public employees, from possessing “any weapon” on city property unless authorized by a supervisor so she decided against it. Unlike his law-abiding colleagues, the killer didn’t abide by the ban. Kate Nixon was one of the 12 people killed in the attack.

Or take the 2017 case in Virginia when Republican lawmakers came under fire during a baseball practice, and they were trapped by a tall fence with one exit. The Republican legislators only survived the shooting at their baseball practice because of Majority Whip Steve Scalise’s (R-LA) security detail, to which he was entitled as a member of the House leadership. There would have been a horrible massacre if not for the Capitol Police.

At least five of the congressmen had concealed handgun permits from their home states. At least one aide also revealed that he had a permit. But as Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, who was present at the attack, explained to me: “My residence is in the District of Columbia, which means that it would have been illegal for me to take my weapon with me to the ballpark—about a 9-mile bike ride—and it would have also been illegal for me to come from Virginia back into D.C. with my weapon.”

Of course, don’t forget the other Virginia mass public shooting at Virginia Tech in 2007 that left 32 murdered.

The problem with gun-free zones, which ban law-abiding civilians from carrying, is that they don’t exactly scare off criminals. In fact, they have just the opposite effect. Disarming everyone, including legislators or staffers, on their way to and from the buildings leaves them easy targets to criminals and terrorists. The murderers have an incentive to disobey the law precisely because the law-abiding obey it.

The 22 other states with more liberal regulations in their state Capitols haven’t experienced the problems Democrats fear.

For example, Kentucky allows permitted concealed carry in Legislative areas, including the Capitol. You must carry your gun openly if you attend a legislative meeting, though no permit is required.
In Texas, any concealed handgun permit holder can carry in the Capitol. Registered permit holders get to skip the metal detector, since they have already passed a criminal background check. After a while, lobbyists and journalists figured this out and got their own permits.

No one has been killed or injured by a gun legally brought into Capitol buildings.

Why the fuck would you be packing in the state capitol?

Ever go to a courtroom? Or an airport?

Because criminals have never shot at legislators, or court officials, or airport patrons -- right?
Virginia democrats, showing that they are serious about taking guns away from people one stupid law at a time....just banned guns in the State Capitol....even though guns have been allowed there for decades without a problem....meanwhile.....people in Virginia who were banned from carrying guns were victims of mass public shootings....and didn't have their guns to stop the killer in 6 happened in Texas...

In Virginia....

3 mass public shootings in Virginia gun free zones......

0 mass public shootings in Capitol where people could carry guns for self defense....

Virginia Lawmakers Have Voted to Ban Guns from the State Capitol Building

While Democrat House Speaker House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn can’t point any problems in their state Capitol, she claims that this ban is necessary “to keep everybody safe.” But it isn’t just that there hasn’t been a problem in Virginia where people have been able to carry for decades. There hasn’t been a problem in the other 22 states that allow legislators and/or civilians to carry guns on Capitol grounds.

Unfortunately, Virginians haven’t learned anything from attacks in their own state. The tragedy at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center last year fits an all too familiar pattern—yet another mass shooting in a place the victims were banned from carrying guns. The most lives are claimed in places where people can’t defend themselves on equal footing. It’s not a coincidence the attack occurred in a public building filled with public employees prohibited from carrying handguns, concealed or otherwise.

That attack could have ended with much less bloodshed. Kate Nixon, a compliance manager at the municipal center, was concerned about a fellow employee and spoke with her husband the night before the attack about taking her permitted, concealed carry handgun to work. However, the city bans individuals, including public employees, from possessing “any weapon” on city property unless authorized by a supervisor so she decided against it. Unlike his law-abiding colleagues, the killer didn’t abide by the ban. Kate Nixon was one of the 12 people killed in the attack.

Or take the 2017 case in Virginia when Republican lawmakers came under fire during a baseball practice, and they were trapped by a tall fence with one exit. The Republican legislators only survived the shooting at their baseball practice because of Majority Whip Steve Scalise’s (R-LA) security detail, to which he was entitled as a member of the House leadership. There would have been a horrible massacre if not for the Capitol Police.

