Vote GOP to end war on your men

Ohhh poor Kavanaugh. He’s the poster boy of white privilege! And his life is “ruined “ ? He became a Supreme Court Justice !

And he gets to spend the rest of his life with the dregs of humanity - ie. you and the other leftists - tacking "attempted rapist" onto his name every time it's mentioned, just as though you proved something. Maybe that wouldn't matter to YOU, since you have no shame and certainly no cause to have pride in yourself, but SOME people take their reputations seriously.

Your little meme of "It's okay that we treated him like shit, because he's white and successful" says nothing about Kavanaugh, but it says worlds about you.
Can you believe that being allowed to rape women has become a battlecry for the GOP?
Can you believe that Democrats now want no due's almost like they want to treat people like they treated blacks in the 1960s. They even have their new klan (Antifa) and roaming lynch mobs attacking politicians at dinner and their homes.
Your party fights for no process. Many of you fight for women to be forced to have a rapist’s baby. The GOP killed any process on Kavanaugh before it could begin. The next Democrat administration will let the FBI do their duty regarding Kavanaugh, rather than running cover for him because their special interest groups chose him.
We do fight for due process, did you miss the whole Kavanugh thing where your party wanted to convict someone with no evidence? Long nap those 2 weeks?
Who cares who chose them, Trump made the decision, are you saying Obama had no help in choosing his? that's laughable and you know stupid.
As for a rapists baby.....lets let abortion in that you're cool with outlawing it for the 90% of the time the mom isn't raped or wont die?
"convict someone"? Oh...was there a trial we missed? What court?
Oh you didn't see the hearing where they tried to convict him of being a must have missed that
Where was this trial you speak of? In THIS country, in order to convict someone there has to be an indictment and a trial. What court was this trial in?
Your party is the home for people who believe that if a rapist impregnates a victim, the state should threaten her with punishment if she does not give the rapist a child. Enough said.

Different topic. This is about due process, not abortion, so no need to repeat yourself. Abortion in the last trimester is murder.

Rapists - Murderers, If you want to play the name calling game we could go there. I prefer to stay on topic.
Your fear that men won’t be able to fuck as much and as often as they want because women don’t want you to force yourself on them rings completely hollow to me.
Ohhh poor Kavanaugh. He’s the poster boy of white privilege! And his life is “ruined “ ? He became a Supreme Court Justice !

Seriously, to listen to these snowflakes about Kavanagh getting a raw deal you'd think the guy was all but shot ten times for pulling out a candy bar.
What "war on men"? We need knowledgeable people to come to the table and debate. Did Kavanaugh do it? I think that he probably did. But before Kavanaugh, why did the GOP hold "hearings" on this retarded notion that the American people don't have "religious liberty" and deliberately shut female Americans out so that they could mollycoddle some religious cult? No accountability here. No transparency. They catered to and mollycoddled those cults who want their way with women, people of color, LGBTs. The GOP has never, ever been defenders of liberty/freedom. Like I said on another thread, these guys deliberately chose whose bed they wanted to lie in. It was your choice, kid.

You realize that if we're going to have knowledgeable people debating, that means you won't be invited, right?
Can you believe that Democrats now want no due's almost like they want to treat people like they treated blacks in the 1960s. They even have their new klan (Antifa) and roaming lynch mobs attacking politicians at dinner and their homes.
Your party fights for no process. Many of you fight for women to be forced to have a rapist’s baby. The GOP killed any process on Kavanaugh before it could begin. The next Democrat administration will let the FBI do their duty regarding Kavanaugh, rather than running cover for him because their special interest groups chose him.
We do fight for due process, did you miss the whole Kavanugh thing where your party wanted to convict someone with no evidence? Long nap those 2 weeks?
Who cares who chose them, Trump made the decision, are you saying Obama had no help in choosing his? that's laughable and you know stupid.
As for a rapists baby.....lets let abortion in that you're cool with outlawing it for the 90% of the time the mom isn't raped or wont die?
"convict someone"? Oh...was there a trial we missed? What court?
Oh you didn't see the hearing where they tried to convict him of being a must have missed that
Oh you mean where they spent a single day on it, and the party in power was very clearly trying to abuse that power to wrap things up and force Kavanaugh through no matter what? That due process? :rolleyes:

