Voter Suppression by Republican State Legislature in Pennsylvania

This is a red herring designed to distract from the real issue- Obama's failed economic policies.

I have no compassion for people that do not have ID. I don't know anyone that doesn't have ID. I doubt anyone here knows anyone that doesn't either.....non-issue.

I know lots of people who don't have ID's. They are most of my clients. They live in a segment of society that most Republicans know very little about. Those of them that do vote, do not vote Republican, I can guarantee that.

Requiring ID's to vote suppresses Democratic votes for the very reason that is confirmed by your post here.

I call bullshit. I have no idea who these "clients" are, but it's not possible for any legal resident over the age of 18 to get through life in the US without some way of indentifying himself . . . unless they're homeless transients, and even then it's problematic.
This is a red herring designed to distract from the real issue- Obama's failed economic policies.

I have no compassion for people that do not have ID. I don't know anyone that doesn't have ID. I doubt anyone here knows anyone that doesn't either.....non-issue.

I know lots of people who don't have ID's. They are most of my clients. They live in a segment of society that most Republicans know very little about. Those of them that do vote, do not vote Republican, I can guarantee that.

Requiring ID's to vote suppresses Democratic votes for the very reason that is confirmed by your post here.

I have no idea who these "clients" are

Stop by the Los Angeles County jail any time, Cecilie - I'd be happy to introduce you to them.
I know lots of people who don't have ID's. They are most of my clients. They live in a segment of society that most Republicans know very little about. Those of them that do vote, do not vote Republican, I can guarantee that.

Requiring ID's to vote suppresses Democratic votes for the very reason that is confirmed by your post here.

I have no idea who these "clients" are

Stop by the Los Angeles County jail any time, Cecilie - I'd be happy to introduce you to them.

She'll whip 'em into shape! ;)
I know lots of people who don't have ID's. They are most of my clients. They live in a segment of society that most Republicans know very little about. Those of them that do vote, do not vote Republican, I can guarantee that.

Requiring ID's to vote suppresses Democratic votes for the very reason that is confirmed by your post here.

I have no idea who these "clients" are

Stop by the Los Angeles County jail any time, Cecilie - I'd be happy to introduce you to them.

If they are in Jail they will get an ID when they are released. The California Dept of Corrections issues them to ALL released prisoners.
It is something that should have been done years ago, at least to keep from having what we had with Acorn, along with all of the other voter fraud situations in which has now prompted all this attention to these facts now, and the response there of. This is being done for a good reason, but of course for the lawless & the politically correct clueless in the nation, it is somehow a grave threat? Go figure!

Nice fiction... given there's no history of voter fraud.....

i suppose the governor of PA was lying when he said the purpose of the voter ID laws was to lead to a Romney victory.

Silly him.

I would REALLY like to see a quote from Gov. Corbett that says that. Seriously. Got a link???

Can't find that quote, Jillian? Hmmm...... odd. Something you were so sure of, yet you seem unable to locate the actual quote.
The Republican dominated Pennsylvania legislature has enacted a law requiring voters to show a valid driver's license before they will be permitted to vote. Guess who this affects most in the two major, Pennsylvanisa cities.

Pennsylvania's strict voter ID law faces ACLU lawsuit -

Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are predominately Democratic cities. "If the election were held today, we would have more than 100,000 of our voters who could not vote," said Stephanie Singer, chairwoman of Philadelphia's elections commission. "It's a cynical attempt by the Republican leadership to steal the election. And absolutely it could sway the outcome."

The ACLU is challenging this law - and rightly so.

This is a perfectly sensible law to ensure the legality of the voting process.
The Republican dominated Pennsylvania legislature has enacted a law requiring voters to show a valid driver's license before they will be permitted to vote. Guess who this affects most in the two major, Pennsylvanisa cities.

Pennsylvania's strict voter ID law faces ACLU lawsuit -

Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are predominately Democratic cities. "If the election were held today, we would have more than 100,000 of our voters who could not vote," said Stephanie Singer, chairwoman of Philadelphia's elections commission. "It's a cynical attempt by the Republican leadership to steal the election. And absolutely it could sway the outcome."

The ACLU is challenging this law - and rightly so.

in other words this is making a bad process an honest one and I WILL NOT stand for it. Votes for all regardless of nationally as long as they vote democratic.

That's what it's all about.
The right to vote is afforded only to US citizens. So, the local government decides to try to confirm that someone is indeed a US citizen and the democrats complain. Why am i not surprised?

Because you actually use your brain? (just guessing)
For those who think there have been NO instances of fraud, check this out. This is from ONE city.

Oh and some of the "irregularities" involved Republican votes as well. Just to be fair and balanced...

