Vote for Kav = Buh Bye Susie Collins

The women in this country are throwing your sorry ass out in 2020.

Democratic Nominee for SenatePotential candidate for ME, U.S. Senate, 2020 Primary Election
From 68,315 pledges on Crowdpac

98% of $2,000,000 goal

View attachment 220521
Every commercial, every ad, every speech against her; all will feature this “yes” vote if she ends up deciding to put party over country.

She will be running in the same year as Trump, you doofus......he will have coat tails like you have never seen before.....she might not even have to campaign, and will simply be given the seat by the asshat democrats have really done a number on yourselves with your batshit crazy stunts over kavanuagh...

Yeah, hold that thought until November 6.
And NY state is getting ready to turn Trump's coat tails into tatters for massive tax evasion and fraud going back into the 1980s.
Put on your shock panties, it's going to get ugly.
Collins must have just saved her sorry ass.

A moving and thoughtful speech just ended. Calling out Democrats, their Socialist and outright Communists on their perversion of the SCOTUS confirmation procedure.

Capping it off with a reasoned statement that she will vote for confirmation.

Meanwhile Lease-A Murkowski looks likely to vote no raising the possibility that President Trump may take a new look at whether growing military bases in Alaska make sense.....indeed, whether America needs ANWR.

If Alaskans are sufficiently punished they might just shitcan Lease-A next time around.

Of course she has an opportunity to save her light of it now certain that there are the votes for confirmation "Daddy's Little Girl" (remember, her father appointed her to succeed him when it was clear he was about to be un-elected from The Senate) might just cast a luke-warm "yes" vote. But is she smart enough to do that? Would her Democrat (she is a notorious RINO) masters pull her strings hard enough that she'd cast a wasted "no"?

Only the puppetmasters know how much rope she'll be allowed.

She is right in her statements.

However, you already perverted the process with Garland.

You guys are such morons..........Garland? Really? Talk about stupid should really try to post something more interesting.

Stop perverting the process and maybe I will...but that means you'd need to quit acting like a moron.

There was no perversion of the process....... the Senate advised obama that there would be no consent on Garland...the entire process was honored, you doofus....

No it wasn't. No more than this current event was. But you always justify it when your own side does it.
Right.... not. Many are listening. Too bad you are so partisan you won’t.
And if it had been, it wouldn’t be out there for the world to see how much lying the Dems and progressives have been throwing out there about Kavanaugh. Or is that what bugs you?

Honestly, I fall asleep about every three sentences. My dogs keep waking me up. Nobody is going to actually pay any attention to anything other than her last sentence.

I’ve never had much, if any respect for Senator Collins. As I mentioned above - as a Republican Senator her vote should be able to be assumed.
longwinded? YES

full of AMAZING STATEMENTS that will make great spoundbites? HELL YES!!

See......had any other Republican won, she would have caved at the first accusation...but with Trump, showing republicans how to fight these morons, and Kavanaugh and Graham learning the lesson early...the other republicans are growing actual spines.... This is not a good development for democrats...they only win because the Republicans have been afraid of their own shadows for the last 50 years...Trump has changed that....

Flinging insults, conspiracy theory BS and tweeting defammatory remarks about sexual assault is not "growing a spine", it's degenerating to schoolyard tactics. But then, that's our president.

After what the democrats did to Kavanaugh, you have the balls to blame it on Trump?....he is a response to decades of asshat tactics you morons have used to attack republicans every election are vile and disgusting human beings...
The women in this country are throwing your sorry ass out in 2020.

Democratic Nominee for SenatePotential candidate for ME, U.S. Senate, 2020 Primary Election
From 68,315 pledges on Crowdpac

98% of $2,000,000 goal

View attachment 220521
Every commercial, every ad, every speech against her; all will feature this “yes” vote if she ends up deciding to put party over country.

She will be running in the same year as Trump, you doofus......he will have coat tails like you have never seen before.....she might not even have to campaign, and will simply be given the seat by the asshat democrats have really done a number on yourselves with your batshit crazy stunts over kavanuagh...

Yeah, hold that thought until November 6.
And NY state is getting ready to turn Trump's coat tails into tatters for massive tax evasion and fraud going back into the 1980s.
Put on your shock panties, it's going to get ugly.

