Vote for Kav = Buh Bye Susie Collins

The Dimms constiuency are now women who accuse men of rape without ANY evidence or witnesses.


Once those few man hating Lesbians die off, what will be left?

Oh. So if you can't provide physical proof of rape it's ok to rape that what the Republicans are about today?

No, it's if you can't provide evidence.

Fine, then why didn't they allow for a thorough unrestricted investigation? Frankly, many including Collins agree something happened. Kavanaugh lied about his alcohal consumption. You can't just assume it did not happen anymore than you can assume he's guilty.

You mean a thorough unrestricted investigation while Feinstein sat for a couple of months with Ford's letter?
The women in this country are throwing your sorry ass out in 2020.

Democratic Nominee for Senate
Potential candidate for ME, U.S. Senate, 2020 Primary Election

$1,951,677 raised.

From 68,315 pledges on Crowdpac

98% of $2,000,000 goal

View attachment 220521
Hey dip, only the folks in Maine get to decide on that.

Hey dupe, anybody can contribute to the campaign of the Dem candidate who will run against Collins in 2020.
There will be upwards of $15M to the winner of the Dem primary in 2020, just waiting for HER. And it will be a woman.
Collins just won re-election because of her thoughtful, tempered, and well stated case for fairness and rule of law.

Like all of these life-long politicians do?
Is that why Congress enjoys an 80% disapproval rating?
Is Collins responsible for the 20% that do approve?
I like Susan Collins...and I respect her reasoning here. I still do not like Kavanaugh, but he may surprise us. I hope she she right about him.

Susan Collins will vote for Brett Kavanaugh, making his confirmation nearly certain
Collins defended Kavanaugh at length in a Senate floor speech, calling him qualified, praising his “record of judicial independence,” and portraying opposition to him as driven by partisanship and “special interest groups.” Based on her reading of Kavanaugh’s record, and her conversations with him, Collins said she does not expect him to strike down Roe v. Wade, same-sex marriage rights, or Obamacare’s preexisting conditions protections.

As for Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations of sexual assault, Collins emphasized that the “presumption of innocence” for Kavanaugh was important to her.

“I found her testimony to be sincere, painful and compelling. I believe that she is a survivor of a sexual assault and that this trauma has upended her life,” she said. “Nevertheless, the four witnesses she named could not corroborate any of the events of that evening gathering where she said the assault occurred.”

“Therefore, I do not believe that these charges can fairly prevent Judge Kavanaugh from serving on the court,” she continued. “I will vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh.”

She's an idiot.
Even someone not in Congress and privy to classified info can see that Kavanaugh's previous writings about a sitting president being exempt from investigation is exactly why he was nominated.
Kavanaugh is Trump's insurance policy in the event of a blue wave in November/impeachment proceedings and also any lawsuits brought against him for tax fraud and evasion brought up by NY state, which is going to happen after the NYT released hundreds of tax and real estate, family corporations and trust documents going back into the 1980s.

I agree with your statements about Trump, which is disturbing - BUT - Kavanaugh is only one justice and he might not vote the way Trump hopes. Collins is right - there is not sufficient reason to outright reject Kavannaugh though he is a poor choice.
The Dimms constiuency are now women who accuse men of rape without ANY evidence or witnesses.


Once those few man hating Lesbians die off, what will be left?

Oh. So if you can't provide physical proof of rape it's ok to rape that what the Republicans are about today?

No, it's if you can't provide evidence.

Fine, then why didn't they allow for a thorough unrestricted investigation? Frankly, many including Collins agree something happened. Kavanaugh lied about his alcohal consumption. You can't just assume it did not happen anymore than you can assume he's guilty.

You mean a thorough unrestricted investigation while Feinstein sat for a couple of months with Ford's letter?

Yes. That shouldn't make any difference. Perhaps we should ask why the rush job on Kavanaugh when other confirmation hearings were given much more time and ALL the documents requested?
then at least we would have an honest Progressive Democrat

Are there any such critters in the US?