One woman, whose name was not disclosed, apparently voted twice at two polling places in two West Philadelphia wards. Schmidt said he was referring the case to the district attorney.

Six unexplained votes appeared for Republican candidates in a division in Mayfair's 55th Ward.

Citywide, 23 people who were not registered to vote were allowed to vote anyway, because the election officials at their polling places did not follow the prescribed procedures for dealing with people whose names did not appear in poll books.

Eight people were allowed to vote in the Democratic primary in West Philadelphia's Sixth Ward, even though they were registered in other political parties.

Because some voters were sent to the wrong voting machines, where two or more divisions were voting in the same building, three people cast votes in legislative races in districts where they didn't live.

Inquiries from federal immigration officials led this year to the discovery that 19 registered voters in Philadelphia are not U.S. citizens, and therefore not legally registered. Most of them didn't actually vote, but over the last 10 years, seven of the 19 have voted in at least one election, Schmidt said.

Report turns up Philadelphia voting irregularities
It is something that should have been done years ago, at least to keep from having what we had with Acorn, along with all of the other voter fraud situations in which has now prompted all this attention to these facts now, and the response there of. This is being done for a good reason, but of course for the lawless & the politically correct clueless in the nation, it is somehow a grave threat? Go figure!
Nice fiction... given there's no history of voter fraud.....

i suppose the governor of PA was lying when he said the purpose of the voter ID laws was to lead to a Romney victory.

Silly him.

I would REALLY like to see a quote from Gov. Corbett that says that. Seriously. Got a link???

Can't find that quote, Jillian? Hmmm...... odd. Something you were so sure of, yet you seem unable to locate the actual quote.
nothing yet? Keep looking. I'm sure you'll find it eventually.
Worth repeating....

So, in order to believe the outrage from the left over this I have to accept certain things as facts:

1. GOP voters aren't poor.
2. A free ID costs too much.
3. Any time a legally eligable person is told he/she can't vote, it's a Democrat.
4. Drivers licenses are the only acceptable form of ID.
5. 100,000 people in PA have no ID at all.
6. Thoses 100,000 people are all Democrats.
7. there's no way for those people to get an ID in the next 3.5 months.
I don't think lack of access is the issue - it is more of a sociological thing. People from the lower walk of life (such as my clients - in case you were not aware, I am a public defender) just don't get (obtain) ID's. They are not as responsible as those who are more fortunate and who have the motivation to get ID's.

My clients - going to a bank (for some reason other than to rob it), going to libraries, accessing public services? Please.

But don't limit it to my clients. In general, people who vote Democratic are more loosely constructed than those who vote Republican, which translartes into we don't have as many ID's per capita as you guys.

You can argue all you want against this fact, but it is a fact that requiring ID's to vote impacts potential Democratic voters more than postential Republican voters. As I said before, if it didn't, Republican legislatures wouldn't be passing such laws. How many Democratically controlled legislatures do you see passing ID's to vote laws, hmmmmm?

Do you mind if I quote you, George?
"They are not as responsible..."
"going to a bank (for some reason other than to rob it)..."
"more loosely constructed..."

In other words, they aren't responsible enough to participate in our system of government.

Sounds like a PERSONAL problem to me...

Sounds to me like you have a rather profound reading comprehension problem.

A simpleton like you would feel that way... I'd say think, but we all know thinking is foreign to idiot Liberals...
Looks like we really touched a Right Wing nerve with this one, doesn't it? Wonder why?

"Touched a Right Wing nerve" with what? :eusa_eh:
That conservatives are against voter fraud isn't exactly news. And that's really what all this is about... Democrats don't want ID shown at the polls because they WANT fraudulent voting.

If it was about the poor and minorities being unable to obtain identification, that would be a whole separate problem, one which would be preventing these people from meaningful participation in our economic system, much as we discussed earlier. If we were having a problem like that, we'd have heard about it waaayyyy before now. Jesse and Al would be on the march, politicians would be beating their chests, news cameras would be on the scene. Refusal to allow poor and minority citizens to obtain ID would be a bigger deal than "poll taxes" ever were. But that's NOT what's happening. In fact, states are going out of their way to make sure that IDs are available and free when people can't afford to pay for them.

The objection from Democrats over Voter ID is singularly about allowing illegal votes in an effort to swing elections their way. That's just the bottom line.
"Touched a Right Wing nerve" with what?

The OP, Murf, the OP. You think not? Just run back over the past 13 or so pages and read the wheezing, ranting and puffing of all of you right wing whack jobs. If it wasn't so pathetic, it would be funny.
What you call "huffing and puffing by right wing nutjobs" I call a legitimate concern by citizens of all stripes to preserve the integrity of the voting process. Others may just call it common sense.

Welcome to the internet.

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