Vivek Ramaswamy: I'm just starting to learn about him.

Prices are still high. Vivek and other candidates like RFK Junior are talking about the working class.

While some Republicans and Democrats are trying to divide us by race…utilizing anger and fear.

The number one issue in this country is the cost of living and all you have to do is look at what candidates are talking about helping the middle class. Those are the worthy candidates.

For those who follow the unbiased news brought to us by many people. And for those who understand what’s happening in front of their very eyes, which is higher prices, and record homelessness…. But then laugh at it or dismiss It as fake news. Well the challenge is getting those Americans to see the light

Unfortunately, some Americans are misinformed and so when they see a candidate they don’t like they engage in 🧌 trolling
I like everything I've seen about the guy so far.

Plus if the bed wetting vile leftist filth hate him already, he is certainly a viable candidate.
That statement shows how poorly leftists understand their opposition but arrogantly think they know all.
I have newsflash for you. It doesn't take a political prognosticator to see Viv's game. From the moment he declared, he was defending Trump. Not about him running. What he can do for the country. But Trump.

He knows he has no chance. He's just trying to catch Trump's eye for VP.

I am not a leftist...but I understand people like you intimately.
You're not that tough of a read. :)
Prices are still high. Vivek and other candidates like RFK Junior are talking about the working class.

While some Republicans and Democrats are trying to divide us by race…utilizing anger and fear.

The number one issue in this country is the cost of living and all you have to do is look at what candidates are talking about helping the middle class. Those are the worthy candidates.

For those who follow the unbiased news brought to us by many people. And for those who understand what’s happening in front of their very eyes, which is higher prices, and record homelessness…. But then laugh at it or dismiss It as fake news. Well the challenge is getting those Americans to see the light

Unfortunately, some Americans are misinformed and so when they see a candidate they don’t like they engage in 🧌 trolling

High prices are here to stay, cause climate change is real
Prices are still high. Vivek and other candidates like RFK Junior are talking about the working class.

While some Republicans and Democrats are trying to divide us by race…utilizing anger and fear.

The number one issue in this country is the cost of living and all you have to do is look at what candidates are talking about helping the middle class. Those are the worthy candidates.

For those who follow the unbiased news brought to us by many people. And for those who understand what’s happening in front of their very eyes, which is higher prices, and record homelessness…. But then laugh at it or dismiss It as fake news. Well the challenge is getting those Americans to see the light

Unfortunately, some Americans are misinformed and so when they see a candidate they don’t like they engage in 🧌 trolling

Millions of homeless is another reason to slow illegal immigrants. We are three years into it now, NYC hotel rooms are still filled up with illegals as one example. But the bad-luck non-drug addict American homeless are sleeping outside on cement under a tarp. Maybe homeless turn to drugs when all seems hopeless? I know I would.//
He knows he has no chance. He's just trying to catch Trump's eye for VP.
Trump wouldn't want him any more than he would want to run with Trump. He'd be a complete pain in Trump's ass.

This guy is an alpha, not a follower. It's no fluke that he's a retired CEO and a billionaire at age 37.

From the moment he declared, he was defending Trump. Not about him running. What he can do for the country. But Trump.
That's how little you've paid attention. He doesn't talk much about Trump though the media is constantly asking him about Trump. He answers the questions and gets back to his vision for America which has completely gone over your uninformed head. I suggest you pay attention.
What kind of name is Vivek Ramaswami?
Just look at the guy, he does not look like what a Real American looks like. He is probably some type of Muslim or other terrorist religion.

Until he presents a Long Form Birth Certificate he should be ineligible to run.
What kind of name is Vivek Ramaswami?
Just look at the guy, he does not look like what a Real American looks like. He is probably some type of Muslim or other terrorist religion.

Until he presents a Long Form Birth Certificate he should be ineligible to run.
He has shifty eyes
He has shifty eyes

We need to find out what Church he attends so we can review every sermon his pastor or Muslim Imam ever gave.

I bet we can find some Terrorism and Anti-American beliefs
I like what I see so far.

First of all CNN's description of this video is a lie. Kaitlin Collins did not "press" Ramaswamy about the definion of "woke," she just asked him for it, and he gave a very straightforward answer.

Her first questions were about (surprise, surprise) Donald Trump, and he stated that the prosecution is completely unfair and that he will pardon Trump if elected.

Asked if he is conservative, he gives a "yes, but . . . " answer and then argues the basic position of a populist, which he predicts will appeal to about 80% of Americans.

He made millions by running an investment firm that specifically and openly avoided taking wokeness into account when buying stocks. He's the son of immigrants, he's Hindu, according to Wiki, but he graduated from a Catholic high school, and was "influenced" by a conservative Christian piano teacher.

I look for him to be on the short list for Trump's running mate. If he is chosen, then his future depends on whether Trump wins in 2024.

Vivek is a globalist in nationalist's clothing. He wants to renegotiate our entry back into the TPP, wants to move more manufacturing to China while increasing H-1B work visas from India. He basically came out of nowhere as a CEO from a biotech company that based his business in the UK, and remained the chairman even as they joined with Pfizer, He could possibly be the Manchurian candidate for Big Pharma.

I haven't seen him break with the MAGA crowd yet

Why should he? You have something against making America great and putting our own country and people first again? MAGA is also probably the biggest political movement ever and for good reason---- it is what the people WANT and are crying out for, well, except for the confused, far left idiot, brainwashed, misinformed buttfuckers like you.

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