Vote GOP to end war on your men

Vote GOP to end war on your men

^ This link says the "year of the woman" is not exactly a new theme for liberals. EVERY year is the "year of the woman."

What makes this year different? Kavanaugh.

I do not take sexual assault lightly. I am very glad with #metoo. My boys learned how to treat real women (not the sex-exuding stereotypes they see in movies and TV), and I am glad they now see that relationships are not "conquests" - they are - well, relationships.

I feel my boys are safer now - they will not make a needless sexual mistake like dating girls who are too young, or failing to respect the word "NO."

But, I fear for their future more than ever, after I saw Democratic senators like Gillibrand, Feinstein and others saying "I believe her" - before virtually any of the facts were in. I don't believe Ford had solid proof, neither did her "friends" - she lied about what she told her therapist and husband, about the spare door and seemed to fill in a lot of blanks with conclusions that supported her premise, but not the facts.

That is not how we manage justice in America; saying "I believe her" to the point of destroying a person's lifetime career - with no established facts. Democrats seem to think "Suburban Women" were persuaded by the Kavanaugh hearings. All I can ask is "Would you want your son, husband or father to go through that?" - in the end, his lifetime objective of being in the Supreme Court was fulfilled, but at what cost? His name and reputation were ruined forever.

Was it Kavanaugh's fate to "die for our sins?" - apparently so, but another man already paid that price, and it is time to stop punishing arbitrary people solely for political power. Power is just not as important as justice. In many ways it is the antithesis.

Read the article and think about the right of a woman to be believed - but also the right of your men to have the same opportunity.

Women are demanding a turn on top.
Vote GOP to end war on your men

^ This link says the "year of the woman" is not exactly a new theme for liberals. EVERY year is the "year of the woman."

What makes this year different? Kavanaugh.

I do not take sexual assault lightly. I am very glad with #metoo. My boys learned how to treat real women (not the sex-exuding stereotypes they see in movies and TV), and I am glad they now see that relationships are not "conquests" - they are - well, relationships.

I feel my boys are safer now - they will not make a needless sexual mistake like dating girls who are too young, or failing to respect the word "NO."

But, I fear for their future more than ever, after I saw Democratic senators like Gillibrand, Feinstein and others saying "I believe her" - before virtually any of the facts were in. I don't believe Ford had solid proof, neither did her "friends" - she lied about what she told her therapist and husband, about the spare door and seemed to fill in a lot of blanks with conclusions that supported her premise, but not the facts.

That is not how we manage justice in America; saying "I believe her" to the point of destroying a person's lifetime career - with no established facts. Democrats seem to think "Suburban Women" were persuaded by the Kavanaugh hearings. All I can ask is "Would you want your son, husband or father to go through that?" - in the end, his lifetime objective of being in the Supreme Court was fulfilled, but at what cost? His name and reputation were ruined forever.

Was it Kavanaugh's fate to "die for our sins?" - apparently so, but another man already paid that price, and it is time to stop punishing arbitrary people solely for political power. Power is just not as important as justice. In many ways it is the antithesis.

Read the article and think about the right of a woman to be believed - but also the right of your men to have the same opportunity.

Give me a break. Another Trumpbot who is crying 'we men are losing are rights' by reading WAAAAY too much into the Kavanaugh mess.

You are not losing anything you drama queen...all men are losing is the automatic power they had over women for millennia strictly by being born with a dick.

And men like you HATE IT.

Men like me welcome it.

It's called equality.

Grow up you whiner.

Real men face life.

Weak men whine about life.
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Vote GOP to end war on your men

^ This link says the "year of the woman" is not exactly a new theme for liberals. EVERY year is the "year of the woman."

What makes this year different? Kavanaugh.

I do not take sexual assault lightly. I am very glad with #metoo. My boys learned how to treat real women (not the sex-exuding stereotypes they see in movies and TV), and I am glad they now see that relationships are not "conquests" - they are - well, relationships.

I feel my boys are safer now - they will not make a needless sexual mistake like dating girls who are too young, or failing to respect the word "NO."

But, I fear for their future more than ever, after I saw Democratic senators like Gillibrand, Feinstein and others saying "I believe her" - before virtually any of the facts were in. I don't believe Ford had solid proof, neither did her "friends" - she lied about what she told her therapist and husband, about the spare door and seemed to fill in a lot of blanks with conclusions that supported her premise, but not the facts.

