Vote for Kav = Buh Bye Susie Collins

Senator Collins is going on and on and on about Kavanaugh nomination trying to explain away all his faults and justify his rulings believed in opposition of precedent! She's doing a great job! All this BS just so she can say "yes" to Cloture to his elevation; "go ahead girl! You're toast!" After all this, can she possibly say "NO!" We'll see; still waiting! :9: :aargh: :2cents:
my daughter and all her friends male and female can't wait to vote against her if she votes yes for the pos on sc

I imagine they're just like you.

ignore the facts, and vote blue

YEP! Republicans have fk'd up so much, I wouldn't vote them in to be dog catcher! They own it all and still treat the rest of the country as if we're serfs to respect and accept all their BS! This thing with those kids being separated from their moms who crossed the border illegally will live on in my soul/heart as one of the most disgusting things of late being done by our gov't while they're in charge! :crybaby: :cuckoo: :confused-84: :dunno: :eusa_pray:
Mom should not have broken the law.

So you punish the children who are ALL traumatized & scarred for the rest of their fk'n lives! Thanks! :14:
The Dimms constiuency are now women who accuse men of rape without ANY evidence or witnesses.


Once those few man hating Lesbians die off, what will be left?

Oh. So if you can't provide physical proof of rape it's ok to rape that what the Republicans are about today?

Pretty much. It is okay to do any crime if there is no proof to prove you did it.

If the bank in your town ends up missing several thousand dollars and claims YOU stole it, can they put you in jail with out evidence based solely on their claim?


Stop being stupid. No one believes it is "ok to rape someone." At the same time, nobody believes it is ok to just punish someone based on solely on accusations, right?

The is the premise of crime. Democrats are always telling foreigners, if you don't get caught, sure, come on over to America without going through the process, rape the system.

Well stop being stupid yourself. There was no full investigation. There was no conclusive evidence, but enough to suggest something had happened. In fact most agreed something DID happen. Not enough to, as was brought up in another case - to allow a prosecuter to make a reasonable case. And that is fair assuming a full investigation reaches the same conclusions. I have issues with the way it was handled in such a public manner, that should never have happened. Nor should it have been ignored. Ford's name should never have been disclosed, and the investigation should have been thorough and quiet until concluded. THAT was shameful and GROSSLY unfair to both Kavannaugh and Ford. BOTH have been publically shredded and humiliated. The President himself partook of the public shredding of a civilian. That is unforgiveable. Each time when I think one side or the other can't get any worse they do. And the Republicans are no better.
The women in this country are throwing your sorry ass out in 2020.

Democratic Nominee for Senate
Potential candidate for ME, U.S. Senate, 2020 Primary Election

$1,951,677 raised.

From 68,315 pledges on Crowdpac

98% of $2,000,000 goal

View attachment 220521
Sounds like you are a hater of women.....
Wrong but if true at least he doesn’t want them raoed like you do.
raoed? Is that a new thing you liberals do to women? People like you are the reason people like me went into the military, so we can defend and protect our people from shits like you.
Being in the military does not excuse your being a despicable piece of trash.

The women in this country are throwing your sorry ass out in 2020..

Highly unlikely. Collins has always had a relatively easy reelection and by 2020 nobody will even care about this anymore. Two years is a lifetime in politics.

It will be a Presidential year and Trump's treatment of women will be a issue as women could go Democrat even more than they did for Clinton. Collins is going to have to answer for her vote.
The women in this country are throwing your sorry ass out in 2020.

Democratic Nominee for Senate
Potential candidate for ME, U.S. Senate, 2020 Primary Election

$1,951,677 raised.

From 68,315 pledges on Crowdpac

98% of $2,000,000 goal

View attachment 220521
Sounds like you are a hater of women.....
Wrong but if true at least he doesn’t want them raoed like you do.
raoed? Is that a new thing you liberals do to women? People like you are the reason people like me went into the military, so we can defend and protect our people from shits like you.
Being in the military does not excuse your being a despicable piece of trash.

The women in this country are throwing your sorry ass out in 2020..

