Vote for Kav = Buh Bye Susie Collins

We need to put the left on the terrorist watch list, they are going crazy, no telling what the butt hurt will cause them to do.
I'd have no problem if they started at the WH or the RNC building
Don't get your become violent????? Well others have done so in history..........

Poor thing...........we don't care if you are offended by this..............This was a political hit with nothing to back it up...........YOU LOSE.
if you're american with this piece of dog shit in the sc you lose
We need to put the left on the terrorist watch list, they are going crazy, no telling what the butt hurt will cause them to do.
I'd have no problem if they started at the WH or the RNC building
Don't get your become violent????? Well others have done so in history..........

Poor thing...........we don't care if you are offended by this..............This was a political hit with nothing to back it up...........YOU LOSE.
if you're american with this piece of dog shit in the sc you lose
You seem upset........Did you lose again..............even after the unethical attack........from a bat shit crazy leftist activist.......

She is the only one who says it happened...........all those she said where there............don't back her up.............

Innocent til proven guilty.............that is how the Republic is supposed to work.........your side doesn't want to maintain the Republic........which is why you pick and choose which laws you think you will Sanctuary cities.........

Again........YOU LOST..........don't care if your..............

Just think! If $2M can be raised in a month and the election is two years away, we'll wipe her ugly mug off the Senate floor easily.

I hope other groups take the lead like the women in Maine have, and do the same damn thing.

So you saying your going to be buying votes now? That's a felony, crime party.

I suspect raising money that way for candidates is a felony too. Probably violates campaign finance law

How is this buying votes????
By your logic, PACs are a felony.
Get a fucking education and come back soon, ya' heah?
Just going by what you said criminal.

Obviously not, dumbshit.
Certified B Corporation
Try educating yourself instead of waiting for someone like me to show how fucking stupid you are.
Collins must have just saved her sorry ass.

A moving and thoughtful speech just ended. Calling out Democrats, their Socialist and outright Communists on their perversion of the SCOTUS confirmation procedure.

Capping it off with a reasoned statement that she will vote for confirmation.

Meanwhile Lease-A Murkowski looks likely to vote no raising the possibility that President Trump may take a new look at whether growing military bases in Alaska make sense.....indeed, whether America needs ANWR.

If Alaskans are sufficiently punished they might just shitcan Lease-A next time around.

Of course she has an opportunity to save her light of it now certain that there are the votes for confirmation "Daddy's Little Girl" (remember, her father appointed her to succeed him when it was clear he was about to be un-elected from The Senate) might just cast a luke-warm "yes" vote. But is she smart enough to do that? Would her Democrat (she is a notorious RINO) masters pull her strings hard enough that she'd cast a wasted "no"?

Only the puppetmasters know how much rope she'll be allowed.

She is right in her statements.

However, you already perverted the process with Garland.
huge difference, Garland was defeated by Constitutional law (role of Senate to advise and consent) and Senate rules. They tried ti take Kavanaugh down with vile and hateful claims, character assassination

Dems have grossly miscalculated and overreached, going to cost them big in tge midterms

on a side note, Collins' comments that Garland and Kavanaugh have voted the same way over 90% of the time is very interesting, should give reasonable left leaning folks comfort

Kavanaugh is a moderate. Drives the screaming opposition nuts. That's one reason they went to personal attacks.
We need to put the left on the terrorist watch list, they are going crazy, no telling what the butt hurt will cause them to do.
I'd have no problem if they started at the WH or the RNC building

Violence is the left’s way, it’s all they have is threats and fear.
Yes pap but your KKK and racists have some very good men among them BTW are you one of them?? Just asking
We need to put the left on the terrorist watch list, they are going crazy, no telling what the butt hurt will cause them to do.
I'd have no problem if they started at the WH or the RNC building

Violence is the left’s way, it’s all they have is threats and fear.
Yes pap but your KKK and racists have some very good men among them BTW are you one of them?? Just asking

You mean ELF, Sierra Club, PETA, OWS, Antifa, your violence is legendary, I wouldn’t know anything about the KKK or racists, hate and violence is your longing.
Collins must have just saved her sorry ass.

A moving and thoughtful speech just ended. Calling out Democrats, their Socialist and outright Communists on their perversion of the SCOTUS confirmation procedure.

Capping it off with a reasoned statement that she will vote for confirmation.

Meanwhile Lease-A Murkowski looks likely to vote no raising the possibility that President Trump may take a new look at whether growing military bases in Alaska make sense.....indeed, whether America needs ANWR.

If Alaskans are sufficiently punished they might just shitcan Lease-A next time around.

Of course she has an opportunity to save her light of it now certain that there are the votes for confirmation "Daddy's Little Girl" (remember, her father appointed her to succeed him when it was clear he was about to be un-elected from The Senate) might just cast a luke-warm "yes" vote. But is she smart enough to do that? Would her Democrat (she is a notorious RINO) masters pull her strings hard enough that she'd cast a wasted "no"?

