Voter Fraud is a Voting Rights violation

We have been saying it for decades, Dem's want illegals to flood into OUR country so they can give them the vote and RIG our elections. For decades Dem's have bene denying this, until now.
"The real reason they want open borders ? ..... illegals first ...Americans last

They are afraid of losing power....and they should be

Welcome to the Demonrat Party"

(thank you Q... thank you Sara Carter :up:)

A Vote For Illegals? Pelosi Says New Immigrants Must Not Have Their Votes Suppressed - Sara A. Carter
Conservatives are truly this stupid, to either believe this idiocy, or to think anyone else would believe it.
You don't remember when Obama encouraged illegals to vote? It's on the record.
Fake News. Never happened

And this is NOT about Federal elections but rather school board elections
U R fulla shit.

He is, and unabashedly so.
Some on the left, believe Obama great and above criticism. At the same time they believe Trump is the worst EVER and any and all criticizism of him, is perfectly relevant.

It’s pathological.
"There are millions and millions of us but fake news won't report this, so Patriots must! God bless this amazing woman!"

She certainly does not agree with Pelosi! :clap:

"The real reason they want open borders ? ..... illegals first ...Americans last

They are afraid of losing power....and they should be

Welcome to the Demonrat Party"

(thank you Q... thank you Sara Carter :up:)

A Vote For Illegals? Pelosi Says New Immigrants Must Not Have Their Votes Suppressed - Sara A. Carter

NEW Immigrants, not illegal immigrants. New Immigrants that have been naturalized. Pauxsnews spin makes truth statements and then turns it into lies. Those 3 noses grew a full 4 inches in the short few seconds of that broadcast. And you nose grew a bit presenting their BS as well.
Obama encouraged Illegals to vote?

Nope. That's fake news

And this is NOT about Federal elections.

THAT is a lie

Watch the video

Okay, I watched it. I saw two people making up news. Nothing more. They are trying to instill fear when there isn't anything there. That's not news. That's hate fantasy. You can read anything into it you want but it's hate mongering to keep the base mad and stirred up.
. They are trying to instill fear when there isn't anything there. That's not news. That's hate fantasy. You can read anything into it you want but it's hate mongering to keep the base mad and stirred up.

Thank you for describing what the Democrats and Trump-haters have been for more than 2 years now, attempting to affect a coup d'etat based on a manufactured lie and crimes committed by the Democrats.
"The real reason they want open borders ? ..... illegals first ...Americans last

They are afraid of losing power....and they should be

Welcome to the Demonrat Party"

(thank you Q... thank you Sara Carter :up:)

A Vote For Illegals? Pelosi Says New Immigrants Must Not Have Their Votes Suppressed - Sara A. Carter
There are many legal immigrants.

legals = Ok

Illegals = Not Ok

not so difficult a concept to understand :wink_2:
What makes you think anyone has trouble with it?

The fact that so many democrat politicians resist efforts to ensure we know who is entering the country. Also the fact that so many democrat politicians resist every effort to deport those found to have entered the country illegally (see sanctuary cities). Need more?
'Today I offered a motion to recommit #HR1 reaffirming that only US citizens should have the right to vote.

Dems rejected it.

Next time you go to the ballot box, keep that in mind. The future of their party is in cities like San Fran, where illegals can vote. Let that sink in.
— Rep. Dan Crenshaw (@RepDanCrenshaw)
March 8, 2019'

Representative Dan Crenshaw, God Bless him, got it WRONG. The future of this COUNTRY is in the balance.

The new Progressive Democratic Party is attempting to HERD / drive this country down a path that embraces illegals who have no respect for this country - who openly hate this country - being allowed to vote in our elections on how our country should be run, how we defend ourselves, how we spend our tax dollars (on THEM among other things), etc...

The new Progressive Democratic Party is attempting to HERD / drive this country down a path that embraces open criminal activity by their leaders with a complete lack of accountability, the murder of babies AFTER they have been born, political coup d'états by the DEMOCRATIC Party if they do not approve of the elected President, Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities that protect violent illegals / human traffickers / cop killers...

ALREADY, states have CRIMINALLY declared they are officially 'Sanctuary Cities', in violation of Federal Laws in order to provide a safe haven for violent illegals, MS13, drug runners, human traffickers, rapists, murderers, pedophiles, cop killers, and more.

