Vote GOP to end war on your men

Good news though, it looks like the GOP will investigate these allegations (funny how the democrats dropped it like a hot potato after one vote). Can't wait to see people who falsely accuse people go to jail.

The GOP will show us how they feel about women who are sexually assaulted. Good luck getting elected as dog catcher.
Well you must be wrong, they are getting elected tonight.
Next time pick a democrat to falsely accuse of rape.
And I don't see you being upset with Bob Menendez banging kiddies.
What "war on men"? We need knowledgeable people to come to the table and debate. Did Kavanaugh do it? I think that he probably did. But before Kavanaugh, why did the GOP hold "hearings" on this retarded notion that the American people don't have "religious liberty" and deliberately shut female Americans out so that they could mollycoddle some religious cult? No accountability here. No transparency. They catered to and mollycoddled those cults who want their way with women, people of color, LGBTs. The GOP has never, ever been defenders of liberty/freedom. Like I said on another thread, these guys deliberately chose whose bed they wanted to lie in. It was your choice, kid.

You realize that if we're going to have knowledgeable people debating, that means you won't be invited, right?

So Sandra Fluke could not have been heard as a witness and present her side of the story to people who were listening with respect and diligence The and asking her questions on the issues at hand? People who were supposed to be representing all Americans? They only invited these woman-hating trash "preachers," but no articulate women representing the other side? How about a balanced plate? How about some normal people not trained by the fundies to spead their legs for their masters at the snap of fingers and welp offspring for the master.

I hate to be crude, but the crudness of the fundies must be noted and they should be ashamed of themselves.
Vote GOP to end war on your men

^ This link says the "year of the woman" is not exactly a new theme for liberals. EVERY year is the "year of the woman."

What makes this year different? Kavanaugh.

I do not take sexual assault lightly. I am very glad with #metoo. My boys learned how to treat real women (not the sex-exuding stereotypes they see in movies and TV), and I am glad they now see that relationships are not "conquests" - they are - well, relationships.

I feel my boys are safer now - they will not make a needless sexual mistake like dating girls who are too young, or failing to respect the word "NO."

But, I fear for their future more than ever, after I saw Democratic senators like Gillibrand, Feinstein and others saying "I believe her" - before virtually any of the facts were in. I don't believe Ford had solid proof, neither did her "friends" - she lied about what she told her therapist and husband, about the spare door and seemed to fill in a lot of blanks with conclusions that supported her premise, but not the facts.

That is not how we manage justice in America; saying "I believe her" to the point of destroying a person's lifetime career - with no established facts. Democrats seem to think "Suburban Women" were persuaded by the Kavanaugh hearings. All I can ask is "Would you want your son, husband or father to go through that?" - in the end, his lifetime objective of being in the Supreme Court was fulfilled, but at what cost? His name and reputation were ruined forever.

Was it Kavanaugh's fate to "die for our sins?" - apparently so, but another man already paid that price, and it is time to stop punishing arbitrary people solely for political power. Power is just not as important as justice. In many ways it is the antithesis.

Read the article and think about the right of a woman to be believed - but also the right of your men to have the same opportunity.
Okay so let’s say Dems win all across the board. How, exactly, would that make the lives of men worse? What policy?

Oversight and to stop the crazy.
Vote GOP to end war on your men

^ This link says the "year of the woman" is not exactly a new theme for liberals. EVERY year is the "year of the woman."

What makes this year different? Kavanaugh.

I do not take sexual assault lightly. I am very glad with #metoo. My boys learned how to treat real women (not the sex-exuding stereotypes they see in movies and TV), and I am glad they now see that relationships are not "conquests" - they are - well, relationships.

I feel my boys are safer now - they will not make a needless sexual mistake like dating girls who are too young, or failing to respect the word "NO."

But, I fear for their future more than ever, after I saw Democratic senators like Gillibrand, Feinstein and others saying "I believe her" - before virtually any of the facts were in. I don't believe Ford had solid proof, neither did her "friends" - she lied about what she told her therapist and husband, about the spare door and seemed to fill in a lot of blanks with conclusions that supported her premise, but not the facts.

That is not how we manage justice in America; saying "I believe her" to the point of destroying a person's lifetime career - with no established facts. Democrats seem to think "Suburban Women" were persuaded by the Kavanaugh hearings. All I can ask is "Would you want your son, husband or father to go through that?" - in the end, his lifetime objective of being in the Supreme Court was fulfilled, but at what cost? His name and reputation were ruined forever.

Was it Kavanaugh's fate to "die for our sins?" - apparently so, but another man already paid that price, and it is time to stop punishing arbitrary people solely for political power. Power is just not as important as justice. In many ways it is the antithesis.

