Virginia's best gun salesman


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Dec 8, 2019
South Central KY
Ralph Northam Is Virginia's Best Gun Salesman

Ralph Northam Is Virginia’s Best Gun Salesman

Posted at 12:30 pm on January 18, 2020 by Cam Edwards

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AP Photo/Steve Helber

Virginia gun sales soared in December as tens of thousands of Virginians stocked up on firearms, ammunition, magazines, and more in the wake of the Democrats’ takeover of the state legislature in the November elections. The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports gun sales in the last month of 2019 were the second highest in state history......

It’s my belief that most of these Virginians buying new guns, mags, and suppressors are doing so because they don’t intend on complying with the law and are prepared to engage in a non-violent act of civil disobedience. We’ve seen this in New York with their SAFE Act and in New Jersey with their magazine ban. Honestly, why should we expect anything different in Virginia? These laws are virtually unenforceable, unless it’s an add-on charge against someone arrested for a violent crime. We shouldn’t be surprised if compliance rates are absurdly low.

We also shouldn’t be surprised if gun sales continue to skyrocket in the state of Virginia ahead of the July 1st effective date of any gun control legislation that gets signed by Gov. Northam. If December of 2019 was good enough for the number two spot, look for June of 2020 to set a new state record for gun sales.
Whoever dies with the most guns wins the game. Is that it? You can`t take them with you.
Ralph Northam Is Virginia's Best Gun Salesman

Ralph Northam Is Virginia’s Best Gun Salesman

Posted at 12:30 pm on January 18, 2020 by Cam Edwards

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AP Photo/Steve Helber

Virginia gun sales soared in December as tens of thousands of Virginians stocked up on firearms, ammunition, magazines, and more in the wake of the Democrats’ takeover of the state legislature in the November elections. The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports gun sales in the last month of 2019 were the second highest in state history......

It’s my belief that most of these Virginians buying new guns, mags, and suppressors are doing so because they don’t intend on complying with the law and are prepared to engage in a non-violent act of civil disobedience. We’ve seen this in New York with their SAFE Act and in New Jersey with their magazine ban. Honestly, why should we expect anything different in Virginia? These laws are virtually unenforceable, unless it’s an add-on charge against someone arrested for a violent crime. We shouldn’t be surprised if compliance rates are absurdly low.

We also shouldn’t be surprised if gun sales continue to skyrocket in the state of Virginia ahead of the July 1st effective date of any gun control legislation that gets signed by Gov. Northam. If December of 2019 was good enough for the number two spot, look for June of 2020 to set a new state record for gun sales.

They should run "Governor Blackface," sales days....or would it be "Governor klan sheets," sales days.....

Again...this guy dressed in either black face or klan sheets and he is still in office....
Ralph Northam Is Virginia's Best Gun Salesman

Ralph Northam Is Virginia’s Best Gun Salesman

Posted at 12:30 pm on January 18, 2020 by Cam Edwards

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AP Photo/Steve Helber

Virginia gun sales soared in December as tens of thousands of Virginians stocked up on firearms, ammunition, magazines, and more in the wake of the Democrats’ takeover of the state legislature in the November elections. The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports gun sales in the last month of 2019 were the second highest in state history......

It’s my belief that most of these Virginians buying new guns, mags, and suppressors are doing so because they don’t intend on complying with the law and are prepared to engage in a non-violent act of civil disobedience. We’ve seen this in New York with their SAFE Act and in New Jersey with their magazine ban. Honestly, why should we expect anything different in Virginia? These laws are virtually unenforceable, unless it’s an add-on charge against someone arrested for a violent crime. We shouldn’t be surprised if compliance rates are absurdly low.

We also shouldn’t be surprised if gun sales continue to skyrocket in the state of Virginia ahead of the July 1st effective date of any gun control legislation that gets signed by Gov. Northam. If December of 2019 was good enough for the number two spot, look for June of 2020 to set a new state record for gun sales.

This guy is still the democrat party governor of Virginia...