Yeah and weeks talking about it. She had nothing. She couldn't come up with anything know it was a setup and bs. so I'm not going to accept your feigning ignorance.
Can you believe that being allowed to rape women has become a battlecry for the GOP?
Can you believe that Democrats now want no due's almost like they want to treat people like they treated blacks in the 1960s. They even have their new klan (Antifa) and roaming lynch mobs attacking politicians at dinner and their homes.
Your party fights for no process. Many of you fight for women to be forced to have a rapist’s baby. The GOP killed any process on Kavanaugh before it could begin. The next Democrat administration will let the FBI do their duty regarding Kavanaugh, rather than running cover for him because their special interest groups chose him.
We do fight for due process, did you miss the whole Kavanugh thing where your party wanted to convict someone with no evidence? Long nap those 2 weeks?
Who cares who chose them, Trump made the decision, are you saying Obama had no help in choosing his? that's laughable and you know stupid.
As for a rapists baby.....lets let abortion in that you're cool with outlawing it for the 90% of the time the mom isn't raped or wont die?
"convict someone"? Oh...was there a trial we missed? What court?
Oh you didn't see the hearing where they tried to convict him of being a must have missed that

I guess someone was on vacation . . . on Mars. Only way to have missed it.
Your party fights for no process. Many of you fight for women to be forced to have a rapist’s baby. The GOP killed any process on Kavanaugh before it could begin. The next Democrat administration will let the FBI do their duty regarding Kavanaugh, rather than running cover for him because their special interest groups chose him.
We do fight for due process, did you miss the whole Kavanugh thing where your party wanted to convict someone with no evidence? Long nap those 2 weeks?
Who cares who chose them, Trump made the decision, are you saying Obama had no help in choosing his? that's laughable and you know stupid.
As for a rapists baby.....lets let abortion in that you're cool with outlawing it for the 90% of the time the mom isn't raped or wont die?
"convict someone"? Oh...was there a trial we missed? What court?
Oh you didn't see the hearing where they tried to convict him of being a must have missed that
Oh you mean where they spent a single day on it, and the party in power was very clearly trying to abuse that power to wrap things up and force Kavanaugh through no matter what? That due process? :rolleyes:

Yeah and weeks talking about it. She had nothing. She couldn't come up with anything know it was a setup and bs. so I'm not going to accept your feigning ignorance.
You know what could have determined if it was a setup? An FBI INVESTIGATION! Oops...
Some of them will have to really cut down the rape'n...
Can you believe that being allowed to rape women has become a battlecry for the GOP?
Can you believe that Democrats now want no due's almost like they want to treat people like they treated blacks in the 1960s. They even have their new klan (Antifa) and roaming lynch mobs attacking politicians at dinner and their homes.
he was not being charged with a crime...? Due process involves being charged with a crime and going to court to defend your innocence... the government can not use their power to imprison you and take your rights away, without you, being given due process.
In a public hearing like that, you also need due process. If you're going to accuse someone of that kind of crime, you better have more than I don't remember.
It was a job interview. How many job interviews have you been to where you got legal due process?
How many job interviews have you been accused of rape at?
We do fight for due process, did you miss the whole Kavanugh thing where your party wanted to convict someone with no evidence? Long nap those 2 weeks?
Who cares who chose them, Trump made the decision, are you saying Obama had no help in choosing his? that's laughable and you know stupid.
As for a rapists baby.....lets let abortion in that you're cool with outlawing it for the 90% of the time the mom isn't raped or wont die?
"convict someone"? Oh...was there a trial we missed? What court?
Oh you didn't see the hearing where they tried to convict him of being a must have missed that
Oh you mean where they spent a single day on it, and the party in power was very clearly trying to abuse that power to wrap things up and force Kavanaugh through no matter what? That due process? :rolleyes:

Yeah and weeks talking about it. She had nothing. She couldn't come up with anything know it was a setup and bs. so I'm not going to accept your feigning ignorance.
You know what could have determined if it was a setup? An FBI INVESTIGATION! Oops...
or a police investigation, maybe done 30 years ago...but it's pretty obvious, this was another 11th hour hit piece ala Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito.
Vote GOP to end war on your men

^ This link says the "year of the woman" is not exactly a new theme for liberals. EVERY year is the "year of the woman."

What makes this year different? Kavanaugh.