We’ve got a couple here in Massachusetts who are running as Progressives on the Democrat ticket. They’re loud and proud to call themselves Progressives and support those ideals.

I disagree with them but I respect their honesty.
The Dimms constiuency are now women who accuse men of rape without ANY evidence or witnesses.


Once those few man hating Lesbians die off, what will be left?

Oh. So if you can't provide physical proof of rape it's ok to rape that what the Republicans are about today?

No, it's if you can't provide evidence.

Fine, then why didn't they allow for a thorough unrestricted investigation? Frankly, many including Collins agree something happened. Kavanaugh lied about his alcohal consumption. You can't just assume it did not happen anymore than you can assume he's guilty.

You mean a thorough unrestricted investigation while Feinstein sat for a couple of months with Ford's letter?

Did you not listen to the hearings?
Dr. Ford expressly asked for anonymity.
Total confidentiality.
Where she excels in scientific methodology, she is very naive in the ways out the world outside academia.
Someone in Feinstein's camp was the leak.
And the next thing Dr. Ford knew several weeks later was the press and cameras on her lawn.
Being followed on her way to work. Her kids being harassed.
And since then she and her family have had to move twice because of harassment.
The Dimms constiuency are now women who accuse men of rape without ANY evidence or witnesses.


Once those few man hating Lesbians die off, what will be left?

Oh. So if you can't provide physical proof of rape it's ok to rape that what the Republicans are about today?

No, it's if you can't provide evidence.

Fine, then why didn't they allow for a thorough unrestricted investigation? Frankly, many including Collins agree something happened. Kavanaugh lied about his alcohal consumption. You can't just assume it did not happen anymore than you can assume he's guilty.

You mean a thorough unrestricted investigation while Feinstein sat for a couple of months with Ford's letter?

Did you not listen to the hearings?
Dr. Ford expressly asked for anonymity.
Total confidentiality.
Where she excels in scientific methodology, she is very naive in the ways out the world outside academia.
Someone in Feinstein's camp was the leak.
And the next thing Dr. Ford knew several weeks later was the press and cameras on her lawn.
Being followed on her way to work. Her kids being harassed.
And since then she and her family have had to move twice because of harassment.

And you're saying the FBI would tell the world who they're investigating?
The Dimms constiuency are now women who accuse men of rape without ANY evidence or witnesses.


Once those few man hating Lesbians die off, what will be left?

Oh. So if you can't provide physical proof of rape it's ok to rape that what the Republicans are about today?

Do you remember in 1991 when the Republicans were outraged that Candice Bergen's TV character, Murphy Brown, got pregnant out of wedlock and had the baby?
Enraged. They were the party of family values.

So fast forward to 2016 and they vote for a pussy-grabbing, porn-star screwing ex-TV game show host has-been with six bankruptcies on his record.
And become indignant when women in Alabama claim that Roy Moore molested them as teenagers.
And defend a closet alcoholic who makes hyper-partisan rants to the Senate committee on his way towards a SCOTUS confirmation.
That was one of the most well-reasoned, critical and executed speeches I have seen in years - completely non-partisan. I was never impressed with Collins before solely because I could never listen to her voice, but she certainly has the intelligence and my attention now. I would vote for her for republican President. She was masterful.

This whole process was NEVER about Blasey Ford, she was a sad pawn (as Collins pointed out). It was about doing anything to stop Kavanaugh. Again (as Collins said) it was the Democrats who abused and used Ford, assuming she is innocent (there is no proof that she did not just make the whole thing up).

The Dem's big mistake was choosing to come out with the "I believe Her" meme long before any facts were even investigated. Had ANYONE come out to support Ford's story it might have gone a different way, but she was not credible, and that's just the truth.