That is not how we manage justice in America; saying "I believe her" to the point of destroying a person's lifetime career - with no established facts. Democrats seem to think "Suburban Women" were persuaded by the Kavanaugh hearings. All I can ask is "Would you want your son, husband or father to go through that?" - in the end, his lifetime objective of being in the Supreme Court was fulfilled, but at what cost? His name and reputation were ruined forever.

Was it Kavanaugh's fate to "die for our sins?" - apparently so, but another man already paid that price, and it is time to stop punishing arbitrary people solely for political power. Power is just not as important as justice. In many ways it is the antithesis.

Read the article and think about the right of a woman to be believed - but also the right of your men to have the same opportunity.
“Vote GOP to end war on your men”

These ridiculous rightwing lies look even more ridiculous now that Republicans have lost the House.

But don’t expect conservatives to stop lying as a consequence – they have nothing else to run on.
You can assume anything you like; although given your abysmal track record of being correct in your assumptions, you would be wise not to.

Given your track record of never adding anything intelligent to a conversation, I was just seeing if some age related disease was responsible.
There is some weirdo idea that men are to be believed and women, not. And this does NOT include all men by a long shot. Wow! I'm a white woman and I just voted for three white heterosexual men this morning and I'm waiting around to see the election results!

Really? WHERE does that weirdo idea exist outside of your own diseased imagination?

I realize that your genitals are literally the most interesting thing about you, such that they apparently are the entirety of your identity. Nevertheless, would it shock you to know that that is not the case with other people? That, in fact, most of us are complex individuals who each have a unique combination of multiple good and bad points, irrespective of our genitalia? Yes, even women. We are fully capable of being lying, scuzzy assholes just as much as men are. And men are just as capable of being decent, honest individuals as women are. Even more shocking, skin color has even less to do with this than genitalia does. Who knew?

So if you believed Ford just because she has a vagina, and you disbelieved Kavanaugh because he has a penis, then that's just your personal insanity. It has jack squat to do with reality.

I did not believe Ford simply because she has a vagina. The evidence is more on her side. I don't know why you hate people with vaginas when you have one yourself. Why do you suck up to the penis agenda?
The evidence is on her side? You are fucking insane. What evidence?

The same as on his side . He said - she said .

Forget the assault part. He was a real a -hole in what’s essentially a job interview . And his version of his frat boy life was total bullshit .
In other words, no evidence.

The assholes in this affair are Christina Ford, who smeared an innocent man, and the Dims on the committee, who put her up to it.

She didn't "smear an innocent man." She told her story. Others from two different schools made statements calling Kavanaugh's character into question. His friend from those days, who wrote a book in which he made thinly veiled references to Kavanaugh while including statements suggesting that this friend endorsed committing violence against women, did not testify. Kavanaugh himself went into tantrums at the witness table.

The issue isn't "genitalia." The issue is people who use their's as a vehicle for playing identity politics and people who are so ashamed of who they are that they help them.

I will never forget a picture of some bleach blondies in Alabama holding a sign thanking Jesus for roy moore, a known pedophile. Fundie women actually listen to these fundie preacher-creatures telling them that they are commanded by "religion" to screw their husbands on demand, welp more critters for their masters, and even not to wear pants and not run for office.

Yes. Men can be decent and honest individuals and I have said this all along. One can be a heterosexual, male or female, without sacrificing one's self esteem. I've voted for white, male (and Christian!) candidates for a long time and I did so yesterday, with Tim Kaine and Don Beyer. I voted for Ralph Northam. But I can't stand identity politics and some people have have marketed themselves as "white Christian men," as if this is a selling point. Shame on them!
Vote GOP to end war on your men

^ This link says the "year of the woman" is not exactly a new theme for liberals. EVERY year is the "year of the woman."

What makes this year different? Kavanaugh.

I do not take sexual assault lightly. I am very glad with #metoo. My boys learned how to treat real women (not the sex-exuding stereotypes they see in movies and TV), and I am glad they now see that relationships are not "conquests" - they are - well, relationships.

I feel my boys are safer now - they will not make a needless sexual mistake like dating girls who are too young, or failing to respect the word "NO."

But, I fear for their future more than ever, after I saw Democratic senators like Gillibrand, Feinstein and others saying "I believe her" - before virtually any of the facts were in. I don't believe Ford had solid proof, neither did her "friends" - she lied about what she told her therapist and husband, about the spare door and seemed to fill in a lot of blanks with conclusions that supported her premise, but not the facts.

That is not how we manage justice in America; saying "I believe her" to the point of destroying a person's lifetime career - with no established facts. Democrats seem to think "Suburban Women" were persuaded by the Kavanaugh hearings. All I can ask is "Would you want your son, husband or father to go through that?" - in the end, his lifetime objective of being in the Supreme Court was fulfilled, but at what cost? His name and reputation were ruined forever.

