Vote for Kav = Buh Bye Susie Collins

The women in this country are throwing your sorry ass out in 2020.

Democratic Nominee for SenatePotential candidate for ME, U.S. Senate, 2020 Primary Election
From 68,315 pledges on Crowdpac

98% of $2,000,000 goal

View attachment 220521
Every commercial, every ad, every speech against her; all will feature this “yes” vote if she ends up deciding to put party over country.

She will be running in the same year as Trump, you doofus......he will have coat tails like you have never seen before.....she might not even have to campaign, and will simply be given the seat by the asshat democrats have really done a number on yourselves with your batshit crazy stunts over kavanuagh...

Yeah, hold that thought until November 6.
And NY state is getting ready to turn Trump's coat tails into tatters for massive tax evasion and fraud going back into the 1980s.
Put on your shock panties, it's going to get ugly.
Hold that Kleenex box you have in your hand until November 6th as well. You’ll need it. :206:
Collins must have just saved her sorry ass.

A moving and thoughtful speech just ended. Calling out Democrats, their Socialist and outright Communists on their perversion of the SCOTUS confirmation procedure.

Capping it off with a reasoned statement that she will vote for confirmation.

Meanwhile Lease-A Murkowski looks likely to vote no raising the possibility that President Trump may take a new look at whether growing military bases in Alaska make sense.....indeed, whether America needs ANWR.

If Alaskans are sufficiently punished they might just shitcan Lease-A next time around.

Of course she has an opportunity to save her light of it now certain that there are the votes for confirmation "Daddy's Little Girl" (remember, her father appointed her to succeed him when it was clear he was about to be un-elected from The Senate) might just cast a luke-warm "yes" vote. But is she smart enough to do that? Would her Democrat (she is a notorious RINO) masters pull her strings hard enough that she'd cast a wasted "no"?

Only the puppetmasters know how much rope she'll be allowed.

She is right in her statements.

However, you already perverted the process with Garland.
huge difference, Garland was defeated by Constitutional law (role of Senate to advise and consent) and Senate rules. They tried ti take Kavanaugh down with vile and hateful claims, character assassination

Dems have grossly miscalculated and overreached, going to cost them big in tge midterms

on a side note, Collins' comments that Garland and Kavanaugh have voted the same way over 90% of the time is very interesting, should give reasonable left leaning folks comfort

The difference is negligable - all tactics were lawful - AND - if McConnell hadn't insisted on the short timetable, withheld important documents, released many at the last moment - it wouldn't have come to this - Kagen and Sotameyor both had much longer hearings. This could have been quietly handled and investigated if the atmosphere on both sides wasn't so toxically partisan - the same toxic partisanship that denied Obama his right as president, to put forth a Supreme Court Nomination. You all changed that (preceded by the Dems changing the fillibuster rule) - this all fallout from preceding actions.

Kavannaugh will have to prove he isn't partisan. And that he is independent of Trump. I wouldn't have disqualified him on the basis of what happened in Highschool. But I am disturbed by some of what he said in the hearings, his refusal to answer questions and a generally disrespectful attitude towards Congress (imo).
The women in this country are throwing your sorry ass out in 2020.

Democratic Nominee for Senate
Potential candidate for ME, U.S. Senate, 2020 Primary Election

$1,951,677 raised.

From 68,315 pledges on Crowdpac

98% of $2,000,000 goal

View attachment 220521
Hey dip, only the folks in Maine get to decide on that.

Hey dupe, anybody can contribute to the campaign of the Dem candidate who will run against Collins in 2020.
There will be upwards of $15M to the winner of the Dem primary in 2020, just waiting for HER. And it will be a woman.
Collins must have just saved her sorry ass.

A moving and thoughtful speech just ended. Calling out Democrats, their Socialist and outright Communists on their perversion of the SCOTUS confirmation procedure.

Capping it off with a reasoned statement that she will vote for confirmation.

Meanwhile Lease-A Murkowski looks likely to vote no raising the possibility that President Trump may take a new look at whether growing military bases in Alaska make sense.....indeed, whether America needs ANWR.

If Alaskans are sufficiently punished they might just shitcan Lease-A next time around.

Of course she has an opportunity to save her light of it now certain that there are the votes for confirmation "Daddy's Little Girl" (remember, her father appointed her to succeed him when it was clear he was about to be un-elected from The Senate) might just cast a luke-warm "yes" vote. But is she smart enough to do that? Would her Democrat (she is a notorious RINO) masters pull her strings hard enough that she'd cast a wasted "no"?

Only the puppetmasters know how much rope she'll be allowed.

