Voter fraud by the numbers.

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Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016
Lets clarify this nonsense, like I said the right will give a long list of people who are charged , to find out none are convicted. Now like a said in 20 years study by
The heritage foundation, which is literally nothing but a arm of the hate party. They literally begged and pleaded for examples of voter fraud. Then gave out their numbers with the unwritten actuality that it was literally for all elections in this country not just presidential elections, from school boards to dog catcher. The reality was that there was only 4 examples of voter fraud in those 20 years in Presidential elections,. three by the right and one democrat. Now lets put this into numbers. 1322 cases of voter fraud are listed in total for all elections. , they were so serious that only 48 received a penalty for those charges. Now by the numbers there are over 600,000 elected officials in this country so over those 20 years there were 12 million man/women year positions held by elected officials, so that is 1322 voter fraud cases covering 12 million positions. Those are just the positions many of which are elected by millions of people each, that literally is up in the zillions . This is the rights only claim to fame now and it is nothing but comical at its best.
The thing about Democrat Voter Fraud Crimes is that they make it untraceable.
How can you detect voter fraud if you do not know who voted or how many times that they voted.
It is a Catch 22.
This is why they love anonymous mail in ballots and why they loath Voter ID laws.
The other huge problem is that most Progressive Voters are just not very bright people.
They are easy to manipulate with crass Yellow Journalism that tells them that Voter Fraud is a myth.
This is why the Neo-Marxist censor information on the internet.
Liberals are the same thing as book burners.
Maybe the backwards Democrats should create their own backwards country and leave the mainstream productive people alone.
The thing about Democrat Voter Fraud Crimes is that they make it untraceable.
How can you detect voter fraud if you do not know who voted or how many times that they voted.
It is a Catch 22.
This is why they love anonymous mail in ballots and why they loath Voter ID laws.
The other huge problem is that most Progressive Voters are just not very bright people.
They are easy to manipulate with crass Yellow Journalism that tells them that Voter Fraud is a myth.
This is why the Neo-Marxist censor information on the internet.
Liberals are the same thing as book burners.
Maybe the backwards Democrats should create their own backwards country and leave the mainstream productive people alone.
How do they make them untraceable?
The thing about Democrat Voter Fraud Crimes is that they make it untraceable.
How can you detect voter fraud if you do not know who voted or how many times that they voted.
It is a Catch 22.
This is why they love anonymous mail in ballots and why they loath Voter ID laws.
The other huge problem is that most Progressive Voters are just not very bright people.
They are easy to manipulate with crass Yellow Journalism that tells them that Voter Fraud is a myth.
This is why the Neo-Marxist censor information on the internet.
Liberals are the same thing as book burners.
Maybe the backwards Democrats should create their own backwards country and leave the mainstream productive people alone.
How do they make them untraceable?

No signature verification. No chain of custody. It's pretty much like dropping thousands of ballots out of a helicopter. If your dog could fill it out and sign it, hey, it counts!

At least if it is for the right candidate and party. :thup:
Go back and pay attention this time. It was being debated on national tv during the election how many more points Trump would have to win in PA to overcome historical Dem election fraud and ballot box stuffing.
The very nature of voter fraud means you have no numbers because nothing can be verified.

Consider this: Police departments take it as holy writ that millions more rapes occur in America than are reported. That is pure speculation, because you cannot verify it right? But it is based on comment sense and tangential facts, like women are too frightened to go to the police and other stuff. So even though it cannot actually be verified it is still accepted as fact. Get it?

As for voter fraud, NOBODY actually denies that it happens. The question is, has it happened in enough numbers to overturn an election. We have to do what the police do on the rape subject, and look at common sense and other factors.

In 2020, a new thing appeared that had never appeared in history. Brad Parscale proved in 2016 that technology could allow you to drill down into swing states, their swing districts, and even into swing voters, and overturn a state with just a few targeted ads at the right people. Thats great for campaigns.

BUT: Evil doers have access to that same technology, and all it took was to rig a few machines in the right neighborhoods to give the election to Biden. It happened man. Its not a crazy theory. It was actually quite simple to do.

So at a handful of voting places the windows were boarded up, poll watchers were thrown out, doors were locked, operatives did their thing, and late in the day the numbers swung wildly in selected districts.

I wont go so far as to say Biden had any knowledge of it. Of course he didn't. All it took was a handful of cheaters in the right districts, pinned down and identified by the same technology Parscale used to win in 2016, and voila, a stolen election.

It happened man. It happened. Thats just a fact. The election was stolen from Trump. Period.

Remember my example of the police and rapes? Lets look at facts: Trump drew tens of thousands to rallies. Biden drew none. Biden was never a favorite of any Democrat in the primaries. Every indicator had Trump for the win. Trump received more votes than any sitting president in history going for re-election. But here is more: How is it the ems lost so many seats in the House but the Democrat won? That NEVER happens. How did Trump lose in areas where the GOP won in the Congress? I could give you much more detailed examples of things that simply don't add up.

The election was stolen man. Period. The sad thing is that I think intelligent democrats are okay with that because their guy is IN. That is the end of democracy when people think like that.
Out of 50 states the only election fraud anomalies observed just happened to be in the handful of key swing states Biden needed to steal to win. In all the other states, similar districts and voting blocks nothing out of the ordinary was found when comparing them. The data only went strange in those few states. Riiiiight just an incredible 1 in a million coincidence.
The thing about Democrat Voter Fraud Crimes is that they make it untraceable.