Was it Kavanaugh's fate to "die for our sins?" - apparently so, but another man already paid that price, and it is time to stop punishing arbitrary people solely for political power. Power is just not as important as justice. In many ways it is the antithesis.

Read the article and think about the right of a woman to be believed - but also the right of your men to have the same opportunity.

Give me a break. Another Trumpbot who is crying 'we men are losing are rights' by reading WAAAAY too much into the Kavanaugh mess.

You are not losing anything you drama queen...all men are losing is the automatic power they had over women for millennia strictly by being born with a dick.

And men like you HATE IT.

Men like me welcome it.

It's called equality.

Grow up you whiner.

Real men face life.

Weak men whine about life.

OMG what a beta cuck you are.

For some of the progressives, it's not about equality, it's about revenge.
Oversight how?

Congressional oversight refers to oversight by the United States Congress of the Executive Branch, including the numerous U.S. federal agencies. Congressional oversight refers to the review, monitoring, and supervision of federal agencies, programs, activities, and policy implementation.

Oversight of the disaster trump created at the EPA.
....and what does this have to do with men?

There is some weirdo idea that men are to be believed and women, not. And this does NOT include all men by a long shot. Wow! I'm a white woman and I just voted for three white heterosexual men this morning and I'm waiting around to see the election results!

Really? WHERE does that weirdo idea exist outside of your own diseased imagination?

I realize that your genitals are literally the most interesting thing about you, such that they apparently are the entirety of your identity. Nevertheless, would it shock you to know that that is not the case with other people? That, in fact, most of us are complex individuals who each have a unique combination of multiple good and bad points, irrespective of our genitalia? Yes, even women. We are fully capable of being lying, scuzzy assholes just as much as men are. And men are just as capable of being decent, honest individuals as women are. Even more shocking, skin color has even less to do with this than genitalia does. Who knew?

So if you believed Ford just because she has a vagina, and you disbelieved Kavanaugh because he has a penis, then that's just your personal insanity. It has jack squat to do with reality.

I did not believe Ford simply because she has a vagina. The evidence is more on her side. I don't know why you hate people with vaginas when you have one yourself. Why do you suck up to the penis agenda?

The evidence is more on her side? What evidence is that? The fact that Donald Trump appointed him, therefore he must be guilty of anything and everything you want to accuse him of? Because that's literally the only actual fact in play here. She didn't succeed PRECISELY because she had no evidence to support her accusation.

I don't hate people with vaginas. I hate people who ARE vaginas, and nothing else. You know how I can tell that you're nothing but a twat on legs? The fact that you use phrases like "penis agenda". I'm pretty sure you're so obsessed with "I have a vagina, and everything is about that!" because YOU hate being female.
Congressional oversight refers to oversight by the United States Congress of the Executive Branch, including the numerous U.S. federal agencies. Congressional oversight refers to the review, monitoring, and supervision of federal agencies, programs, activities, and policy implementation.

Oversight of the disaster trump created at the EPA.
....and what does this have to do with men?

There is some weirdo idea that men are to be believed and women, not. And this does NOT include all men by a long shot. Wow! I'm a white woman and I just voted for three white heterosexual men this morning and I'm waiting around to see the election results!

Really? WHERE does that weirdo idea exist outside of your own diseased imagination?

I realize that your genitals are literally the most interesting thing about you, such that they apparently are the entirety of your identity. Nevertheless, would it shock you to know that that is not the case with other people? That, in fact, most of us are complex individuals who each have a unique combination of multiple good and bad points, irrespective of our genitalia? Yes, even women. We are fully capable of being lying, scuzzy assholes just as much as men are. And men are just as capable of being decent, honest individuals as women are. Even more shocking, skin color has even less to do with this than genitalia does. Who knew?

So if you believed Ford just because she has a vagina, and you disbelieved Kavanaugh because he has a penis, then that's just your personal insanity. It has jack squat to do with reality.

I did not believe Ford simply because she has a vagina. The evidence is more on her side. I don't know why you hate people with vaginas when you have one yourself. Why do you suck up to the penis agenda?
The evidence is on her side? You are fucking insane. What evidence?

The evidence that she's female and leftist, and he's male and conservative. OBVIOUSLY, he's guilty as sin.
Ohhh poor Kavanaugh. He’s the poster boy of white privilege! And his life is “ruined “ ? He became a Supreme Court Justice !