They elected a pro-sexual assault, corrupt as hell potential criminal to the presidency. They don't care about that stuff.
The women in this country are throwing your sorry ass out in 2020.

Democratic Nominee for SenatePotential candidate for ME, U.S. Senate, 2020 Primary Election
From 68,315 pledges on Crowdpac

98% of $2,000,000 goal
The women in this country are throwing your sorry ass out in 2020.

Democratic Nominee for SenatePotential candidate for ME, U.S. Senate, 2020 Primary Election
From 68,315 pledges on Crowdpac

98% of $2,000,000 goal

View attachment 220521
Every commercial, every ad, every speech against her; all will feature this “yes” vote if she ends up deciding to put party over country.
She's going to tell us at 3 p.m. during her Senate floor speech.
Yes I’m waiting to hear what she says.

View attachment 220521
Every commercial, every ad, every speech against her; all will feature this “yes” vote if she ends up deciding to put party over country.
She's going to tell us at 3 p.m. during her Senate floor speech.
Yes I’m waiting to hear what she says.
She said your a dickhead.
Right.... not. Many are listening. Too bad you are so partisan you won’t.
Honestly, I fall asleep about every three sentences. My dogs keep waking me up. Nobody is going to actually pay any attention to anything other than her last sentence.

I’ve never had much, if any respect for Senator Collins. As I mentioned above - as a Republican Senator her vote should be able to be assumed.
longwinded? YES

full of AMAZING STATEMENTS that will make great spoundbites? HELL YES!!

See......had any other Republican won, she would have caved at the first accusation...but with Trump, showing republicans how to fight these morons, and Kavanaugh and Graham learning the lesson early...the other republicans are growing actual spines.... This is not a good development for democrats...they only win because the Republicans have been afraid of their own shadows for the last 50 years...Trump has changed that....

Flinging insults, conspiracy theory BS and tweeting defammatory remarks about sexual assault is not "growing a spine", it's degenerating to schoolyard tactics. But then, that's our president.

After what the democrats did to Kavanaugh, you have the balls to blame it on Trump?....he is a response to decades of asshat tactics you morons have used to attack republicans every election are vile and disgusting human beings...

Oh cut the faux outrage. You've done the same things. Civil discourse has degenerated hugely. The question is - how long are you going to defend crap as "being a real person" or "saying it like it is"?
Educated white women are the holy grail of democrats. Democrats are always certain of their vote and they never get it. No one was more certain of that peer peer vote than Hillary Clinton. Educated white women voted against her in massive numbers. Hillary blamed women for being controlled by husbands, fathers and sons.

Democrats have claimed the vote of white women in every election that I can remember and they don't get it. This time will not be any different.
Honestly I’d love to see Collins lose in 2020. Preferably in a primary against a Conservative Republican. If not, then at least we would have an honest Progressive Democrat rather then a non-Conservative Republican like Senator Collins.

She's one of the few decent Republicans left.

People are pissed because she doesn't kow tow to Trump.
The women in this country are throwing your sorry ass out in 2020.

Democratic Nominee for Senate
Potential candidate for ME, U.S. Senate, 2020 Primary Election

$1,951,677 raised.

From 68,315 pledges on Crowdpac

98% of $2,000,000 goal

View attachment 220521
LOLOL you guys are gonna get shit did you scream at the sky today????
Not yet...but their doing this right now...

Lefties please post your screaming
Collins must have just saved her sorry ass.

A moving and thoughtful speech just ended. Calling out Democrats, their Socialist and outright Communists on their perversion of the SCOTUS confirmation procedure.

Capping it off with a reasoned statement that she will vote for confirmation.

Meanwhile Lease-A Murkowski looks likely to vote no raising the possibility that President Trump may take a new look at whether growing military bases in Alaska make sense.....indeed, whether America needs ANWR.

If Alaskans are sufficiently punished they might just shitcan Lease-A next time around.

Of course she has an opportunity to save her light of it now certain that there are the votes for confirmation "Daddy's Little Girl" (remember, her father appointed her to succeed him when it was clear he was about to be un-elected from The Senate) might just cast a luke-warm "yes" vote. But is she smart enough to do that? Would her Democrat (she is a notorious RINO) masters pull her strings hard enough that she'd cast a wasted "no"?

