Voter Suppression by Republican State Legislature in Pennsylvania

I don't think lack of access is the issue - it is more of a sociological thing. People from the lower walk of life (such as my clients - in case you were not aware, I am a public defender) just don't get (obtain) ID's. They are not as responsible as those who are more fortunate and who have the motivation to get ID's.

My clients - going to a bank (for some reason other than to rob it), going to libraries, accessing public services? Please.

But don't limit it to my clients. In general, people who vote Democratic are more loosely constructed than those who vote Republican, which translartes into we don't have as many ID's per capita as you guys.

You can argue all you want against this fact, but it is a fact that requiring ID's to vote impacts potential Democratic voters more than postential Republican voters. As I said before, if it didn't, Republican legislatures wouldn't be passing such laws. How many Democratically controlled legislatures do you see passing ID's to vote laws, hmmmmm?

Perhaps people from the lower walk of life are in the lower walk of life because they are not as responsible. Funny how that works.

"In general, people who vote D are more loosely constructed ..." Translation: they're lazy.

Not responsible and lazy. No wonder they're bitching about having to get up off the sofa and go get a voter ID. :lol:

It's a good idea. Period. Stop complaining.
What bullshit! You have to show a driver's license or a state ID. You need some kind of State identification to participate in society. If you don't have it, then voting is the LEAST of your problems. Do a balancing of priorities: Preventing voting fraud vs supposedly a small handful of people that are burdened and can't vote!

Word to Liberals and the FAUX outrage. You need identification for:
(1) Opening a Checking Account
(2) Opening a Saving Account
(3) Cashing a Pay check
(4) Cashing a unemployment check
(5) Cashing a welfare check
(6) Cashing a social security check
(7) Applying for a job
(8) Paying your taxes
(9) Getting a tax return
(10) Renting or buying a house
(11) Starting a business
(12) Getting healthcare
(13) Getting health insurance
(14) Driving a car
(15) Buying Liquor
(16) Getting into an ACLU/NAACP event
(17) Using a credit card
(18) Getting a credit card
(19) Getting an auto loan
(20) Buying a car with cash
(21) Getting insurance
(22) Boarding a Plane
(23) Getting business licenses
(24) Getting a room at a nursing home
(25) Getting a divorce
(26) Getting a marriage license or civil union license
(27) Getting your child registered for elementary or highschool
(28) Getting student loans
(29) Applying for college
(30) Getting a job

And the list goes on and on and on! Without proper identification you can't PARTICIPATE in society! I think it's more important for them to obtain proper identification, then it would be for them to vote.

In fact, it has NOTHING to do with economics why these people don't obtain identification. It has to do with: (1) LAZINESS, (2) FOOLISHNESS, (3) SHADINESS or (4) All of the above!!!!

You need an ID to purchase decongestant and fireworks (in PA for the fireworks). But let's NOT have one to vote? Dems are retarded.
Despite the rhetoric of GOP officials, it’s more than clear that voter ID laws are designed to depress turnout among traditionally Democratic groups. Attorney General Eric Holder has even gone so far as to attack the laws as glorified “poll taxes”—one of the mechanisms used during Jim Crow to keep African Americans from voting.

Regardless of where you fall politically, it seems like this should be objectionable to everyone. The United States had a long and hard path to universal suffrage, and voter suppression is a direct challenge to the idea that everyone counts and everyone should have a say. Unfortunately, there is a real divide on the desirability of voter ID laws; according to the latest survey from the University of Delaware’s Center for Political Communication, support for voter identification is strongest among those who harbor negative opinions toward African Americans:

To assess attitudes toward African Americans, all non-African Americans respondents in the poll were asked a series of questions. Responses to these questions were combined to form a measure of “racial resentment.” Researchers found that support for voter ID laws is highest among those with the highest levels of “racial resentment.”

Don't Like Blacks? You'll Love Voter ID

Dear Meister;

No. I didn't expect you to agree. I also didn't expect you to show your ass in such a spectacular fashion.