At least five of the congressmen had concealed handgun permits from their home states. At least one aide also revealed that he had a permit. But as Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, who was present at the attack, explained to me: “My residence is in the District of Columbia, which means that it would have been illegal for me to take my weapon with me to the ballpark—about a 9-mile bike ride—and it would have also been illegal for me to come from Virginia back into D.C. with my weapon.”

Of course, don’t forget the other Virginia mass public shooting at Virginia Tech in 2007 that left 32 murdered.

The problem with gun-free zones, which ban law-abiding civilians from carrying, is that they don’t exactly scare off criminals. In fact, they have just the opposite effect. Disarming everyone, including legislators or staffers, on their way to and from the buildings leaves them easy targets to criminals and terrorists. The murderers have an incentive to disobey the law precisely because the law-abiding obey it.

The 22 other states with more liberal regulations in their state Capitols haven’t experienced the problems Democrats fear.

For example, Kentucky allows permitted concealed carry in Legislative areas, including the Capitol. You must carry your gun openly if you attend a legislative meeting, though no permit is required.
In Texas, any concealed handgun permit holder can carry in the Capitol. Registered permit holders get to skip the metal detector, since they have already passed a criminal background check. After a while, lobbyists and journalists figured this out and got their own permits.

No one has been killed or injured by a gun legally brought into Capitol buildings.
You can't cross Hoover Dam now if you have a weapon in your vehicle b/c you're on government property.

That's just goddamn retarded. A road is also "government property" if that's how they're going to frame the argument.

I probably shouldn't give them any ideas...
Geesus...conservatives have really went off the deep end. These same morons that want concealed weapons in the State capitals are the same idiots that want them in the courthouse.

Gun Nuts are all over this forum screaming there will be a civil war if they take our guns or Democrats are the enemy. So does it really surprise me that these same fruitcakes want lunatic fringe types to be allowed to carry guns in State capitals or to be opposed to a ban

Banning guns from the state capitals is a smart move. Fringe nuts are everywhere.
Yup, they sure are snicker snicker
Virginia democrats, showing that they are serious about taking guns away from people one stupid law at a time....just banned guns in the State Capitol....even though guns have been allowed there for decades without a problem....meanwhile.....people in Virginia who were banned from carrying guns were victims of mass public shootings....and didn't have their guns to stop the killer in 6 happened in Texas...

In Virginia....

3 mass public shootings in Virginia gun free zones......

0 mass public shootings in Capitol where people could carry guns for self defense....

Virginia Lawmakers Have Voted to Ban Guns from the State Capitol Building

While Democrat House Speaker House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn can’t point any problems in their state Capitol, she claims that this ban is necessary “to keep everybody safe.” But it isn’t just that there hasn’t been a problem in Virginia where people have been able to carry for decades. There hasn’t been a problem in the other 22 states that allow legislators and/or civilians to carry guns on Capitol grounds.

Unfortunately, Virginians haven’t learned anything from attacks in their own state. The tragedy at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center last year fits an all too familiar pattern—yet another mass shooting in a place the victims were banned from carrying guns. The most lives are claimed in places where people can’t defend themselves on equal footing. It’s not a coincidence the attack occurred in a public building filled with public employees prohibited from carrying handguns, concealed or otherwise.

That attack could have ended with much less bloodshed. Kate Nixon, a compliance manager at the municipal center, was concerned about a fellow employee and spoke with her husband the night before the attack about taking her permitted, concealed carry handgun to work. However, the city bans individuals, including public employees, from possessing “any weapon” on city property unless authorized by a supervisor so she decided against it. Unlike his law-abiding colleagues, the killer didn’t abide by the ban. Kate Nixon was one of the 12 people killed in the attack.

Or take the 2017 case in Virginia when Republican lawmakers came under fire during a baseball practice, and they were trapped by a tall fence with one exit. The Republican legislators only survived the shooting at their baseball practice because of Majority Whip Steve Scalise’s (R-LA) security detail, to which he was entitled as a member of the House leadership. There would have been a horrible massacre if not for the Capitol Police.

