Vote for Kav = Buh Bye Susie Collins

Just think! If $2M can be raised in a month and the election is two years away, we'll wipe her ugly mug off the Senate floor easily.

I hope other groups take the lead like the women in Maine have, and do the same damn thing.

So you saying your going to be buying votes now? That's a felony, crime party.

I suspect raising money that way for candidates is a felony too. Probably violates campaign finance law
Whooo-----eeeee baby.

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Either Sen. Collins VOTES NO on Kavanaugh OR we fund her future opponent

That's the best news I've had all week!

Is that page even legal?

Yes, raising campaign money for candidates via crowdfunding is perfectly legal.
The group that started this campaign told Susan Collins they would give the money raised to her Dem opponent in 2020 if she voted for Kavanaugh.
If she had not voted for Kavanaugh, all the funds would be returned to the donors.
Cool, huh? Fucking brilliant.
Senator Collins is going on and on and on about Kavanaugh nomination trying to explain away all his faults and justify his rulings believed in opposition of precedent! She's doing a great job! All this BS just so she can say "yes" to Cloture to his elevation; "go ahead girl! You're toast!" After all this, can she possibly say "NO!" We'll see; still waiting! :9: :aargh: :2cents:
my daughter and all her friends male and female can't wait to vote against her if she votes yes for the pos on sc

I imagine they're just like you.

ignore the facts, and vote blue

YEP! Republicans have fk'd up so much, I wouldn't vote them in to be dog catcher! They own it all and still treat the rest of the country as if we're serfs to respect and accept all their BS! This thing with those kids being separated from their moms who crossed the border illegally will live on in my soul/heart as one of the most disgusting things of late being done by our gov't while they're in charge! :crybaby: :cuckoo: :confused-84: :dunno: :eusa_pray:
Mom should not have broken the law.

So you punish the children who are ALL traumatized & scarred for the rest of their fk'n lives! Thanks! :14:

Yeah, that's awful!
So sad!!

Buh-bye now.
Just think! If $2M can be raised in a month and the election is two years away, we'll wipe her ugly mug off the Senate floor easily.

I hope other groups take the lead like the women in Maine have, and do the same damn thing.

So you saying your going to be buying votes now? That's a felony, crime party.

I suspect raising money that way for candidates is a felony too. Probably violates campaign finance law

How is this buying votes????
By your logic, PACs are a felony.
Get a fucking education and come back soon, ya' heah?
The difference is negligable
oh bullshit

defeating a man by refusing to hold a vote is nowhere near the same deal as destroying a man's reputation and hurting his family

you have got to be kidding me

blue wave is dead

Not bullshit. No one has shown it did not occur. Ford has no incentive to make it up. It was handled BADLY.

You just like to excuse your own side - what you did with Garland was legal but wrong. And if it had been a Republican nominee, you would not be saying it's fine.

So the millions of dollars democrats gave her aren’t a sufficient motivation?
That was one of the most well-reasoned, critical and executed speeches I have seen in years - completely non-partisan. I was never impressed with Collins before solely because I could never listen to her voice, but she certainly has the intelligence and my attention now. I would vote for her for republican President. She was masterful.

This whole process was NEVER about Blasey Ford, she was a sad pawn (as Collins pointed out). It was about doing anything to stop Kavanaugh. Again (as Collins said) it was the Democrats who abused and used Ford, assuming she is innocent (there is no proof that she did not just make the whole thing up).

The Dem's big mistake was choosing to come out with the "I believe Her" meme long before any facts were even investigated. Had ANYONE come out to support Ford's story it might have gone a different way, but she was not credible, and that's just the truth.

You can't bullshit the American people, we are on to the games, the media, the propaganda, the harassment -- all of it is failing. Maybe you will stop the bedwetting and go back to treating politics like adults - not entitled children.

Say that again?

See what happened to Lisa Murkowski's Facebook page by your "adults"


She got what she deserved.
Just think! If $2M can be raised in a month and the election is two years away, we'll wipe her ugly mug off the Senate floor easily.

I hope other groups take the lead like the women in Maine have, and do the same damn thing.

So you saying your going to be buying votes now? That's a felony, crime party.

I suspect raising money that way for candidates is a felony too. Probably violates campaign finance law

How is this buying votes????
By your logic, PACs are a felony.
Get a fucking education and come back soon, ya' heah?
Just going by what you said criminal.
Just think! If $2M can be raised in a month and the election is two years away, we'll wipe her ugly mug off the Senate floor easily.

I hope other groups take the lead like the women in Maine have, and do the same damn thing.

So you saying your going to be buying votes now? That's a felony, crime party.

I suspect raising money that way for candidates is a felony too. Probably violates campaign finance law
It violates donation limits. It will be counted as a single donation. You can't bundle donations.
The Dimms constiuency are now women who accuse men of rape without ANY evidence or witnesses.


Once those few man hating Lesbians die off, what will be left?

Oh. So if you can't provide physical proof of rape it's ok to rape that what the Republicans are about today?

Do you remember in 1991 when the Republicans were outraged that Candice Bergen's TV character, Murphy Brown, got pregnant out of wedlock and had the baby?
Enraged. They were the party of family values.

So fast forward to 2016 and they vote for a pussy-grabbing, porn-star screwing ex-TV game show host has-been with six bankruptcies on his record.
And become indignant when women in Alabama claim that Roy Moore molested them as teenagers.
And defend a closet alcoholic who makes hyper-partisan rants to the Senate committee on his way towards a SCOTUS confirmation.
Well, when you put it that
Just think! If $2M can be raised in a month and the election is two years away, we'll wipe her ugly mug off the Senate floor easily.