She is right in her statements.

However, you already perverted the process with Garland.

It was Biden's idea.

Collins must have just saved her sorry ass.

A moving and thoughtful speech just ended. Calling out Democrats, their Socialist and outright Communists on their perversion of the SCOTUS confirmation procedure.

Capping it off with a reasoned statement that she will vote for confirmation.

Meanwhile Lease-A Murkowski looks likely to vote no raising the possibility that President Trump may take a new look at whether growing military bases in Alaska make sense.....indeed, whether America needs ANWR.

If Alaskans are sufficiently punished they might just shitcan Lease-A next time around.

Of course she has an opportunity to save her light of it now certain that there are the votes for confirmation "Daddy's Little Girl" (remember, her father appointed her to succeed him when it was clear he was about to be un-elected from The Senate) might just cast a luke-warm "yes" vote. But is she smart enough to do that? Would her Democrat (she is a notorious RINO) masters pull her strings hard enough that she'd cast a wasted "no"?

Only the puppetmasters know how much rope she'll be allowed.

She is right in her statements.

However, you already perverted the process with Garland.
huge difference, Garland was defeated by Constitutional law (role of Senate to advise and consent) and Senate rules. They tried ti take Kavanaugh down with vile and hateful claims, character assassination

Dems have grossly miscalculated and overreached, going to cost them big in tge midterms

on a side note, Collins' comments that Garland and Kavanaugh have voted the same way over 90% of the time is very interesting, should give reasonable left leaning folks comfort

The difference is negligable - all tactics were lawful - AND - if McConnell hadn't insisted on the short timetable, withheld important documents, released many at the last moment - it wouldn't have come to this - Kagen and Sotameyor both had much longer hearings. This could have been quietly handled and investigated if the atmosphere on both sides wasn't so toxically partisan - the same toxic partisanship that denied Obama his right as president, to put forth a Supreme Court Nomination. You all changed that (preceded by the Dems changing the fillibuster rule) - this all fallout from preceding actions.

Kavannaugh will have to prove he isn't partisan. And that he is independent of Trump. I wouldn't have disqualified him on the basis of what happened in Highschool. But I am disturbed by some of what he said in the hearings, his refusal to answer questions and a generally disrespectful attitude towards Congress (imo).
Liberal tactics were repugnant and totally beyond the pale of acceptable Senate behavior.
The Dimms constiuency are now women who accuse men of rape without ANY evidence or witnesses.


Once those few man hating Lesbians die off, what will be left?
Collins must have just saved her sorry ass.

A moving and thoughtful speech just ended. Calling out Democrats, their Socialist and outright Communists on their perversion of the SCOTUS confirmation procedure.

Capping it off with a reasoned statement that she will vote for confirmation.

Meanwhile Lease-A Murkowski looks likely to vote no raising the possibility that President Trump may take a new look at whether growing military bases in Alaska make sense.....indeed, whether America needs ANWR.

If Alaskans are sufficiently punished they might just shitcan Lease-A next time around.

Of course she has an opportunity to save her light of it now certain that there are the votes for confirmation "Daddy's Little Girl" (remember, her father appointed her to succeed him when it was clear he was about to be un-elected from The Senate) might just cast a luke-warm "yes" vote. But is she smart enough to do that? Would her Democrat (she is a notorious RINO) masters pull her strings hard enough that she'd cast a wasted "no"?

Only the puppetmasters know how much rope she'll be allowed.

She is right in her statements.

However, you already perverted the process with Garland.
huge difference, Garland was defeated by Constitutional law (role of Senate to advise and consent) and Senate rules. They tried ti take Kavanaugh down with vile and hateful claims, character assassination

Dems have grossly miscalculated and overreached, going to cost them big in tge midterms

on a side note, Collins' comments that Garland and Kavanaugh have voted the same way over 90% of the time is very interesting, should give reasonable left leaning folks comfort

The difference is negligable - all tactics were lawful - AND - if McConnell hadn't insisted on the short timetable, withheld important documents, released many at the last moment - it wouldn't have come to this - Kagen and Sotameyor both had much longer hearings. This could have been quietly handled and investigated if the atmosphere on both sides wasn't so toxically partisan - the same toxic partisanship that denied Obama his right as president, to put forth a Supreme Court Nomination. You all changed that (preceded by the Dems changing the fillibuster rule) - this all fallout from preceding actions.

Kavannaugh will have to prove he isn't partisan. And that he is independent of Trump. I wouldn't have disqualified him on the basis of what happened in Highschool. But I am disturbed by some of what he said in the hearings, his refusal to answer questions and a generally disrespectful attitude towards Congress (imo).