At least five of the congressmen had concealed handgun permits from their home states. At least one aide also revealed that he had a permit. But as Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, who was present at the attack, explained to me: “My residence is in the District of Columbia, which means that it would have been illegal for me to take my weapon with me to the ballpark—about a 9-mile bike ride—and it would have also been illegal for me to come from Virginia back into D.C. with my weapon.”

Of course, don’t forget the other Virginia mass public shooting at Virginia Tech in 2007 that left 32 murdered.

The problem with gun-free zones, which ban law-abiding civilians from carrying, is that they don’t exactly scare off criminals. In fact, they have just the opposite effect. Disarming everyone, including legislators or staffers, on their way to and from the buildings leaves them easy targets to criminals and terrorists. The murderers have an incentive to disobey the law precisely because the law-abiding obey it.

The 22 other states with more liberal regulations in their state Capitols haven’t experienced the problems Democrats fear.

For example, Kentucky allows permitted concealed carry in Legislative areas, including the Capitol. You must carry your gun openly if you attend a legislative meeting, though no permit is required.
In Texas, any concealed handgun permit holder can carry in the Capitol. Registered permit holders get to skip the metal detector, since they have already passed a criminal background check. After a while, lobbyists and journalists figured this out and got their own permits.

No one has been killed or injured by a gun legally brought into Capitol buildings.

Why the fuck would you be packing in the state capitol?

Ever go to a courtroom? Or an airport?

Because criminals have never shot at legislators, or court officials, or airport patrons -- right?

Eggs Ackley.
Virginia democrats, showing that they are serious about taking guns away from people one stupid law at a time....just banned guns in the State Capitol....even though guns have been allowed there for decades without a problem....meanwhile.....people in Virginia who were banned from carrying guns were victims of mass public shootings....and didn't have their guns to stop the killer in 6 happened in Texas...

In Virginia....

3 mass public shootings in Virginia gun free zones......

0 mass public shootings in Capitol where people could carry guns for self defense....

Virginia Lawmakers Have Voted to Ban Guns from the State Capitol Building

While Democrat House Speaker House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn can’t point any problems in their state Capitol, she claims that this ban is necessary “to keep everybody safe.” But it isn’t just that there hasn’t been a problem in Virginia where people have been able to carry for decades. There hasn’t been a problem in the other 22 states that allow legislators and/or civilians to carry guns on Capitol grounds.

Unfortunately, Virginians haven’t learned anything from attacks in their own state. The tragedy at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center last year fits an all too familiar pattern—yet another mass shooting in a place the victims were banned from carrying guns. The most lives are claimed in places where people can’t defend themselves on equal footing. It’s not a coincidence the attack occurred in a public building filled with public employees prohibited from carrying handguns, concealed or otherwise.

That attack could have ended with much less bloodshed. Kate Nixon, a compliance manager at the municipal center, was concerned about a fellow employee and spoke with her husband the night before the attack about taking her permitted, concealed carry handgun to work. However, the city bans individuals, including public employees, from possessing “any weapon” on city property unless authorized by a supervisor so she decided against it. Unlike his law-abiding colleagues, the killer didn’t abide by the ban. Kate Nixon was one of the 12 people killed in the attack.

Or take the 2017 case in Virginia when Republican lawmakers came under fire during a baseball practice, and they were trapped by a tall fence with one exit. The Republican legislators only survived the shooting at their baseball practice because of Majority Whip Steve Scalise’s (R-LA) security detail, to which he was entitled as a member of the House leadership. There would have been a horrible massacre if not for the Capitol Police.

At least five of the congressmen had concealed handgun permits from their home states. At least one aide also revealed that he had a permit. But as Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, who was present at the attack, explained to me: “My residence is in the District of Columbia, which means that it would have been illegal for me to take my weapon with me to the ballpark—about a 9-mile bike ride—and it would have also been illegal for me to come from Virginia back into D.C. with my weapon.”

Of course, don’t forget the other Virginia mass public shooting at Virginia Tech in 2007 that left 32 murdered.

The problem with gun-free zones, which ban law-abiding civilians from carrying, is that they don’t exactly scare off criminals. In fact, they have just the opposite effect. Disarming everyone, including legislators or staffers, on their way to and from the buildings leaves them easy targets to criminals and terrorists. The murderers have an incentive to disobey the law precisely because the law-abiding obey it.