Highly unlikely. Collins has always had a relatively easy reelection and by 2020 nobody will even care about this anymore. Two years is a lifetime in politics.

It will be a Presidential year and Trump's treatment of women will be a issue as women could go Democrat even more than they did for Clinton. Collins is going to have to answer for her vote.
Like they did in ‘16?
That was one of the most well-reasoned, critical and executed speeches I have seen in years - completely non-partisan. I was never impressed with Collins before solely because I could never listen to her voice, but she certainly has the intelligence and my attention now. I would vote for her for republican President. She was masterful.

This whole process was NEVER about Blasey Ford, she was a sad pawn (as Collins pointed out). It was about doing anything to stop Kavanaugh. Again (as Collins said) it was the Democrats who abused and used Ford, assuming she is innocent (there is no proof that she did not just make the whole thing up).

The Dem's big mistake was choosing to come out with the "I believe Her" meme long before any facts were even investigated. Had ANYONE come out to support Ford's story it might have gone a different way, but she was not credible, and that's just the truth.

You can't bullshit the American people, we are on to the games, the media, the propaganda, the harassment -- all of it is failing. Maybe you will stop the bedwetting and go back to treating politics like adults - not entitled children.

Say that again?

See what happened to Lisa Murkowski's Facebook page by your "adults"


The women in this country are throwing your sorry ass out in 2020.

Democratic Nominee for SenatePotential candidate for ME, U.S. Senate, 2020 Primary Election
From 68,315 pledges on Crowdpac

98% of $2,000,000 goal

View attachment 220521
Every commercial, every ad, every speech against her; all will feature this “yes” vote if she ends up deciding to put party over country.
You imagine that's a campaign loser? Here's some news for you, dumbass. A majority of the voters say Kavanaugh should be confirmed.
That was one of the most well-reasoned, critical and executed speeches I have seen in years - completely non-partisan. I was never impressed with Collins before solely because I could never listen to her voice, but she certainly has the intelligence and my attention now. I would vote for her for republican President. She was masterful.

This whole process was NEVER about Blasey Ford, she was a sad pawn (as Collins pointed out). It was about doing anything to stop Kavanaugh. Again (as Collins said) it was the Democrats who abused and used Ford, assuming she is innocent (there is no proof that she did not just make the whole thing up).

The Dem's big mistake was choosing to come out with the "I believe Her" meme long before any facts were even investigated. Had ANYONE come out to support Ford's story it might have gone a different way, but she was not credible, and that's just the truth.

You can't bullshit the American people, we are on to the games, the media, the propaganda, the harassment -- all of it is failing. Maybe you will stop the bedwetting and go back to treating politics like adults - not entitled children.

Say that again?

See what happened to Lisa Murkowski's Facebook page by your "adults"


Why do you object to the same tactics that Democrats use?
The women in this country are throwing your sorry ass out in 2020.

Democratic Nominee for SenatePotential candidate for ME, U.S. Senate, 2020 Primary Election
From 68,315 pledges on Crowdpac

98% of $2,000,000 goal

View attachment 220521
Every commercial, every ad, every speech against her; all will feature this “yes” vote if she ends up deciding to put party over country.

Yep, it will be the centerpiece of the campaign to kick her out.
1992 was the Year of the Woman because of Anita Hill. (The Year of the Woman, 1992 | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives)
This is going to be the same, but on steroids.
You're delusional. You vastly overestimate the popularity of feminist horseshit.
I doubt you'll get another SCOTUS - it will be too close to the Presidential election then, and you guys have a rule about that.

I did not like Kavanaugh's behavior and partisan rhetoric - that is disturbing as was his arrogance towards the senate, a co-equal branch.

We'll see what happens with him on the court. Hopefully he wasn't lying about precedent and settled law.

We’ll have the Senate so we will probably just ignore that rule this time.

Drive Democrats insane doing so
Dims could easily win the House, but taking the Senate will be an uphill battle, as they have a lot more seats to defend than the GOP.

Updated from Crowdpac:

From 72,788 pledges on Crowdpac

53% of $4,000,000 goal

+ $130,214 in just two hours!

They raised the goal to $4M. BUH-BYE Susie Two-Face

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