Ralph Northam Is Virginia's Best Gun Salesman

Ralph Northam Is Virginia’s Best Gun Salesman

Posted at 12:30 pm on January 18, 2020 by Cam Edwards

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AP Photo/Steve Helber

Virginia gun sales soared in December as tens of thousands of Virginians stocked up on firearms, ammunition, magazines, and more in the wake of the Democrats’ takeover of the state legislature in the November elections. The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports gun sales in the last month of 2019 were the second highest in state history......

It’s my belief that most of these Virginians buying new guns, mags, and suppressors are doing so because they don’t intend on complying with the law and are prepared to engage in a non-violent act of civil disobedience. We’ve seen this in New York with their SAFE Act and in New Jersey with their magazine ban. Honestly, why should we expect anything different in Virginia? These laws are virtually unenforceable, unless it’s an add-on charge against someone arrested for a violent crime. We shouldn’t be surprised if compliance rates are absurdly low.

We also shouldn’t be surprised if gun sales continue to skyrocket in the state of Virginia ahead of the July 1st effective date of any gun control legislation that gets signed by Gov. Northam. If December of 2019 was good enough for the number two spot, look for June of 2020 to set a new state record for gun sales.
When I lived in Man Assas (now called Asses) because Man is gender specific, while Oblummer(the brown turd) was in office, I went on a weapons buying spree. Not because the guy always talked about taking guns, or taking away the ammo, I did it because I wanted to.(I exercise my 2nd amendment all the time). But this Ralphie, the butcher of babies in or out of the womb, he wants to be president some day, so he is going to emulate the brown turd(even with black face), by starting with everyone's guns.

Obama is the greatest gun salesman in America
President Obama has proven, once again, that he's the greatest gun salesman in America.

Ralph Northam Is Virginia's Best Gun Salesman

Ralph Northam Is Virginia’s Best Gun Salesman

Posted at 12:30 pm on January 18, 2020 by Cam Edwards

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AP Photo/Steve Helber

Virginia gun sales soared in December as tens of thousands of Virginians stocked up on firearms, ammunition, magazines, and more in the wake of the Democrats’ takeover of the state legislature in the November elections. The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports gun sales in the last month of 2019 were the second highest in state history......

It’s my belief that most of these Virginians buying new guns, mags, and suppressors are doing so because they don’t intend on complying with the law and are prepared to engage in a non-violent act of civil disobedience. We’ve seen this in New York with their SAFE Act and in New Jersey with their magazine ban. Honestly, why should we expect anything different in Virginia? These laws are virtually unenforceable, unless it’s an add-on charge against someone arrested for a violent crime. We shouldn’t be surprised if compliance rates are absurdly low.

We also shouldn’t be surprised if gun sales continue to skyrocket in the state of Virginia ahead of the July 1st effective date of any gun control legislation that gets signed by Gov. Northam. If December of 2019 was good enough for the number two spot, look for June of 2020 to set a new state record for gun sales.
Gun owners are so gullible

They did the same thing when Obama got elected
Ralph Northam Is Virginia's Best Gun Salesman

Ralph Northam Is Virginia’s Best Gun Salesman

Posted at 12:30 pm on January 18, 2020 by Cam Edwards

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AP Photo/Steve Helber

Virginia gun sales soared in December as tens of thousands of Virginians stocked up on firearms, ammunition, magazines, and more in the wake of the Democrats’ takeover of the state legislature in the November elections. The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports gun sales in the last month of 2019 were the second highest in state history......

It’s my belief that most of these Virginians buying new guns, mags, and suppressors are doing so because they don’t intend on complying with the law and are prepared to engage in a non-violent act of civil disobedience. We’ve seen this in New York with their SAFE Act and in New Jersey with their magazine ban. Honestly, why should we expect anything different in Virginia? These laws are virtually unenforceable, unless it’s an add-on charge against someone arrested for a violent crime. We shouldn’t be surprised if compliance rates are absurdly low.