Seriously, to listen to these snowflakes about Kavanagh getting a raw deal you'd think the guy was all but shot ten times for pulling out a candy bar.

Seriously, I wonder if you would be so dismissive if someone put you through a similar situation.

You hypocrites.

If the police hassle an innocent black man he’s supposed to shut up and take it. But poor Bret is some hero for lashing out at questions over his Frat boy ways .

Like I said . White privilege.

Wow, let me get RIGHT on apologizing for an agenda that I've never espoused, and which exists nowhere but in your fevered imagination. I'm all about taking responsibility for what you "think" I think.

Hold your breath waiting on that.
....and what does this have to do with men?

There is some weirdo idea that men are to be believed and women, not. And this does NOT include all men by a long shot. Wow! I'm a white woman and I just voted for three white heterosexual men this morning and I'm waiting around to see the election results!

Really? WHERE does that weirdo idea exist outside of your own diseased imagination?

I realize that your genitals are literally the most interesting thing about you, such that they apparently are the entirety of your identity. Nevertheless, would it shock you to know that that is not the case with other people? That, in fact, most of us are complex individuals who each have a unique combination of multiple good and bad points, irrespective of our genitalia? Yes, even women. We are fully capable of being lying, scuzzy assholes just as much as men are. And men are just as capable of being decent, honest individuals as women are. Even more shocking, skin color has even less to do with this than genitalia does. Who knew?

So if you believed Ford just because she has a vagina, and you disbelieved Kavanaugh because he has a penis, then that's just your personal insanity. It has jack squat to do with reality.

I did not believe Ford simply because she has a vagina. The evidence is more on her side. I don't know why you hate people with vaginas when you have one yourself. Why do you suck up to the penis agenda?
The evidence is on her side? You are fucking insane. What evidence?

The same as on his side . He said - she said .

Forget the assault part. He was a real a -hole in what’s essentially a job interview . And his version of his frat boy life was total bullshit .

He was a real a-hole = He refused to just surrender and give us what we wanted.
Oversight how?

Congressional oversight refers to oversight by the United States Congress of the Executive Branch, including the numerous U.S. federal agencies. Congressional oversight refers to the review, monitoring, and supervision of federal agencies, programs, activities, and policy implementation.

Oversight of the disaster trump created at the EPA.
....and what does this have to do with men?

There is some weirdo idea that men are to be believed and women, not. And this does NOT include all men by a long shot. Wow! I'm a white woman and I just voted for three white heterosexual men this morning and I'm waiting around to see the election results!

Really? WHERE does that weirdo idea exist outside of your own diseased imagination?

I realize that your genitals are literally the most interesting thing about you, such that they apparently are the entirety of your identity. Nevertheless, would it shock you to know that that is not the case with other people? That, in fact, most of us are complex individuals who each have a unique combination of multiple good and bad points, irrespective of our genitalia? Yes, even women. We are fully capable of being lying, scuzzy assholes just as much as men are. And men are just as capable of being decent, honest individuals as women are. Even more shocking, skin color has even less to do with this than genitalia does. Who knew?!

So if you believed Ford just because she has a vagina, and you disbelieved Kavanaugh because he has a penis, then that's just your personal insanity. It has jack squat to do with reality.

No, we believe Ford because what she said rang true, especially to women who have been assaulted, which is 25% of us. To start with, Kavenaugh lied about far too many things to be believable. His "righteous anger", in contrast to Dr. Ford's pain, seemed false and wasn't in any way believable. His disrespect for Democrat senators, and lack of civility towards the Democrats displayed a degree of partisanship which was total inappropriate for someone seeking a seat on the Court. Judges are to set aside partisanship. Judge Kavenaugh couldn't even set aside partisanship in his confirmation hearing. How will he rule on the bench when one side is Republican and the other Democrat?

I just heard, "We believed her because we wanted it to be true", because that's all your twaddle really meant.
Really? WHERE does that weirdo idea exist outside of your own diseased imagination?

I realize that your genitals are literally the most interesting thing about you, such that they apparently are the entirety of your identity. Nevertheless, would it shock you to know that that is not the case with other people? That, in fact, most of us are complex individuals who each have a unique combination of multiple good and bad points, irrespective of our genitalia? Yes, even women. We are fully capable of being lying, scuzzy assholes just as much as men are. And men are just as capable of being decent, honest individuals as women are. Even more shocking, skin color has even less to do with this than genitalia does. Who knew?

