Vote for Kav = Buh Bye Susie Collins

Wow, she is really on point

Whoever XX is, must be a real sonofabich

Susan Collins
Its nice to see her give the finger to Feinstein.
P on you
I wonder when the "women in this country" are going to believe the "survivor" of their party's co-chair, and throw him out ?

Yes but his own party did an internal investigation and found the charges without merit. A lot different then an FBI that dislikes Trump investigating Kavanaugh and finding the accusation without merit. LOL!
I wonder when the "women in this country" are going to believe the "survivor" of their party's co-chair, and throw him out ?

Yes but his own party did an internal investigation and found the charges without merit. A lot different then an FBI that dislikes Trump investigating Kavanaugh and finding the accusation without merit. LOL!
28 people that had corroborating evidence weren't interviewed the gd thing was a SHAM
Hilarious! One loser from WV with no guts or principles; that makes it bipartisan! ;-)

It takes more guts and principles to vote against your party then being a sheep.
how many republicans showed any guts ?? ONE?

Kavanaugh's confirmation is bi-partisan, begin the healing process.
fuk healing Get the MF's back Might take years but get the pos back

Eddie its not the end of the world. We have 2 to 6 more years to put America first and make America great again. Dem's will get another turn someday, maybe after the country is exhausted from winning.
We need to put the left on the terrorist watch list, they are going crazy, no telling what the butt hurt will cause them to do.
I wonder when the "women in this country" are going to believe the "survivor" of their party's co-chair, and throw him out ?

Yes but his own party did an internal investigation and found the charges without merit. A lot different then an FBI that dislikes Trump investigating Kavanaugh and finding the accusation without merit. LOL!
28 people that had corroborating evidence weren't interviewed the gd thing was a SHAM

be 50 tomorrow..................your done...........maybe in another 36 years she'll figure out what house it was at.
I wonder when the "women in this country" are going to believe the "survivor" of their party's co-chair, and throw him out ?

Yes but his own party did an internal investigation and found the charges without merit. A lot different then an FBI that dislikes Trump investigating Kavanaugh and finding the accusation without merit. LOL!
28 people that had corroborating evidence weren't interviewed the gd thing was a SHAM

LOL! Still no proof.
We need to put the left on the terrorist watch list, they are going crazy, no telling what the butt hurt will cause them to do.
To hell with these unethical hacks.........................Ford should be tried..........or at least sued..........take her go fund me millionaire status away.
Will Dem's pull their head out of their ass now? Seriously waste all your political capital on a Kavanaugh fight? Dumb! If Dem's don't start proposing ideas for creating jobs, improving the economy, and reducing taxes they are going to continue to lose elections.
Hilarious! One loser from WV with no guts or principles; that makes it bipartisan! ;-)

It takes more guts and principles to vote against your party then being a sheep.
how many republicans showed any guts ?? ONE?

Kavanaugh's confirmation is bi-partisan, begin the healing process.
fuk healing Get the MF's back Might take years but get the pos back

Eddie its not the end of the world. We have 2 to 6 more years to put America first and make America great again. Dem's will get another turn someday, maybe after the country is exhausted from winning.
You call what's going on with this vile AH in our WH winning ? and we've always been great from long before this pos became president You don't think so?
It takes more guts and principles to vote against your party then being a sheep.
how many republicans showed any guts ?? ONE?

Kavanaugh's confirmation is bi-partisan, begin the healing process.
fuk healing Get the MF's back Might take years but get the pos back

Eddie its not the end of the world. We have 2 to 6 more years to put America first and make America great again. Dem's will get another turn someday, maybe after the country is exhausted from winning.
You call what's going on with this vile AH in our WH winning ? and we've always been great from long before this pos became president You don't think so?

You and I have different definitions of "great". The country was spiraling into the ground, Trump is turning that around. He's one step, if we keep electing leaders instead of stupid professional politicians we'll MAGA.
We need to put the left on the terrorist watch list, they are going crazy, no telling what the butt hurt will cause them to do.
I'd have no problem if they started at the WH or the RNC building
Don't get your become violent????? Well others have done so in history..........

Poor thing...........we don't care if you are offended by this..............This was a political hit with nothing to back it up...........YOU LOSE.
how many republicans showed any guts ?? ONE?

Kavanaugh's confirmation is bi-partisan, begin the healing process.
fuk healing Get the MF's back Might take years but get the pos back

Eddie its not the end of the world. We have 2 to 6 more years to put America first and make America great again. Dem's will get another turn someday, maybe after the country is exhausted from winning.
You call what's going on with this vile AH in our WH winning ? and we've always been great from long before this pos became president You don't think so?

You and I have different definitions of "great". The country was spiraling into the ground, Trump is turning that around. He's one step, if we keep electing leaders instead of stupid professional politicians we'll MAGA.
America was going into the ground??? With the 2 bushes Reagan trump and now this LIFE TIME POS maybe you're right
Kavanaugh's confirmation is bi-partisan, begin the healing process.
fuk healing Get the MF's back Might take years but get the pos back

Eddie its not the end of the world. We have 2 to 6 more years to put America first and make America great again. Dem's will get another turn someday, maybe after the country is exhausted from winning.
You call what's going on with this vile AH in our WH winning ? and we've always been great from long before this pos became president You don't think so?

You and I have different definitions of "great". The country was spiraling into the ground, Trump is turning that around. He's one step, if we keep electing leaders instead of stupid professional politicians we'll MAGA.
America was going into the ground??? With the 2 bushes Reagan trump and now this LIFE TIME POS maybe you're right

HELLO $20 trillion in debt and every solution your side proposed was a jobs killing tax increase or jobs killing regulation.

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