BD, Try to embrace the facts, and let the rest go. About the only argument I see personally, on your side, only if you discount all of the real world needs for having State approved ID, is being required to pay for it. It is a stretch to look at it as an undue burden from that very limited perspective, but I do understand the argument. Personally I think, working to help people through the process of attaining what is necessary to obtain ID, is the straight and narrow.
Despite the rhetoric of GOP officials, it’s more than clear that voter ID laws are designed to depress turnout among traditionally Democratic groups. Attorney General Eric Holder has even gone so far as to attack the laws as glorified “poll taxes”—one of the mechanisms used during Jim Crow to keep African Americans from voting.

Regardless of where you fall politically, it seems like this should be objectionable to everyone. The United States had a long and hard path to universal suffrage, and voter suppression is a direct challenge to the idea that everyone counts and everyone should have a say. Unfortunately, there is a real divide on the desirability of voter ID laws; according to the latest survey from the University of Delaware’s Center for Political Communication, support for voter identification is strongest among those who harbor negative opinions toward African Americans:

To assess attitudes toward African Americans, all non-African Americans respondents in the poll were asked a series of questions. Responses to these questions were combined to form a measure of “racial resentment.” Researchers found that support for voter ID laws is highest among those with the highest levels of “racial resentment.”

Don't Like Blacks? You'll Love Voter ID

Dear Meister;

No. I didn't expect you to agree. I also didn't expect you to show your ass in such a spectacular fashion.



It's not a Black/White Racial Issue, BD. It's about growing up and putting away childish fantasies, for each of us. Voter Integrity, should be a front burner concern.
When all else fails play the race card.


Again, it's a good idea and I find it ridiculous that a photo ID for voting wasn't implemented years and years ago.
THERE'S the Race Card...

Wondered when it would be played and by whom....
Funny how it wasn't a "front-burner concern" for lo these past centuries. huh.

I continue to call bullshit.
Another interesting study. Truly apropos of nothing, I swear.


The evidence from the 2010 EGSS shows that partisanship and ideology were the strongest predictors of overall evaluations of President Obama and opinions about his place of birth among white Americans. However, regardless of party or ideology, whites who scored high on racial resentment had more negative opinions of Obama and were more likely to harbor doubts about whether he was born in the United States than whites who scored low on racial resentment. These results indicate that Barack Obama’s race remains a major influence on how he is perceived and evaluated by the white Americans.

Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball » The Race Factor: White Racial Attitudes and Opinions of Obama
What you call "huffing and puffing by right wing nutjobs" I call a legitimate concern by citizens of all stripes to preserve the integrity of the voting process. Others may just call it common sense.

Welcome to the internet.

I love you. Let's go have a malt together somewhere. :dance:
This isn't about voter suppression this is about Obama and he can't run on his record so the left has to deflect to this kind of tactic.
Anybody can vote with numerous types of ID's. If they don't have one they can get one at no cost. Facts are facts...lies are lies.
I have to show my driver's license to vote in Michigan ( or other photo ID). There is simply no logic behind making sure every vote is a valid vote to protect the public.

Most people drive to the polling place. Make it really interesting and have the police sit in the parking lot and write tickets for those without an operator's license.
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Another interesting study. Truly apropos of nothing, I swear.


The evidence from the 2010 EGSS shows that partisanship and ideology were the strongest predictors of overall evaluations of President Obama and opinions about his place of birth among white Americans. However, regardless of party or ideology, whites who scored high on racial resentment had more negative opinions of Obama and were more likely to harbor doubts about whether he was born in the United States than whites who scored low on racial resentment. These results indicate that Barack Obama’s race remains a major influence on how he is perceived and evaluated by the white Americans.

Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball » The Race Factor: White Racial Attitudes and Opinions of Obama

Never a question about his race with me...I have no problem with that. His birth place was never a problem with me...I also have no problem with that.
His policies and only his policies are problematic with me.
I'm sure that article or blog will shore up his base...which was there all along.
Perhaps people from the lower walk of life are in the lower walk of life because they are not as responsible.

That's what most conservatives think. In fact, it is one of the main thing that separates conservatives from liberals.

Did you ever notice that claiming that the less fortunate in society are in that position because they are "not responsible" justifies pushing them aside, thereby not having to concern ourselves with them or, more importantly, provide for them, when they are not able to do so themselves?
Perhaps people from the lower walk of life are in the lower walk of life because they are not as responsible.