The 22 other states with more liberal regulations in their state Capitols haven’t experienced the problems Democrats fear.

For example, Kentucky allows permitted concealed carry in Legislative areas, including the Capitol. You must carry your gun openly if you attend a legislative meeting, though no permit is required.
In Texas, any concealed handgun permit holder can carry in the Capitol. Registered permit holders get to skip the metal detector, since they have already passed a criminal background check. After a while, lobbyists and journalists figured this out and got their own permits.

No one has been killed or injured by a gun legally brought into Capitol buildings.

One day in the not to distant future ...None of this is going to end well


Geesus...conservatives have really went off the deep end. These same morons that want concealed weapons in the State capitals are the same idiots that want them in the courthouse.

Gun Nuts are all over this forum screaming there will be a civil war if they take our guns or Democrats are the enemy. So does it really surprise me that these same fruitcakes want lunatic fringe types to be allowed to carry guns in State capitals or to be opposed to a ban

Banning guns from the state capitals is a smart move. Fringe nuts are everywhere.

Did you see this part of the might want to actually read it again...

But it isn’t just that there hasn’t been a problem in Virginia where people have been able to carry for decades. There hasn’t been a problem in the other 22 states that allow legislators and/or civilians to carry guns on Capitol grounds.
Geesus...conservatives have really went off the deep end. These same morons that want concealed weapons in the State capitals are the same idiots that want them in the courthouse.

Gun Nuts are all over this forum screaming there will be a civil war if they take our guns or Democrats are the enemy. So does it really surprise me that these same fruitcakes want lunatic fringe types to be allowed to carry guns in State capitals or to be opposed to a ban

Banning guns from the state capitals is a smart move. Fringe nuts are everywhere.

Did you see this part of the might want to actually read it again...

But it isn’t just that there hasn’t been a problem in Virginia where people have been able to carry for decades. There hasn’t been a problem in the other 22 states that allow legislators and/or civilians to carry guns on Capitol grounds.

Did YOU see post 5? Because you never answered it.

Geesus...conservatives have really went off the deep end. These same morons that want concealed weapons in the State capitals are the same idiots that want them in the courthouse.

Gun Nuts are all over this forum screaming there will be a civil war if they take our guns or Democrats are the enemy. So does it really surprise me that these same fruitcakes want lunatic fringe types to be allowed to carry guns in State capitals or to be opposed to a ban

Banning guns from the state capitals is a smart move. Fringe nuts are everywhere.
You are not trusted anymore. Even if you win the Presidency you won't be trusted. Are you going to turn everyone into criminals? You hate the police anyway.
Virginia democrats, showing that they are serious about taking guns away from people one stupid law at a time....just banned guns in the State Capitol....even though guns have been allowed there for decades without a problem....meanwhile.....people in Virginia who were banned from carrying guns were victims of mass public shootings....and didn't have their guns to stop the killer in 6 happened in Texas...

In Virginia....

3 mass public shootings in Virginia gun free zones......

0 mass public shootings in Capitol where people could carry guns for self defense....

Virginia Lawmakers Have Voted to Ban Guns from the State Capitol Building

While Democrat House Speaker House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn can’t point any problems in their state Capitol, she claims that this ban is necessary “to keep everybody safe.” But it isn’t just that there hasn’t been a problem in Virginia where people have been able to carry for decades. There hasn’t been a problem in the other 22 states that allow legislators and/or civilians to carry guns on Capitol grounds.

Unfortunately, Virginians haven’t learned anything from attacks in their own state. The tragedy at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center last year fits an all too familiar pattern—yet another mass shooting in a place the victims were banned from carrying guns. The most lives are claimed in places where people can’t defend themselves on equal footing. It’s not a coincidence the attack occurred in a public building filled with public employees prohibited from carrying handguns, concealed or otherwise.

