Vote for Kav = Buh Bye Susie Collins

Wow, she is really on point

Whoever XX is, must be a real sonofabich

Susan Collins
Enjoy the lying hypocrite She doesn't have long

you plannin sumpin baw?
Collins must have just saved her sorry ass.

A moving and thoughtful speech just ended. Calling out Democrats, their Socialist and outright Communists on their perversion of the SCOTUS confirmation procedure.

Capping it off with a reasoned statement that she will vote for confirmation.

Meanwhile Lease-A Murkowski looks likely to vote no raising the possibility that President Trump may take a new look at whether growing military bases in Alaska make sense.....indeed, whether America needs ANWR.

If Alaskans are sufficiently punished they might just shitcan Lease-A next time around.

Of course she has an opportunity to save her light of it now certain that there are the votes for confirmation "Daddy's Little Girl" (remember, her father appointed her to succeed him when it was clear he was about to be un-elected from The Senate) might just cast a luke-warm "yes" vote. But is she smart enough to do that? Would her Democrat (she is a notorious RINO) masters pull her strings hard enough that she'd cast a wasted "no"?

Only the puppetmasters know how much rope she'll be allowed.

She is right in her statements.

However, you already perverted the process with Garland.
Right.... not. Many are listening. Too bad you are so partisan you won’t.
And if it had been, it wouldn’t be out there for the world to see how much lying the Dems and progressives have been throwing out there about Kavanaugh. Or is that what bugs you?

Honestly, I fall asleep about every three sentences. My dogs keep waking me up. Nobody is going to actually pay any attention to anything other than her last sentence.

I’ve never had much, if any respect for Senator Collins. As I mentioned above - as a Republican Senator her vote should be able to be assumed.
longwinded? YES

full of AMAZING STATEMENTS that will make great spoundbites? HELL YES!!

See......had any other Republican won, she would have caved at the first accusation...but with Trump, showing republicans how to fight these morons, and Kavanaugh and Graham learning the lesson early...the other republicans are growing actual spines.... This is not a good development for democrats...they only win because the Republicans have been afraid of their own shadows for the last 50 years...Trump has changed that....
Collins must have just saved her sorry ass.

A moving and thoughtful speech just ended. Calling out Democrats, their Socialist and outright Communists on their perversion of the SCOTUS confirmation procedure.

Capping it off with a reasoned statement that she will vote for confirmation.

Meanwhile Lease-A Murkowski looks likely to vote no raising the possibility that President Trump may take a new look at whether growing military bases in Alaska make sense.....indeed, whether America needs ANWR.

If Alaskans are sufficiently punished they might just shitcan Lease-A next time around.

Of course she has an opportunity to save her light of it now certain that there are the votes for confirmation "Daddy's Little Girl" (remember, her father appointed her to succeed him when it was clear he was about to be un-elected from The Senate) might just cast a luke-warm "yes" vote. But is she smart enough to do that? Would her Democrat (she is a notorious RINO) masters pull her strings hard enough that she'd cast a wasted "no"?

Only the puppetmasters know how much rope she'll be allowed.

She is right in her statements.

However, you already perverted the process with Garland.

You guys are such morons..........Garland? Really? Talk about stupid should really try to post something more interesting.
Senator Collins is going on and on and on about Kavanaugh nomination trying to explain away all his faults and justify his rulings believed in opposition of precedent! She's doing a great job! All this BS just so she can say "yes" to Cloture to his elevation; "go ahead girl! You're toast!" After all this, can she possibly say "NO!" We'll see; still waiting! :9: :aargh: :2cents:
my daughter and all her friends male and female can't wait to vote against her if she votes yes for the pos on sc

I imagine they're just like you.

ignore the facts, and vote blue

YEP! Republicans have fk'd up so much, I wouldn't vote them in to be dog catcher! They own it all and still treat the rest of the country as if we're serfs to respect and accept all their BS! This thing with those kids being separated from their moms who crossed the border illegally will live on in my soul/heart as one of the most disgusting things of late being done by our gov't while they're in charge! :crybaby: :cuckoo: :confused-84: :dunno: :eusa_pray:
Mom should not have broken the law.
I like Susan Collins...and I respect her reasoning here. I still do not like Kavanaugh, but he may surprise us. I hope she she right about him.

Susan Collins will vote for Brett Kavanaugh, making his confirmation nearly certain
Collins defended Kavanaugh at length in a Senate floor speech, calling him qualified, praising his “record of judicial independence,” and portraying opposition to him as driven by partisanship and “special interest groups.” Based on her reading of Kavanaugh’s record, and her conversations with him, Collins said she does not expect him to strike down Roe v. Wade, same-sex marriage rights, or Obamacare’s preexisting conditions protections.

As for Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations of sexual assault, Collins emphasized that the “presumption of innocence” for Kavanaugh was important to her.

“I found her testimony to be sincere, painful and compelling. I believe that she is a survivor of a sexual assault and that this trauma has upended her life,” she said. “Nevertheless, the four witnesses she named could not corroborate any of the events of that evening gathering where she said the assault occurred.”

“Therefore, I do not believe that these charges can fairly prevent Judge Kavanaugh from serving on the court,” she continued. “I will vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh.”
Collins must have just saved her sorry ass.

A moving and thoughtful speech just ended. Calling out Democrats, their Socialist and outright Communists on their perversion of the SCOTUS confirmation procedure.

Capping it off with a reasoned statement that she will vote for confirmation.