So if you believed Ford just because she has a vagina, and you disbelieved Kavanaugh because he has a penis, then that's just your personal insanity. It has jack squat to do with reality.

I did not believe Ford simply because she has a vagina. The evidence is more on her side. I don't know why you hate people with vaginas when you have one yourself. Why do you suck up to the penis agenda?
The evidence is on her side? You are fucking insane. What evidence?

The same as on his side . He said - she said .

Forget the assault part. He was a real a -hole in what’s essentially a job interview . And his version of his frat boy life was total bullshit .
He wasn't running for student council dumass.

Exactly . Then own up to your college ways . Instead his laughable spin that he was a beer sipping choir boy.

And he was a dink to the senators .

Again, YOU said he was a choir boy. We never did. And no one is interested in taking responsibility for what you think they think. No one is interested in believing that you think, when it comes right down to it.
Vote GOP to end war on your men

^ This link says the "year of the woman" is not exactly a new theme for liberals. EVERY year is the "year of the woman."

What makes this year different? Kavanaugh.

I do not take sexual assault lightly. I am very glad with #metoo. My boys learned how to treat real women (not the sex-exuding stereotypes they see in movies and TV), and I am glad they now see that relationships are not "conquests" - they are - well, relationships.

I feel my boys are safer now - they will not make a needless sexual mistake like dating girls who are too young, or failing to respect the word "NO."

But, I fear for their future more than ever, after I saw Democratic senators like Gillibrand, Feinstein and others saying "I believe her" - before virtually any of the facts were in. I don't believe Ford had solid proof, neither did her "friends" - she lied about what she told her therapist and husband, about the spare door and seemed to fill in a lot of blanks with conclusions that supported her premise, but not the facts.

That is not how we manage justice in America; saying "I believe her" to the point of destroying a person's lifetime career - with no established facts. Democrats seem to think "Suburban Women" were persuaded by the Kavanaugh hearings. All I can ask is "Would you want your son, husband or father to go through that?" - in the end, his lifetime objective of being in the Supreme Court was fulfilled, but at what cost? His name and reputation were ruined forever.

Was it Kavanaugh's fate to "die for our sins?" - apparently so, but another man already paid that price, and it is time to stop punishing arbitrary people solely for political power. Power is just not as important as justice. In many ways it is the antithesis.

Read the article and think about the right of a woman to be believed - but also the right of your men to have the same opportunity.

Give me a break. Another Trumpbot who is crying 'we men are losing are rights' by reading WAAAAY too much into the Kavanaugh mess.

You are not losing anything you drama queen...all men are losing is the automatic power they had over women for millennia strictly by being born with a dick.

And men like you HATE IT.

Men like me welcome it.

It's called equality.

Grow up you whiner.

Real men face life.

Weak men whine about life.
So you think being presumed to be guilty until proven innocent just because some obviously loopy kunt accuses you of something is not losing a right?

That's pretty much all we need to know about the left.
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Congressional oversight refers to oversight by the United States Congress of the Executive Branch, including the numerous U.S. federal agencies. Congressional oversight refers to the review, monitoring, and supervision of federal agencies, programs, activities, and policy implementation.

Oversight of the disaster trump created at the EPA.
....and what does this have to do with men?

There is some weirdo idea that men are to be believed and women, not. And this does NOT include all men by a long shot. Wow! I'm a white woman and I just voted for three white heterosexual men this morning and I'm waiting around to see the election results!

Really? WHERE does that weirdo idea exist outside of your own diseased imagination?

I realize that your genitals are literally the most interesting thing about you, such that they apparently are the entirety of your identity. Nevertheless, would it shock you to know that that is not the case with other people? That, in fact, most of us are complex individuals who each have a unique combination of multiple good and bad points, irrespective of our genitalia? Yes, even women. We are fully capable of being lying, scuzzy assholes just as much as men are. And men are just as capable of being decent, honest individuals as women are. Even more shocking, skin color has even less to do with this than genitalia does. Who knew?

So if you believed Ford just because she has a vagina, and you disbelieved Kavanaugh because he has a penis, then that's just your personal insanity. It has jack squat to do with reality.

I did not believe Ford simply because she has a vagina. The evidence is more on her side. I don't know why you hate people with vaginas when you have one yourself. Why do you suck up to the penis agenda?

The evidence is more on her side? What evidence is that? The fact that Donald Trump appointed him, therefore he must be guilty of anything and everything you want to accuse him of? Because that's literally the only actual fact in play here. She didn't succeed PRECISELY because she had no evidence to support her accusation.