Read the article and think about the right of a woman to be believed - but also the right of your men to have the same opportunity.
Okay so let’s say Dems win all across the board. How, exactly, would that make the lives of men worse? What policy?

Oversight and to stop the crazy.
Oversight how?
Vote GOP to end war on your men

^ This link says the "year of the woman" is not exactly a new theme for liberals. EVERY year is the "year of the woman."

What makes this year different? Kavanaugh.

I do not take sexual assault lightly. I am very glad with #metoo. My boys learned how to treat real women (not the sex-exuding stereotypes they see in movies and TV), and I am glad they now see that relationships are not "conquests" - they are - well, relationships.

I feel my boys are safer now - they will not make a needless sexual mistake like dating girls who are too young, or failing to respect the word "NO."

But, I fear for their future more than ever, after I saw Democratic senators like Gillibrand, Feinstein and others saying "I believe her" - before virtually any of the facts were in. I don't believe Ford had solid proof, neither did her "friends" - she lied about what she told her therapist and husband, about the spare door and seemed to fill in a lot of blanks with conclusions that supported her premise, but not the facts.

That is not how we manage justice in America; saying "I believe her" to the point of destroying a person's lifetime career - with no established facts. Democrats seem to think "Suburban Women" were persuaded by the Kavanaugh hearings. All I can ask is "Would you want your son, husband or father to go through that?" - in the end, his lifetime objective of being in the Supreme Court was fulfilled, but at what cost? His name and reputation were ruined forever.

Was it Kavanaugh's fate to "die for our sins?" - apparently so, but another man already paid that price, and it is time to stop punishing arbitrary people solely for political power. Power is just not as important as justice. In many ways it is the antithesis.

Read the article and think about the right of a woman to be believed - but also the right of your men to have the same opportunity.
Okay so let’s say Dems win all across the board. How, exactly, would that make the lives of men worse? What policy?

Oversight and to stop the crazy.
Oversight how?

Congressional oversight refers to oversight by the United States Congress of the Executive Branch, including the numerous U.S. federal agencies. Congressional oversight refers to the review, monitoring, and supervision of federal agencies, programs, activities, and policy implementation.

Oversight of the disaster trump created at the EPA.
And he gets to spend the rest of his life with the dregs of humanity - ie. you and the other leftists - tacking "attempted rapist" onto his name every time it's mentioned, just as though you proved something. Maybe that wouldn't matter to YOU, since you have no shame and certainly no cause to have pride in yourself, but SOME people take their reputations seriously.Your little meme of "It's okay that we treated him like shit, because he's white and successful" says nothing about Kavanaugh, but it says worlds about you.
Can I safely assume you are over 60ish?

You can assume anything you like; although given your abysmal track record of being correct in your assumptions, you would be wise not to.
Good news though, it looks like the GOP will investigate these allegations (funny how the democrats dropped it like a hot potato after one vote). Can't wait to see people who falsely accuse people go to jail.

The GOP will show us how they feel about women who are sexually assaulted. Good luck getting elected as dog catcher.

That's only true if people 1) believed Ford, 2) believed that one accusation = all accusations, and 3) trust Democrats.

None of those are true. Agreeing with you and giving you your way is not a requirement in caring about sexual assault. In fact, I would venture to say that one does a better job of caring about sexual assault WITHOUT the "help" of Democrats who want to callously use the alleged victim for their own selfish ends.

And I DARE you to try to tell me I don't care about sexual assault. I frigging dare you.
What "war on men"? We need knowledgeable people to come to the table and debate. Did Kavanaugh do it? I think that he probably did. But before Kavanaugh, why did the GOP hold "hearings" on this retarded notion that the American people don't have "religious liberty" and deliberately shut female Americans out so that they could mollycoddle some religious cult? No accountability here. No transparency. They catered to and mollycoddled those cults who want their way with women, people of color, LGBTs. The GOP has never, ever been defenders of liberty/freedom. Like I said on another thread, these guys deliberately chose whose bed they wanted to lie in. It was your choice, kid.

You realize that if we're going to have knowledgeable people debating, that means you won't be invited, right?

So Sandra Fluke could not have been heard as a witness and present her side of the story to people who were listening with respect and diligence The and asking her questions on the issues at hand? People who were supposed to be representing all Americans? They only invited these woman-hating trash "preachers," but no articulate women representing the other side? How about a balanced plate? How about some normal people not trained by the fundies to spead their legs for their masters at the snap of fingers and welp offspring for the master.

I hate to be crude, but the crudness of the fundies must be noted and they should be ashamed of themselves.