Dems go to great lengths to hide the fraud, then rush to the cameras claiming there's no evidence. How long does it take to investigate and build a case that holds up in court when taking down a mafia crime family? Yes years, Trump had like 6-8 weeks.
Starting with destruction of evidence, wiping clean the Dominion voting machines and buying the judges, also they're not acknowledging the water-marked ballots, and certain 3 letter agencies have apparently disposed of any uncooperative potential witnesses.

But you know us 'conspiracy theorists' will believe anything.
The thing about Democrat Voter Fraud Crimes is that they make it untraceable.
How can you detect voter fraud if you do not know who voted or how many times that they voted.
It is a Catch 22.
This is why they love anonymous mail in ballots and why they loath Voter ID laws.
The other huge problem is that most Progressive Voters are just not very bright people.
They are easy to manipulate with crass Yellow Journalism that tells them that Voter Fraud is a myth.
This is why the Neo-Marxist censor information on the internet.
Liberals are the same thing as book burners.
Maybe the backwards Democrats should create their own backwards country and leave the mainstream productive people alone.

Trumpies are in the minority. Remember, Trump loves the uneducated.
Of course there was some voter fraud. No election goes by without some in one form or other. That point should be conceded.

That being said, it’s absurd to promulgate that enough occurred to flip an election.
The very nature of voter fraud means you have no numbers because nothing can be verified.

Consider this: Police departments take it as holy writ that millions more rapes occur in America than are reported. That is pure speculation, because you cannot verify it right? But it is based on comment sense and tangential facts, like women are too frightened to go to the police and other stuff. So even though it cannot actually be verified it is still accepted as fact. Get it?

As for voter fraud, NOBODY actually denies that it happens. The question is, has it happened in enough numbers to overturn an election. We have to do what the police do on the rape subject, and look at common sense and other factors.

In 2020, a new thing appeared that had never appeared in history. Brad Parscale proved in 2016 that technology could allow you to drill down into swing states, their swing districts, and even into swing voters, and overturn a state with just a few targeted ads at the right people. Thats great for campaigns.

BUT: Evil doers have access to that same technology, and all it took was to rig a few machines in the right neighborhoods to give the election to Biden. It happened man. Its not a crazy theory. It was actually quite simple to do.

So at a handful of voting places the windows were boarded up, poll watchers were thrown out, doors were locked, operatives did their thing, and late in the day the numbers swung wildly in selected districts.

I wont go so far as to say Biden had any knowledge of it. Of course he didn't. All it took was a handful of cheaters in the right districts, pinned down and identified by the same technology Parscale used to win in 2016, and voila, a stolen election.

It happened man. It happened. Thats just a fact. The election was stolen from Trump. Period.

Remember my example of the police and rapes? Lets look at facts: Trump drew tens of thousands to rallies. Biden drew none. Biden was never a favorite of any Democrat in the primaries. Every indicator had Trump for the win. Trump received more votes than any sitting president in history going for re-election. But here is more: How is it the ems lost so many seats in the House but the Democrat won? That NEVER happens. How did Trump lose in areas where the GOP won in the Congress? I could give you much more detailed examples of things that simply don't add up.

The election was stolen man. Period. The sad thing is that I think intelligent democrats are okay with that because their guy is IN. That is the end of democracy when people think like that.

We had repeated recounts and audits... and still no evidence.

Biden won the EC and the popular vote by 8 million.

People who have never voted before registered to vote because they wante Trump out.. Remember in 2016 Trump claimed 3-5 million illegals vote and he had four years to provide eviedence, but he couldn't prove that either.
Of course there was some voter fraud. No election goes by without some in one form or other. That point should be conceded.

That being said, it’s absurd to promulgate that enough occurred to flip an election.

A government expert on election fraud, paid to monitor election fraud in other countries said of the 7 strong indicators of election fraud he witnessed all 7 in the 2020 election. Only 3 would have been enough to cause grave concern.
The thing about Democrat Voter Fraud Crimes is that they make it untraceable.
How can you detect voter fraud if you do not know who voted or how many times that they voted.
It is a Catch 22.
This is why they love anonymous mail in ballots and why they loath Voter ID laws.
The other huge problem is that most Progressive Voters are just not very bright people.
They are easy to manipulate with crass Yellow Journalism that tells them that Voter Fraud is a myth.
This is why the Neo-Marxist censor information on the internet.
Liberals are the same thing as book burners.
Maybe the backwards Democrats should create their own backwards country and leave the mainstream productive people alone.
This is a lie.
Of course there was some voter fraud. No election goes by without some in one form or other. That point should be conceded.

That being said, it’s absurd to promulgate that enough occurred to flip an election.
if you admit that there is voter fraud, then we should know how much there is
Of course there was some voter fraud. No election goes by without some in one form or other. That point should be conceded.

That being said, it’s absurd to promulgate that enough occurred to flip an election.
if you admit that there is voter fraud, then we should know how much there is

Agreed, but when people start spouting off that “Trump really won”, it isn’t a discussion anymore.
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