Vivek Ramaswamy: I'm just starting to learn about him.

Just look at his wife and kids


His wife looks like someone who is accustomed to wearing a terrorist bomb vest.
The kids probably go to some Terrorist Indoctrination School
They got traumatized by Obama. Had to make him a Muslim because they couldn't just come on out and say he's black. They ain't gonna go with a brown Hindu. Those people are bigots at their core.
You know, poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids
I like what I see so far.

First of all CNN's description of this video is a lie. Kaitlin Collins did not "press" Ramaswamy about the definion of "woke," she just asked him for it, and he gave a very straightforward answer.

Her first questions were about (surprise, surprise) Donald Trump, and he stated that the prosecution is completely unfair and that he will pardon Trump if elected.

Asked if he is conservative, he gives a "yes, but . . . " answer and then argues the basic position of a populist, which he predicts will appeal to about 80% of Americans.

He made millions by running an investment firm that specifically and openly avoided taking wokeness into account when buying stocks. He's the son of immigrants, he's Hindu, according to Wiki, but he graduated from a Catholic high school, and was "influenced" by a conservative Christian piano teacher.

I look for him to be on the short list for Trump's running mate. If he is chosen, then his future depends on whether Trump wins in 2024.

He's very smart and a rising star for the GOP.
I like what I see so far.

First of all CNN's description of this video is a lie. Kaitlin Collins did not "press" Ramaswamy about the definion of "woke," she just asked him for it, and he gave a very straightforward answer.

Her first questions were about (surprise, surprise) Donald Trump, and he stated that the prosecution is completely unfair and that he will pardon Trump if elected.

Asked if he is conservative, he gives a "yes, but . . . " answer and then argues the basic position of a populist, which he predicts will appeal to about 80% of Americans.

He made millions by running an investment firm that specifically and openly avoided taking wokeness into account when buying stocks. He's the son of immigrants, he's Hindu, according to Wiki, but he graduated from a Catholic high school, and was "influenced" by a conservative Christian piano teacher.

I look for him to be on the short list for Trump's running mate. If he is chosen, then his future depends on whether Trump wins in 2024.

He calls for capitalism remaining A- political.... I think that is a very reasonable philosophy. He explains himself well. Seems like someone people can work with...even Democrats
Why should he? You have something against making America great and putting our own country and people first again? MAGA is also probably the biggest political movement ever and for good reason---- it is what the people WANT and are crying out for, well, except for the confused, far left idiot, brainwashed, misinformed buttfuckers like you.

The Left always finds the most extreme examples to hold up as the standard. In order to mischaracterize a movement like MAGA... no.... people cant possibly just want to live a good life.... every conservative needs to be described by them as a selfish close minded racist.
To normal for ya huh?? LOL

Lets be honest here..

What kind of name is Vivek Ramaswamy?
Definitely isn’t a Real American

Until we see his Long Form Birth Certificate, we can’t be sure
He calls for capitalism remaining A- political.... I think that is a very reasonable philosophy. He explains himself well. Seems like someone people can work with...even Democrats
But it's you guys who have to put Shifty Eye Ramaswamy over the top.
Lets be honest here..

What kind of name is Vivek Ramaswamy?
Definitely isn’t a Real American

Until we see his Long Form Birth Certificate, we can’t be sure

Its a standard that every candidate be vetted... is there a candidate that never has a background check?
Its a standard that every candidate be vetted... is there a candidate that never has a background check?

Vetted by whom?
The Deep State?

Until this RamySlammy guy coughs up his Long Form Birth Certificate he must be suspected as some type of terrorist.
Obozo was never vetted.

Some people are just now discovering the moonbat messiah is a pillow biter.
We need to find out what Church he attends so we can review every sermon his pastor or Muslim Imam ever gave.

I bet we can find some Terrorism and Anti-American beliefs

He's a practicing Hindu, ya doofus.

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