I don't hate people with vaginas. I hate people who ARE vaginas, and nothing else. You know how I can tell that you're nothing but a twat on legs? The fact that you use phrases like "penis agenda". I'm pretty sure you're so obsessed with "I have a vagina, and everything is about that!" because YOU hate being female.

I use phrases like "penis agenda" to point out, as I keep reading on USMB in entries about transgenders, that some dorks think that your body determines who you are. There are males out there who use their specific genitalia to justify making all of the decisions and bossing everyone else around.

I was not lying when I wrote about seeing a local interview with some southern baptist penis boy, who openly bragged that his penis gave him decision-making authority. He did everything but unzip. I did not make this up. The shame is that some people with vaginas support their local dick no matter. These women lack the dignity and self-esteem to limit this and grovel instead. How humiliating for all of us.

Look. I like penises (peni?). I like borrowing one occasionally. I love my hairy honey. But why the dick worship?
Vote GOP to end war on your men

^ This link says the "year of the woman" is not exactly a new theme for liberals. EVERY year is the "year of the woman."

What makes this year different? Kavanaugh.

I do not take sexual assault lightly. I am very glad with #metoo. My boys learned how to treat real women (not the sex-exuding stereotypes they see in movies and TV), and I am glad they now see that relationships are not "conquests" - they are - well, relationships.

I feel my boys are safer now - they will not make a needless sexual mistake like dating girls who are too young, or failing to respect the word "NO."

But, I fear for their future more than ever, after I saw Democratic senators like Gillibrand, Feinstein and others saying "I believe her" - before virtually any of the facts were in. I don't believe Ford had solid proof, neither did her "friends" - she lied about what she told her therapist and husband, about the spare door and seemed to fill in a lot of blanks with conclusions that supported her premise, but not the facts.

That is not how we manage justice in America; saying "I believe her" to the point of destroying a person's lifetime career - with no established facts. Democrats seem to think "Suburban Women" were persuaded by the Kavanaugh hearings. All I can ask is "Would you want your son, husband or father to go through that?" - in the end, his lifetime objective of being in the Supreme Court was fulfilled, but at what cost? His name and reputation were ruined forever.

Was it Kavanaugh's fate to "die for our sins?" - apparently so, but another man already paid that price, and it is time to stop punishing arbitrary people solely for political power. Power is just not as important as justice. In many ways it is the antithesis.

Read the article and think about the right of a woman to be believed - but also the right of your men to have the same opportunity.

Give me a break. Another Trumpbot who is crying 'we men are losing are rights' by reading WAAAAY too much into the Kavanaugh mess.

You are not losing anything you drama queen...all men are losing is the automatic power they had over women for millennia strictly by being born with a dick.

And men like you HATE IT.

Men like me welcome it.

It's called equality.

Grow up you whiner.

Real men face life.

Weak men whine about life.

OMG what a beta cuck you are.

For some of the progressives, it's not about equality, it's about revenge.
Alt-Right language right there....maybe even INCEL language.
Ohhh poor Kavanaugh. He’s the poster boy of white privilege! And his life is “ruined “ ? He became a Supreme Court Justice !

They tried to ruin his life. Do you really think he would find other success elsewhere if they had managed to torpedo his nomination?

They tried to ruin his life. Maybe if Kavenaugh's parents had taught him to treat women with respect instead of referring to them as the "devil's triangle", instead of something there for his pleasure. Maybe if they had taught him lying is wrong. Maybe if he had learned not to get drunk and molest girls at some point in his youth, no one would have had the opportunity to "ruin his life".

Kavenuagh is the author of his own misfortune. The lies, the cover-ups.

You have zero evidence that "devil's triangle" means anything but what he said it means.

You have ZERO evidence he ever got drunk and molested anyone.

You are assuming everything, and you are a worthless twat hack.

I would love to know what the hell kind of high school these leftists were hanging around in back in the 80s, because I am prepared to state categorically that no one I knew in high school during that era would have so much as mentioned out loud the stuff leftists want to attach as the "official definition" of things. They would have been considered weird and disgusting and been shunned.

I realize that leftists have no long-term memory to speak of, but they really need to wrap their heads around the fact that the 80s was a completely different era from now, and trying to apply modern behavior and attitudes - not to mention slang - to that time makes about as much rational sense as trying to apply modern American cultural standards to the Amish.
Ohhh poor Kavanaugh. He’s the poster boy of white privilege! And his life is “ruined “ ? He became a Supreme Court Justice !

They tried to ruin his life. Do you really think he would find other success elsewhere if they had managed to torpedo his nomination?