Only the puppetmasters know how much rope she'll be allowed.

She is right in her statements.

However, you already perverted the process with Garland.
huge difference, Garland was defeated by Constitutional law (role of Senate to advise and consent) and Senate rules. They tried ti take Kavanaugh down with vile and hateful claims, character assassination

Dems have grossly miscalculated and overreached, going to cost them big in tge midterms

on a side note, Collins' comments that Garland and Kavanaugh have voted the same way over 90% of the time is very interesting, should give reasonable left leaning folks comfort

Kavanaugh is a moderate. Drives the screaming opposition nuts. That's one reason they went to personal attacks.
They actually got off easy on this one..........there were some very conservative candidates that would make them wish Kav was the man.

They are lucky. pick then......
We need to put the left on the terrorist watch list, they are going crazy, no telling what the butt hurt will cause them to do.
I'd have no problem if they started at the WH or the RNC building

Violence is the left’s way, it’s all they have is threats and fear.
Yes pap but your KKK and racists have some very good men among them BTW are you one of them?? Just asking

That is all they have, they accuse the opposition of racism, sexism, rape, sexual assault and any other unsubstantiated BS. They are pathetic and keep proving it over and over.
We need to put the left on the terrorist watch list, they are going crazy, no telling what the butt hurt will cause them to do.
I'd have no problem if they started at the WH or the RNC building

Violence is the left’s way, it’s all they have is threats and fear.
Yes pap but your KKK and racists have some very good men among them BTW are you one of them?? Just asking

You mean ELF, Sierra Club, PETA, OWS, Antifa, your violence is legendary, I wouldn’t know anything about the KKK or racists, hate and violence is your longing.
Oh don't play stupid Pap You heard the Trump ah praise those racists and kkkers as some being good people
The women in this country are throwing your sorry ass out in 2020.

Democratic Nominee for SenatePotential candidate for ME, U.S. Senate, 2020 Primary Election
From 68,315 pledges on Crowdpac

98% of $2,000,000 goal

View attachment 220521
Every commercial, every ad, every speech against her; all will feature this “yes” vote if she ends up deciding to put party over country.
She's going to tell us at 3 p.m. during her Senate floor speech.
Live coverage of the Senators' remarks now,
Brett Kavanaugh: Susan Collins poised to announce decision as hundreds protest – live updates
It was superb speech.
We need to put the left on the terrorist watch list, they are going crazy, no telling what the butt hurt will cause them to do.
I'd have no problem if they started at the WH or the RNC building

Violence is the left’s way, it’s all they have is threats and fear.
Yes pap but your KKK and racists have some very good men among them BTW are you one of them?? Just asking

You mean ELF, Sierra Club, PETA, OWS, Antifa, your violence is legendary, I wouldn’t know anything about the KKK or racists, hate and violence is your longing.
Oh don't play stupid Pap You heard the Trump ah praise those racists and kkkers as some being good people
beat em up I'll pay for your lawyers??? You never heard that either PAP? Tell me you're deaf as well as dumb
Senator Collins is going on and on and on about Kavanaugh nomination trying to explain away all his faults and justify his rulings believed in opposition of precedent! She's doing a great job! All this BS just so she can say "yes" to Cloture to his elevation; "go ahead girl! You're toast!" After all this, can she possibly say "NO!" We'll see; still waiting! :9: :aargh: :2cents:
my daughter and all her friends male and female can't wait to vote against her if she votes yes for the pos on sc
So that's 6 voted she wont get?
every little bit counts 2 million in pledges to anyone running against the bitch
Doesn’t matter
We need to put the left on the terrorist watch list, they are going crazy, no telling what the butt hurt will cause them to do.
I'd have no problem if they started at the WH or the RNC building

Violence is the left’s way, it’s all they have is threats and fear.
Yes pap but your KKK and racists have some very good men among them BTW are you one of them?? Just asking

That is all they have, they accuse the opposition of racism, sexism, rape, sexual assault and any other unsubstantiated BS. They are pathetic and keep proving it over and over.
Yup.........leftist scumbags............when in power they use the Federal Agencies against those that don't agree..........

They are very ............hmmm..........dangerous........
I'd have no problem if they started at the WH or the RNC building

Violence is the left’s way, it’s all they have is threats and fear.
Yes pap but your KKK and racists have some very good men among them BTW are you one of them?? Just asking

You mean ELF, Sierra Club, PETA, OWS, Antifa, your violence is legendary, I wouldn’t know anything about the KKK or racists, hate and violence is your longing.
Oh don't play stupid Pap You heard the Trump ah praise those racists and kkkers as some being good people
beat em up I'll pay for your lawyers??? You never heard that either PAP? Tell me you're deaf as well as dumb
We'll call this anger management class..........let it all out ........don't keep it bottled............


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