-- It is not that these Liberals do NOT understand or know about the existing laws that make it illegal to operate Sanctuary Cities. It is that they have CHOSEN what laws they will and will not obey. When in a society one simply decides to choose which laws they will and will not obey, the entire judicial system is jeopardized and damaged. There is nothing to stop others from beginning to decide for themselves what laws they will then obey or not. It can be argued that the CHOICE to allow illegals to vote, for example, is directly related to the choice to violate Federal Law by operating Sanctuary Cities.

For the Federal Government to send a message to the rest of the country that the laws it - as the Federal Government - passes are not MANDATORY but are more like SUGGESTIONS, that states can ignore laws passed by Congress (or specific parties, especially when breaking those laws benefits that party) with Congressional (Partisan) support by Congress for doing so, is inviting a breakdown of our system of government, inviting anarchy / criminal/illegal activity.

It's Official: Democrats Want Illegal Aliens Voting in U.S. Elections

You would think, as elected Federal Politician whose job it is to make and know laws, the Democrats would be aware of the existing law that prohibits illegal immigrants from voting in US elections. You would also think that no one would be more aware of and would want to ensure those laws are upheld / enforced than the politicians who wrote and passed them.

You would be WRONG.

You would also think that as a member of the Legislative Branch of the US government they would know passing a useless bill declaring they support illegals voting in US elections does not suddenly make it so. To make it happen, Congress would have to pass legislation that abolishes existing law...and the President would have to sign it or, if he vetoes it, the would have to override his Veto.

The SPECIFIC law the Democrats seek to ignore / do away with is 18 USC 611 - Voting by Aliens.

18 USC 611: Voting by aliens

§611. Voting by aliens
(a) It shall be unlawful for any alien to vote in any election held solely or in part for the purpose of electing a candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner, unless-

(1) the election is held partly for some other purpose;

(2) aliens are authorized to vote for such other purpose under a State constitution or statute or a local ordinance; and

(3) voting for such other purpose is conducted independently of voting for a candidate for such Federal offices, in such a manner that an alien has the opportunity to vote for such other purpose, but not an opportunity to vote for a candidate for any one or more of such Federal offices.

(b) Any person who violates this section shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

(c) Subsection (a) does not apply to an alien if-

(1) each natural parent of the alien (or, in the case of an adopted alien, each adoptive parent of the alien) is or was a citizen (whether by birth or naturalization);

(2) the alien permanently resided in the United States prior to attaining the age of 16; and

(3) the alien reasonably believed at the time of voting in violation of such subsection that he or she was a citizen of the United States.

[USC10] 18 USC 611: Voting by aliens

. They are trying to instill fear when there isn't anything there. That's not news. That's hate fantasy. You can read anything into it you want but it's hate mongering to keep the base mad and stirred up.

Thank you for describing what the Democrats and Trump-haters have been for more than 2 years now, attempting to affect a coup d'etat based on a manufactured lie and crimes committed by the Democrats.

It works both ways, cupcake. Including what you just posted.
Why these stinking, stinking, STINKING liberal treasonous cocksucking pigs.

At this point, if anybody reading this post is a liberal democrat, I want you hanged for treason. I'm dead serious. You liberal traitors are the filth of this country and the filth of humanity in general; their reprobate, putrid characters serve ZERO useful purpose to any aspect of society or this physical universe. Liberals are such American-hating fuckbags, I hope their children die in a chemical fire, to stop their genetic proliferation.
11 States LEGALLY allow, non-citizens on path to citizenship, to vote in some local elections... so far there has not been a single "illegal" immigrant to vote in those elections is what I just read....

San Fran is thinking of allowing illegal immigrants who are parents of legal US Citizen children to vote in their school board elections but I don't believe that has passed yet, but not certain.

States have WARNED undocumented immigrants that the federal gvt can get their names and info and go after them for deportation if they do vote in local elections because this info is available for them to get, and this is what is keeping them away from it.... is what I read.

I was wrong in stating 11 states do this now....

the correction is 11 DISTRICTS allow non citizens to vote in their local districts now....

10 of those districts are in one state, the State of Maryland.

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