Vivek gets one thing right

Eighteen is too young to vote. They're not mature yet. They still make many unwise decisions.

---Vivek Ramaswamy wants to raise voting age to 25---

That tracks. Conservatives naturally want Americans who they can send to fight and die to have no say in what they are being sent to fight and die for. It's a natural feature of fascism and authoritarianism.
Eighteen is too young to vote. They're not mature yet. They still make many unwise decisions.

---Vivek Ramaswamy wants to raise voting age to 25---

if it wasnt for the draft I could support raising the age,,

but if we are going to force 18 yr olds to go to war they should have every right and privilege the country has to offer,,
Is it me, or is it odd a ex liberal non white um person of color warns US about replacement theory? Something isn't adding up here kids,
Eighteen is too young to vote. They're not mature yet. They still make many unwise decisions.

---Vivek Ramaswamy wants to raise voting age to 25---

Based on this forum, 65 is too young to vote.

The crap that people pass off for "having a political viewpoint" is, quite frankly, embarrassing. People who don't know anything about anything, yet believe they're a freakin' genius. People who when found out resort to attacks and insults.

Democracy is the "least worst" system, but the future might even show this isn't true, what with making politics so easy to be manipulated.
That tracks. Conservatives naturally want Americans who they can send to fight and die to have no say in what they are being sent to fight and die for. It's a natural feature of fascism and authoritarianism.
dont libs want to take away gun rights or make a person be 21 to buy them??
yeah maybe you best not go there,,,
dont libs want to take away gun rights or make a person be 21 to buy them??
yeah maybe you best not go there,,,
I wish Democrats would drop gun control from their platform. It's too late for gun control to work as conservatives have ensured the country is completely flooded with weaponry. If they dropped this issue, they could fully claim to be the pro-freedom party due to conservative's constant attacks on personal liberty on every other right that Americans have.
I wish Democrats would drop gun control from their platform. It's too late for gun control to work as conservatives have ensured the country is completely flooded with weaponry. If they dropped this issue, they could fully claim to be the pro-freedom party due to conservative's constant attacks on personal liberty on every other right that Americans have.
what are these personal liberties cons want to get rid of??

cause right now its all democrats that want to take away just about every right we have,,
a common thing I hear from them is the constitution is outdated and needs to be rewriten,,

that doesnt sound very good for individual rights,,
The other good part of this proposal is the requirement to pass a civics test for the right to vote. People selecting our leaders in the voting booth should have at least half a brain.

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what are these personal liberties cons want to get rid of??

cause right now its all democrats that want to take away just about every right we have,,
a common thing I hear from them is the constitution is outdated and needs to be rewriten,,

that doesnt sound very good for individual rights,,
Republicans want to repeal civil rights, continue the failed war on drugs, enact religious law into legislation, erase worker rights, erase freedom of speech, expand the surveillance state again, take away voting rights, take away marriage rights, increase the prison population... I could go on and on all night.
That tracks. Conservatives naturally want Americans who they can send to fight and die to have no say in what they are being sent to fight and die for. It's a natural feature of fascism and authoritarianism.
Nope, if you join the military, you should get all of the benefits including voting, but I think kids need to experience life before being allowed to vote. Most of the time, their political leanings will match what their parents believe, they haven’t had enough time to get to know the taxes, things like that. Many dont have their own ideas on things yet. All they know is what their parents have told them…

Republicans want to repeal civil rights, continue the failed war on drugs, enact religious law into legislation, erase worker rights, erase freedom of speech, expand the surveillance state again, take away voting rights, take away marriage rights, increase the prison population... I could go on and on all night.

Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, and nope.
Republicans want to repeal civil rights, continue the failed war on drugs, enact religious law into legislation, erase worker rights, erase freedom of speech, expand the surveillance state again, take away voting rights, take away marriage rights, increase the prison population... I could go on and on all night.
what civil rights are you talking about,,

freedom of speech??? really??

most everything on your list applies to both parties,, and the others are lies,,
Nope, if you join the military, you should get all of the benefits including voting, but I think kids need to experience life before being allowed to vote. Most of the time, their political leanings will match what their parents believe, they haven’t had enough time to get to know the taxes, things like that. Many dont have their own ideas on things yet. All they know is what their parents have told them…

Please continue with that opinion, as it will be a huge anchor weighing on conservative momentum if you all are stupid enough to adopt it into your platform :thup:
Eighteen is too young to vote. They're not mature yet. They still make many unwise decisions.

---Vivek Ramaswamy wants to raise voting age to 25---

There is a lot about Vivek, I like. I love to listen to him speak and agree with him usually. Just wish I knew more about his history and how he came into prominence so fast. I hope he has a bright future in politics and I hope Trump feels the same way about him. I will trust Trump's vetting of him and follow with interest. Meanwhile, Trump is the man we need now and for the following four years. May he stay safe and win the General Election. I guess DeSantis would be my choice if Trump is prevented from being our nominee.
what civil rights are you talking about,,

freedom of speech??? really??

most everything on your list applies to both parties,, and the others are lies,,
All civil rights. Look them up if you need to. And yes you want to destroy freedom of speech. You want to punish free speech that is critical of your free speech with big government power.

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