And this post right here is why, when people think "knowledgeable people debating", you are nowhere in their minds whatsoever.
Good news though, it looks like the GOP will investigate these allegations (funny how the democrats dropped it like a hot potato after one vote). Can't wait to see people who falsely accuse people go to jail.

The GOP will show us how they feel about women who are sexually assaulted. Good luck getting elected as dog catcher.

That's only true if people 1) believed Ford, 2) believed that one accusation = all accusations, and 3) trust Democrats.

None of those are true. Agreeing with you and giving you your way is not a requirement in caring about sexual assault. In fact, I would venture to say that one does a better job of caring about sexual assault WITHOUT the "help" of Democrats who want to callously use the alleged victim for their own selfish ends.

And I DARE you to try to tell me I don't care about sexual assault. I frigging dare you.
No kidding, since he votes for people who let rapists out of jail for good behavior and other bullshit.
Vote GOP to end war on your men

^ This link says the "year of the woman" is not exactly a new theme for liberals. EVERY year is the "year of the woman."

What makes this year different? Kavanaugh.

I do not take sexual assault lightly. I am very glad with #metoo. My boys learned how to treat real women (not the sex-exuding stereotypes they see in movies and TV), and I am glad they now see that relationships are not "conquests" - they are - well, relationships.

I feel my boys are safer now - they will not make a needless sexual mistake like dating girls who are too young, or failing to respect the word "NO."

But, I fear for their future more than ever, after I saw Democratic senators like Gillibrand, Feinstein and others saying "I believe her" - before virtually any of the facts were in. I don't believe Ford had solid proof, neither did her "friends" - she lied about what she told her therapist and husband, about the spare door and seemed to fill in a lot of blanks with conclusions that supported her premise, but not the facts.

That is not how we manage justice in America; saying "I believe her" to the point of destroying a person's lifetime career - with no established facts. Democrats seem to think "Suburban Women" were persuaded by the Kavanaugh hearings. All I can ask is "Would you want your son, husband or father to go through that?" - in the end, his lifetime objective of being in the Supreme Court was fulfilled, but at what cost? His name and reputation were ruined forever.

Was it Kavanaugh's fate to "die for our sins?" - apparently so, but another man already paid that price, and it is time to stop punishing arbitrary people solely for political power. Power is just not as important as justice. In many ways it is the antithesis.

Read the article and think about the right of a woman to be believed - but also the right of your men to have the same opportunity.
Okay so let’s say Dems win all across the board. How, exactly, would that make the lives of men worse? What policy?

Oversight and to stop the crazy.
Oversight how?

Congressional oversight refers to oversight by the United States Congress of the Executive Branch, including the numerous U.S. federal agencies. Congressional oversight refers to the review, monitoring, and supervision of federal agencies, programs, activities, and policy implementation.

Oversight of the disaster trump created at the EPA.
....and what does this have to do with men?
Vote GOP to end war on your men

^ This link says the "year of the woman" is not exactly a new theme for liberals. EVERY year is the "year of the woman."

What makes this year different? Kavanaugh.

I do not take sexual assault lightly. I am very glad with #metoo. My boys learned how to treat real women (not the sex-exuding stereotypes they see in movies and TV), and I am glad they now see that relationships are not "conquests" - they are - well, relationships.

I feel my boys are safer now - they will not make a needless sexual mistake like dating girls who are too young, or failing to respect the word "NO."

But, I fear for their future more than ever, after I saw Democratic senators like Gillibrand, Feinstein and others saying "I believe her" - before virtually any of the facts were in. I don't believe Ford had solid proof, neither did her "friends" - she lied about what she told her therapist and husband, about the spare door and seemed to fill in a lot of blanks with conclusions that supported her premise, but not the facts.

That is not how we manage justice in America; saying "I believe her" to the point of destroying a person's lifetime career - with no established facts. Democrats seem to think "Suburban Women" were persuaded by the Kavanaugh hearings. All I can ask is "Would you want your son, husband or father to go through that?" - in the end, his lifetime objective of being in the Supreme Court was fulfilled, but at what cost? His name and reputation were ruined forever.

Was it Kavanaugh's fate to "die for our sins?" - apparently so, but another man already paid that price, and it is time to stop punishing arbitrary people solely for political power. Power is just not as important as justice. In many ways it is the antithesis.

Read the article and think about the right of a woman to be believed - but also the right of your men to have the same opportunity.
Okay so let’s say Dems win all across the board. How, exactly, would that make the lives of men worse? What policy?

Oversight and to stop the crazy.
Oversight how?

Congressional oversight refers to oversight by the United States Congress of the Executive Branch, including the numerous U.S. federal agencies. Congressional oversight refers to the review, monitoring, and supervision of federal agencies, programs, activities, and policy implementation.