They tried to ruin his life. Maybe if Kavenaugh's parents had taught him to treat women with respect instead of referring to them as the "devil's triangle", instead of something there for his pleasure. Maybe if they had taught him lying is wrong. Maybe if he had learned not to get drunk and molest girls at some point in his youth, no one would have had the opportunity to "ruin his life".

Kavenuagh is the author of his own misfortune. The lies, the cover-ups.

You have zero evidence that "devil's triangle" means anything but what he said it means.

You have ZERO evidence he ever got drunk and molested anyone.

You are assuming everything, and you are a worthless twat hack.

And YOU have zero evidence that it didn't happen exactly as Dr. Ford said it did. The FACT that Kavanaugh's best friend refused to testify on his behalf is practically an admission that it happened. If it didn't happen, why didn't he testify?

Last but not least, what I didn't do was to call the person I was responding to a vulgar and demeaning name, or rather what you consider to be a vulgar and demeaning name. When you call someone a name, it's not a reflection of their character, but of yours.

You seem to see yourself as a worthless twat. Such self-relfection is seldom wrong.

Well, actually, that's not true (I know, big shock that something coming out of YOUR mouth is incorrect and clueless). Gr1) anted, the accused doesn't HAVE to have any evidence, because only a complete moron (you know, like virtually any left-leaning person in the country, and I AM looking at you) thinks that proving a negative is a thing. I mention this only so that you have some chance of understanding just how shocking and meaningful it is that in THIS case, the accused actually has more proof of a negative than the alleged "victim" has of her accusation. That's freaking amazing.

So let's start at the top of your "I'm an idiot, and I'm PROUD of it! Pretend I'm not a joke!" list of confusion and misunderstanding, shall we?

1) Mark Judge did not "refuse to testify". He stated that he did not wish to appear in person before the committee, but he did provide a written statement under oath, which legally qualifies as a testimony. And since, so far as I know, he wasn't actually ASKED to appear before the committee, it's pretty hard to "refuse" a request which hasn't even been made.

Had you bothered to use your Internet connection for anything more than receiving your talking points memos and then trumpeting your half-baked, lame assumptions as fact, you would know that Mr. Judge suffers from anxiety along with other health problems, and he avoids going out in public. No matter how badly you want to pretend that he's "hiding something" or "avoiding his knowledge of guilt", he has actually done more than has been officially requested of him, and his behavior has nothing to do with JUSTICE Kavanaugh, and everything to do with his own personal health. If you for a second whinged about how Ford should be able to spout accusations and then be excused from testifying to them because of her apocryphal "fear of flying", then you have shit to say about Mark Judge's desire to avoid appearing in person.

2) While we're on the subject of best friends and your utter ignorance of whether or not they backed up the person's story, let's discuss the fact that FORD'S best friend from high school didn't just decline to support her story, she categorically REFUTED it. In no uncertain terms. That's not just a lack of evidence on Ford's part; that's NEGATIVE evidence. In fact, that was the pattern for Ford's case all the way through: not only did she have not a shred of evidence, every pathetic attempt she made at providing evidence ended up going against her.

3) JUSTICE Kavanaugh, on the other hand, had not only Ford's own witnesses to support his contention and the statement of Mark Judge, he ALSO was able to provide hard evidence of the things he did the entire summer in question. That's not entirely exclusionary, of course, but given that it's at least SOMETHING, and Ford had absolutely nothing except her word for it (and her word for it was ridiculously vague and lacking specifics), that means he had vastly more evidence than she did.

4) Last but not least, if all you've got is, "I'm right because you're mean and refuse to treat me with respect I don't deserve", then may I invite you cordially to go snivel somewhere else? If you get described in ways you don't like, consider the possibility that you should stop earning the description. Furthermore, I wouldn't WANT the likes of you to approve of my character, because anyone who's still trying to argue in favor of Christine Ford knows less about character judgement than my dog does about quantum physics.

You get the respect you deserve. And you deserve to be told you're a partisan dimwit.
Vote GOP to end war on your men

^ This link says the "year of the woman" is not exactly a new theme for liberals. EVERY year is the "year of the woman."

What makes this year different? Kavanaugh.

I do not take sexual assault lightly. I am very glad with #metoo. My boys learned how to treat real women (not the sex-exuding stereotypes they see in movies and TV), and I am glad they now see that relationships are not "conquests" - they are - well, relationships.

I feel my boys are safer now - they will not make a needless sexual mistake like dating girls who are too young, or failing to respect the word "NO."