I hope other groups take the lead like the women in Maine have, and do the same damn thing.

So you saying your going to be buying votes now? That's a felony, crime party.

I suspect raising money that way for candidates is a felony too. Probably violates campaign finance law
It violates donation limits. It will be counted as a single donation. You can't bundle donations.
It seems the crime party is not concerned with that.
She's basically a Democrat. A RINO turd. Good riddance.

She is a Republican first and a Senator 2nd. She needs to lose.
No, her state is pretty much half and half on this. She explained in detail why she voted the way she did. Maine is Pro-Choice, but so is she. As for the rest of the myriad concerns--she weighed them and felt he would be a good justice. As she pointed out, she voted for two liberals appointed by Obama, too. Senator Collins IS a Republican, but she is fair, imo.
Just think! If $2M can be raised in a month and the election is two years away, we'll wipe her ugly mug off the Senate floor easily.

I hope other groups take the lead like the women in Maine have, and do the same damn thing.

So you saying your going to be buying votes now? That's a felony, crime party.

I suspect raising money that way for candidates is a felony too. Probably violates campaign finance law
It violates donation limits. It will be counted as a single donation. You can't bundle donations.

Not my area of expertise but it sounds correct.

I’ve always disliked campaign donation limits. I’m of the opinion that American citizens should be free to donate as much as they want to whom they want.
Just think! If $2M can be raised in a month and the election is two years away, we'll wipe her ugly mug off the Senate floor easily.

I hope other groups take the lead like the women in Maine have, and do the same damn thing.

So you saying your going to be buying votes now? That's a felony, crime party.

I suspect raising money that way for candidates is a felony too. Probably violates campaign finance law
It really pisses me off that an out of state bully like that can be on Senator Collins' case. I hope they can stop it.
So happy the angry miserable bulldog women get the big house here! Watch those protests.....look at the faces. Every single one a total bulldog! They want to make men miserable every chance they get......subhumans of the worst kind. Fuck 'em.....hope I run into one this weekend!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
The Dimms constiuency are now women who accuse men of rape without ANY evidence or witnesses.


Once those few man hating Lesbians die off, what will be left?

Oh. So if you can't provide physical proof of rape it's ok to rape that what the Republicans are about today?

Pretty much. It is okay to do any crime if there is no proof to prove you did it.

If the bank in your town ends up missing several thousand dollars and claims YOU stole it, can they put you in jail with out evidence based solely on their claim?


Stop being stupid. No one believes it is "ok to rape someone." At the same time, nobody believes it is ok to just punish someone based on solely on accusations, right?

The is the premise of crime. Democrats are always telling foreigners, if you don't get caught, sure, come on over to America without going through the process, rape the system.

Well stop being stupid yourself. There was no full investigation. There was no conclusive evidence, but enough to suggest something had happened. In fact most agreed something DID happen. Not enough to, as was brought up in another case - to allow a prosecuter to make a reasonable case. And that is fair assuming a full investigation reaches the same conclusions. I have issues with the way it was handled in such a public manner, that should never have happened. Nor should it have been ignored. Ford's name should never have been disclosed, and the investigation should have been thorough and quiet until concluded. THAT was shameful and GROSSLY unfair to both Kavannaugh and Ford. BOTH have been publically shredded and humiliated. The President himself partook of the public shredding of a civilian. That is unforgiveable. Each time when I think one side or the other can't get any worse they do. And the Republicans are no better.

My apologies dear.

What I meant by stupid was, that you can't possibly believe someone should be sanctioned and have their character and career destroyed on an accusation alone? Who ever leaked this wanted to make sure that you would feel this way, that the corporate media would make you feel this way.

You don't actually think that, right?

I don't think sexual assault is an issue that should be politicized and used as a political weapon, I believe that the establishment is cheapening it. Folks will no longer take it seriously, like the boy who cried wolf. The leaker did this for precisely this purpose, b/c they knew how certain folks would react.

What ever the case may be, we are in total agreement, the situation was handled completely horribly. Utterly atrocious. I'm pretty sure, the reason it was leaked, is to make an issue of something where no evidence would ever have been found, to MAKE IT POLITICAL, to tie him to something that was in all likelihood, either a false memory, or an incident that had two sides of a story. If they hadn't leaked it, it would have never gone public and we would not now be having this conversation. If it weren't a false memory, it is likely a misunderstanding or an exaggeration. Who knows?

When I think about the fact that Ginsburg was confirmed on a vote of 96 to 3 and Scalia was confirmed on a vote of 98 to 0 I wonder what is happening to this nation.
I don't usually listen to political speeches.



A politician usually has these exhaustingly long speeches to justify something they know is going to PO people! Collins thinks she's giving herself cover, but she better get ready for the fight of her life! The commercials to oust her old, trembling arse will be coming and she'll wish she just sucked it up and done the unexpected thing than the expedient thing which was to "roll over!" These wishy-washy Rep. acting as if they have more of a moral compass than everyone else are just fooling themselves with their "Hamlet act!" Flake can't be punished unless he's trying to save himself for running for Gov. later! He's not on the ballet in Nov.! He could have stuck a fork in Kavanaugh, but as always, he fk'n rolled over as well! Their punishment will be looking back at them in the mirror! :1peleas:

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