Only the puppetmasters know how much rope she'll be allowed.

She is right in her statements.

However, you already perverted the process with Garland.
huge difference, Garland was defeated by Constitutional law (role of Senate to advise and consent) and Senate rules. They tried ti take Kavanaugh down with vile and hateful claims, character assassination

Dems have grossly miscalculated and overreached, going to cost them big in tge midterms

on a side note, Collins' comments that Garland and Kavanaugh have voted the same way over 90% of the time is very interesting, should give reasonable left leaning folks comfort
Just think! If $2M can be raised in a month and the election is two years away, we'll wipe her ugly mug off the Senate floor easily.

I hope other groups take the lead like the women in Maine have, and do the same damn thing.

So you saying your going to be buying votes now? That's a felony, crime party.
The women in this country are throwing your sorry ass out in 2020.

Democratic Nominee for Senate
Potential candidate for ME, U.S. Senate, 2020 Primary Election

$1,951,677 raised.

From 68,315 pledges on Crowdpac

98% of $2,000,000 goal

View attachment 220521
LOLOL you guys are gonna get shit did you scream at the sky today????
Not yet...but their doing this right now...

Lefties please post your screaming

Oh God yes! Please’s soooooooo funny! :auiqs.jpg:
The women in this country are throwing your sorry ass out in 2020.

Democratic Nominee for SenatePotential candidate for ME, U.S. Senate, 2020 Primary Election
From 68,315 pledges on Crowdpac

98% of $2,000,000 goal

View attachment 220521
Every commercial, every ad, every speech against her; all will feature this “yes” vote if she ends up deciding to put party over country.

She will be running in the same year as Trump, you doofus......he will have coat tails like you have never seen before.....she might not even have to campaign, and will simply be given the seat by the asshat democrats have really done a number on yourselves with your batshit crazy stunts over kavanuagh...

Yeah, hold that thought until November 6.
And NY state is getting ready to turn Trump's coat tails into tatters for massive tax evasion and fraud going back into the 1980s.
Put on your shock panties, it's going to get ugly.

No, they are not. It's just a distraction because they know they've failed to keep Kavanaugh off the court.
Honestly I’d love to see Collins lose in 2020. Preferably in a primary against a Conservative Republican. If not, then at least we would have an honest Progressive Democrat rather then a non-Conservative Republican like Senator Collins.

She's one of the few decent Republicans left.

People are pissed because she doesn't kow tow to Trump.
She showed she has common sense.
Collins must have just saved her sorry ass.

A moving and thoughtful speech just ended. Calling out Democrats, their Socialist and outright Communists on their perversion of the SCOTUS confirmation procedure.

Capping it off with a reasoned statement that she will vote for confirmation.

Meanwhile Lease-A Murkowski looks likely to vote no raising the possibility that President Trump may take a new look at whether growing military bases in Alaska make sense.....indeed, whether America needs ANWR.

If Alaskans are sufficiently punished they might just shitcan Lease-A next time around.

Of course she has an opportunity to save her light of it now certain that there are the votes for confirmation "Daddy's Little Girl" (remember, her father appointed her to succeed him when it was clear he was about to be un-elected from The Senate) might just cast a luke-warm "yes" vote. But is she smart enough to do that? Would her Democrat (she is a notorious RINO) masters pull her strings hard enough that she'd cast a wasted "no"?

Only the puppetmasters know how much rope she'll be allowed.

She is right in her statements.

However, you already perverted the process with Garland.
huge difference, Garland was defeated by Constitutional law (role of Senate to advise and consent) and Senate rules. They tried ti take Kavanaugh down with vile and hateful claims, character assassination

Dems have grossly miscalculated and overreached, going to cost them big in tge midterms

on a side note, Collins' comments that Garland and Kavanaugh have voted the same way over 90% of the time is very interesting, should give reasonable left leaning folks comfort

But him and Garland were not voting on Foreign Policy, Immigration, International stuff. DC Court is usually domestic stuff.

Trump's power in foreign policy will cease being impeded. DACA will be
gone. The International Borders will be controlled by the Feds not the
States. But where he will be most effective is in overturning lower courts
who attempt to legislate from the Bench. That'll kill the Libs

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