But, I fear for their future more than ever, after I saw Democratic senators like Gillibrand, Feinstein and others saying "I believe her" - before virtually any of the facts were in. I don't believe Ford had solid proof, neither did her "friends" - she lied about what she told her therapist and husband, about the spare door and seemed to fill in a lot of blanks with conclusions that supported her premise, but not the facts.

That is not how we manage justice in America; saying "I believe her" to the point of destroying a person's lifetime career - with no established facts. Democrats seem to think "Suburban Women" were persuaded by the Kavanaugh hearings. All I can ask is "Would you want your son, husband or father to go through that?" - in the end, his lifetime objective of being in the Supreme Court was fulfilled, but at what cost? His name and reputation were ruined forever.

Was it Kavanaugh's fate to "die for our sins?" - apparently so, but another man already paid that price, and it is time to stop punishing arbitrary people solely for political power. Power is just not as important as justice. In many ways it is the antithesis.

Read the article and think about the right of a woman to be believed - but also the right of your men to have the same opportunity.

Give me a break. Another Trumpbot who is crying 'we men are losing are rights' by reading WAAAAY too much into the Kavanaugh mess.

You are not losing anything you drama queen...all men are losing is the automatic power they had over women for millennia strictly by being born with a dick.

And men like you HATE IT.

Men like me welcome it.

It's called equality.

Grow up you whiner.

Real men face life.

Weak men whine about life.

OMG what a beta cuck you are.

For some of the progressives, it's not about equality, it's about revenge.
Alt-Right language right there....maybe even INCEL language.

Ugh, the Incel crap again?

4chan has baited you hook, line and sinker.
You can assume anything you like; although given your abysmal track record of being correct in your assumptions, you would be wise not to.

Given your track record of never adding anything intelligent to a conversation, I was just seeing if some age related disease was responsible.

Given your track record of never considering anything "intelligent" unless it agrees with you, I'm just saying mind your own business. If you had any sort of real argument to make, you wouldn't be fishing around for lame irrelevancies like, "Well, I'm right because you're old." I could be Methuselah's grandmother, and I'd still be smarter than you.
....and what does this have to do with men?

There is some weirdo idea that men are to be believed and women, not. And this does NOT include all men by a long shot. Wow! I'm a white woman and I just voted for three white heterosexual men this morning and I'm waiting around to see the election results!

Really? WHERE does that weirdo idea exist outside of your own diseased imagination?

I realize that your genitals are literally the most interesting thing about you, such that they apparently are the entirety of your identity. Nevertheless, would it shock you to know that that is not the case with other people? That, in fact, most of us are complex individuals who each have a unique combination of multiple good and bad points, irrespective of our genitalia? Yes, even women. We are fully capable of being lying, scuzzy assholes just as much as men are. And men are just as capable of being decent, honest individuals as women are. Even more shocking, skin color has even less to do with this than genitalia does. Who knew?

So if you believed Ford just because she has a vagina, and you disbelieved Kavanaugh because he has a penis, then that's just your personal insanity. It has jack squat to do with reality.

I did not believe Ford simply because she has a vagina. The evidence is more on her side. I don't know why you hate people with vaginas when you have one yourself. Why do you suck up to the penis agenda?

The evidence is more on her side? What evidence is that? The fact that Donald Trump appointed him, therefore he must be guilty of anything and everything you want to accuse him of? Because that's literally the only actual fact in play here. She didn't succeed PRECISELY because she had no evidence to support her accusation.

I don't hate people with vaginas. I hate people who ARE vaginas, and nothing else. You know how I can tell that you're nothing but a twat on legs? The fact that you use phrases like "penis agenda". I'm pretty sure you're so obsessed with "I have a vagina, and everything is about that!" because YOU hate being female.

I use phrases like "penis agenda" to point out, as I keep reading on USMB in entries about transgenders, that some dorks think that your body determines who you are. There are males out there who use their specific genitalia to justify making all of the decisions and bossing everyone else around.

I was not lying when I wrote about seeing a local interview with some southern baptist penis boy, who openly bragged that his penis gave him decision-making authority. He did everything but unzip. I did not make this up. The shame is that some people with vaginas support their local dick no matter. These women lack the dignity and self-esteem to limit this and grovel instead. How humiliating for all of us.

Look. I like penises (peni?). I like borrowing one occasionally. I love my hairy honey. But why the dick worship?

I don't give a rat's fat, furry ass what rationalization you have for using idiotic phrases like "penis agenda". You used it; you're far too obsessed with gender. Get the hell over it.

. . . Aaaaaand we're done.

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