That attack could have ended with much less bloodshed. Kate Nixon, a compliance manager at the municipal center, was concerned about a fellow employee and spoke with her husband the night before the attack about taking her permitted, concealed carry handgun to work. However, the city bans individuals, including public employees, from possessing “any weapon” on city property unless authorized by a supervisor so she decided against it. Unlike his law-abiding colleagues, the killer didn’t abide by the ban. Kate Nixon was one of the 12 people killed in the attack.

Or take the 2017 case in Virginia when Republican lawmakers came under fire during a baseball practice, and they were trapped by a tall fence with one exit. The Republican legislators only survived the shooting at their baseball practice because of Majority Whip Steve Scalise’s (R-LA) security detail, to which he was entitled as a member of the House leadership. There would have been a horrible massacre if not for the Capitol Police.

At least five of the congressmen had concealed handgun permits from their home states. At least one aide also revealed that he had a permit. But as Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, who was present at the attack, explained to me: “My residence is in the District of Columbia, which means that it would have been illegal for me to take my weapon with me to the ballpark—about a 9-mile bike ride—and it would have also been illegal for me to come from Virginia back into D.C. with my weapon.”

Of course, don’t forget the other Virginia mass public shooting at Virginia Tech in 2007 that left 32 murdered.

The problem with gun-free zones, which ban law-abiding civilians from carrying, is that they don’t exactly scare off criminals. In fact, they have just the opposite effect. Disarming everyone, including legislators or staffers, on their way to and from the buildings leaves them easy targets to criminals and terrorists. The murderers have an incentive to disobey the law precisely because the law-abiding obey it.

The 22 other states with more liberal regulations in their state Capitols haven’t experienced the problems Democrats fear.

For example, Kentucky allows permitted concealed carry in Legislative areas, including the Capitol. You must carry your gun openly if you attend a legislative meeting, though no permit is required.
In Texas, any concealed handgun permit holder can carry in the Capitol. Registered permit holders get to skip the metal detector, since they have already passed a criminal background check. After a while, lobbyists and journalists figured this out and got their own permits.

No one has been killed or injured by a gun legally brought into Capitol buildings.

Why the fuck would you be packing in the state capitol?

Ever go to a courtroom? Or an airport?

1) Maybe you had business there and didn't want to keep your gun in your car where a car thief could find it and steal it...

2) Considering the political violence from the left, and that a bernie sanders supporter tried to murder all the members of the Republican baseball team in Virginia, you might want to carry a gun just in case.

3) Criminals operate in all returning to your car while visiting the state capitol you might just be the victim of rape, robbery or murder......... D.C. is one of the most Violent cities in the country and it is the nations thinking you will never be a victim even in the state capitol of Virginia is just stupid thinking.....

There, ..3 good could ask that Texas church about random mass public shootings too....they might explain to you how dumb you are....
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The Democrats are showing their true colors in Virginia and several other states. They are control freaks and worship big government to install even more policies that create more control and less freedom and liberty. Government does NOT grant rights. They can't take them away.
Virginia democrats, showing that they are serious about taking guns away from people one stupid law at a time....just banned guns in the State Capitol....even though guns have been allowed there for decades without a problem....meanwhile.....people in Virginia who were banned from carrying guns were victims of mass public shootings....and didn't have their guns to stop the killer in 6 happened in Texas...

In Virginia....

3 mass public shootings in Virginia gun free zones......

0 mass public shootings in Capitol where people could carry guns for self defense....

Virginia Lawmakers Have Voted to Ban Guns from the State Capitol Building

While Democrat House Speaker House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn can’t point any problems in their state Capitol, she claims that this ban is necessary “to keep everybody safe.” But it isn’t just that there hasn’t been a problem in Virginia where people have been able to carry for decades. There hasn’t been a problem in the other 22 states that allow legislators and/or civilians to carry guns on Capitol grounds.

Unfortunately, Virginians haven’t learned anything from attacks in their own state. The tragedy at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center last year fits an all too familiar pattern—yet another mass shooting in a place the victims were banned from carrying guns. The most lives are claimed in places where people can’t defend themselves on equal footing. It’s not a coincidence the attack occurred in a public building filled with public employees prohibited from carrying handguns, concealed or otherwise.