I do not take sexual assault lightly. I am very glad with #metoo. My boys learned how to treat real women (not the sex-exuding stereotypes they see in movies and TV), and I am glad they now see that relationships are not "conquests" - they are - well, relationships.

I feel my boys are safer now - they will not make a needless sexual mistake like dating girls who are too young, or failing to respect the word "NO."

But, I fear for their future more than ever, after I saw Democratic senators like Gillibrand, Feinstein and others saying "I believe her" - before virtually any of the facts were in. I don't believe Ford had solid proof, neither did her "friends" - she lied about what she told her therapist and husband, about the spare door and seemed to fill in a lot of blanks with conclusions that supported her premise, but not the facts.

That is not how we manage justice in America; saying "I believe her" to the point of destroying a person's lifetime career - with no established facts. Democrats seem to think "Suburban Women" were persuaded by the Kavanaugh hearings. All I can ask is "Would you want your son, husband or father to go through that?" - in the end, his lifetime objective of being in the Supreme Court was fulfilled, but at what cost? His name and reputation were ruined forever.

Was it Kavanaugh's fate to "die for our sins?" - apparently so, but another man already paid that price, and it is time to stop punishing arbitrary people solely for political power. Power is just not as important as justice. In many ways it is the antithesis.

Read the article and think about the right of a woman to be believed - but also the right of your men to have the same opportunity.

You people are so much shit. White men still have it made in this country. They hold most of the seats of power in corporations and politics. They make most of the money. White men are in no danger. Sexual assault rarely has any direct evidence.
And he gets to spend the rest of his life with the dregs of humanity - ie. you and the other leftists - tacking "attempted rapist" onto his name every time it's mentioned, just as though you proved something. Maybe that wouldn't matter to YOU, since you have no shame and certainly no cause to have pride in yourself, but SOME people take their reputations seriously.Your little meme of "It's okay that we treated him like shit, because he's white and successful" says nothing about Kavanaugh, but it says worlds about you.
Can I safely assume you are over 60ish?
"convict someone"? Oh...was there a trial we missed? What court?
Oh you didn't see the hearing where they tried to convict him of being a must have missed that
Oh you mean where they spent a single day on it, and the party in power was very clearly trying to abuse that power to wrap things up and force Kavanaugh through no matter what? That due process? :rolleyes:

Yeah and weeks talking about it. She had nothing. She couldn't come up with anything know it was a setup and bs. so I'm not going to accept your feigning ignorance.
You know what could have determined if it was a setup? An FBI INVESTIGATION! Oops...
or a police investigation, maybe done 30 years ago...but it's pretty obvious, this was another 11th hour hit piece ala Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito.
Yeah a rape victim living in fear of speaking out until her attacker was about to become one of the most powerful people in America was all a hit piece :rolleyes:
Your party fights for no process. Many of you fight for women to be forced to have a rapist’s baby. The GOP killed any process on Kavanaugh before it could begin. The next Democrat administration will let the FBI do their duty regarding Kavanaugh, rather than running cover for him because their special interest groups chose him.
We do fight for due process, did you miss the whole Kavanugh thing where your party wanted to convict someone with no evidence? Long nap those 2 weeks?
Who cares who chose them, Trump made the decision, are you saying Obama had no help in choosing his? that's laughable and you know stupid.
As for a rapists baby.....lets let abortion in that you're cool with outlawing it for the 90% of the time the mom isn't raped or wont die?
"convict someone"? Oh...was there a trial we missed? What court?
Oh you didn't see the hearing where they tried to convict him of being a must have missed that
Oh you mean where they spent a single day on it, and the party in power was very clearly trying to abuse that power to wrap things up and force Kavanaugh through no matter what? That due process? :rolleyes:

Yeah and weeks talking about it. She had nothing. She couldn't come up with anything know it was a setup and bs. so I'm not going to accept your feigning ignorance.
yep, weeks for you guys to come up with and post one lie after another smearing Ford... :rolleyes: where was her due process to your fabricated lies disparaging her? This is not a one way street.
Oh you didn't see the hearing where they tried to convict him of being a must have missed that
Oh you mean where they spent a single day on it, and the party in power was very clearly trying to abuse that power to wrap things up and force Kavanaugh through no matter what? That due process? :rolleyes:

Yeah and weeks talking about it. She had nothing. She couldn't come up with anything know it was a setup and bs. so I'm not going to accept your feigning ignorance.
You know what could have determined if it was a setup? An FBI INVESTIGATION! Oops...
or a police investigation, maybe done 30 years ago...but it's pretty obvious, this was another 11th hour hit piece ala Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito.
Yeah a rape victim living in fear of speaking out until her attacker was about to become one of the most powerful people in America was all a hit piece :rolleyes:
?Yeah it just happened right before he was going on the SC, she was so scared by his power, she did it at his most powerful point.
And all the other republicans you guys trash with no evidence right before they are appointed to the's a pattern.
We do fight for due process, did you miss the whole Kavanugh thing where your party wanted to convict someone with no evidence? Long nap those 2 weeks?
Who cares who chose them, Trump made the decision, are you saying Obama had no help in choosing his? that's laughable and you know stupid.
As for a rapists baby.....lets let abortion in that you're cool with outlawing it for the 90% of the time the mom isn't raped or wont die?
"convict someone"? Oh...was there a trial we missed? What court?
Oh you didn't see the hearing where they tried to convict him of being a must have missed that
Oh you mean where they spent a single day on it, and the party in power was very clearly trying to abuse that power to wrap things up and force Kavanaugh through no matter what? That due process? :rolleyes:

Yeah and weeks talking about it. She had nothing. She couldn't come up with anything know it was a setup and bs. so I'm not going to accept your feigning ignorance.
yep, weeks for you guys to come up with and post one lie after another smearing Ford... :rolleyes: where was her due process to your fabricated lies disparaging her? This is not a one way street.
She was the accuser, she had a platform to say more than I don't remember. She had not one witness, piece of evidence or anything.
Good news though, it looks like the GOP will investigate these allegations (funny how the democrats dropped it like a hot potato after one vote). Can't wait to see people who falsely accuse people go to jail.
"convict someone"? Oh...was there a trial we missed? What court?
Oh you didn't see the hearing where they tried to convict him of being a must have missed that
Oh you mean where they spent a single day on it, and the party in power was very clearly trying to abuse that power to wrap things up and force Kavanaugh through no matter what? That due process? :rolleyes:

Yeah and weeks talking about it. She had nothing. She couldn't come up with anything know it was a setup and bs. so I'm not going to accept your feigning ignorance.
yep, weeks for you guys to come up with and post one lie after another smearing Ford... :rolleyes: where was her due process to your fabricated lies disparaging her? This is not a one way street.
She was the accuser, she had a platform to say more than I don't remember. She had not one witness, piece of evidence or anything.

The fact is that Rachel Mitchell has prosecuted cases with as much evidence as was presented. There is a strong possibility that Kavanaugh lied when he said he did not get dead drunk. As a sitting judge, for him to lie would have serious implications for Kavanaugh. It was never explained how Ford knew about Judge and Kavanaugh being together on the date in question.
Good news though, it looks like the GOP will investigate these allegations (funny how the democrats dropped it like a hot potato after one vote). Can't wait to see people who falsely accuse people go to jail.

The GOP will show us how they feel about women who are sexually assaulted. Good luck getting elected as dog catcher.
Oh you didn't see the hearing where they tried to convict him of being a must have missed that
Oh you mean where they spent a single day on it, and the party in power was very clearly trying to abuse that power to wrap things up and force Kavanaugh through no matter what? That due process? :rolleyes:

Yeah and weeks talking about it. She had nothing. She couldn't come up with anything know it was a setup and bs. so I'm not going to accept your feigning ignorance.
yep, weeks for you guys to come up with and post one lie after another smearing Ford... :rolleyes: where was her due process to your fabricated lies disparaging her? This is not a one way street.
She was the accuser, she had a platform to say more than I don't remember. She had not one witness, piece of evidence or anything.

The fact is that Rachel Mitchell has prosecuted cases with as much evidence as was presented. There is a strong possibility that Kavanaugh lied when he said he did not get dead drunk. As a sitting judge, for him to lie would have serious implications for Kavanaugh. It was never explained how Ford knew about Judge and Kavanaugh being together on the date in question.
What evidence was presented?
As for Ford and Judge, didn't they go to the same school as Kavanaugh?
So how was she right they were together, we have no time or location.....two people at the same high school, would sometimes be in the same place, how are you using this?
Why did she go up to Judge in a friendly manner in a store, if he helped Kavanaugh almost rape her?
As for lying that he was dead drunk, do you have proof he was?

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