That's what most conservatives think. In fact, it is one of the main thing that separates conservatives from liberals.

Did you ever notice that claiming that the less fortunate in society are in that position because they are "not responsible" justifies pushing them aside, thereby not having to concern ourselves with them or, more importantly, provide for them, when they are not able to do so themselves?

Democrats seem quite willing to leave them there too. It creates dependence on Democrats to save them.
And ass is ass.

Ohhhh yes. Like this one.


The other night, she kept telling me to fuck her harder than Obama has fucked America. That sneaky girl. She knew no one could fuck that hard.
Perhaps people from the lower walk of life are in the lower walk of life because they are not as responsible.

That's what most conservatives think. In fact, it is one of the main thing that separates conservatives from liberals.

Did you ever notice that claiming that the less fortunate in society are in that position because they are "not responsible" justifies pushing them aside, thereby not having to concern ourselves with them or, more importantly, provide for them, when they are not able to do so themselves?

Who's pushing them aside? Those 'less responsible' get tons of help. How much effort is being put into ensuring that those 'less responsible' are getting the info needed about the voter ID law? Letters are going out to all those not on the Transportation Dept's list to let them know of the change in law. Toll free numbers are provided and any questions/concerns/assistance needed is being offered. I don't assume that just because they're less responsible that equates to them being stupid.

And with all the information and assistance being offered ... the left still bitches about it.

Voter ID makes sense and it's dumb we haven't had a system like this in place all along.
Perhaps people from the lower walk of life are in the lower walk of life because they are not as responsible.

That's what most conservatives think. In fact, it is one of the main thing that separates conservatives from liberals.

Did you ever notice that claiming that the less fortunate in society are in that position because they are "not responsible" justifies pushing them aside, thereby not having to concern ourselves with them or, more importantly, provide for them, when they are not able to do so themselves?

I have a friend who is off the grid. She's also a published author. I'm guessing she won't be allowed to vote, because there is no address to put down.

My name is not "Those People".
I am a loving woman, a mother in pain,
Giving birth to the future, where my babies
Have the same chance to thrive as anyone.

My name is not "Inadequate".
I did not make my husband leave us -
He chose to, and chooses not to pay child support.
Truth is though; there isn’t a job base
For all fathers to support their families.
While society turns its head, my children pay the price.

My name is not "Problem and Case to Be Managed".
I am a capable human being and citizen, not just a client.
The social service system can never replace
the compassion and concern of loving grandparents, aunts,
uncles, fathers, cousins, community -
all the bonded people who need to be
But are not present to bring children forward to their potential.

My name is not "Lazy, Dependent Welfare Mother".
If the unwaged work of parenting,
homemaking and community building was factored
into the gross domestic product,
My work would have untold value. And why is it that mothers whose
Husbands support them to stay home and raise children
Are glorified? And why they don’t get called lazy or dependent?

My name is not "Ignorant, Dumb or Uneducated".
I got my PhD from the university of life, school of hard everything,
I live with an income of $621 with $169 in food stamps for three kids.
Rent is $585...That leaves $36 a month to live on.
I am such a genius at surviving,
I could balance the state budget in an hour.
Never mind that there's a lack of living-wage jobs.
Never mind that it's impossible to be the sole emotional, social,
Spiritual, and economic support to a family.
Never mind that parents are losing their children
to gangs, drugs, stealing, prostitution, the poverty industry,
social workers, kidnapping, the streets, the predator.
Forget about putting money into schools...
just build more prisons!

My name is not "Lay Down and Die Quietly".
My love is powerful, and the urge to keep my children alive will never stop.
All children need homes and people who love them.
All children need safety
And the chance to be the people they were born to be.
The wind will stop before I allow my sons to become a statistic.
Before you give in to the urge to blame me,
the blames that lets us go blind and unknowing
into the isolation that disconnects
your humanity from mine,
Take another look. Don't go away.
For I am not the problem, but the solution. name is not "Those People".

[ame=] My Name Is Child of God...Not "Those People": A First Person Look at Poverty (9780806656243): Julia K. Dinsmore: Books[/ame]

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