Meanwhile Lease-A Murkowski looks likely to vote no raising the possibility that President Trump may take a new look at whether growing military bases in Alaska make sense.....indeed, whether America needs ANWR.

If Alaskans are sufficiently punished they might just shitcan Lease-A next time around.

Of course she has an opportunity to save her light of it now certain that there are the votes for confirmation "Daddy's Little Girl" (remember, her father appointed her to succeed him when it was clear he was about to be un-elected from The Senate) might just cast a luke-warm "yes" vote. But is she smart enough to do that? Would her Democrat (she is a notorious RINO) masters pull her strings hard enough that she'd cast a wasted "no"?

Only the puppetmasters know how much rope she'll be allowed.

She is right in her statements.

However, you already perverted the process with Garland.

You guys are such morons..........Garland? Really? Talk about stupid should really try to post something more interesting.

Stop perverting the process and maybe I will...but that means you'd need to quit acting like a moron.
Honestly I’d love to see Collins lose in 2020. Preferably in a primary against a Conservative Republican. If not, then at least we would have an honest Progressive Democrat rather then a non-Conservative Republican like Senator Collins.
The women in this country are throwing your sorry ass out in 2020.

Democratic Nominee for Senate
Potential candidate for ME, U.S. Senate, 2020 Primary Election

$1,951,677 raised.

From 68,315 pledges on Crowdpac

98% of $2,000,000 goal

View attachment 220521
Sounds like you are a hater of women.....
Wrong but if true at least he doesn’t want them raoed like you do.
No, you only say this shit againt republicans, you tards try to get ever rapist off on a technicality and let them out of jail on good don't fucking talk about rape.
Collins must have just saved her sorry ass.

A moving and thoughtful speech just ended. Calling out Democrats, their Socialist and outright Communists on their perversion of the SCOTUS confirmation procedure.

Capping it off with a reasoned statement that she will vote for confirmation.

Meanwhile Lease-A Murkowski looks likely to vote no raising the possibility that President Trump may take a new look at whether growing military bases in Alaska make sense.....indeed, whether America needs ANWR.

If Alaskans are sufficiently punished they might just shitcan Lease-A next time around.

Of course she has an opportunity to save her light of it now certain that there are the votes for confirmation "Daddy's Little Girl" (remember, her father appointed her to succeed him when it was clear he was about to be un-elected from The Senate) might just cast a luke-warm "yes" vote. But is she smart enough to do that? Would her Democrat (she is a notorious RINO) masters pull her strings hard enough that she'd cast a wasted "no"?

Only the puppetmasters know how much rope she'll be allowed.

She is right in her statements.

However, you already perverted the process with Garland.

You guys are such morons..........Garland? Really? Talk about stupid should really try to post something more interesting.

Stop perverting the process and maybe I will...but that means you'd need to quit acting like a moron.

There was no perversion of the process....... the Senate advised obama that there would be no consent on Garland...the entire process was honored, you doofus....
Honestly I’d love to see Collins lose in 2020. Preferably in a primary against a Conservative Republican. If not, then at least we would have an honest Progressive Democrat rather then a non-Conservative Republican like Senator Collins.

then at least we would have an honest Progressive Democrat

Are there any such critters in the US?
Right.... not. Many are listening. Too bad you are so partisan you won’t.
And if it had been, it wouldn’t be out there for the world to see how much lying the Dems and progressives have been throwing out there about Kavanaugh. Or is that what bugs you?

Honestly, I fall asleep about every three sentences. My dogs keep waking me up. Nobody is going to actually pay any attention to anything other than her last sentence.

I’ve never had much, if any respect for Senator Collins. As I mentioned above - as a Republican Senator her vote should be able to be assumed.
longwinded? YES

full of AMAZING STATEMENTS that will make great spoundbites? HELL YES!!

See......had any other Republican won, she would have caved at the first accusation...but with Trump, showing republicans how to fight these morons, and Kavanaugh and Graham learning the lesson early...the other republicans are growing actual spines.... This is not a good development for democrats...they only win because the Republicans have been afraid of their own shadows for the last 50 years...Trump has changed that....

Flinging insults, conspiracy theory BS and tweeting defammatory remarks about sexual assault is not "growing a spine", it's degenerating to schoolyard tactics. But then, that's our president.
I like Susan Collins...and I respect her reasoning here. I still do not like Kavanaugh, but he may surprise us. I hope she she right about him.

Susan Collins will vote for Brett Kavanaugh, making his confirmation nearly certain
Collins defended Kavanaugh at length in a Senate floor speech, calling him qualified, praising his “record of judicial independence,” and portraying opposition to him as driven by partisanship and “special interest groups.” Based on her reading of Kavanaugh’s record, and her conversations with him, Collins said she does not expect him to strike down Roe v. Wade, same-sex marriage rights, or Obamacare’s preexisting conditions protections.

As for Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations of sexual assault, Collins emphasized that the “presumption of innocence” for Kavanaugh was important to her.

“I found her testimony to be sincere, painful and compelling. I believe that she is a survivor of a sexual assault and that this trauma has upended her life,” she said. “Nevertheless, the four witnesses she named could not corroborate any of the events of that evening gathering where she said the assault occurred.”

“Therefore, I do not believe that these charges can fairly prevent Judge Kavanaugh from serving on the court,” she continued. “I will vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh.”

Ford is a liar, and the exact lies she told keep coming out.....
Liberal lunatics being loose in the land suggests HEAVY Secret Service protection for Senators Collins, Flake and Manchin is an urgent need.

For Lease-A Murkowski? Not so much. Unless she plans to return to Alaska anytime soon.

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