That attack could have ended with much less bloodshed. Kate Nixon, a compliance manager at the municipal center, was concerned about a fellow employee and spoke with her husband the night before the attack about taking her permitted, concealed carry handgun to work. However, the city bans individuals, including public employees, from possessing “any weapon” on city property unless authorized by a supervisor so she decided against it. Unlike his law-abiding colleagues, the killer didn’t abide by the ban. Kate Nixon was one of the 12 people killed in the attack.

Or take the 2017 case in Virginia when Republican lawmakers came under fire during a baseball practice, and they were trapped by a tall fence with one exit. The Republican legislators only survived the shooting at their baseball practice because of Majority Whip Steve Scalise’s (R-LA) security detail, to which he was entitled as a member of the House leadership. There would have been a horrible massacre if not for the Capitol Police.

At least five of the congressmen had concealed handgun permits from their home states. At least one aide also revealed that he had a permit. But as Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, who was present at the attack, explained to me: “My residence is in the District of Columbia, which means that it would have been illegal for me to take my weapon with me to the ballpark—about a 9-mile bike ride—and it would have also been illegal for me to come from Virginia back into D.C. with my weapon.”

Of course, don’t forget the other Virginia mass public shooting at Virginia Tech in 2007 that left 32 murdered.

The problem with gun-free zones, which ban law-abiding civilians from carrying, is that they don’t exactly scare off criminals. In fact, they have just the opposite effect. Disarming everyone, including legislators or staffers, on their way to and from the buildings leaves them easy targets to criminals and terrorists. The murderers have an incentive to disobey the law precisely because the law-abiding obey it.

The 22 other states with more liberal regulations in their state Capitols haven’t experienced the problems Democrats fear.

For example, Kentucky allows permitted concealed carry in Legislative areas, including the Capitol. You must carry your gun openly if you attend a legislative meeting, though no permit is required.
In Texas, any concealed handgun permit holder can carry in the Capitol. Registered permit holders get to skip the metal detector, since they have already passed a criminal background check. After a while, lobbyists and journalists figured this out and got their own permits.

No one has been killed or injured by a gun legally brought into Capitol buildings.

Why the fuck would you be packing in the state capitol?

Ever go to a courtroom? Or an airport?

1) Maybe you had business there and didn't want to keep your gun in your car where a car thief could find it and steal dumb shit.

2) Considering the political violence from the left, and that a bernie sanders supporter tried to murder all the members of the Republican baseball team in Virginia, you might want to carry a gun just in case.

3) Criminals operate in all returning to your car while visiting the state capitol you might just be the victim of rape, robbery or dumb ass.... D.C. is one of the most Violent cities in the country and it is the nations thinking you will never be a victim even in the state capitol of Virginia is just stupid thinking.....

There, you dumb ass....3 good could ask that Texas church about random mass public shootings too....they might explain to you how dumb you are....

You didn't answer the question, did you. Try yet again.

When I go to court I can't even take my cell phone. I know that in advance so I leave it in the car. Doesn't matter anyway --- I would have no use for it in the jury room.
Virginia democrats, showing that they are serious about taking guns away from people one stupid law at a time....just banned guns in the State Capitol....even though guns have been allowed there for decades without a problem....meanwhile.....people in Virginia who were banned from carrying guns were victims of mass public shootings....and didn't have their guns to stop the killer in 6 happened in Texas...

In Virginia....

3 mass public shootings in Virginia gun free zones......

0 mass public shootings in Capitol where people could carry guns for self defense....

Virginia Lawmakers Have Voted to Ban Guns from the State Capitol Building

While Democrat House Speaker House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn can’t point any problems in their state Capitol, she claims that this ban is necessary “to keep everybody safe.” But it isn’t just that there hasn’t been a problem in Virginia where people have been able to carry for decades. There hasn’t been a problem in the other 22 states that allow legislators and/or civilians to carry guns on Capitol grounds.

Unfortunately, Virginians haven’t learned anything from attacks in their own state. The tragedy at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center last year fits an all too familiar pattern—yet another mass shooting in a place the victims were banned from carrying guns. The most lives are claimed in places where people can’t defend themselves on equal footing. It’s not a coincidence the attack occurred in a public building filled with public employees prohibited from carrying handguns, concealed or otherwise.

