Vote for Kav = Buh Bye Susie Collins

We need to put the left on the terrorist watch list, they are going crazy, no telling what the butt hurt will cause them to do.
I'd have no problem if they started at the WH or the RNC building

Violence is the left’s way, it’s all they have is threats and fear.
Yes pap but your KKK and racists have some very good men among them BTW are you one of them?? Just asking

That is all they have, they accuse the opposition of racism, sexism, rape, sexual assault and any other unsubstantiated BS. They are pathetic and keep proving it over and over.
If any of those belong to any group it's yours and your master Trump,,,,,, Racism not allowing blacks to rent in his buildings ,,wife accused him of rape 18 women say he molested them ,cheated on 3 wives ALL FACTUAL not the bullshit you and yours throw
I wonder when the "women in this country" are going to believe the "survivor" of their party's co-chair, and throw him out ?

Yes but his own party did an internal investigation and found the charges without merit. A lot different then an FBI that dislikes Trump investigating Kavanaugh and finding the accusation without merit. LOL!
28 people that had corroborating evidence weren't interviewed the gd thing was a SHAM

Calling Ford's accusation an outright sham is further than even most conservatives will go. . . . but still, admitting that the whole thing is political is none the less big of you. :smiliehug:

You're making progress.
I never doubted Kavanaugh would be confirmed because Collins loves to do this bullshit dance with the moderates that she will vote with them then does not. Flake wants to run as a Republican again as the anti-_trump this vote gives him some street cred and Manchin needs to protect his right flank in the coming election.
Collins must have just saved her sorry ass.

A moving and thoughtful speech just ended. Calling out Democrats, their Socialist and outright Communists on their perversion of the SCOTUS confirmation procedure.

Capping it off with a reasoned statement that she will vote for confirmation.

Meanwhile Lease-A Murkowski looks likely to vote no raising the possibility that President Trump may take a new look at whether growing military bases in Alaska make sense.....indeed, whether America needs ANWR.

If Alaskans are sufficiently punished they might just shitcan Lease-A next time around.

Of course she has an opportunity to save her light of it now certain that there are the votes for confirmation "Daddy's Little Girl" (remember, her father appointed her to succeed him when it was clear he was about to be un-elected from The Senate) might just cast a luke-warm "yes" vote. But is she smart enough to do that? Would her Democrat (she is a notorious RINO) masters pull her strings hard enough that she'd cast a wasted "no"?

Only the puppetmasters know how much rope she'll be allowed.

She is right in her statements.

However, you already perverted the process with Garland.
huge difference, Garland was defeated by Constitutional law (role of Senate to advise and consent) and Senate rules. They tried ti take Kavanaugh down with vile and hateful claims, character assassination

Dems have grossly miscalculated and overreached, going to cost them big in tge midterms

on a side note, Collins' comments that Garland and Kavanaugh have voted the same way over 90% of the time is very interesting, should give reasonable left leaning folks comfort

Kavanaugh is a moderate. Drives the screaming opposition nuts. That's one reason they went to personal attacks.
They actually got off easy on this one..........there were some very conservative candidates that would make them wish Kav was the man.

They are lucky. pick then......

Oh I'm sure there are scummier conservative judges out there; it's just that this one is being rewarded after what he put this country thru with all his conspiracy theories trying to nail Bill Clinton! He was the author of that disgusting Star Report & after all his sleaze, he gets a lifetime appt.! You guys are such suckers! :19: :14:
I'd have no problem if they started at the WH or the RNC building

Violence is the left’s way, it’s all they have is threats and fear.
Yes pap but your KKK and racists have some very good men among them BTW are you one of them?? Just asking

That is all they have, they accuse the opposition of racism, sexism, rape, sexual assault and any other unsubstantiated BS. They are pathetic and keep proving it over and over.
If any of those belong to any group it's yours and your master Trump,,,,,, Racism not allowing blacks to rent in his buildings ,,wife accused him of rape 18 women say he molested them ,cheated on 3 wives ALL FACTUAL not the bullshit you and yours throw
cheating on his taxes and playing footsie with putin ,,,a lying sob that belongs 6 feet under
One of the best things about Collins speech...Murkowski was sitting right behind her. Somehow able to support herself without a spine.
I'd have no problem if they started at the WH or the RNC building

Violence is the left’s way, it’s all they have is threats and fear.
Yes pap but your KKK and racists have some very good men among them BTW are you one of them?? Just asking

That is all they have, they accuse the opposition of racism, sexism, rape, sexual assault and any other unsubstantiated BS. They are pathetic and keep proving it over and over.
Yup.........leftist scumbags............when in power they use the Federal Agencies against those that don't agree..........