Exactly. Kavanaugh's statement on Thursday was so freaking partisan (blaming the Clintons for his problems!) that he should have been disqualified based on those statements alone.

His flippant response to Senator Klobuchar was rude and belligerent. Even he knew it and apologized to her later, not on camera of course.

He clearly is Trump's tool.
The women in this country are throwing your sorry ass out in 2020.

Democratic Nominee for Senate
Potential candidate for ME, U.S. Senate, 2020 Primary Election

$1,951,677 raised.

From 68,315 pledges on Crowdpac

98% of $2,000,000 goal

View attachment 220521
Hey dip, only the folks in Maine get to decide on that.

Hey dupe, anybody can contribute to the campaign of the Dem candidate who will run against Collins in 2020.
There will be upwards of $15M to the winner of the Dem primary in 2020, just waiting for HER. And it will be a woman.
Collins just won re-election because of her thoughtful, tempered, and well stated case for fairness and rule of law.
The Dimms constiuency are now women who accuse men of rape without ANY evidence or witnesses.


Once those few man hating Lesbians die off, what will be left?

Oh. So if you can't provide physical proof of rape it's ok to rape that what the Republicans are about today?
Collins must have just saved her sorry ass.

A moving and thoughtful speech just ended. Calling out Democrats, their Socialist and outright Communists on their perversion of the SCOTUS confirmation procedure.

Capping it off with a reasoned statement that she will vote for confirmation.

Meanwhile Lease-A Murkowski looks likely to vote no raising the possibility that President Trump may take a new look at whether growing military bases in Alaska make sense.....indeed, whether America needs ANWR.

If Alaskans are sufficiently punished they might just shitcan Lease-A next time around.

Of course she has an opportunity to save her light of it now certain that there are the votes for confirmation "Daddy's Little Girl" (remember, her father appointed her to succeed him when it was clear he was about to be un-elected from The Senate) might just cast a luke-warm "yes" vote. But is she smart enough to do that? Would her Democrat (she is a notorious RINO) masters pull her strings hard enough that she'd cast a wasted "no"?

Only the puppetmasters know how much rope she'll be allowed.

She is right in her statements.

However, you already perverted the process with Garland.
huge difference, Garland was defeated by Constitutional law (role of Senate to advise and consent) and Senate rules. They tried ti take Kavanaugh down with vile and hateful claims, character assassination

Dems have grossly miscalculated and overreached, going to cost them big in tge midterms

on a side note, Collins' comments that Garland and Kavanaugh have voted the same way over 90% of the time is very interesting, should give reasonable left leaning folks comfort

The difference is negligable - all tactics were lawful - AND - if McConnell hadn't insisted on the short timetable, withheld important documents, released many at the last moment - it wouldn't have come to this - Kagen and Sotameyor both had much longer hearings. This could have been quietly handled and investigated if the atmosphere on both sides wasn't so toxically partisan - the same toxic partisanship that denied Obama his right as president, to put forth a Supreme Court Nomination. You all changed that (preceded by the Dems changing the fillibuster rule) - this all fallout from preceding actions.

Kavannaugh will have to prove he isn't partisan. And that he is independent of Trump. I wouldn't have disqualified him on the basis of what happened in Highschool. But I am disturbed by some of what he said in the hearings, his refusal to answer questions and a generally disrespectful attitude towards Congress (imo).

Exactly. Kavanaugh's statement on Thursday was so freaking partisan (blaming the Clintons for his problems!) that he should have been disqualified based on those statements alone.

His flippant response to Senator Klobuchar was rude and belligerent. Even he knew it and apologized to her later, not on camera of course.

He clearly is Trump's tool.
The Democrats on the Judiciary Committee were 100% partisan. Plus...I didn’t know Spartacus was on the Committee. :biggrin:
Collins must have just saved her sorry ass.

A moving and thoughtful speech just ended. Calling out Democrats, their Socialist and outright Communists on their perversion of the SCOTUS confirmation procedure.

Capping it off with a reasoned statement that she will vote for confirmation.

Meanwhile Lease-A Murkowski looks likely to vote no raising the possibility that President Trump may take a new look at whether growing military bases in Alaska make sense.....indeed, whether America needs ANWR.

If Alaskans are sufficiently punished they might just shitcan Lease-A next time around.

Of course she has an opportunity to save her light of it now certain that there are the votes for confirmation "Daddy's Little Girl" (remember, her father appointed her to succeed him when it was clear he was about to be un-elected from The Senate) might just cast a luke-warm "yes" vote. But is she smart enough to do that? Would her Democrat (she is a notorious RINO) masters pull her strings hard enough that she'd cast a wasted "no"?