You can't bullshit the American people, we are on to the games, the media, the propaganda, the harassment -- all of it is failing. Maybe you will stop the bedwetting and go back to treating politics like adults - not entitled children.
Senator Collins will vote yes. I predict her winning reelection with no problem
Oh. So if you can't provide physical proof of rape it's ok to rape that what the Republicans are about today?

No, it's if you can't provide evidence.

Fine, then why didn't they allow for a thorough unrestricted investigation? Frankly, many including Collins agree something happened. Kavanaugh lied about his alcohal consumption. You can't just assume it did not happen anymore than you can assume he's guilty.

You mean a thorough unrestricted investigation while Feinstein sat for a couple of months with Ford's letter?

Did you not listen to the hearings?
Dr. Ford expressly asked for anonymity.
Total confidentiality.
Where she excels in scientific methodology, she is very naive in the ways out the world outside academia.
Someone in Feinstein's camp was the leak.
And the next thing Dr. Ford knew several weeks later was the press and cameras on her lawn.
Being followed on her way to work. Her kids being harassed.
And since then she and her family have had to move twice because of harassment.

And you're saying the FBI would tell the world who they're investigating?

You're not making any sense.
If you had watched the hearing you would know what I am talking about.
But it's just easier to get Hannity's opinion, isn't it?
Love the smell of Dimocrat butthurt in the morning.

The Dimms constiuency are now women who accuse men of rape without ANY evidence or witnesses.


Once those few man hating Lesbians die off, what will be left?

Oh. So if you can't provide physical proof of rape it's ok to rape that what the Republicans are about today?

Pretty much. It is okay to do any crime if there is no proof to prove you did it.

If the bank in your town ends up missing several thousand dollars and claims YOU stole it, can they put you in jail with out evidence based solely on their claim?


Stop being stupid. No one believes it is "ok to rape someone." At the same time, nobody believes it is ok to just punish someone based on solely on accusations, right?

The is the premise of crime. Democrats are always telling foreigners, if you don't get caught, sure, come on over to America without going through the process, rape the system.
That was one of the most well-reasoned, critical and executed speeches I have seen in years - completely non-partisan. I was never impressed with Collins before solely because I could never listen to her voice, but she certainly has the intelligence and my attention now. I would vote for her for republican President. She was masterful.

This whole process was NEVER about Blasey Ford, she was a sad pawn (as Collins pointed out). It was about doing anything to stop Kavanaugh. Again (as Collins said) it was the Democrats who abused and used Ford, assuming she is innocent (there is no proof that she did not just make the whole thing up).

The Dem's big mistake was choosing to come out with the "I believe Her" meme long before any facts were even investigated. Had ANYONE come out to support Ford's story it might have gone a different way, but she was not credible, and that's just the truth.

You can't bullshit the American people, we are on to the games, the media, the propaganda, the harassment -- all of it is failing. Maybe you will stop the bedwetting and go back to treating politics like adults - not entitled children.

Dr. Ford and her husband live in one of the most expensive suburbs in America where people with service jobs live in their cars because they can't afford apartments. She has had a stellar career, two masters degrees and a PhD along with a professorship at Stanford U, an Ivy League college.

You really think she's going to throw all that away for some payoff from the Dems and then go into hiding the rest of her life?

You're out of touch.
No, it's if you can't provide evidence.

Fine, then why didn't they allow for a thorough unrestricted investigation? Frankly, many including Collins agree something happened. Kavanaugh lied about his alcohal consumption. You can't just assume it did not happen anymore than you can assume he's guilty.

You mean a thorough unrestricted investigation while Feinstein sat for a couple of months with Ford's letter?

Did you not listen to the hearings?
Dr. Ford expressly asked for anonymity.
Total confidentiality.
Where she excels in scientific methodology, she is very naive in the ways out the world outside academia.
Someone in Feinstein's camp was the leak.
And the next thing Dr. Ford knew several weeks later was the press and cameras on her lawn.
Being followed on her way to work. Her kids being harassed.
And since then she and her family have had to move twice because of harassment.

