Voter Suppression by Republican State Legislature in Pennsylvania

The Republican dominated Pennsylvania legislature has enacted a law requiring voters to show a valid driver's license before they will be permitted to vote. Guess who this affects most in the two major, Pennsylvanisa cities.

Pennsylvania's strict voter ID law faces ACLU lawsuit -

Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are predominately Democratic cities. "If the election were held today, we would have more than 100,000 of our voters who could not vote," said Stephanie Singer, chairwoman of Philadelphia's elections commission. "It's a cynical attempt by the Republican leadership to steal the election. And absolutely it could sway the outcome."

The ACLU is challenging this law - and rightly so.

NO George. It isn't 'Rightly So'.

The Courts have upheld Indiana and thier mandate...sets a precident...

YOU are on the wrong side of the issue.

High court upholds Indiana's voter ID law

Seems to ME YOU would come better prepared.

So there is no voter fraud. So why are you bitching then?

I find the idea that you think I need to carry around "papers" to identify myself to ANYONE offensive. It's pretty much THAT simple.

If you want to get on a plane, or if you wanted to apply for food stamps you better have your papers, Huggy. Just sayin.....

But NOT good enough to vote?

Shaking head ruefully at the standard...
A libturd recently went to the white house. The Libturd was required to show ID to go on the white house tour. Can you believe that? The nerve of these people!! The Libturd said FUCK YOU!! I am a citizen!! You mother fuckers work for me!! I pay your fucking salary!! They laughed and sent the dumb libturd away.
Forms of Identification

All guests 18 years of age or older will be required to present a valid, government-issued photo identification (detailed below). All foreign nationals must present their passport. All other forms of foreign identification will not be accepted.

All information submitted (e.g. name, date of birth, city, etc.) must exactly match the government-issued photo ID you will present when arriving at the White House.

The following forms of photo ID are acceptable for presentation to USSS upon entry to the White House complex:

Valid government-issued United States identification card (e.g. drivers license, military ID, etc.)
Valid United States or other official government-issued passports

No other forms of identification will be accepted; photocopies, expired IDs, or other transmissions of these documents are NOT valid

Tours & Events | The White House
We get it, Obama was elected by poor people and students, most of whom dont have certain types of id and you want to steal the election...

the whole planet knows what you want and what you are doing, why we keep talking about it here i dont know

yes, you are treasonous traitorous scum and yes we patriots will need to document what you are doing so as to avoid a war and get a fair election

We get it, Obama was elected by poor people and students, most of whom dont have certain types of id and you want to steal the election...

the whole planet knows what you want and what you are doing, why we keep talking about it here i dont know

yes, you are treasonous traitorous scum and yes we patriots will need to document what you are doing so as to avoid a war and get a fair election


Could you be more full of yourself??? No. Get a real job.
We get it, Obama was elected by poor people and students, most of whom dont have certain types of id and you want to steal the election...

the whole planet knows what you want and what you are doing, why we keep talking about it here i dont know

yes, you are treasonous traitorous scum and yes we patriots will need to document what you are doing so as to avoid a war and get a fair election


YOU get exactly ZERO.

When you get some AGE and experience under your SNOT NOSE?

Come back sport. YOU Zero point ZERO...or don't those FOUR RED SUNS in your REP tell YOU anything?


Your mommy must not be home...YOU are still ON the computer.:eusa_hand:
We get it, Obama was elected by poor people and students, most of whom dont have certain types of id and you want to steal the election...

the whole planet knows what you want and what you are doing, why we keep talking about it here i dont know

yes, you are treasonous traitorous scum and yes we patriots will need to document what you are doing so as to avoid a war and get a fair election


Could you be more full of yourself??? No. Get a real job.

nah, i do employ a lot of people, but unlike my rightwing partner, i respect those people and dont feel the need to breathe down their necks constantly

you rightwing racist scum, are a different problem however
What an Idiot. People voting for what is right, V.S. People voting for what they can get off of the backs of Others. Wouldn't know what is right, if it bit you in the Ass.
What an Idiot. People voting for what is right, V.S. People voting for what they can get off of the backs of Others. Wouldn't know what is right, if it bit you in the Ass.

babbling, isnt becoming of you

babbling for what is right and correct? Really Gracie? What is wrong with you?

ARE you on the DOLE? Afraid your grvaytrain is ending off the backs of those paying the bills?

SON? YOU have alot of soul searching to do.
Why do people need I D at all?

They know who they are. It is none of your damn business. Mind YOUR own business ya fascist nazi asshole.
Huggy, this is your retort? Really? :rolleyes:

UHHHhh.... Ya? Did I answer the question incorrectly? Do I get a free toster if I change my "retort"?

No, but we'll sit back and laugh at your fucking stupidity...


Back to YooToobz with your lamer self...

Somewhere, a village idiot is making a list....
I see the left is getting their they stole the election talking points ready in case Obama should lose.
I see the left is getting their they stole the election talking points ready in case Obama should lose.

if another country had all of a sudden changed all the rules about who could vote, we would invade that country to assure honest elections

why do you hate America?

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