Oversight of the disaster trump created at the EPA.
....and what does this have to do with men?

There is some weirdo idea that men are to be believed and women, not. And this does NOT include all men by a long shot. Wow! I'm a white woman and I just voted for three white heterosexual men this morning and I'm waiting around to see the election results!
Your fear that men won’t be able to fuck as much and as often as they want because women don’t want you to force yourself on them rings completely hollow to me.

I don't even know what you are talking about. Who said anything about any of that? Let the drugs wear off before you post, you seem to be hallucinating.
Ohhh poor Kavanaugh. He’s the poster boy of white privilege! And his life is “ruined “ ? He became a Supreme Court Justice !

They tried to ruin his life. Do you really think he would find other success elsewhere if they had managed to torpedo his nomination?

They tried to ruin his life. Maybe if Kavenaugh's parents had taught him to treat women with respect instead of referring to them as the "devil's triangle", instead of something there for his pleasure. Maybe if they had taught him lying is wrong. Maybe if he had learned not to get drunk and molest girls at some point in his youth, no one would have had the opportunity to "ruin his life".

Kavenuagh is the author of his own misfortune. The lies, the cover-ups.
Okay so let’s say Dems win all across the board. How, exactly, would that make the lives of men worse? What policy?

Oversight and to stop the crazy.
Oversight how?

Congressional oversight refers to oversight by the United States Congress of the Executive Branch, including the numerous U.S. federal agencies. Congressional oversight refers to the review, monitoring, and supervision of federal agencies, programs, activities, and policy implementation.

Oversight of the disaster trump created at the EPA.
....and what does this have to do with men?

There is some weirdo idea that men are to be believed and women, not. And this does NOT include all men by a long shot. Wow! I'm a white woman and I just voted for three white heterosexual men this morning and I'm waiting around to see the election results!

Really? WHERE does that weirdo idea exist outside of your own diseased imagination?

I realize that your genitals are literally the most interesting thing about you, such that they apparently are the entirety of your identity. Nevertheless, would it shock you to know that that is not the case with other people? That, in fact, most of us are complex individuals who each have a unique combination of multiple good and bad points, irrespective of our genitalia? Yes, even women. We are fully capable of being lying, scuzzy assholes just as much as men are. And men are just as capable of being decent, honest individuals as women are. Even more shocking, skin color has even less to do with this than genitalia does. Who knew?!

So if you believed Ford just because she has a vagina, and you disbelieved Kavanaugh because he has a penis, then that's just your personal insanity. It has jack squat to do with reality.
Your fear that men won’t be able to fuck as much and as often as they want because women don’t want you to force yourself on them rings completely hollow to me.

I don't even know what you are talking about. Who said anything about any of that? Let the drugs wear off before you post, you seem to be hallucinating.

Pretty sure Flag isn't on drugs (or, at least, that's not the only problem). I think he actually can't get laid without some form of coercion, and he assumes everyone else has the same problem.
Ohhh poor Kavanaugh. He’s the poster boy of white privilege! And his life is “ruined “ ? He became a Supreme Court Justice !

They tried to ruin his life. Do you really think he would find other success elsewhere if they had managed to torpedo his nomination?

They tried to ruin his life. Maybe if Kavenaugh's parents had taught him to treat women with respect instead of referring to them as the "devil's triangle", instead of something there for his pleasure. Maybe if they had taught him lying is wrong. Maybe if he had learned not to get drunk and molest girls at some point in his youth, no one would have had the opportunity to "ruin his life".

Kavenuagh is the author of his own misfortune. The lies, the cover-ups.

Maybe if Kavanaugh's parents had taught him to be a liberal, then you wouldn't be wasting everyone's time with your delusional pretense that any of these attacks you "believe" are rational.
a lot of females will vote Dem because of the propaganda of the MSM lies/crap--just like hitler and Goebbels --
Ohhh poor Kavanaugh. He’s the poster boy of white privilege! And his life is “ruined “ ? He became a Supreme Court Justice !

The 'woman' thing never stopped Bill Clinton did it? Keith Ellison is still on the ballot in Minnesota.
Ohhh poor Kavanaugh. He’s the poster boy of white privilege! And his life is “ruined “ ? He became a Supreme Court Justice !

Seriously, to listen to these snowflakes about Kavanagh getting a raw deal you'd think the guy was all but shot ten times for pulling out a candy bar.

Seriously, I wonder if you would be so dismissive if someone put you through a similar situation.
Ohhh poor Kavanaugh. He’s the poster boy of white privilege! And his life is “ruined “ ? He became a Supreme Court Justice !
So because his parents were successful, that means it's OK to ruing his life?

Every time you post you only prove that you and all liberals are scumbags.

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