Only the puppetmasters know how much rope she'll be allowed.

She is right in her statements.

However, you already perverted the process with Garland.
huge difference, Garland was defeated by Constitutional law (role of Senate to advise and consent) and Senate rules. They tried ti take Kavanaugh down with vile and hateful claims, character assassination

Dems have grossly miscalculated and overreached, going to cost them big in tge midterms

on a side note, Collins' comments that Garland and Kavanaugh have voted the same way over 90% of the time is very interesting, should give reasonable left leaning folks comfort

The difference is negligable - all tactics were lawful - AND - if McConnell hadn't insisted on the short timetable, withheld important documents, released many at the last moment - it wouldn't have come to this - Kagen and Sotameyor both had much longer hearings. This could have been quietly handled and investigated if the atmosphere on both sides wasn't so toxically partisan - the same toxic partisanship that denied Obama his right as president, to put forth a Supreme Court Nomination. You all changed that (preceded by the Dems changing the fillibuster rule) - this all fallout from preceding actions.

Kavannaugh will have to prove he isn't partisan. And that he is independent of Trump. I wouldn't have disqualified him on the basis of what happened in Highschool. But I am disturbed by some of what he said in the hearings, his refusal to answer questions and a generally disrespectful attitude towards Congress (imo).

Exactly. Kavanaugh's statement on Thursday was so freaking partisan (blaming the Clintons for his problems!) that he should have been disqualified based on those statements alone.

His flippant response to Senator Klobuchar was rude and belligerent. Even he knew it and apologized to her later, not on camera of course.

He clearly is Trump's tool.

Exactly. When he brought in the Clinton's and echoed Trump - my sympathy vanished. Up until that point - I felt he was really being robbed of the presumption innocence AND Ford simultaneously being robbed of the presumption of truth. It was all so ugly I wish they would have withdrawn him and put another conservative up. It's not like they don't have a list.
The difference is negligable
oh bullshit

defeating a man by refusing to hold a vote is nowhere near the same deal as destroying a man's reputation and hurting his family

you have got to be kidding me

blue wave is dead
I like Susan Collins...and I respect her reasoning here. I still do not like Kavanaugh, but he may surprise us. I hope she she right about him.

Susan Collins will vote for Brett Kavanaugh, making his confirmation nearly certain
Collins defended Kavanaugh at length in a Senate floor speech, calling him qualified, praising his “record of judicial independence,” and portraying opposition to him as driven by partisanship and “special interest groups.” Based on her reading of Kavanaugh’s record, and her conversations with him, Collins said she does not expect him to strike down Roe v. Wade, same-sex marriage rights, or Obamacare’s preexisting conditions protections.

As for Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations of sexual assault, Collins emphasized that the “presumption of innocence” for Kavanaugh was important to her.

“I found her testimony to be sincere, painful and compelling. I believe that she is a survivor of a sexual assault and that this trauma has upended her life,” she said. “Nevertheless, the four witnesses she named could not corroborate any of the events of that evening gathering where she said the assault occurred.”

“Therefore, I do not believe that these charges can fairly prevent Judge Kavanaugh from serving on the court,” she continued. “I will vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh.”

She's an idiot.
Even someone not in Congress and privy to classified info can see that Kavanaugh's previous writings about a sitting president being exempt from investigation is exactly why he was nominated.
Kavanaugh is Trump's insurance policy in the event of a blue wave in November/impeachment proceedings and also any lawsuits brought against him for tax fraud and evasion brought up by NY state, which is going to happen after the NYT released hundreds of tax and real estate, family corporations and trust documents going back into the 1980s.
The Dimms constiuency are now women who accuse men of rape without ANY evidence or witnesses.


Once those few man hating Lesbians die off, what will be left?

Oh. So if you can't provide physical proof of rape it's ok to rape that what the Republicans are about today?

No, it's if you can't provide evidence.

Fine, then why didn't they allow for a thorough unrestricted investigation? Frankly, many including Collins agree something happened. Kavanaugh lied about his alcohal consumption. You can't just assume it did not happen anymore than you can assume he's guilty.
The difference is negligable
oh bullshit

defeating a man by refusing to hold a vote is nowhere near the same deal as destroying a man's reputation and hurting his family

you have got to be kidding me

blue wave is dead

Not bullshit. No one has shown it did not occur. Ford has no incentive to make it up. It was handled BADLY.

You just like to excuse your own side - what you did with Garland was legal but wrong. And if it had been a Republican nominee, you would not be saying it's fine.

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