And you're saying the FBI would tell the world who they're investigating?

You're not making any sense.
If you had watched the hearing you would know what I am talking about.
But it's just easier to get Hannity's opinion, isn't it?

Yes, I had been watching the hearing.
The women in this country are throwing your sorry ass out in 2020.

Democratic Nominee for Senate
Potential candidate for ME, U.S. Senate, 2020 Primary Election

$1,951,677 raised.

From 68,315 pledges on Crowdpac

98% of $2,000,000 goal

View attachment 220521
Sounds like you are a hater of women.....
Wrong but if true at least he doesn’t want them raoed like you do.
raoed? Is that a new thing you liberals do to women? People like you are the reason people like me went into the military, so we can defend and protect our people from shits like you.
Being in the military does not excuse your being a despicable piece of trash.

You are an expert at being a despicable piece of trash
The women in this country are throwing your sorry ass out in 2020.

Democratic Nominee for Senate
Potential candidate for ME, U.S. Senate, 2020 Primary Election

$1,951,677 raised.

From 68,315 pledges on Crowdpac

98% of $2,000,000 goal

View attachment 220521

Here is how Susan Collins did the last time a Democrat challenged her in 2014:

Susan Collins: 68.4% of the vote

Shena Bellows: 31.6% of the vote

In Politics, that is more than a landslide, that is a slaughter.

In 2 years, this whole nomination process will be a distant memory. Attempting to remove Collins even if it were successful, will not change the fact that Kavanaugh will still be on the Supreme Court. Those two factors are why Susan Collins will likely win again in a landslide in 2020.
That was one of the most well-reasoned, critical and executed speeches I have seen in years - completely non-partisan. I was never impressed with Collins before solely because I could never listen to her voice, but she certainly has the intelligence and my attention now. I would vote for her for republican President. She was masterful.

This whole process was NEVER about Blasey Ford, she was a sad pawn (as Collins pointed out). It was about doing anything to stop Kavanaugh. Again (as Collins said) it was the Democrats who abused and used Ford, assuming she is innocent (there is no proof that she did not just make the whole thing up).

The Dem's big mistake was choosing to come out with the "I believe Her" meme long before any facts were even investigated. Had ANYONE come out to support Ford's story it might have gone a different way, but she was not credible, and that's just the truth.

You can't bullshit the American people, we are on to the games, the media, the propaganda, the harassment -- all of it is failing. Maybe you will stop the bedwetting and go back to treating politics like adults - not entitled children.

When will the President?
Love the smell of Dimocrat butthurt in the morning.


I can believe you smell something bad, but I think it's because your pie hole is open.

I think the pseudo-cons are going to be smelling something bad on November 6. Roasted Trump has a bad ass stink.

But watching him writhe under charges of tax evasion and fraud for his NY returns is going to be sheer delight.
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That was one of the most well-reasoned, critical and executed speeches I have seen in years - completely non-partisan. I was never impressed with Collins before solely because I could never listen to her voice, but she certainly has the intelligence and my attention now. I would vote for her for republican President. She was masterful.

This whole process was NEVER about Blasey Ford, she was a sad pawn (as Collins pointed out). It was about doing anything to stop Kavanaugh. Again (as Collins said) it was the Democrats who abused and used Ford, assuming she is innocent (there is no proof that she did not just make the whole thing up).

The Dem's big mistake was choosing to come out with the "I believe Her" meme long before any facts were even investigated. Had ANYONE come out to support Ford's story it might have gone a different way, but she was not credible, and that's just the truth.

You can't bullshit the American people, we are on to the games, the media, the propaganda, the harassment -- all of it is failing. Maybe you will stop the bedwetting and go back to treating politics like adults - not entitled children.

When will the President?

High 5.
His rallies have become disgusting cesspool dives, stirring up his base of mouth-breathing zombies with nothing but school-girl gossip insults.
I'm so glad the cable channels have stopped carrying them live.
I guess Fox still does, though.

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