Visit the third world city known as Los Angeles

I'll see your cookies and raise you a pecan bar.
Odd, I took you more for a Baby Ruth type of guy. ;)

Lol, I hope the train does pull out of there. Can't be no stealing going on. When there is nothing to steal.
Yup, UP should stop all their train traffic in Cal. Glad to see the ships moving to other, safer ports, bout' time too.
We have a population problem right now. Not enough people having kids. We need them. Make them legal.
No we don't, but if they want to come. There is a legal way and they are more than welcome to come that way. Oh and we know why you want them here, note to yourself. It's been shown their voting record will be 50/50 and you loons are starting to loose the black vote! Love seeing liberals destroying themselves!
In all fairness, Union Pacific doesn't really operate in Los Angeles. BNSF is the rail monopoly out here.
The UP has 4 intermodal ramps in Los Angeles - LA, LATC, ICTF (LB port), COI.
The BNSF, two - If you count San Bernardino as LA.
The UP easily moves as much intermodal freight as the BN.
There's a little part in the board rules that says look for existing threads before posting a new thread....... Then when the mods merge all those threads the OPs blame the mods for censorship, etc............ Kinda funny actually. :lol:
Why are your panties all bunched up over this? If you don't want to read the thread, don't be a bitch, just ignore it.
No we don't, but if they want to come. There is a legal way and they are more than welcome to come that way. Oh and we know why you want them here, note to yourself. It's been shown their voting record will be 50/50 and you loons are starting to loose the black vote! Love seeing liberals destroying themselves!
We never said we wanted immigrants to come here for their votes. You said that. Love to see you admitting that was bullshit.

Yes, as more and more blacks do well through affirmative action, like you whites who take for granted the social programs that helped you achieve what you got, so too will blacks. And they'll start picking on arabs as the new second class citizen. As soon as Republicans stop beating up on blacks, you'll find they are very conservative. They don't like gays or abortion too. Look at how women vote against affirmative action when they have benefited the most. They hate admitting that.
Ernie's dead. But I'd still put my money on him being better security than we will ever get out of Joe Biden.
It is amazing that Trains do not have better security.
Don't they have locks on their boxcars?
Eventually they will stop shipping to LA and then the chit will really hit the fan.
BTW, Empire of the North was a great movie, it had two great actors Ernest Borgnine and Lee Marvin.
Borgnine had the ability to ether be super nice and terrifyingly evil in his roles.

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