They are very ............hmmm..........dangerous........
and whenever you ah's are in power you tear down all those agencies that protect the people
Violence is the left’s way, it’s all they have is threats and fear.
Yes pap but your KKK and racists have some very good men among them BTW are you one of them?? Just asking

That is all they have, they accuse the opposition of racism, sexism, rape, sexual assault and any other unsubstantiated BS. They are pathetic and keep proving it over and over.
If any of those belong to any group it's yours and your master Trump,,,,,, Racism not allowing blacks to rent in his buildings ,,wife accused him of rape 18 women say he molested them ,cheated on 3 wives ALL FACTUAL not the bullshit you and yours throw
cheating on his taxes and playing footsie with putin ,,,a lying sob that belongs 6 feet under

So how you plan on doing it?
Wow, she is really on point

Whoever XX is, must be a real sonofabich

Susan Collins
Its nice to see her give the finger to Feinstein.
P on you
Whatever that means
you can't even give a guess?? lol
Nope. Since I am not a sophomore girl.
ok enough----you don't like my politics I despise yours and the others here posting I have to catch up with some movies and my FB picks for this week
Violence is the left’s way, it’s all they have is threats and fear.
Yes pap but your KKK and racists have some very good men among them BTW are you one of them?? Just asking

That is all they have, they accuse the opposition of racism, sexism, rape, sexual assault and any other unsubstantiated BS. They are pathetic and keep proving it over and over.
Yup.........leftist scumbags............when in power they use the Federal Agencies against those that don't agree..........

They are very ............hmmm..........dangerous........
and whenever you ah's are in power you tear down all those agencies that protect the people

You mean the unethical hacks that got thrown the hell out for being unethical.........who now work for places like unethical CNN.......

You mean like the entire FBI having to go to training for these unethical hacks..............

It's high time these agencies remember who the hell they work for............the PEOPLE not bought off political whores and corporations.

Like Comey with 6 million for one year at Lockhead............yeah they are all so innocent,..........

The rank and file are fine........the political asshats need to be run out of town.
Its nice to see her give the finger to Feinstein.
P on you
Whatever that means
you can't even give a guess?? lol
Nope. Since I am not a sophomore girl.
ok enough----you don't like my politics I despise yours and the others here posting I have to catch up with some movies and my FB picks for this week
Smart move................don't miss the vote this weekend..........LOL
Its nice to see her give the finger to Feinstein.
P on you
Whatever that means
you can't even give a guess?? lol
Nope. Since I am not a sophomore girl.
ok enough----you don't like my politics I despise yours and the others here posting I have to catch up with some movies and my FB picks for this week
What does your childish post ( p) have to do with politics?
Yes pap but your KKK and racists have some very good men among them BTW are you one of them?? Just asking

That is all they have, they accuse the opposition of racism, sexism, rape, sexual assault and any other unsubstantiated BS. They are pathetic and keep proving it over and over.
If any of those belong to any group it's yours and your master Trump,,,,,, Racism not allowing blacks to rent in his buildings ,,wife accused him of rape 18 women say he molested them ,cheated on 3 wives ALL FACTUAL not the bullshit you and yours throw
cheating on his taxes and playing footsie with putin ,,,a lying sob that belongs 6 feet under

So how you plan on doing it?
Not planning on it at all Just praying
you can't even give a guess?? lol
Nope. Since I am not a sophomore girl.
ok enough----you don't like my politics I despise yours and the others here posting I have to catch up with some movies and my FB picks for this week
What does your childish post ( p) have to do with politics?
if you don't get it ,,forget about it

That is all they have, they accuse the opposition of racism, sexism, rape, sexual assault and any other unsubstantiated BS. They are pathetic and keep proving it over and over.
If any of those belong to any group it's yours and your master Trump,,,,,, Racism not allowing blacks to rent in his buildings ,,wife accused him of rape 18 women say he molested them ,cheated on 3 wives ALL FACTUAL not the bullshit you and yours throw
cheating on his taxes and playing footsie with putin ,,,a lying sob that belongs 6 feet under

So how you plan on doing it?
Not planning on it at all Just praying

And if someone else does it..........will you cheer or condemn...........hmmm
Yes pap but your KKK and racists have some very good men among them BTW are you one of them?? Just asking

That is all they have, they accuse the opposition of racism, sexism, rape, sexual assault and any other unsubstantiated BS. They are pathetic and keep proving it over and over.
If any of those belong to any group it's yours and your master Trump,,,,,, Racism not allowing blacks to rent in his buildings ,,wife accused him of rape 18 women say he molested them ,cheated on 3 wives ALL FACTUAL not the bullshit you and yours throw
cheating on his taxes and playing footsie with putin ,,,a lying sob that belongs 6 feet under

So how you plan on doing it?
Well, apparently risin isn't going to work, his folks are too smart for that it seems. . . . :21:
Whatever that means
you can't even give a guess?? lol
Nope. Since I am not a sophomore girl.
ok enough----you don't like my politics I despise yours and the others here posting I have to catch up with some movies and my FB picks for this week
What does your childish post ( p) have to do with politics?
if you don't get it ,,forget about it
I don’t since I’m not a 12 year old girl

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