We also shouldn’t be surprised if gun sales continue to skyrocket in the state of Virginia ahead of the July 1st effective date of any gun control legislation that gets signed by Gov. Northam. If December of 2019 was good enough for the number two spot, look for June of 2020 to set a new state record for gun sales.
Actually it illustrates how stupid most conservatives truly are, that they actually believe the lies and nonsense from their fellow rightists.
Ralph Northam Is Virginia's Best Gun Salesman

Ralph Northam Is Virginia’s Best Gun Salesman

Posted at 12:30 pm on January 18, 2020 by Cam Edwards

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AP Photo/Steve Helber

Virginia gun sales soared in December as tens of thousands of Virginians stocked up on firearms, ammunition, magazines, and more in the wake of the Democrats’ takeover of the state legislature in the November elections. The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports gun sales in the last month of 2019 were the second highest in state history......

It’s my belief that most of these Virginians buying new guns, mags, and suppressors are doing so because they don’t intend on complying with the law and are prepared to engage in a non-violent act of civil disobedience. We’ve seen this in New York with their SAFE Act and in New Jersey with their magazine ban. Honestly, why should we expect anything different in Virginia? These laws are virtually unenforceable, unless it’s an add-on charge against someone arrested for a violent crime. We shouldn’t be surprised if compliance rates are absurdly low.

We also shouldn’t be surprised if gun sales continue to skyrocket in the state of Virginia ahead of the July 1st effective date of any gun control legislation that gets signed by Gov. Northam. If December of 2019 was good enough for the number two spot, look for June of 2020 to set a new state record for gun sales.

They should run "Governor Blackface," sales days....or would it be "Governor klan sheets," sales days.....

Again...this guy dressed in either black face or klan sheets and he is still in office....
Good Allah I hope they're doing this! Great idea!
Ralph Northam Is Virginia's Best Gun Salesman

Ralph Northam Is Virginia’s Best Gun Salesman

Posted at 12:30 pm on January 18, 2020 by Cam Edwards

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AP Photo/Steve Helber

Virginia gun sales soared in December as tens of thousands of Virginians stocked up on firearms, ammunition, magazines, and more in the wake of the Democrats’ takeover of the state legislature in the November elections. The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports gun sales in the last month of 2019 were the second highest in state history......

It’s my belief that most of these Virginians buying new guns, mags, and suppressors are doing so because they don’t intend on complying with the law and are prepared to engage in a non-violent act of civil disobedience. We’ve seen this in New York with their SAFE Act and in New Jersey with their magazine ban. Honestly, why should we expect anything different in Virginia? These laws are virtually unenforceable, unless it’s an add-on charge against someone arrested for a violent crime. We shouldn’t be surprised if compliance rates are absurdly low.

We also shouldn’t be surprised if gun sales continue to skyrocket in the state of Virginia ahead of the July 1st effective date of any gun control legislation that gets signed by Gov. Northam. If December of 2019 was good enough for the number two spot, look for June of 2020 to set a new state record for gun sales.
Actually it illustrates how stupid most conservatives truly are, that they actually believe the lies and nonsense from their fellow rightists.
Actually , this illustrates what a moron you are, because I lived in Virginia and Ralphie talked about taking guns away all the fucking time. So fuck you, you stupid twit.
Ralph Northam Is Virginia's Best Gun Salesman

Ralph Northam Is Virginia’s Best Gun Salesman

Posted at 12:30 pm on January 18, 2020 by Cam Edwards

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Actually it illustrates how stupid most conservatives truly are, that they actually believe the lies and nonsense from their fellow rightists.

Conservatives stupid? Hmmmm we think it is the other way around and you dems prove it daily.
All the gun lobby has to do is fear monger about gun confiscation and gun nuts run out to buy guns and ammo
Actually , this illustrates what a moron you are, because I lived in Virginia and Ralphie talked about taking guns away all the fucking time. So fuck you, you stupid twit.

You're giving him too much credit. Whiny ass libtards and their anti gun bull can kiss it.

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