That attack could have ended with much less bloodshed. Kate Nixon, a compliance manager at the municipal center, was concerned about a fellow employee and spoke with her husband the night before the attack about taking her permitted, concealed carry handgun to work. However, the city bans individuals, including public employees, from possessing “any weapon” on city property unless authorized by a supervisor so she decided against it. Unlike his law-abiding colleagues, the killer didn’t abide by the ban. Kate Nixon was one of the 12 people killed in the attack.

Or take the 2017 case in Virginia when Republican lawmakers came under fire during a baseball practice, and they were trapped by a tall fence with one exit. The Republican legislators only survived the shooting at their baseball practice because of Majority Whip Steve Scalise’s (R-LA) security detail, to which he was entitled as a member of the House leadership. There would have been a horrible massacre if not for the Capitol Police.

At least five of the congressmen had concealed handgun permits from their home states. At least one aide also revealed that he had a permit. But as Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, who was present at the attack, explained to me: “My residence is in the District of Columbia, which means that it would have been illegal for me to take my weapon with me to the ballpark—about a 9-mile bike ride—and it would have also been illegal for me to come from Virginia back into D.C. with my weapon.”

Of course, don’t forget the other Virginia mass public shooting at Virginia Tech in 2007 that left 32 murdered.

The problem with gun-free zones, which ban law-abiding civilians from carrying, is that they don’t exactly scare off criminals. In fact, they have just the opposite effect. Disarming everyone, including legislators or staffers, on their way to and from the buildings leaves them easy targets to criminals and terrorists. The murderers have an incentive to disobey the law precisely because the law-abiding obey it.

The 22 other states with more liberal regulations in their state Capitols haven’t experienced the problems Democrats fear.

For example, Kentucky allows permitted concealed carry in Legislative areas, including the Capitol. You must carry your gun openly if you attend a legislative meeting, though no permit is required.
In Texas, any concealed handgun permit holder can carry in the Capitol. Registered permit holders get to skip the metal detector, since they have already passed a criminal background check. After a while, lobbyists and journalists figured this out and got their own permits.

No one has been killed or injured by a gun legally brought into Capitol buildings.

Why the fuck would you be packing in the state capitol?

Ever go to a courtroom? Or an airport?

1) Maybe you had business there and didn't want to keep your gun in your car where a car thief could find it and steal dumb shit.

2) Considering the political violence from the left, and that a bernie sanders supporter tried to murder all the members of the Republican baseball team in Virginia, you might want to carry a gun just in case.

3) Criminals operate in all returning to your car while visiting the state capitol you might just be the victim of rape, robbery or dumb ass.... D.C. is one of the most Violent cities in the country and it is the nations thinking you will never be a victim even in the state capitol of Virginia is just stupid thinking.....

There, you dumb ass....3 good could ask that Texas church about random mass public shootings too....they might explain to you how dumb you are....

You didn't answer the question, did you. Try yet again.

When I go to court I can't even take my cell phone. I know that in advance so I leave it in the car. Doesn't matter anyway --- I would have no use for it in the jury room.

I gave you 3 answers....... you ignore them because you hate guns and those who own them...

Moron, the State Capitol isn't just a courtroom and it isn't the is an entire complex.....and this move is specifically to ban guns in the area because there is going to be a pro-2nd Amendment rally this month.......which is the real reason they are banning guns so quickly...
Virginia votes to ban guns in state capitol...why?
At a guess, I'd say for the same reasons they're banned at NRA conventions.

Are you guys still spreading that lie? Guns are not banned at NRA conventions, and they weren't even banned when Trump attended fact, there is video of two anti-gun protestors with AR-15 rifles walking around at an NRA convention where Trump attended....all the secret service did was ask for the paperwork on their moron...

You dumb ass...

NRA Annual Meetings | Firearms Policy

During the 2019 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits, lawfully carried firearms will be permitted in the Indiana Convention Center and the Lucas Oil Stadium,l in accordance with Indiana law. When carrying your firearm remember to follow all federal, state, and local laws.

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